Guide To Building Custom Mobile Apps In 2021

People and businesses turn on more remote and mobile communication more than ever throughout a tumultuous 2020. As the globe continues to recover from the coronavirus pandemic in 2021, mobile apps will again be a necessary tool for numerous uses and objectives.

Launching a mobile app can increase your brand awareness and improve conversion rates that lead to more sales and profits. Many android app development companies in India, which use these to build great apps.

In this blog, we will talk about the process of how to turn your idea into a successful app. We’ll begin with a brief introduction to all things mobile apps, why they’re essential and how they can help you.

Make a Robust App Strategy

Every successful product, no matter what it does whom it is designed for, and who created it, starting with a great strategy. The mobile app strategy refers to the ingenious effort required to translate customer`s needs into an app that can be used seamlessly to achieve a specific task.

The goal of the mobile app strategy should be simple to help a user do something, quickly and effectively. And every time a mobile app can fulfill that user`s need.

Your app is poised to go down the drain, without a well-designed, researched, and implemented strategy at every level of development. This can be true if you are trying to get your feet wet in a new and upcoming industry.

It comes as a great shocker that a poor move at the strategy level is one of the key areas where apps failed. The specific reasons behind mobile app failure are:

Lack Of Market Research

If your mobile app does not address a market need, then it will not get downloaded, and if it does end up on a user`s phone. According to a report approx 70 to 80% of mobile apps end up being abandoned just after their first use.

The market research makes it imperative that you clearly define your target and investigate further about them. Similarly by learning the ins and outs of the market, as well as getting an in-depth understanding of your specific users. And you most likely create an app that is tailored to what they are looking for.

Lack Of Clearly Defined Goals

In the planning phase of your app creation, goal setting is a paramount step in the strategy. Your app is set up to fail right from the outside if you don`t hammer out clearly defined objectives. It is necessary for the grand scheme of things when it comes to marketing your mobile. And you will easily map out your strategy on how to get there when working on defining your goals.

Invest In Breath-taking Designs

Mobile app developers are faced with lots of risks during the design and software development phase. This design and failure issue can stall your mobile approach even before your app makes it to its launch date and they include but not limited to:

Lack of QA Will Ruin Your App

Conducting many QA tests throughout the formation of your app will help you distribute a product that bug-free and user-friendly. Various mobile developers usually take plenty of time to thoroughly QA test the app, which might end up the price more and overriding more time.

On the other hand, not QA testing your mobile app comes with awful consequences, and skipping the testing overall is often the reason why some apps go to rack and ruin.

Talk About Mobile App Marketing

You have to build an incredible app that is able of ranking in money. But if you don`t market it rigorously and offer effective support it might still fail. App marketing failures that you need to avoid include:

No Clear Cut Marketing Message

You need to make a crystal-clear marketing message for your app. And the marketing message, most particularly the description copy, should tell your app story, the peak is best features and also how to stand out from the crowd. On the other hand, if your marketing message is not clear enough, users will move on to the next app, leaving you high and dry.

Lack Of Reviews and Rating

It is expected for users to dig into reviews and check out user ratings before downloading a mobile app. It can be particularly painful if your app is challenging with other with lots of rating and reviews. Having many unfortunate reviews and bad ratings can do you more harm than good.

And it is not even unusual for some apps to fail just because they could not garner enough rating sudden enough. Start your app install campaigns in high gear and don`t be afraid to ask for reviews and ratings. And also make sure you have featured that encourage users to share the app with their friends and family, rate your app store, and much more.

How to Execute Correctly On Building a Great App

Various Similar Products

Approx. 2.2 million apps in the app store alone, with another 2.5 million populating Google play. There are many apps on daily basis, not to mention that some apps are not listed on these two app marketplaces.

You have some serious competition up ahead and no matter how you look at it. If you don’t have an original idea then offer something appealing to your target audience, your app won’t cut it.

So we clear a mobile app can succeed if ther3 are a lot of other players in the field. You need a unique value proposition even if the core functionality of your digital product is like to others.

Conflicting Priorities and Team Issues

It is a good chance when you are building your app with a partner with the help of your team. You should expect some sort of conflicting priorities from some key members. And if your team developer breaks down the road in front will be a tough one and you will likely flop.

