Top Ways AI Is Changing The E-Commerce Trends

Artificial intelligence has made everything perfect from artificial intelligence online shopping to 24/7 customer care support. Every time you tend to cooperate with an app that remembers what you purchased or what you searched, there is a possibility that you were a segment of this explore.
Top 9 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Ecommerce Industry

This is how artificial intelligence has improved user experience in the E-commerce trends sector and purchased it to the next level. At present, a lot of web development companies in India are making AI-powered shopping websites. So, in this article we will discuss some powerful ways to make use of artificial intelligence in E-commerce:

Creating Customer-Centric Visual Search

When you shopping online as a customer, you might encounter product results on the page that are not only irrelevant but foreign too. It’s annoying, so annoying that you tend to leave the page, here when AI is coming into action.

AI tends to use a natural language process to contextualize and improve the search results in order to track this kind of issue. AI uses visual search capabilities that tend to match the product. And making it possible to shop for the things that are you looking for, and love.

Self forecasting

Now your business can forecast its sales with smart software development solutions. Imagine an alternate reality wherever the promoting efforts and also the expenditure square measure seen only if your potential client tends to form procurement. The conversion rate would never leave the peak, and also the expenditure is targeted only if the client is probably going to form procurement.

Having the info on once the products would be sold would supply the client with the concept on the inventory that they have to refill once more. This is able to not exclusively eliminate the big total of unwanted value however would conjointly tend to form the retailers a lot of economical. This is often way more helpful within the business that tends to sell concert tickets or give transportation to the folks.

Filtering fake review

Fake reviews have continually been one of the largest issues for online retailers and e-commerce brands. In step with analysis by computer program land regarding half of 1 mile of the patron trust online reviews the maximum amount as they trust a private recommendation.

However, throughout your time, individuals tend to encounter pretend reviews that could be printed by competitors and alternative brands. Therefore, to fight this, most of the e-commerce Trends competitors make use of AI to get rid of these pretend reviews and facilitate customers with authentic comments on the products or brand.

Intelligent searches

No surprise, AI will create your computer program smart. AI-powered search engines track your browsing patterns and do searches as per that to assist you to discover specifically what you’re trying to find. AI-powered search engines pull info from massive knowledge with deep learning. They use the search term you enter and deeply analyze the speech communication command with the client.

Re-targeting Potential Consumers with Artificial Intelligence Sometimes, whereas managing the ad campaigns, you’ll notice that the client spends a notable quantity of your time on a specific product and so suddenly exit. Usually, that info is going to be kept to be used upon their next visit. Well, the face of sales is ever-changing with businesses responding to the client. Currently, firms square measure reading the minds of consumers, and it’s all due to the information used with AI.

Get Better Cyber Security

The biggest threat to E-commerce platforms is that a way to keep their client knowledge secure at their website. Excellent news for entrepreneurs! With a high AI Development Company in India, you’ll be able to increase the protection of your information. E-commerce platforms will keep the criminals at the bay of the shop, and information of the client can stay safe within the information with the combination of AI and deep learning into security solutions.


According to a recent survey, approximate 74% of marketers have stated that targeted personalization grows their overall consumer engagement rates. New technologies have entered E-commerce with the help of advancement in machine learning and artificial intelligence. The growing advantages of AI in E-commerce have permitted the E-commerce businesses to boost their engagement rate, decrease time transaction, and conversion. Thus now you are able to send in the right message at the right time as personalization has monitored channels and device to make consumer view.

Superior Security for Consumer Data

Keeping the consumer data secure is the biggest responsibility for ecommerce stores. Estores are vulnerable to fraudulent activities such as hacking and requiring extra care. Artificial intelligence assists to grow the security of your database. Due to the integration of artificial intelligence and deep learning into security solution, online shopping platforms keep consumer data secure, common network vulnerabilities, spam at bay. Artificial intelligence are able to process big volumes of extensive. Repetitive data can nip fraudulent activities and rapidly in the bud by defecting anomalies.

