Business Needs A Mobile Application for Growth: Reasons

5 Best Enterprise Mobile App Development Platforms

In this age of mobility, it is not only difficult but also impossible to live without our smartphones. The reason behind this dependability is the mobile apps that have made human life so simple. These apps are changing the very way we live our everyday lives. And in order to get things done, we need lots of mobile applications. This has resulted in pressuring mobile app development companies to build more useful enterprise mobile applications. According to research conducted by Gartner, it was said that by the end of 2017, the market demand for enterprise application development shall outpace the need for the organizations to develop the apps. Also, the sale of mobile phones is expected to surpass 2.1 billion units in the year 2019. The numbers are huge and will keep getting bigger and bigger. This only shows how beneficial having a mobile app, be it iOS or Android for your business will be in the future. There are numerous advantages of mobile apps for industries, be it small or large.

These app development services are utilized for the promotion of services that an industry provides, therefore, the app must have an innovative approach for targeting potential customers at the earliest. Increased revenue, the growth of industry and brand awareness are some advantages of having a mobile app. All of these added to the other key everyday advantages makes mobile apps not just important for businesses but also makes them a necessary part of the modern day lifestyle.

Industries that Benefited from Mobile Apps

According to research, industries are putting most of their investment in going mobile, the reason is quite obvious. Going for app development services, many industries have seen growth and an increase in profits. Here are some of the industries that used their mobile apps for business and got amazing results:

Healthcare Industry

5 Ways Big Data is Changing the Healthcare Industry - Fingent Technology

The healthcare industry has been using mobile apps for a long time now and the impact of apps on the healthcare industry is huge. Apart from quick checkups and storing patient information in one tap of the screen, there are many other ways apps are benefiting this industry. Virtual assistance of doctors, identifying the disease through images and much more has been made possible because of mobile apps.

Travel Industry

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The travel industry is using apps to get more customers and also using it to provide better services to them. The travel apps are revolutionizing the travel industry by giving special services to customers, allowing apps to check in and check out without ease, getting combined bookings done and much more. All this is changing the face of travelling and apps are becoming the best travel companies for travellers.

Restaurant Industry

Restaurant Tech: 12 Nordic Startups Changing the Restaurant Industry | by Joseph Michael | Medium

Restaurants are one of the most successful industries of all times and with the help of mobile apps, they have been able to excel at their services. Restaurants need well executed mobile apps to allow customers to reserve seats, place orders, find good places to eat and anything else that enhances user satisfaction. The apps are even used to showcase restaurants based on the review given by previous customers. And the biggest benefit of mobile apps for restaurant industry is that they gathering a massive audience through apps which increases the profits.

Entertainment Industry

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The entertainment industry is no longer limited to a TV screen but has rapidly shifted to mobile phones and tabs. The reason for this rapid shift is an increase in mobile users. Mobile apps let viewers view any type of show, at any time of the day and at any place. From live streaming to news updates, everything is available on apps. They say mobile is the new TV and it has become possible only through apps.

All these examples show the benefits of mobile apps for business. However, these are not the only industries that benefited from their mobile apps. There are others such as social network, e-scooter, etc. that have gone mobile and are seeing an immediate increase in their business revenue. Some restaurant businesses like DoorDash have a business model that’s completely based on mobile apps.

Why Does Your Business Needs a Mobile App?

Ever since mobile apps have become a lifestyle necessity, the apps are constantly improving in ways to provide the most out of them. Every mobile app development company that develops apps for industries is bringing changes that benefit the users as well as the business. However, there are already many advantages of mobile apps for industries:

Audience building

App Audience Building - How to get, onboard, and keep valuable app users |

With the increase in mobile app usage, industries are taking the benefits of mobile app application development to increase their customer base. Interaction with users becomes easier with the help of mobile apps. Audience building is one of the most important benefits of mobile apps for small businesses in the industry. Since they are just starting, gathering customers through a mobile app is a great strategy.

