5 Key Elements of Managing Cloud Data


To help you manage data effectively, here are the five key elements of cloud data management.

The collection of data is essential for today’s businesses, it is what enables them to be innovative and helps them stay agile. There is an increasing amount of data being used, too: customer data, product data, competitor data, employee records, system logs, supply chain data, bespoke applications and so forth. And all this data needs to be easily accessible while, at the same time, remaining highly secure.

Problems with data

The growing volume of data being collected and its importance for business growth can cause problems for enterprises. Companies are now becoming data hoarders, storing every piece of information they can glean with the hope that one day it will have value for them. The nature of that data is also becoming increasingly complex as companies add new systems, software and devices.

At the same time, it is important to recognize the need to control how data is used by employees to prevent them from unwittingly deleting that which is not essential for them but which is critical for the business – or to stop those with a grudge from wiping data deliberately.

To help you manage data effectively so that you can get the right balance between security and ease of access, here are the five key elements of cloud data management.

1. Managing unused data

Leveraging Data Management Techniques to make use of Data Assets

A lot of the data that a company collects won’t be needed all the time. For most of its existence is will be held in storage doing nothing. However, for compliance and other business purposes, it will need protecting. For this reason, it should be behind a firewall and, importantly, be encrypted.

Encrypting unused data ensures that if it is stolen, the perpetrators, or anyone they sell it too, won’t be able to decipher it. This helps protect you not only against hackers but also from employees who make blunders or those with more devious objectives. Often, the weak spots in any system are the devices used by employees. Hackers use these to worm their way into the more valuable part of a company’s network. Encryption helps prevent this from happening to stored data – especially when there is limited access to the decryption key.

2. Controlling access to data

What is access control? A key component of data security | CSO Online

Whilst it is crucial that staff are able to access all the data they need to carry out their roles, it is also vital that you have control over how that data is accessed. The starting point here should be to determine precisely who needs access to what data to carry out their work. From there, you can implement individual access rights that prevent unauthorised users from accessing data they are not entitled to see.

Using logical access control will ensure that anyone trying to access data will be prevented from doing so unless their ID is authenticated. At the same time, such systems will log every data transaction, enabling you to trace issues to their source should problems arise. Indeed, such systems can even check the security of the devices being used to access the data to make sure they are free from malware. With the use of AI, it is now even possible to analyse the behaviour of users and their devices to identify if suspicious activity is taking place.

3. Protecting data during transfer

What Are The Top Secure Data Transmission Methods? | Penta Security Systems Inc.

Another weakness is data in transit. Just as websites need to use SSL to protect payment details during online purchases, businesses need to implement a secure, encrypted and authenticated channel between a user’s device and the data that is being requested. It is important here to make sure that the data remains encrypted while it is being transferred so that if it is intercepted on route, it cannot be read. A key factor in protecting data in transit is your choice of firewall. At the same time, you should also consider using a VPN.

4. Checking data as it arrives

Are You Sure You Have Good Data?. Best practices for detecting bad data… | by Brad Caffey | HomeAway Tech Blog | Medium

One often overlooked area of security is incoming data. Businesses need to know that when any data arrives, it is what it purports to be. You need to ensure that it is authentic and that it hasn’t been maliciously modified on route. Putting measures in place to guarantee data integrity is important to negate the risk of infection or data breach. This includes email, where phishing attacks are a major problem, fooling employees into thinking they are the genuine article so that when they are opened or links are clicked on, the company’s security is compromised.

5. Secure backups

For secure data backup, here's how to do the 3-2-1 rule right | Network World

In the event of a disaster, a data backup can be the only thing which will get your company up and running quickly enough to stop it going out of business. Remote, secure backups are critical for disaster recovery operations and should be a key element of any business’ data management strategy.

To protect yourself more thoroughly in the cloud, it is best not to store your backup data in the same place as you store the active data. If a hacker gets access to one, they’ll also have access to the other. Keeping them in separate accounts creates another layer of security. To do this, simply create a separate backup account with your provider. Ensure that backup schedules are made as frequently as is needed.


With businesses becoming increasingly reliant on data to carry out their day to day operations and build for long-term success, it is crucial that data is managed effectively. In this post, we‘ve looked at the five key areas for data management in the cloud: storing unused data, controlling access, protecting data during transfer, checking incoming data and creating backups. Hopefully, the points we’ve raised will help you manage your cloud data more effectively and securely.