Dynamic Pricing to Give Ultra-customized Discounts In Real-time

Dynamic valuation may be a strategy whereby retailers’ modification the cost of the goods supported offer and demand in real-time. It leverages client information, competitive valuation information, and sales dealing information to predict once to discount, what to discount, and dynamically calculate the minimum quantity of discount required to confirm dealing.

The consequence is the flexibility to deliver a just-in-time, custom-made discount to an E-commerce buyer, with the most attainable profit to the complete. Amazon is that the market leader during this domain, presently seeing large success in applying dynamic valuation. They modify costs every ten minutes, which is fifty times over Walmart and Best obtain and has shown the way to a profit boost.

AI for predictive behavior modeling to make better decisions

One of the foremost exciting applications of AI is its ability to imagine in the long run. With access to a spread of structured and unstructured information sources like social media, sales data, and research, it’s attainable to form complex psychographic profiles of legendary customers to identify rising trends and even predict unknown demographic profiles.

By predicting behavior, brands will crop on wasted advertising and optimize selling efforts, resulting in inflated revenue and better profit margins. Predictive behavior modeling will be wont to build predictions on an embarrassment of sales connected things:

Forecasting if a user can build an acquisition in a very specific product class in real-time.
Predicting if a user can come back and what purchases they’re going to build at sure times.
Prediction of client lifespan price.
Foreseeing client churn.
Demand prognostication for specific product classes.

AI for optimizing inventory and warehouse management and logistics

Efficient inventory management is all regarding maintaining the proper level of inventory that will fulfill market demand while not adding to idle stock. Optimized supply is regarding reducing resource consumption in delivery and delivery time.

Voice assistants

You still using Google searches to compare the product and prices while shopping then wakes up. In this modern world, shopping for your favorite product is just one voice command away. Google`s Alexa, Apple Siri to be your shopping assistants in the home.

Voice search is the new tool that allowing users to communicate with web services using only their voice command. Web developing company in India integrated this technology into smartphones and smart speakers that are especially designed for voice communication.


NDT Automation | 2019-04-08 | Quality Magazine

If you’re obtaining this idea that AI means robots and machines that appropriating for you, then I’m sorry to interrupt your confusion — that’s not about to happen. Computing tends to make use of the technology and algorithmic program and tell the individual retailers what area unit their client specifically trying to find.

Because the e-commerce trade continues to grow and expand automation becomes a requirement for each trade. The task within the individual field tends to grow too. This suggests that the robots at this point will take over and supply discounts, sales, and new worth product to the client.

Targeting the Potential Buyers Again & Enhancing the Sale Game

From the survey, it is found that 38% of market sales gets affect because of poor quality leads. It means potential barriers that are interested in the product seem to fall in the crack.

This type of business fails to understand that the customer data can help them figure it the customer’s needs. If a customer spends maximum time near a shelf or a product making their decisions then the information is stored in the data record.


The Rise of Chatbots - ITChronicles

Due to ChatBots e-commerce industry is able to offer 24/7 assistance. They tend to offer the customer all possible solutions and answers that they tend to deal with. There are also current chatbots that tend to help the customer to make buying decisions. And tends to communicate with the customer either with the help of text or call.

Providing a Recommendation to the Customers

Now you are aware of these things that AI can effectively and efficiently predict customer`s behavior. And their needs that offer relevant and helpful recommendations. If you are still untouch by this feature, then it’s time to hire Web development companies in India to gets your hands on these updates. It tends to collect data that has been searched and look for. The algorithm takes the information to offer the essential reference to the use.

Image Recognition to Aid Product Discovery

As we had seen at the object search by Amazon at the beginning of the story, e-commerce companies are quick to adopt this technology. And cannot come across as a surprise when companies are on the rise that can make extraordinary sense out of visual data. An Indian fashion e-commerce company like Myntra provides an image search feature to its customers combined with voice search.