Creates brand awareness

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Mobile apps are a one-stop point for getting all the relevant information related to the brand as well as showcasing the products and the services. Newer products and services are showcased on the apps and promoted via ads. This will increase the sales of the product while keeping the promotion cost lower.

Analytics for business strategies

With the help of mobile apps, businesses can track important analytics such as the number of visitors, users most viewed product, time spent on each section of the app, and a lot more. Analytics are crucial for marketing and advertising as it makes sure that the targeted audience is right.

Competitive advantage to businesses

What's Your Competitive Advantage? 7 Strategies Businesses Can Use To Thrive - OpenBusinessCouncil Directory

There are still many companies within an industry that don’t use their mobile app’s full potential and there are some companies that don’t even have a mobile app yet. This certainly plays the benefit card for businesses that are working hard with their mobile apps for business. Although the competition is still quite low in this area yet it is a big advantage.

Helping small businesses in the industry

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Mobile apps for small businesses can be a godsend keeping in mind the fact that using apps as a tool for growth is extremely cheap. Most businesses are skeptical because they don’t know how much does it cost to make an app and eventually assume it costs a lot. However, that’s not the case. Once it is developed, a mobile app for business is the best tool for growth.

Ease of payment

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Industries like eCommerce, travel, etc. often require online payment for their products and services. Secure payments are one of the reasons why your business needs a mobile app. Apps can be developed with secure payment options gaining the trust of customers who find it hard to trust websites for making payment. Secure payment option is the most profitable benefits of mobile apps for small businesses.

Sales and Business Growth

The industries are usually focused on exploration of newer avenues in the marketplace for the implementation of mobile application development strategies for their campaigns. With the increasing number of mobile users, there must be an increase in sales while satisfying the user requirements. The mobile apps are very effective in ensuring progress levels within a short span of time.

Retaining Loyal Customers

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Another useful advantage of mobile apps for business is that it offers a hassle-free experience on the customer support request. Businesses can retain their customers with the help of attractive offers such as discount coupons, vouchers, etc. Uber’s business model allows it to offer discounts to mobile app users and so far has been proved to be the best strategy.

Deliverance of Powerful Messages

Powerful messages are delivered to the customers at the best possible rate so that the business organization saves money. These messages are effectively delivered for the conversion of the visitors into potential customers. An irresistible offer, when notified with the push notifications message of the mobile app, is an effective way for business promotion.

Mobile apps are supremely beneficial in fulfilling user expectations. Customers are usually happy when they discover an app that is easy to connect and offers customers the necessary tools for an easy use of the apps.

How to Get Started with Getting Your Mobile App Developed?

The desire to get a mobile app developed becomes easier if employing an app designing company. The mobile app development companies will first and foremost try to evaluate the business requirements of the clients while working closely with them. This is done to understand what the client is looking for in the app, in the best way possible.

Apart from proper functioning, the mobile apps that are developed must also have an attractive look. Multiple programs can be integrated easily with the affordable rates offered by the app-developed services. Before developing an app, one must be absolutely clear on the purpose that it has to serve.

However, most of the time the cost of the app becomes an issue. Majority of small businesses are unable to find how much does it cost to make an app and that prevents them from getting mobile apps for small business.

It is a common practice to find an app development company near to the location of the business to have a proper meeting. Other avenues to find and hire the best app developers are through the internet, meeting their essential needs, for striking a perfect match for their business.

If you are willing to get a mobile app developed for your business then contact us at Anteelo. We have an exceptional team of mobile app developers that build apps for clients to increase their revenue as well as business reach.

Corporate Learning Mobile Apps’ Role in Business(2019-20)

7 Top e-Learning Mobile Apps That Redefined Online Learning

2018 ended with the size of the corporate Learning mobile apps market at $165 Billion, a number that is anticipated to grow to $240 Billion by the time we hit 2023.

With the constant demand for transformation and innovativeness, a ripple demand has fallen on the need for constant learning that promises a skilled team that is updated with everything happening and entering the industry and is ready to make the most of it while making the whole business all the more efficient.

