The Next Big Cybersecurity Wave? – IoT in India

The Current Impact of IoT in India

How IoT Can Fast Track the 'Make in India' Initiative

The introduction of IoT in India has brought the next level industrial revolution in the country. Besides in the new “Digital India” program launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, IoT plays a prominent part in the contribution. With a vision to create $15 billion of the IoT industry by 2020, the government has drafted a strategic roadmap to bring India on the global IoT map.

But before we discuss the impact of IoT in India, it is important to understand what this term exactly means. More often we get to hear new jargon like AI(Artificial Intelligence)ML (Machine Learning)Big DataCloud computingBlockchain,etc. with the evolution of technology. Similar to these technical buzzwords is the term IoT also known as Internet of Things.

Internet of Things or IoT is basically the extension of internet connectivity into physical devices and day to day objects. In vague terms, IoT empowers “smart” devices for sending and receiving information. The IoT devices are mainly smart watches, smart health wear gadgets, smart home appliances, voice assistant devices, etc. These IoT devices are embedded with electronics, internet connectivity, and other kinds of hardware. The devices communicate and interact through the internet and are easily remotely monitored or controlled.

Getting back to the subject, as per ET CIO, “the IoT market in India will make at least $15 billion by 2020”. It accounts for nearly 5% of the total global market. Also, the usage of IoT devices in India has shown a significant increase from approximately 200 million units in 2016 to 2.7 billion units by this year.

The IoT devices generate data that fuels innovation not only in solutions that are targeted at end-users but also in manufacturing processes and creating new business models. Whereas, according to the NASSCOM report, IoT adoption in India is expected to keep the country in lead. In fact, the IoT industry is already imminent to rejig the Indian manufacturing industrial landscape.

What are the IoT Trends in India for the Year 2020?

IoT in India - The Next Big Wave | NASSCOM

With the potential to enhance the connectivity of everything everywhere, the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought a massive change in the manner of doing things. Currently, India has a landscape of 120 IoT firms! These firms hold required technical skills, driving the IoT revolution and making India one of the key countries poised to implement large scale IoT projects.

Ever since the technology of IoT in India has been introduced, the nation has already started working on the latest upcoming trends. Here are the top IoT trends in India for the year 2020:

  • Smart Factories

The journey to create the fourth industrial revolution also known as Industry 4.0 is the project for developing smart factories that are agile and autonomous in nature. These digitally-enabled smart factories will be optimizing resources for manufacturing to provide high-quality output.

  • Smart Homes, Smarter Grids

The IoT adoption in India is massively going to be effective in the utility management processes for electricity, water, gas, and sewerage. Further, the trend of smart homes with smart grids will improve the applicability of infrastructure and will help in the efficient management of resources.

  • Data-Driven Healthcare Sector

One of the best IoT trends in India for 2020 is bringing advancement in the healthcare sector. With the help of the latest IoT trends, the service providers and hospitals in India can easily get access to real-time data. This would further help in mitigating the risk of diseases and in remotely monitoring patients.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) with IoT

This trend will continue to grow higher in 2020 and the nation will witness a lot of positive development in this platform. The AI techniques will be used in analyzing the huge bulk of information collected through IoT devices. The amalgamation of AI, Big Data and IoT will surely pave a way of the next generation experience for end-users.

Apart from these top four IoT trends in India for 2020, the Indian industries are also experiencing growth of segments like connected building and homes, smart lifestyles, etc. which are quite recent concepts.

IoT Technology in India – Data Security Council of India (DSCI) Blog

Will IoT Adoption in India Lead to the Growth of Cyber Risks Too?


No matter how far the evolution of technology takes place, a hacker’s mindset will always remain the same. The loop of attempting cyber attack goes on with identifying weaknesses in the network or a system, exploiting vulnerabilities and repeat! Whereas now, since the advanced connected devices are being introduced, a new addition to the cyber attack surface has further expanded.

These IoT technology-based smart devices like home security sensors, wireless applications, smart grids, etc., offer more options to access points than ever before. These sensors and smart devices present great opportunities for hackers to find vulnerability or loopholes.

Although the developing landscape of IoT has made it easier and faster to carry out day to day activities, it is important to make sure that no cyber risk is prevailing in the back door. And when we talk about cyber risks associated with the IoT, security and privacy could be considered as one of the most critical issues.

With the emergence of 5G technology, the IoT devices will become more empowered to collect, store and share data across other platforms. Due to lack of right security and privacy measures, the generated data can be left open for identity theft or misuse of personal information. Also, insufficient security risk assessment tools and irregular IoT security testing of devices is another major challenge to deal with.

As for organizations that have adopted the latest IoT trends, it is essential for them to identify and understand the vulnerabilities existing in the connected devices and systems. These vulnerabilities may turn into severe cyber threat postures for the entire IT infra of the organization if not patched from time to time.

The year 2020 is undoubtedly going to have leaps in innovation along with unpredictable data breaches and cyber attacks. As our responsibility towards cybersecurity it is important to ensure that our devices are hard to access and do not fall victim to cyber threat actors. For this, organizations must implement security awareness training for their employees and help them in navigating IoT operations in order to secure the network and data of the company.

Implementation of IoT devices can be all fun and games unless you realize how vulnerable the latest technology can leave the cybersecurity of your organization. Remember, prevention is better than cure, do not wait for a devastating cyber attack to take place. Now is the right time to step up for proper cybersecurity measures and make IoT work fruitful for you with the right IoT security testing.


Digital health, not genomics! The future of precision medicine.


What does the term precision medicine mean to you? Typically, people think of precision medicine as being about genomics, but it goes well beyond molecular biology to encompass everything that moves us away from a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine. As far back as 1969, Enid Balint, formerly in charge of the training and research course for general practitioners at the Tavistock Clinic in London, published a paper on “The possibilities of patient-centered medicine,” and described precision medicine as the field that understands the patient as a unique human being.

