Impenetrable Security: Securing People, Process & Technology

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Securing people, process & technology and having an Impenetrable security posture in an organization has been a major concern for businesses since years. Organizations have been investing massive amounts in next-gen security technologies such as antivirus, firewalls, full disk encryption and data loss prevention.  The investment in cybersecurity solutions has risen from $3.5 billion in 2004 to $75 billion in 2015, and forecasted to reach $170 billion by 2020! Though these solutions are considered as the epitome of security, they fail to secure one very important aspect of cybersecurity, which is the People. In the current era of technology, People, not technology, are becoming the key to securing organizations.


Why do we need to have an impenetrable security posture addressing the human element?

Cyber attackers are well aware that employees in an organization are considered to be the least resistant or in other words, the weakest link for any security breach. As a result, attackers are intruding technology using cyber-attacks like Phishing, Smishing, Ransomware attacks, removable media etc. The solution to mitigate it is quite simple, just as organizations are investing in creating a secure IT infrastructure, they’ll also need to start investing on a security-conscious workplace, also known as a human firewall, in order to obtain an impenetrable security posture.

Past Conferences and Webinars in Information Security | The Information Security Report


However, this can only be achieved if they are able to raise the awareness amongst the people to such an extent that they at least become a strong firewall against potential cyber threats. The best way to incorporate awareness is to gamifying the training part in order to create employee interest in the subject. As for many of them, the idea of cybersecurity ignites the same emotions that air travelers experience when witnessing the flight safety presentations during the start.

To create a secure culture and behavior amongst the people, organizations need to establish a long-term security awareness approach. An approach, where the employees should be tested for their behavior, and how they are reacting against the top potential online attacks. Where the workforce will be engaged in knowledge imparting and regular security assessments as building a strong line of defense is not a one-time security training, it needs to be a continuous process. This will at least make the employees think like security professionals, or at least be vigilant enough to think twice before reacting to cyber scams.

Also, we cannot completely blame the employees when it comes to data breaches, for example, if a user commits a mistake and clicks on an email that causes a breach, we often think that it happened because of the user’s negligence. But it is not actually the case, the organization was already under attack when the attacker sent the email before it was even clicked or opened! So having a powerful security infrastructure is equally important when it comes to incorporate People, Process, and Technology.


What are the possible consequences of not having a cybersecurity awareness training program for employees?

Organizations Are Embracing Cyber Security Awareness Training as the First Line of Defense Against Hackers - CPO Magazine

Given that 91% of the data breach attacks include phishing, if your workforce is not prepared to identify and ignore these attacks, the risk of a successful cyber attack, such as ransomware is greatly increased. Small businesses are affected the most as they can be extremely fragile, and the cost of a breach is always high in terms of money. Also, depending on what loss is incurred and how it impacts the customer base, a data breach can do significant damage to your brand reputation as well.

Companies need to harmonize security and convenience when talking about security awareness to their employees. The goal should be to lower the risk to an acceptable level. Awareness training is an emerging trend, and organizations should always look out for upcoming trends in employee compliance and new tools, in order to improve cybersecurity awareness.


Some people are still on the fence about investing in employee cybersecurity, what should be the driving factor for them?

Employees' Role in Cybersecurity | The Cyber Security Place

Here the answer will be simple, a big YES! It is considered an essential practice to incorporate impenetrable security involving employee security measures in organizations. The employees need to keep in mind that everyone has a role in keeping a company and its stakeholders protected. Companies might consider spam filters, firewall, IPS, SIEM, app whitelisting etc. to be effective against cyber scams, but the only way they can make these tools effective is by involving the users in cyber defense.

Every organization across the globe has data which is valuable to the attackers. Data such as customer records, email accounts, employee data etc. are all sought after and can make your organization a high-value target. Organizations should have a highly maintained security management approach which should include high-quality employee protection program, documented patching process, identity, access and password management and an incident response plan. Dedicated cybersecurity firms like Anteelo , solely work on People, Process, and Technology agenda, providing customized VA-PT (Vulnerability Assessment- Penetration Testing) services and employee risk assessment tool, that helps organizations in reducing the overall threat posture to up to 90%.


From machine intelligence to security and storage, AWS re:Invent opens up new options.

AWS re:Invent Security Recap: Launches, Enhancements, and Takeaways | AWS Security Blog

Technology as an enabler for innovation and process improvement has become the catchword for most companies. Whether it’s artificial intelligence and machine learning, gaining insights from data through better analytics capabilities, or the ability to transfer data and knowledge to the cloud, life sciences companies are looking to achieve greater efficiencies and business effectiveness.

Indeed, that was the theme of my presentation at the AWS re:Invent conference: the ability to innovate faster to bring new therapies to market, and how this is enabled by an as-a-service digital platform. For example, one company that had an increase in global activity needed help to accommodate the growth without compromising its operating standards. Rapid migration to an as-a-service digital platform led to a 23 percent reduction in its on-premises system.