This demand has single-handedly increased the market size of the corporate mLearning solutions – something that would draw the corporate learning market to grow further in 2019-2020.

The graph here is a sign of how while mobile apps have already established a prominent part in the education industry revolving students, the trend is on a high even in the case of corporate learners.

Before we move on any further, it would help knowing what learners feel about digital learning in the corporate world.

*The insights into the corporate learners that we are about to share here will also allow you to devise your corporate learning and development mobile apps accordingly in 2019-2020, in a way that your learners get the maximum output.

Without further ado, let us get to what corporate learners have to say about mobile based corporate training solutions for businesses. This will give you an idea of the extent of the importance of mobile learning in businesses –

How is the Corporate World Responding to mLearning – The Learner Side of Corporate eLearning Market

A. Career progression is the Driving Force of mLearning Apps for Corporates

Why the $37.6 Billion Mobile Learning Industy Matters to Corporate Training

78% of employees feel that they are most likely to enroll in a course when they believe that it would have an impact on bettering their job or would help in reaching their future role. The other big motivator besides this in using the eLearning mobile apps that offer recognition is the attraction of getting recognized by a prestigious corporation or university.

B. They are Pro-AI but with Concerns

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While around 60% of learners said that they are more than willing to use AI for identifying skills and recommendations of courses that would help fill any gap in their present skill set, they were worried about how their manager would react. They were tensed about the fact that either their managers would feel that they are looking for a job change or might think that they are not capable of handling a task according to the selection of course.

C. Learners Wish to Have a Portable Record of Education Achievements

A New Pedagogy Is Emerging... and Online Learning Is a Key Contributing Factor |

Around 73% of corporate learners said that they would prefer corporate learning apps more if it allows them to take the record of what they have learned and achieved in the course to the next job. In short, they would appreciate it if they had complete personal access to their records.

D. An Ease of Access is what the Learners Want

9 Benefits Of eLearning For Students - eLearning Industry

Around 78% of learners felt that they would appreciate it if all the learning was there in one place along with the presence of well-synced learning recommendations.

The convenience to access the course from all devices and on an offline mode along with quick load time are some of the things that the learners felt a necessity to define the importance of mobile learning in education.

E. The Mode of Learning Was Not Restricted to Reading

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All the learners were divided into several media of inculcating corporate learning and development. Modes ranging from – Reading, Online Courses, Webcasts, Audio, and Video.

They believed that when given options to meet the different style of learning, varying learning goals, and the difference in circumstances, they witnessed an increase in engagement and value.

F. 25 – 40 Minutes of Session was Best for Effective Learning

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Around 50% of the corporate learners said that around 25 – 40 minutes of a session in the mLearning app was the most efficient for them, followed by sessions ranging from 1 to 2 hours of learning and those lying in the 5 – 10 minutes duration range.

Now that we have looked at how the corporate learner world is reacting to the idea of Corporate eLearning solutions, it is time to look at the benefits that have helped shape the high growth and engaging online corporate training market.

But before we do that, it would be apt to look at how far the mobile learning apps for business have come in the corporate world. So, let’s take a quick detour and look into the journey the digital corporate eLearning platforms have taken.

See how the corporate mobile learning solutions continued to grow and are even more persistently prepared to expand in the many corporates around the world?

Weel. The place that these mobile learning apps for corporates are able to create for themselves is the doing of the impacts of the learning apps on corporate, something we are going to look into next.

The Benefits of Corporate eLearning Solutions for Your Business

1. A Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage: Definition, Examples and Global Impact - TheStreet

With the business world as our witness, if there is one thing that stands between an averagely performing company and a true industry disruptor, it is the time that the disruptors put in learning and adapting to new technologies.

In fact, brands like Uber, Bloom Energy, Amazon, and the likes directly link their speed of innovation and intensity of growth to constant training and learning.

In such a scenario, a Learning Management System Software that is designed to keep your employees updated with the technologies that are not just mainstream now but have the potential to be major holds the ability to put you points ahead of your competitor.

