Human-Centered AI


Unlocking human potential in the AI-enabled workplace

For all the hype and excitement surrounding artificial intelligence right now, the AI movement is still in its infancy. The public perceptions of its capabilities are painted as much by science fiction as by real innovation. This youth is a good thing, because it means we can still affect the course of AI’s impact. If we pursue AI purely with the goal of automating our lives, we risk pushing people aside. We would end up marginalizing human contributions, instead of optimizing them. Instead, we should pursue AI with the goal of augmenting our lives — as a means of benefiting humanity rather than devaluing it. Think of this path as human-centered AI, which seeks to free up people for more creative and innovative work. The technology is the same, but the goals of the systems we build are different. There’s a fine line between automation and augmentation. So, how can you ensure you’re pursuing human-centered AI? Start with how AI is built.


AI development models: The factory vs. the garage

When I was a kid, my dad’s hobby was woodworking, specifically building furniture, and he did it in our garage. What I remember was how he used the most of his space. My mom insisted that she be able to park her car in the garage, and that his tools should have homes when he wasn’t in the middle of a project. When he was in the middle of something, the garage could look a little chaotic, but it was never cluttered. Everything had a purpose and a home. The garage was designed to fit the needs and constraints of his environment.

Unfortunately, when creating AI we too often think of factories rather than garages. In any factory the goal is efficiency at scale. To achieve efficiency, design is separated from production, and then production is tuned for peak performance. This performance tuning makes many humans in factories simply extensions of tools. To judge whether a factory is set up well, the key metric of production is velocity.

A factory approach doesn’t make sense for something as abstract and virtual as AI development. Compared to a physical factory, software production is cheap to change over and doesn’t require capital investment to be ripped out and replaced. And turning developers into high velocity code assembly lines wastes a huge opportunity to cultivate highly trained, creative, innovative people.

An alternative is to approach AI development similar to the way my dad approached woodworking in his garage. A developer is not an executor of code but a creator. Tools exist to affect the creator’s vision, and the vision adapts based on the productive experience. Design and production work in tandem. The goal isn’t peak performance; it is innovation. The key metric is achievement.

You can recognize this “garage model” when you see people creatively building toward a project or goal. we invest time upfront making sure we all understand and can articulate the goal of project — the thing we are going to build. AI is more than code and technologies; it is an approach to problem solving. It’s a good approach that we think more people should use, but it’s still just a means to an end. The goal is what matters. When my dad started projects in his garage, he didn’t incrementally explore his way to a finished piece of furniture. He had a piece of furniture in mind and an initial plan of how he was going to make it.

Artificial Intelligence And Surveillance – Where Do We Draw the Line | Robot background, Computer robot, Artificial intelligence

The Applied AI Center of Excellence

When it comes to AI, a garage isn’t only a physical place. In the Applied AI CoE we run garages with teams of people sitting all over the world. A small AI garage will have a leader and a team of three to eight people. Larger garages will see that pattern fractal or reorganize outward to handle greater complexity. A key thing I have had to remember as an AI garage leader is that my role is not to direct work or control the ideas. This would create a factory and stymie innovation. Instead, my role is to set the initial vision or goal of a project and then prune ideas to maintain focus — in other words, my biggest contribution is to keep the garage clean. For me and other garage leaders, this can be difficult — especially if the leader was the one who originated the idea, but even when that was not the case, it can be hard to let go. Success belongs to the team; failure belongs to the leader. It’s natural to want to control away failure, but then the garage model would be lost.

This distinction between the factory and the garage is critical — performance vs. innovation. In a garage model, the people developing AI are centered in the process, and this creates a foundation for a system that reinforces human-centered AI. By increasing the number of people who have a personal stake in how AI is developed, we create an AI that has a stake in the people who use it.

What can a garage do for human-centered AI?

We have used AI garages to do such things as create apps that help people fight decision fatigue, recognize when someone is paying attention or is distracted, use the weaker constraints of the virtual world to reconnect people to the physical world, and create AI Starter libraries to share what we’ve learned.

These examples show that we believe effective AI capabilities don’t push people to the side. Instead, they place humans at the center, augmenting what people can do and how well they can do it. We achieve these things because our AI development model, the “garage model,” is similarly human-centered.

The MLOps principles for AI Development

Automation & AI – Network Software & Technologies

Many companies are eager to use artificial intelligence (AI) in production, but struggle to achieve real value from the technology.

What’s the key to success? Creating new services that learn from data and can scale across the enterprise involves three domains: software development, machine learning (ML) and, of course, data. These three domains must be balanced and integrated together into a seamless development process.

Most companies have focused on building machine learning muscle – hiring data scientists to create and apply algorithms capable of extracting insights from data. This makes sense, but it’s a rather limited approach. Think of it this way: They’ve built up the spectacular biceps but haven’t paid as much attention to the underlying connective tissues that support the muscle.

Why the disconnect?

Focusing mostly on ML algorithms won’t drive strong AI solutions. It might be good for getting one-off insights, but it isn’t enough to create a foundation for AI apps that consistently generate ongoing insights leading to new ideas for products and services.

AI services have to be integrated into a production environment without risking deterioration in performance. Unfortunately, performance can decline without proper data management, as ML models will degrade quickly unless they’re repeatedly trained with new data (either time-based or event-triggered).

Professionalizing the AI development process

The best approach to getting real and continuous value from AI applications is to professionalize AI development. This approach conforms to machine learning operations (MLOps), a method that integrates the three domains behind AI apps in such a way that solutions can be quickly, easily and intelligently moved from prototype to production.

What is MLOps? | NVIDIA Blog

AI professionalization elevates the role of data scientists and strengthens their development methods. Like all scientists, these professionals bring with them a keen appreciation for experimentation. But often, their dependence on static data for creating machine learning algorithms –which they developed on local laptops using preferred tools and libraries – impedes production AI solutions from continuously producing value. Data communication and library dependency problems will take their toll.

Data scientists can continue to use the tools and methods they prefer, their output accommodated by loosely coupled DevOps and DataOps interfaces. Their ML algorithm development work becomes the centerpiece of a highly professional factory system, so to speak.

Smooth pilot-to-production workflow

Pilot AI solutions become stable production apps in short order. We use DevOps technology and techniques such as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CICD) and have standard templates for automatically deploying model pipelines into production. By using model pipelines, training and evaluation can happen automatically if needed – when new data arrives, for instance – without human involvement.

Our versioning and tracking ensure that everything can be reused, reproduced and compared if necessary. Our advanced monitoring provides end-to-end transparency into production AI use cases (including data and model pipelines, data quality and model quality and model usage).

Using our innovative MLOps approach, we were able to bring the pilot-to-production timeline for one U.S. company’s AI app down from six months to less than one week. For a UK company, the window for delivering a stable AI production app shrank from five weeks to one day.

The transparency of AI solutions, and confidence in their agility and stability, is critical. After all, the value lies in the ability to use AI to discover new business models and market opportunities, deliver industry-disrupting products and creatively respond to customer needs.

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