What To Look In CMS Platform Components?

CMS – Content Management System. A phrase that is thrown so fashionably in the professional web development companies that it has everybody blabbering about it. Let us break it into pieces for your understanding what to look in your CMS Platform.CMS allows you to arrange the web content utilizing the reusable components in the platform. These components include a template, database, dashboard, and last but not the least, a programming language.

Net Solutions' Guide to CMS Platforms: Must-Have Features, Benefits & More

Secure Database

The database is the fuel for the CMS. CMS runs on it. Some of the major and powerful databases are MySQL Database, Microsoft SQL Server, and Flat File Database. Microsoft SQL is a Microsoft and MySQL is an open source database. These are credible and secured databases. If you are looking for a database, choose a secured database so that you don’t have any fear of losing your precious data. Insecure databases are easily breached by the hackers. What’s the use of spending all that money and effort in SEO, if your database is not secured?

Robust Dashboard

Dashboard or the Control Panel of your CMS allows you to view, insert, edit or delete the components, as per your wish all at one place. An SEO-friendly dashboard will allow you to write Meta Tags, put Alt Tags, insert Header Tags, Change URLs, introduce primary keyword and optimize your blog from SEO perspective. If these are not in your primary dashboard or in any sub-section, then stop using that CMS, it’s not giving you full control.

Compatible Programming Language

You have information stored in your Database, which is now well-maintained. Now, you have to fetch that information in the front-end for the viewer. This you do with the help of CMS programming language. Two things can happen here. One is your PL is not compatible or the language which is compatible is purely out of your reach of knowledge. In both the cases, you are stumped!

Responsive Template

This is as crucial as other components, probably the most crucial. Here, you will have a definitive option to choose Adwords focused template, SEO-friendly template, Adsense focused template, responsive template, industry-focused template, and others. Your priority should be to look for a template that is responsive and SEO-friendly. The others will follow up eventually as you grow up in ranking using SEO.

So, before going to any professional web development company that provides customer web development services, keep these things in mind. Or you can consult with us. RichestSoft deals with web development services and works on the technologies such as Core PHP, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Laravel, WordPress, Magento, Opencart, Joomla, OSCommerce, Drupal, PrestaShop, Web Services, Tictail, YII, etc.

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