How To Create A Video Conferencing Application Like Zoom?

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Video Conferencing is arguably one of the best technological developments in the last decade. Not only has it helped organizations in saving time, but it has also been beneficial in saving resources. In this article, we will talk about video conferencing in detail while talking about the benefits of a video conferencing application, and how to develop an application like Zoom, which is arguably the most successful video-conferencing application.


Video conferencing has always been beneficial, but it was not that popular until the covid-19 struck us, and we had to work from our respective homes. The pandemic showed us the value and importance of video conferencing, and as a result, the users on video conferencing apps increased at a huge rate. Not only businesses and companies, but these applications also helped millions of students across the globe with their studies. The pandemic allowed developers to create a video conferencing app. Every social media app development company started developing apps that could be helpful for people across the globe.


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There are several benefits of a good video conferencing application, and the pandemic has made us look at those benefits. So, let’s talk about all the great benefits of these apps.

• With the help of a video conferencing app, you can get in touch with anyone across the globe. This saves you the time and resources you were going to invest in meeting that person physically.
• Since you are talking to a person through video mode, the communication becomes better. We all know how important clear communication is.
• Video conferencing is faster than any other mode of virtual communication, and which is why it saves us a lot of time.
• We are living in one of the toughest times, and it is better to stay at home than going out. So, video conferencing applications are a great way of interacting with other people without actually meeting them.
• The video conferencing app market is increasing every day, and since the pandemic is not going to end any time soon, the market will keep increasing. So, a video conferencing app with great features is unarguably a billion-dollar idea.


“How to develop video conferencing app like Zoom?” is one of the most asked questions on the internet, and if you are looking for answers, then we have a piece of good news for you.
We at Anteelo have created a step-by-step guide for anyone who wants to develop a video chat application like Zoom. So, let’s look at the steps which will help you in creating a good video conferencing app.

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• Research and Analysis: It is always better to research any product you want to create or develop. It goes a long way, as they help you in finding out about everything related to the application and the field. Mobile app developers Toronto believe that research and analysis are some of the most crucial steps in the process of developing an application, and that is why it should be the first thing to do.

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• UI DesignEvery video conferencing app development company in Canada invests a lot of time and effort in perfecting the user interface and the overall design of the application they have been creating. The user interface is arguably the most crucial factor behind the success of any application. If a user finds the interface engaging, simple, and elegant, he/she is more likely to give it a better rating and recommend it to other people as well. So, focusing on the design and overall looking of the application is very important.

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• Back-end: The design and the user interface are only needed if the back end of the application is perfect. The back end is the coding part of the application, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the application. It is not possible to create a video conferencing application without the back end. However, the back end is one of those parts of an application that is completed at the early stage, and that is why it doesn’t cause any trouble for the developers. It is beneficial to focus on the back end as you’d focus on any other factors.

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• Cross-Platform Application: Many developers choose to create an application for a particular platform. Several applications in the market are available only for android users or only for iOS users. It is better to create an application that can be used by the users of both platforms. Every developer should create a cross-platform application when they are looking to develop a video-conferencing application.

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• Testing: It is advised that every developer needs to take all the necessary testing measures to ensure that the application is working properly without any bugs. For some developers, testing is the most exciting part of the entire process because it allows them to see their product being used by people. Testing also points out any bugs in the product, which can be fixed before the product is made available for everyone.

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• Feedback: Last but not the least, user feedback is helpful in the improvement of an application. So, it is necessary to keep a keen eye on user feedback, and if you find feedback that can improve your app, you should act on that particular feedback.


So, that was our guide on developing a video conferencing application like the highly famous Zoom app. Zoom has managed to achieve some impossible goals in the last one years, and that is why it is necessary to create an application that has all the crucial features and then make sure that the application runs smoothly. A good video conferencing application can go a long way, and it is unarguably the future of virtual conversations. Keep all the above steps in mind while developing the application because these steps will help you in achieving what Zoom has achieved.

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