It is the choice of the customers to upload pictures from their galleries and the app displays products detect in the image. Amazon also added a similar feature known as StyleSnap, customers can easily upload photographs of fashion looks. And the app returns search results that match the items in images like apparel, fashion accessories, etc.

The algorithms can detect sub-categories of items like fabric with deep learning and computer vision, behind the sense makes. An extension for photo recognition technology is being used by Alibaba what is called virtual fitting rooms. The features available on the Tmall app give virtual renders of users earning the selected fashion items. After that they upload a photo proposed by top Web development companies in India.

They help the buyers with personalized recommendations. And also communicates to retailers, suggesting they enhance inventory for specific products to stay prepared for increasing demand. Artificial intelligence helping e-commerce marketplaces simplify the shopping method for the end-user and offer a correct degree of personalization.

AI-driven Advertising Automation for Sellers

Small and medium businesses selling from online marketplaces are not known for their performance marketing skills. Top web development companies in India create advertising campaigns from scratch on Google ads, and track these campaigns in order to optimize them. Thus, the main focus of marketplace merchants remains on their products and how they are selling from a marketplace. If sellers launch ad campaigns across the channel with a single click, sit back and witness ads performing well.

E-commerce developer can leverage AI and machine learning to impact sales

The thing about artificial intelligence is that it relies on you data and the economic using data manifests as:
1. Increasing products: Using user’s feedback to make products better.
2. Optimizing operations and process: choose the most of your warehouse ops and delivery.
3. Classify new markets: Concluded building of buyers personas, advanced market research, etc.
4. Automating workflows for both physical as well as digital.
5. Prevention from making fraud.
Exactly any kind of data can use to exact business-impacting insights. Just some data sources that are relevant to your e-commerce trends business:
1.Customers and professionals reviews
2.User support transcripts and call center
3.Natural language as in voice data
4.Logistics and operations
5.Social media

Users are continuously creating rich data sets as they interact with e-commerce trends brands.

E-commerce Developers Can Change the Game with AI and ML

These examples are ways that e-commerce developers are saving and making millions of dollars for companies. But machine learning developers can do in the e-commerce space. The most popular e-commerce trends platform used by SEMs the world over are using AI and ML to better serve their customers. E-commerce growth is not slated to slow down any time soon. By the COVID-19 situation, indeed the culture of delivery may have been exacerbated. It will be more than just traditionally e-commerce business that will have to make use of artificial intelligence solutions for optimizing solutions.

Final words

Hope, this article will explain you how artificial intelligence affecting the sales and revolutionizing the online shopping or E-commerce trends sector. In the future we will provide you more articles and blogs regarding artificial intelligence, mobile app developing, machine learning, etc. So, stay connected with us. Please share your point of views with us in the comment section regarding the role of artificial intelligence in E-commerce.

7 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Business

The Reality of Artificial Intelligence | Ivey Business Journal

One of the newest benefits of cloud computing is that it enables businesses to take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI). This rapidly developing technology offers significant development opportunities that many companies have already been quick to seize upon. In this post, we’ll look at some of the ways your company can benefit from cloud-based Artificial Intelligence.

1. Improving personalized shopping experiences

Disruption in Retail — AI, Machine Learning & Big Data | by Prannoiy Chandran | Towards Data Science

Providing customers with personalised marketing increases engagement, helps generate customer loyalty and improves sales. This is why companies are putting so much effort into it. One of the advantages of using AI is that it is able to identify patterns in customers’ browsing habits and purchasing behaviour. Using the millions of transactions stored and analysed in the cloud, AI is able to provide highly accurate offers to individual customers.

2. Automating customer interactions

10 reasons why AI-powered, automated customer service is the future - Watson Blog

Most customer interactions, such as emails, online chat, social media conversations and telephone calls, currently require human involvement.Artificial Intelligence, however, is enabling companies to automate these communications. By analysing data collected from previous communications it is possible to program computers to respond accurately to customers and deal with their enquiries. What’s more, when AI is combined with machine learning, the more the AI platforms interact, the better they become.