2. Easy Accessibility of Resources

Web Localization: Best Practices and Resources - Ulatus Translation Blog

Today’s businesses are coming out of the geographical boundaries shell, culture conventions, and time limitations. To work alongside them, learning apps would have to deliver training in a small time span. Depending on the job role and geographical location, it can be very difficult for businesses to deliver learning in a face-to-face mode. This is where the accessibility offered by mobile applications can come in handy.

An example of this can be seen in the ATLNext app developed by India’s leading construction organization, L&T. it enables its employees across the nation to learn anytime.

3. Bridging the Skills Gap

Article: Bridge the skills gap: Know and grow with your employees — People Matters

The present era belongs to transformation. The skills that you require now to succeed in the market are a hundred times more complex than what they used to be when the industry was in an infancy stage.

By incorporating well-devised mobile learning apps for corporations in your day-to-day work activities, you will be able to not just be updated with how the industry is moving but also know where you are lacking in the worldwide scale and take measures to fill the gap while there’s time.

4. Cost Reduction

Cost-reduction tactics for small businesses - Commercial Associates

Consider the cost of traditional training practices for a minute. Note the cost of accommodation, food, venue, per hour trainer cost, operational costs of materials like projectors, notepad, pen, etc. These costs can be brought down drastically if you employ a mobile app in the process. The cost of education application development will always be a one-time expense.

5. To Attract and Retain a New Age Workforce

As the well researched educational software development services would tell you, it is estimated that by the time we reach 2025, millennials would have made up 75% of the world’ workforce.

And this new age workforce is on a constant thrive to learning and growing to a newer self. Sophisticated learning programs developed in modes that entice them can be your only way to keep them hooked with your company for they will not just be interested in the money but in an expansive career path and the diverse experience that it offers.

6. To Unite the Global Workforce

Article: 50% of global workforce are excited or confident about the future: PwC Hopes & Fears 2021 — People Matters

One of the biggest challenges that every business which operates on a global platform faces is passing off learning in a unified manner across the whole wide business comprising multiple offices distributed across various countries.

For a business that is not confined to any one geographical location, it becomes of prime importance that all the millions of employees are brought on the same page and given the exact same training and LMS modules. Brands that make use of regional language courses specific to individual regions are able to achieve an across company growth with much ease.

With this, we have seen the benefits that come associated with every business learning app for Corporate there is but it is important to note here that all the information that you read above would be incomplete until you are able to design a learning solution that is prepared to offer all those benefits and be a part of the constantly growing mLearning industry. Until you design the mLearning app right, you will not be able to offer the right set of experience – something that your mobility partner who excels incorporate mLearning application development services should tell you.

On that note, let us now look at the features that are commonly present in every Corporate mLearning solution and mLearning apps for corporate employees before we head on to studying the trends that would define the digital corporate mLearning industry this year and beyond.

Popular mLearning trends of 2018

BYOD is the news

BYOD or Bring your own device is one of the major mobile Learning trends that turned up in 2018. It was projected in a report by Sailpoint that 2018 will see approximately 70% of working professionals will prefer working upon their own electronic devices (mobiles and PCs), at homes as well as at workplaces.

This is so because people today are used to working with the comfort of their own devices. Being habitual of the convenience of smartphones which allow us to access any knowledge resource anytime anywhere, BYOD becomes an obvious next step. And with the majority workforce being tech-savvy, BYOD is one of the most appropriate strategies to be adopted in any workplace.

The hiking popularity of Mobile Analytics

Mobile analytics is the way to deciphering learning patterns of different individuals at a workplace. And as more and more organisations are identifying themselves as L&D (Learning and development organisations), “the adoption of having personalized learning models developed for all the employees at a workplace” as an idea is catching fire.

In short, more organisations are addressing the importance of having personalized learning models.

Keeping it small to keep it effective

The average attention span of the present time’s learner is passably low. Therefore, in order to keep up with that, things need to be kept curious enough for people to respond to them. In fact, people tend to lose interest in anything that they know is a long winding course.