5 Worst-Case Scenarios of Not BackUp Your Website

Why we shouldn't be afraid of nightmares - BBC Future

If you’ve never had a serious problem with your website, backups are probably something you don’t lose much sleep over. But just because you haven’t seen your website go down or lost data in the past doesn’t mean you are immune in the future. There are plenty of ways you can suffer such a disaster, with server failures, hacking and the accidental pressing of the delete button being just some of the potential causes. Without a backup, restoring your website would be a long, difficult and expensive process. Not convinced you need them? Here are five potential nightmares that might change your mind.

1. To err is human

To Err is Human; To Edit, Divine - Writing.Com

Even with the best will in the world and all the right procedures in place, people still make mistakes. All it takes is for someone to accidentally click on the wrong button and important website files can be wiped. As a result, your website might cease to function. It’s bad for your reputation and you’re losing business while it’s offline.

While restoring your website is possible, it may take a long time to get it back online, especially if you are using bespoke software or a theme that has been customised for your needs. Installing a fresh version of WordPress and your theme, for example, might not take that long. However, if you’ve edited the code to change the look or functionality of the site, all these tweaks will need to be carried out from fresh, once more.

The longer restoration takes, the more your company will suffer and for some, the damage can put them out of business. With a backup in place, everything can be restored, as it was, very quickly indeed.

2. Disappearing content and data

Data Loss Prevention: How to Prevent Your Data From Disappearing

Perhaps more important than the website is the actual content that goes on it and the data you store. If you lost your content there’d be no product pages, landing pages, blog posts or any of the other important information you need to share with your customers. If you lost your data, you may lose all your existing orders, customer details and inventory information.

Losing content or data is more problematic than losing your website files. With content, you may have to start creating it again from scratch which can be a massive task if you sell large numbers of products or have a substantial blog. If you lose customer data, you may never be able to get it back and may be in breach of regulations too.

3. Killed off by infection

The Secret Life Cycle of Mosquitoes

According to Hiscox, there are 65,000 cyberattacks on UK businesses every day. One of the main forms of attack is to attempt to infect a company’s website with malware. Malware can do many forms of damage to a website, from putting your site at ransom to installing hidden programs that infect your customers’ computers when they visit your site. As a result, they can take your website offline or corrupt your files. If your site is corrupted, you host may have to take it offline to prevent the spread of malware to others while search engines will stop listing it until the issue is fixed.

Finding the corrupted files (sometimes the infection replicates itself) and getting rid of the infected code can be a long process and the easiest thing is to delete the entire website and install a backup. Of course, you cannot do this without a recent backup in place.

4. When great plans backfire

How to Avoid the Backfire Effect When Handling Objections | Nutshell

A common time for issues to happen with websites is when people make changes to them. There are quite a few things that can go wrong, for example, software compatibility issues, tweaks to coding breaking your software or new themes making your content appear all wrong. Indeed, any major modification to the functionality or design of your website can result in unforeseen issues, which is why many companies carry them out in an experimental environment before letting them go live. Unfortunately, lots of other companies choose to make the changes to their live website and when plans go wrong, the site can easily be put offline. With a backup in place, you can restore your old, fully working website straightaway.

5. The vendor trap

How to get out of a debt trap - The Economic Times

The success of your website relies to a great extent on the quality of your web hosting provider. A good provider offers faster loading times, increased reliability, enhanced security, managed services, 24/7 expert technical support and the right packages and prices for the growing needs of your business. There may be a time, therefore, that you consider migrating your website to a new host.

Moving to a different provider means moving your entire website to a new server. Without a backup, this means starting from scratch and for lots of businesses, this is just too much hassle to consider. As a result, many stay with their existing provider even if the services they receive are not up to the standard they require. If you do have a backup, migrating is simple. Indeed, so simple that some web hosts will do it for you.

Backing up your site

How to Back Up Your Website | PCMag

You can back up your site in numerous ways, such as doing it manually to a computer or using a plugin that saves your site to places like Google Drive or Dropbox. However, depending on your website’s needs, you may need to back up more frequently or keep several copies of older backups (e.g., if your latest backup took place after your website became corrupted, you’ll need to restore an earlier version). Your backups will also need to be stored remotely, i.e. not on the same server where your website is stored. If you don’t and the server fails, you’ll lose your website and your backup at the same time.

The ideal solution is to use a backup service provided by your web host. Here, you automate backups and control the frequency and number of backups kept. You’ll also be safe in the knowledge that the backups will be stored securely and will be backed up themselves by the host.


As you can see, there are numerous nightmares that can occur if you do not backup your website. All of them can result in your website being taken offline and even the loss of your critical content and data. For many businesses that operate online, such issues can have a significant impact. A backup is an inexpensive solution that enables your site to be restored regardless of the problem which caused it. For that reason, creating regular backups is indispensable.

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