One example of this is AI Chatbots which, unlike humans, can interact with unlimited customers at the same time and can both respond and initiate communication – whether on a website or an app.

It is estimated, that by 2020, 85 percent of all customer interactions will be taken care of by intelligent machines that are able to replicate human functions. The days of using a call centre look like they are coming to a close.

3. Real-time Assistance

Artificial Intelligence | Solve real world complex problems - Mantra Labs

Artificial Intelligence is also useful for businesses that need to constantly communicate with high volumes of customers throughout each day. For example, in the transport industry, bus, train and airlines companies, which can have millions of passengers a day, can use AI to interact, in real-time, to send personalised travel information, such as notice of delays. Some bus companies, for example, are already tracking the location of their buses and using AI to provide travellers with real-time updates about where the bus is along its route and its estimated time of arrival. Customers receive this information on the bus company app.

4. Data mining

Difference in Data Mining Vs Machine Learning Vs Artificial Intelligence

One of the biggest advantages of using cloud-based AI is that artificial intelligence apps are able to quickly discover important and relevant findings during the processing of big data. This can provide businesses with previously undiscovered insights that can help give it an advantage in the marketplace.

5.Operational automation

How AI Can Give You Time to Think | NICE

AI is able to operate other technologies that increase automation in business. For example, AI can be used to control robots in factories or maintain ideal temperatures through intelligent heating. In Japan, human-looking robots now serve as receptionists in some of the countries’ hotels automating check-ins, booking services and dealing (in four languages) with customer enquiries. In retail, Artificial Intelligence is also being linked with RFID and cloud technology to track inventory. In China, police forces use AI to catch criminals. The country has a vast CCTV network and AI uses facial recognition to spot and track suspects so that they can be apprehended.

6.Predicting outcomes

ISM Semiannual Economic Forecast is positive for the remainder of 2021 |

Another advantage of AI is that it is able to predict outcomes based on data analysis. For example, it sees patterns in customer data that can show whether the products currently on sale are likely to sell and in what volumes. It will also predict when the demand will tail off. This can be very useful in helping a company purchase the correct stock and in the correct volumes. It is predicted that, within 10 years, the days of seasonal sales will be over as AI will mean there is too little leftover stock to sell off.

This ability to predict is not just useful in retail. Artificial Intelligence is also being used in many other areas, for example, in banking where it can predict currency and stock price fluctuations or in healthcare where, remarkably, it can predict outbreaks of infections by analysing social media posts.

7.Improve the recruitment process

4 Ways AI Is Improving HR Recruitment Process | HR Blog | Central Test

It may be bad news for recruitment companies, but AI is now helping businesses automate the recruitment of new employees. It is able to quickly sift through applications, automatically rejecting those which do not meet the company’s personal specification. This not only saves time (or money spent on a recruitment agency), but it also ensures that there is no discrimination or bias in the shortlisting process. The AI programs available can even take care of the many administrative tasks of recruitment.


As you can see, AI systems provide businesses with a wide range of benefits, including personalised marketing, customer service, operational automation, inventory management and recruitment. And these are just a few of the many ways AI can be used. What’s remarkable, however, is that many of the AI apps, which are designed specifically for cloud-based systems, are quickly and easily deployable. Companies whose systems are in the cloud can be benefitting from them in no time at all.

5 Ways Fintech Industry is Using Artificial Intelligence

Top 11 Fintech App Development Ideas for Fintech Startups to Invest

The bond which is getting seeded between Fintech business and Millennials is poised to be extremely strong. At the back of the digital inclined focus that Fintech startup companies have been operating with, the domain – as a whole – is staring at a time of complete revamp. While Fintech companies have been quick to adopt this changed demographics, the only answer to how banks could recreate themselves in the age of millennials lies in intelligence. They will have to learn the tricks of trades via introducing artificial intelligence in fintech.

