The Rise of AI in Art: Ushering in a New Era of Creative Machines

The rise of Artificial Intelligence and impending takeover
The Rise of AI in Art: Ushering a New Era of Machines with Creative Behaviors Just a few years ago, AI seemed like some futuristic tech straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. But the tables have turned now. We probably experience AI-based tech more often than we think.We come across at least one instance of AI in our daily life – be it a product recommendation algorithm on an online shopping platform or text auto-correction in our smart phones.Recent developments in AI, have begun to question the very characteristic of human nature which makes us unique, i.e., creativity. AI is already creating a myriad of visual art, poetry, music, and likewise, which bear an eerie resemblance to real human art.The Creative Leap of AIThe creative leap: Here's why suits from creative agencies hop over the media side, Marketing & Advertising News, ET BrandEquityCan we really imagine intelligent machines rivaling human creativity? Somehow, it’s still difficult to imagine a mathematical algorithm to be creative, isn’t it? But, not anymore.What we’re witnessing is that AI can be creative, even artistic. Recognizing and sorting images is one thing, but how about creating those from scratch?

Intelligent AI systems are now capable of creating artwork using certain algorithms. Much like in the creative world, where there is no set of rules to be followed, similarly to create AI art there are no particular rules. Thousands of images are analyzed and then the algorithm generates a new image. In the same way as we accessorize our paintings and those get better, AI too includes stylistic processes to generate images. More importantly, AI art does not replicate what humans do; rather it replicates the actual human thought process and enhances human creativity – a process called as “co-creativity”.

Interestingly, Creative adversarial networks (CANs) – a set of machine learning frameworks – maximize deviation from established styles. Human artists are directing the code with a desired visual outcome in mind and some really interesting artwork is being made. Quite artsy, isn’t it?

Collaboration is the key

Why collaboration is the key to business agility - Information Age

Since AI has officially entered the world of art, it seems we’re getting overwhelmed and been thinking AI to be a threat to the art world. Here’s the catch – AI works best with human collaboration. Basically, AI uses algorithms that are fed to it. The more you feed, the better and easier it gets. Seemingly, AI works best when there’s an amalgamation between human creativity and modern machines. It’s not the technology alone that makes the difference but rather the knowledge and creativity of humans. It means AI is never going to replace humans in art as there is a requirement for real creativity, the real human emotions.

Impact of AI algorithms in Art: Overcoming the Limitations of Human Creativity

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Cultural and Creative Sectors – Research4Committees

Creativity is attainable. But, human creativity has its limitations. This is where AI comes to your rescue and solves your problems. AI emulates and enhances our creative thought process in art and business as well. AI art or art created with neural networks has recently surged up with being hotshot “AI artists” on the rise. With an algorithm named AICAN, a solo exhibition was held in New York having each of its portraits sold for $6000 to $18,000.

Another example is Unsecured Futures, a solo exhibition to showcase artwork – drawing, painting, sculpture and video art – by Ai-Da, the first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist. The brainchild of Gallery Director Aidan Meller, Ai-Da is capable of using her eyes and pencil for drawing people from life using AI-based algorithms. This exhibition actually questions the human relationship with technology but interestingly, it was a grand success that earned Ai-Da around 1 million pounds worth of artwork.

Applications of AI have found their way into the music industry too. AI-based algorithms are being used by musicians in their live performances, studio production in the form of various plug-ins and software. Moreover, some of the current AI technologies have successfully composed entire songs.

The best example would be Bach’s music, which integrates math into its music following a structured pattern, and can be easily replicated by AI. Facebook AI Research (FAIR), whose research team has created high-fidelity music with neural network is another such example.

The song “Drowned in the sun”, written by AI Magenta and launched by Google is also a work of art. Google’s latest Poem Portraits is another such example of how far the field of AI has come in the past few years. New AI tool – Deep Nostalgia – animates the faces in old photos to make them look alive.

Recently, GPT3 – the third generation of the language predicting deep learning algorithm took the world by storm by generating some of the most human-like conversations such as poems, stories, articles, etc.

Could AI be the Future of Art?

Could AI be the Future of Art?