The question, therefore, is: How do we do that? Certainly, genomics has been widely touted. But another area at the forefront of precision medicine is digital health technology, which Steven Steinhubl, MD, of Scripps Research Translational Institute, addressed in his presentation, “Precision Medicine and the Future of Clinical Practice.” Digital technology moves us in the direction of understanding each patient and away from the current practice of defining health in ways that make little sense to many people. Further in this blog, I am expanding on key elements of Steven’s talk to present a different perspective on precision medicine. While many of the messages in this blog have been raised by Steven, I’d like to offer my perspective as well.

So, what exactly is wrong with current practice in our healthcare system? For starters, the current model is based on a model in which, when you get sick or hurt, you see a doctor and you get fixed. There is little to no incentive for doctors to keep you healthy, and the system rewards them on what is called “activity-based funding” rather than “outcome-based funding” or “value-based care”.

As for population-based benchmarks, they actually don’t work for you as an individual. Let’s take wellness recommendations, such as walking 10,000 steps a day or eating a certain amount of proteins and carbohydrates each day. We know that some people need more and some need fewer carbohydrates and that the 10,000-step benchmark is fairly meaningless at an individual level.

Time to stop the generic trials

As mentioned by Steven, precision medicine is, in fact, already here in several settings. The most prominent is optometry, where an eye exam determines your specific needs, and an optometrist prescribes a pair of glasses tailored entirely to your current condition. You can also pick a model of frame and material that fits your lifestyle (e.g., sports or work) and your taste in fashion. Without this specific focus, you would end up with a generic pair of glasses that might not suit your needs and lifestyle.

Medicine needs to adopt the same approach by moving away from a generic approach to clinical studies and towards trials that focus on individual responses to therapy. In his article titled, Personalized medicine: Time for one-person trials, Nicholas J. Schork looks at the 10 most-prescribed drugs and notes that for every person they help, they fail to improve the condition of between three and 24 people. Some drugs, such as statins, benefit as few as one in 50 people, and some are even harmful to certain ethnic groups because clinical trials have typically focused on participants of European background.

Dosage is also seldom geared towards the individual. We know it’s possible to do this because the company provides dose recommendations based on pharmacokinetic drug models, patient characteristics, medication concentrations, and genotype.

Generally, however, we don’t know who will benefit from a drug and who won’t. While genomics plays a key role, there are multiple other factors that have an impact on outcomes, including our environment (e.g., city vs. rural), having access to good produce or being limited to convenience store food (e.g., doughnuts vs. fruits and veggies), whether we live in a cold or hot climate, whether we live in an industrial area with pollution, and what our work and family environment is like. Taking all these factors and more into account is essential if we are to treat each person as unique.

With the growing realisation about these effects, more clinicians are turning to digital technology, deploying internet of things (IoT) sensors and smartphones to improve patient outcomes. A study of 2,000 Americans shows that the average person uses his or her smartphone 80 times per day, so why not leverage it as part of a care plan? The fact is that people are already using their phones for health, with one out of 20 Google searches being health-related.

precision medicine

Setting baselines with sensors

Sensors and apps are being used by many people to check their vitals and provide far more relevant information than using standard measures for what is normal with sleep patterns, heart rate, blood pressure, glucose, temperature and stress. The context in which these measures are taken varies dramatically. For example, maybe it is normal for my stress and blood pressure level to rise when I’m rock climbing, and perhaps a pregnant woman can expect her sleep pattern to change.

Expanding on Steven’s idea, wearable IoT devices are redefining the human phenotype (i.e., all of the observable physical properties of an individual) by performing unobtrusive and continuous monitoring of a wide range of characteristics unique to each of us. This will allow us to define our “normal” blood pressure when we are stressed. After all, do you really need to worry if your blood pressure rises when you’re stuck in traffic after a busy day at the office?

Sensor technology enables continuous monitoring, so you can create a baseline and compare your own readings. When something doesn’t feel right, you’ll be able to go back and compare it to a day when you did feel right the month before. This is a far better measure of your own health.

Genomics Is Evolving

For example, a study into temperature shows that although your normal temperature should be around 37 degrees C, the normal temperature of a person can vary from 33.2 degrees C up to 38.4 degrees C. This means that if your normal temperature is 33.2 degrees C and you have a 37-degree C temperature, you’re having a pretty severe fever, but most doctors won’t realise this because they don’t know your normal temperature.

Another study shows that although the average daytime heart rate is around 79, the normal heart rate of a person varies from 40 to 90. This makes a big difference when treating a patient for a heart condition. This data comes from Fitbit’s analysis of 100,000 persons’ resting heart rates. So obviously, you can’t apply a population average to your own body. This is important because with the trends in your heart rate, we’d be able to find early signs of influenza, for example.

The challenge for people who have wearables (like me, yeah, I own a Fitbit … how cool am I?), is that we’re not quite sure what to do with all that data.

Following this trend, the National Institutes of Health in the United States has created the All of Us Research Program, the largest precision medicine longitudinal study ever performed, which aims to follow 1 million people from all walks of life for decades. The program will provide a set of IoT wearable sensors to the participants and then correlate this data with their clinical data from the healthcare ecosystem — hospitals, family practitioners, specialists, etc.

This study differs from your typical research study because this program will provide insights on the data to its participants, so they can improve their health in real time.

Today, anyone has access to wearable technology; it’s relatively cheap and easy to use, and it gives you real-time insights into your own health. Don’t be afraid to build your own baseline and talk to your doctor. As more people and clinicians embrace wearables and apps, we’ll start to see a broader shift towards precision medicine supported by both genomics and digital health.

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