Let us walk you through the Uses of AI and ML in fintech for Millennials, highlighting what both Fintech companies and banks can work around.

Since the past many years, the millennial user group has been upending the markets, making companies scramble to find the right approach to attract the industry’s first digital natives.

With more of these young adults entering the workforce and investing in their futures, monetarily, The Fintech industry too is soon realizing that it will have to relook at its complete approach to appeal to this demographic’s unique set of expectations and needs. In other words, they cannot move with the business as usual mindset with this smartphone generation.

While the millennial class of customers and users have been given a number of unflattering names in the recent years, like “trophy kids” and “entitled”, this tech-savvy lot has been hailed for being progressive and more acceptable of new finance app ideas compared to the last generations.

Fintech App: Complete UI Kit plus Web landing page | Search by Muzli

Millennial users value convenience and transparency. They demand personalized finance service and product on their fingertips, which is not restricted on time and geography. These primal set of characteristics are what Fintech companies need to maintain when aiming to maintain a competitive advantage in the climate of fast-evolving technological and demand change.

Many Fintech companies have already seized upon this niche opportunity – of millennials expecting digital-first service – at the back of the understanding that the traditional banking avenues are getting phased out. They, individually or in partnership with banks have started exploring the mobile domain to match the shifting consumer trends.

Even in the mobile domain, Financial mobile app development companies are now exploring avenues to present themselves as innovative brands which are aligned with the technical inclination of the end-users.

One such avenue that Fintech companies are focusing upon is Artificial Intelligence.

5 Beautiful PayPal User Interfaces Redesigned | by Domenico Nicoli | UX Planet

Artificial Intelligence is one of the biggest disruptions of the business economy with almost every vertical either embracing the technology or planning to add it into their process by the next 5 years. In fact, AI is found to be one of the prime fintech trends for 2020 & beyond, and fintech centric AI and Machine learning app developers are also putting efforts to excel in this field.

The industry is finding use cases specific to Artificial Intelligence which answers why Fintech is targeting millennials using AI to not just improve the millennial customers’ experience but also revamp their business model to its entirety.

Let us look at some of the used cases that the Fintech industry has found in terms of using Artificial Intelligence to change their mobile offering. These cases should be read as a series of new opportunities for a Fintech startup.

Uses of Machine Learning and AI in Fintech for Millennials

1. Algorithmic trading

The good, the bad, and the ugly of algorithmic trading

While Algorithmic trading is not a new concept in the finance domain, using AI to effectively perform the task on millions of devices is.

[Algorithmic trading uses complex formulas, combined with mathematical models and human oversight, for making decisions related to buying and selling of financial securities on the exchange.]

A great number of financial companies invest in the algorithmic trading practice as the frequency of trade that is executed through machine learning is next to impossible to replicate manually.

2. Better Targeting

Targeting and converting your company's sales prospects — FMD

A better chance at targeting is what the core ML and AI benefits in banks are.

Millennials demand personalized service on their fingertips independent of the time and place. For the purpose, fintech companies are making use of machine learning-driven robotic advisors to replace the need of human advisors at all waking hours.

This robo-advisors target towards millennials is driven with the aim to not just attract them but also remove massive processing costs for the financial institutions. The extent of personalization and promptness that the robo-advisors offer is the answer to what is the impact of AI in financial services.

3. Better Customer Support

10 Practical Ways to Improve your Online Customer Service

One of the primary uses of advanced automation and AI technology in the finance industry can be seen in how the Fintech companies and banks are making their customer service digital and real-time. Let’s give a much closer look at examples of how integration of AI in customer support services can be made possible and how it becomes one of the top benefits of artificial intelligence based apps, especially those which are centered around banking and other financial services:


Chatbots are the basic most answer to how Fintech is targeting millennials.

By 2022, banks might automate over 90% of their interactions through chatbots (Foye, 2017).