This was my first re:Invent, and it was a real eye opener to attend such a large conference. The week-long AWS re:Invent conference, which took place in November 2018, brought together nearly 55,000 people in several venues in Las Vegas to share the latest developments, trends, and experiences of Amazon Web Services (AWS), its partners and clients.

The conference is intended to be educational, giving attendees insights into technology breakthroughs and developments, and how these are being put into use. Many different industries take part, including life sciences and healthcare, which is where my expertise lies.

re:Invent 2020 Liveblog: Machine Learning Keynote | AWS News Blog

This slickly organized, high-energy conference offered a massive amount of information shared across numerous sessions, but with a number of overarching themes. These included artificial intelligence, machine learning and analytics; serverless environments; and security, to mention just a few. The main objective of the meeting was to help companies get the right tool for the job and to highlight several new features.

During the week, AWS also rolled out new functionalities designed to help organizations manage their technology, information and businesses more seamlessly in an increasingly data-rich world. For the life sciences and healthcare industry — providers, payers and life sciences companies — a priority is being able to gain insights based on actual data so as to make decisions quickly.

re:Invent 2020 Liveblog: Machine Learning Keynote | AWS News Blog

That has been difficult to do in the past because data has existed in silos across the organization. But when you start to connect all the data, it’s clear that a massive amount of knowledge can be leveraged. And that’s critical in an age where precision medicine and specialist drugs have replaced blockbusters.

A growing number of life sciences companies recognize that to connect all this data — across the organization, with partner, and with clients — they need to move to the cloud. As such, cloud, and in particular major services such as AWS, are becoming more mainstream. There’s a growing need for platforms that allow companies to move to cloud services efficiently and effectively without disrupting the business, but at the same time make use of the deeper functionality a cloud service can provide.

Putting tools in the hands of users

AWS Control Tower | AWS Management & Governance Blog

One such functionality that AWS launched this year is Amazon Textract, which automatically extracts text and data from documents and forms. Companies can use that information in a variety of ways, such as doing smart searches or maintaining compliance in document archives. Because many documents have data in them that can’t easily be extracted without manual intervention, many companies don’t bother, given the massive amount of work that would involve. Amazon Textract goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of fields in forms and information stored in tables.

Another key capability with advanced cloud platforms is the ability to carry out advanced analytics using machine learning. While many large pharma companies have probably been doing this for a while, the resources needed to invest in that level of analytics has been beyond the scope of most smaller companies. However, leveraging an observational platform and using AWS to provide that as a service puts these capabilities within the reach of life sciences companies of all sizes.

Having access to large amounts of data and advanced analytics enabled by machine learning allows companies to gain better insights across a wide network. For example, sponsors working with multiple contract research organizations want a single view of the performance at the various sites and by the different contract research organizations (CRO). At the moment, that can be disjointed, but by leveraging a portal through an observational platform, it’s possible to see how sites and CROs are performing: Are they hitting the cohort requirements set? Are they on track to meet objectives? Or, is there an issue that needs to be managed?

Security was another important theme at the conference and one that raised many questions. Most companies know theoretically that cloud is secure, but they’re less certain whether what they have in place gives them the right level of security for their business. That can differ depending on what you put in the cloud. In life sciences, if you are putting research and development systems into the cloud, it’s vital that your IT is secure. But with the right combination of cloud capabilities and security functionality, companies can get a more secure site there than they would on-premises.

The conference highlighted multiple new functions and services that help enterprises gain better value from moving to the cloud. These include AWS Control Tower, which allows you to automate the setup of a well-architected, multi-account AWS environment across an organization. Storage was also on the agenda, with discussions about getting the right options for the business. Historically, companies bought storage and kept it on-site. But these storage solutions are expensive to replace, and it’s questionable whether they are the best way forward for companies. During the re:Invent conference, AWS launched its new Glacier Deep Dive storage facility, which allows companies to store seldom-used data much more cost effectively than legacy tape systems, at just $1.01/TB per month. Consider the large amount of historical data that a legacy product will have. In all likelihood, that data won’t be needed very often, but for companies selling or acquiring a product or company, it may be important to have access to that data.

Video on Demand | Implementations | AWS Solutions

One of the interesting things I took from the week away, apart from a Fitbit that nearly exploded with the number of steps I took in a day, was how the focus on cloud has shifted. Now the discussion has turned to: “How do I get more from the cloud, and who can help me get there faster?” rather than: “Is the cloud the right thing for my business?” Conversations held when standing in queues waiting to get into events or onto shuttle buses were largely about what each organization is doing and what the next step in its digital journey would be. This was echoed in the Anteelo booth, where many people wanted more information on how to accelerate their journey. One of the greatest concerns was the lack of internal expertise many companies have, which is why having a partner allows them to get real value and innovation into the business faster.

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