Humans have been raising the bar from drawing machines to generating arts using AI. Needless to say, AI has transformed our society and has changed the way we interact with technology. Though its impact upon us is greater, still there will always be negative consequences associated with it. But it would be hasty on our part to predict that AI will take over our life.

When GPT3 was announced to the world, it received a mixed response; one of utter amazement as well as deep concern. The age of the Industrial revolution witnessed machines replacing humans as a better alternative.

Now, this raises the question – will we be replaced by AI algorithms in the same manner? Are the algorithms the better alternatives? And if so, will it be for the greater good of mankind? These are some genuine reasons for concern.

Algorithms are a product of the human thought process. AI is not as artificial as we might deem it to be. AI algorithms merely implement our thought processes on a computer. Hence, all that an AI can create is a product of collaboration among humans. We feed in the data that other humans have generated.

Art by AI algorithms is a reflection of the global creativity of mankind. They are an ideal representation of what we, as individuals, have put into the world.

On this World Art Day, let’s rejoice in the artistic results of a synergistic collaboration between humans and intelligent machine systems.

MLOps: Is This the Only Way to Eat an Elephant?

MLOps - Machine Learning Operations

Managing ML production requires a combination of data scientists (algorithm procrastinators) and operations (data architects, product owners? Yes, why not?).

Operationalizing ML solutions in on-prem or cloud environments is a challenge for the entire industry. Enterprise customers usually have a long and random software update cycle, usually once or twice a year. Therefore, it is impractical to couple the deployment of the ML model with irregular update cycles. Besides, data scientists have to deal with:

  • Data governance
  • Model serving & deployment
  • System performance drifts
  • Picking model features
  • ML model training pipeline
  • Setting the performance threshold
  • Explainability

And data architects have enough databases and systems to develop, install, configure, analyze, test, maintain… the verb would keep on accumulating, depending on the ratio of the company’s size to the number of data architects.

This is where MLOps come in to rescue the team, solution, and the enterprise!

What is MLOps?

AIMLOps practices and its benefits | by Taras Tymoshchuck | DataDrivenInvestor

MLOps is a new coinage, and the ML community keeps on adding/ perfecting its definition (as the ML life cycle continues to evolve, its understanding is also evolving). In layman terminology, it is a set of practices/disciplines to standardize & streamline ML models in production.

It all started when a data scientist shared his plight with a DevOps engineer. Even the engineer was unhappy with the incumbent (inclusion of) data and models in the development life cycle. In cahoots, they decided to amalgamate the practices and philosophies of DevOps and ML. Lo and behold! MLOps came into existence. This may not be entirely true, but you have to give credits to the growing community of ML & DevOps personnel.
Five years ago, in 2015, a research paper highlighted the shortcomings of traditional ML systems (third reference on this Wikipedia page). Even then, the ML implementation grew exponentially. After three years of the research’s publication, MLOps became mainstream – 11 years after DevOps! Yes, it took this long to combine the two. The reason is simple – AI became mainstream only a few years back, 2016, 2018, or 2019 (the year is debatable).

MLOps Lifecycle

MLOps brings the DevOps principles to your ML workflow. It allows continuous integration into data science workflows, automates code creation and testing, helps create repeatable training pipelines, and then provides continuous deployment workflow to automate the package, model validation, and deployment to the target server. It then monitors the pipeline, infrastructure, model performance, and new data and creates a data feedback flow to restart the pipeline.

MLOps Explained

These practice involving data engineers, data scientists, and ML engineers enables the retraining of models.

All seems hunky-dory at this stage; however, in my numerous encounters with the enterprise customers, and after going through several use cases, I have seen MLOps, although evolutionary & state-of-the-art, failing several times in delivering the expected result or RoI. The foremost reason, often discovered, because of –

  • The singular, unmotivated performance monitoring approach
  • Unavailability of KPIs to set/measure the performance
  • And lack of threshold to raising model degradation alerts

In contrast, these are the technical hindsight that is often vindictive because of the lack of MLOps standardization; However, a few business factors, such as lack of discipline, understanding, resources, can slog or disrupt your entire ML operations.

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