By making use of technologies like chatbots, AI helps financial institutions solve users issues instantly. A reason why businesses look for the cost of Cleo like chatbot app. Bank of America, for example, introduced a chatbot named Erica to give their customers instant information about their transactions, account balances, and other similar information.

Personalized experience

Personalization is an answer to building long-lasting customer trust and loyalty for any organization and business. People, especially when interacting with finance-related matters value deep relationships and transparency with the institution and mobile app. This is one of the main reasons why people appreciate the introduction of AI in banking and other fintech solutions.

Personalization is the number one thing that businesses ask for when asking how to use AI to develop next-gen apps. ML algorithms can help in analyzing customers’ information and predict the services that would most or least impress the Fintech users.

A few examples of personalization in AI-backed Fintech applications can be seen in:

  • Capital One Second Look program, launched by Capital One monitors expense patterns. After an in-depth analysis, it helps detect if customers have been charged twice for the same purchase and can inform them in time. The platform also analyzes the tips that customers leave at the restaurant and inform them if it is over what they can afford.
  • MoneyLion, the personal finance platform also displays tips and tricks card and blogs to their customers depending on their monetary activities. “We have bank transaction data, credit behavior and location data; we want to be able to match that with a set of advice and recommendations,” said Tim Hong, chief marketing officer at MoneyLion, which connects to customers’ banks accounts through an API.

Applications like these clearly show the importance of AI and machine learning in financial sectors to make millennials feel important and motivated to remain hooked with the application.

4. Help with underwriting services

The future of underwriting in commercial P&C insurance | McKinsey

The underwriting process is related to assessing risks which every financial service users come with. The role of AI in this fintech process comes in the face of analyzing the true worth of the applicants by looking into their stringed data, especially ones related to their personal spending abilities on social media and other places.

The AI algorithms also help in assessing and predicting the underlying loan trends which can influence the financial sector in the coming time.

5. Stock Market Changes Prediction

Why Value Investing – F1Ras value Investing

With the stock market becoming one of the best investment choices for millennials, the demand for apps that would help make the navigation easier has grown. Something that has helped define newer applications of ML and AI in the fintech industry.

Several AI-backed mobile apps have been introduced which analyze the past and real-time information related to companies and their stocks. And on the basis of this information, they help investors identify which stocks should be invested in and which would prove to be a bad investment choice.

So here were the 5 uses of Machine Learning and AI in Fintech for millennials’ user base to get their attention and make them remain invested in the mobile-based financial offering. An offering that fintech companies provide with the help of their partnered AI and Machine Learning app development company.

Now that you know why fintech companies are using AI, it is time to invest in AI based fintech app development.

Having developed multiple AI software and apps for fintech startups and establishments, we have mastered the art of integrating Artificial intelligence and ML in financial processes.

Let us help you.

The Rise of AI in Art: Ushering in a New Era of Creative Machines

The rise of Artificial Intelligence and impending takeover
The Rise of AI in Art: Ushering a New Era of Machines with Creative Behaviors Just a few years ago, AI seemed like some futuristic tech straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. But the tables have turned now. We probably experience AI-based tech more often than we think.We come across at least one instance of AI in our daily life – be it a product recommendation algorithm on an online shopping platform or text auto-correction in our smart phones.Recent developments in AI, have begun to question the very characteristic of human nature which makes us unique, i.e., creativity. AI is already creating a myriad of visual art, poetry, music, and likewise, which bear an eerie resemblance to real human art.The Creative Leap of AIThe creative leap: Here's why suits from creative agencies hop over the media side, Marketing & Advertising News, ET BrandEquityCan we really imagine intelligent machines rivaling human creativity? Somehow, it’s still difficult to imagine a mathematical algorithm to be creative, isn’t it? But, not anymore.What we’re witnessing is that AI can be creative, even artistic. Recognizing and sorting images is one thing, but how about creating those from scratch?