Thus, the best retention strategy for people is to keep the content portion small. It is better to keep the content focused on a single topic than to diverse out the things to learn in terms of topics.

In order to achieve the best results, this kind of micro-learning modules can be easily delivered through personal mobile devices of people and are highly effective.

Mobile phones for performance support

Now that we have already learned that corporate education mobile app development is directly related to enhanced performance, it is time that we learn how can mLearning help in providing performance support to our teammates.

In other words, the support that they need to perform their jobs perfectly anytime they need and anywhere they need it. For instance, personal sales meetings can be tricky while demonstrating a tech product, an app or a functional software. And, in many cases, the sales personnel on field end up requiring the support of the backend development team for a smooth presentation. And, mLearning tools can be of great help in such scenarios. Access to all the required information from the ease of a mobile device can work wonders for all the teammates in enhancing their overall performance at work.

With the rising number of mobile learning app development practices, it is safe to conclude that mLearning has become a dependable technology. In fact, The above-mentioned work trends have worked well with all kinds of business structures in this year and since technology is forever bettering itself, trend forecasts can be made for the coming year as well. Let us take a look at what 2019 and 2020 has in store for mLearning.

mLearning trends to be seen in 2019 to 2020

Mobile Coaching

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As cool as Mobile Coaching sounds, it is, in fact, a great source of having a subject matter expert right in your pocket. So for instance, before an important sales pitch or business meeting, your teammates can easily log in to the “mobile coaching” application and have a real expert prep them for the meeting in real-time. Mobile coaching, with the benefits that it offers, single handedly makes Mobile apps a growing trend in the Education industry.. And this is not just an online portal but it also works as an offline video directory for people to browse through the videos to watch anytime.

Having Education apps in enterprises opens the possibility of learning on the go, especially in case of critical meetings and deals.

Micro-assessments on mobiles

The 3 Biggest Mobile Learning Trends for 2019

Training and learning never end even when your teammates complete their courses. As an aid to knowledge retention, mobile micro-assessment tools will be a big high of 2019-2020. As for mobile micro assessments, the mobile apps for corporate training would enable trainers to create short questionnaires and have them scheduled to be sent at fixed intervals to the teammates after the completion of their training.

These assessments can even be taken via text messages or chat applications and services. In fact, It will not be wrong to say that training and learning, either in Workplaces or in learning institutes, Mobile learning technology will revolutionise Education as we know it.

Augmented Reality will become a part of the process

Usage of Augmented Reality in Education Process | ViMM

Development of m-learning tools is on an all-time high now and for the future. Mobile learning apps are now moving towards AR and VR. With AR performance support tools, all the teammates have to do is hold their smartphones up to anything they require information about and they can get real-time information about the object to guide them.

No matter how rigorous training is given to the employees, real knowledge retention takes place with hands-on-experience of the job. And there is no better way of embedding experience with learning except through augmented reality.

Today we have access to Some of the best mobile learning learning platforms, right through our app stores, like Coursera, Duolingo, Linkedin Learning and the list goes on.  mlearning and education app developers are seeing a high demand of such apps among the over 2 billion smartphone users of the world. If truth be told, Mobile app development companies around the world have dedicated teams for mLearning apps.

The time is not far away when mLearning will be seen as the only way of learning in many diverse scenarios of life. In fact, mobile learning apps for enterprises and other educational bodies are being adopted rapidly. Future of mobile learning is not a dream anymore, rather it is already a practical, practicable technology which is seeping very rapidly into our training courses. And with this ever-improving technology, the scope of m-learning app development is also taking a leap.

Now that we have seen it all – the corporate eLearning market, how far it has come, the benefits that it offers to the many corporate learners around the world, the must-have features, the trends which will soon go mainstream in the corporate mLearning market – the only thing now left to do is to get a corporate eLearning solution devised and enter an era where your business emerges as the industry disruptor.

Not sure how to achieve this? Let us help you. Contact our team of mLearning App Development experts, today!

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