Intelligent AI systems are now capable of creating artwork using certain algorithms. Much like in the creative world, where there is no set of rules to be followed, similarly to create AI art there are no particular rules. Thousands of images are analyzed and then the algorithm generates a new image. In the same way as we accessorize our paintings and those get better, AI too includes stylistic processes to generate images. More importantly, AI art does not replicate what humans do; rather it replicates the actual human thought process and enhances human creativity – a process called as “co-creativity”.

Interestingly, Creative adversarial networks (CANs) – a set of machine learning frameworks – maximize deviation from established styles. Human artists are directing the code with a desired visual outcome in mind and some really interesting artwork is being made. Quite artsy, isn’t it?

Collaboration is the key

Why collaboration is the key to business agility - Information Age

Since AI has officially entered the world of art, it seems we’re getting overwhelmed and been thinking AI to be a threat to the art world. Here’s the catch – AI works best with human collaboration. Basically, AI uses algorithms that are fed to it. The more you feed, the better and easier it gets. Seemingly, AI works best when there’s an amalgamation between human creativity and modern machines. It’s not the technology alone that makes the difference but rather the knowledge and creativity of humans. It means AI is never going to replace humans in art as there is a requirement for real creativity, the real human emotions.

Impact of AI algorithms in Art: Overcoming the Limitations of Human Creativity

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Cultural and Creative Sectors – Research4Committees

Creativity is attainable. But, human creativity has its limitations. This is where AI comes to your rescue and solves your problems. AI emulates and enhances our creative thought process in art and business as well. AI art or art created with neural networks has recently surged up with being hotshot “AI artists” on the rise. With an algorithm named AICAN, a solo exhibition was held in New York having each of its portraits sold for $6000 to $18,000.

Another example is Unsecured Futures, a solo exhibition to showcase artwork – drawing, painting, sculpture and video art – by Ai-Da, the first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist. The brainchild of Gallery Director Aidan Meller, Ai-Da is capable of using her eyes and pencil for drawing people from life using AI-based algorithms. This exhibition actually questions the human relationship with technology but interestingly, it was a grand success that earned Ai-Da around 1 million pounds worth of artwork.

Applications of AI have found their way into the music industry too. AI-based algorithms are being used by musicians in their live performances, studio production in the form of various plug-ins and software. Moreover, some of the current AI technologies have successfully composed entire songs.

The best example would be Bach’s music, which integrates math into its music following a structured pattern, and can be easily replicated by AI. Facebook AI Research (FAIR), whose research team has created high-fidelity music with neural network is another such example.

The song “Drowned in the sun”, written by AI Magenta and launched by Google is also a work of art. Google’s latest Poem Portraits is another such example of how far the field of AI has come in the past few years. New AI tool – Deep Nostalgia – animates the faces in old photos to make them look alive.

Recently, GPT3 – the third generation of the language predicting deep learning algorithm took the world by storm by generating some of the most human-like conversations such as poems, stories, articles, etc.

Could AI be the Future of Art?

Could AI be the Future of Art?

Humans have been raising the bar from drawing machines to generating arts using AI. Needless to say, AI has transformed our society and has changed the way we interact with technology. Though its impact upon us is greater, still there will always be negative consequences associated with it. But it would be hasty on our part to predict that AI will take over our life.

When GPT3 was announced to the world, it received a mixed response; one of utter amazement as well as deep concern. The age of the Industrial revolution witnessed machines replacing humans as a better alternative.

Now, this raises the question – will we be replaced by AI algorithms in the same manner? Are the algorithms the better alternatives? And if so, will it be for the greater good of mankind? These are some genuine reasons for concern.

Algorithms are a product of the human thought process. AI is not as artificial as we might deem it to be. AI algorithms merely implement our thought processes on a computer. Hence, all that an AI can create is a product of collaboration among humans. We feed in the data that other humans have generated.

Art by AI algorithms is a reflection of the global creativity of mankind. They are an ideal representation of what we, as individuals, have put into the world.

On this World Art Day, let’s rejoice in the artistic results of a synergistic collaboration between humans and intelligent machine systems.

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