Various companies of mobile app development in India provide a great app for both Android as well as iOS users. You need to make sure you do it with the people you can trust when you move forward with building a mobile app. It`s also necessary that you should be able to work well with those you choose to build with an app with.

The most successful app we have worked on was by two brothers with incredibly complementary personalities, at digital authority partners. And there were many issues along the way, by sorted them all out and the app is now worth a bit over millions.

No Idea to Monetize Your App

If don`t have a well-defined road to profitability your app will sooner or fail and the good thing there are plenty of ways to monetize your creation. You can also run paid ads and offer a paid subscription. Make sure to have the definite road to profitability strategy right from the outset. And they will make your execution level progress without any hitch.

Cash Shortages Take the App to the Next stage

Your mobile app costs money to plan, design, develop, and launch the market whole shebang. And if you run out the cash in starting, in the middle, or near the end then you are in for a big surprise. After launching and building your app, you still need some money to tide your company over until profitability. For this reason, it becomes important to have a conservative budget that is well planned and generously funded.

Engage Customers Better

Having a mobile-ready site used to be sufficient to remain mobile users engaged. You need a mobile app to offer users better appointments and Communication Avenue. And it does not matter what you are products are, your customers should have an effective way of getting in touch with you.

Incorporate a help desk, feedback, and live chat feature within your mobile app. In the way your business interacts connects and communicates with the customer, these features can make a huge difference. A customer-centric mobile app is a phone, text messaging, and chatbox and all rolled into one.

Make Your App Stand Out

Instead of iterations, there are always some core features that make your app unique. And also there are many ways to make sure your app has them. A successful app always makes the most of the latest features in both android and iOS. New features help you smooth out the user experience as people hope between system apps and your application. You can add a seek bar to an audio notification to control playback in android 10. And other additions are the dark mode and access to system settings right within your app.

Integrate With Other Apps

Another way to enhance your app is to integrate it with thyroid party apps. Users can access your app`s content like photos, from other apps and jump straight into your app to perform some actions. If you are developing an iOS photo editing app then you can make your photo filters available in the native photo app.

Log Issues And Users Actions

When you keep iterating your mobile app it will help you logging functionality in place. And the app logo helps identify bugs and expedite the whole QA process. Analytics services give you a well-mannered picture of how people make use of the app.

Select a Distribution Model

Whether you are developing an app for the general public or internal use, and it will have a different distribution model. You can build up an app by uploading it to an app store and downloaded it from your server.

App Store Distribution

When you marketing your app, you have to remember that your app available via an app store is ASO. An app store optimization is a huge topic and there are quite
Things that influence your app visibility in the app stores.
• Description and keywords
• Screenshots and videos
• Icon and the name of the app
You can choose one of the app store tracking services, like sensor tower to track the opposition and perform your app marketing strategy.

In House App Distribution

When the app goal only your employees and doesn’t have a demo account, you can still make the app available via a link. Also, you need to procure enterprise licensing for such in-house apps and make sure the app has periodic contact with the internet.

Listen to Your Customer

Whenever the app is out and people start using it you need to be ready to handle reviews. It helps if you have hooked the app with a user feedback SDK during development. And these platforms help you answer your customers` concerns before they voice them from end-to-end app reviews.

Develop an MVP

When you have validated the UX, then you are ready to form a prototype for MVP. It includes enough features to justify releasing the app into the wild and feedback that will help you iterate your app further. One of the most general misconceptions of first-time entrepreneurs is that they will make it with their business goals because they have a great idea.

We still see many entrepreneurs charge app progress companies to overbuild their MVP. Instead of overbuilding get a market as soon as possible with as few features as possible, test them out with real users, and then nimbly make changes based on user feedback. For this, we launch 10 production-ready web apps and mobile apps per year.

And we can tell that the build of the build measure learn web development cycle is always the easiest part. The harder part is that where every entrepreneur has to figure out how to stay true to their vision while listening to users and adapting the MVP into something they love.

Setup Continuous Delivery

You need continuous delivery, to get into this mentality of constant change. This continuous delivery includes methods and tools that allow your app development team to ship updates nonstop. All these features and bugs that have been confirmed mechanically become app updates with a negligible effort from developers. Therefore users get to play with new features as soon as they have been tested.

Use competitive technologies

To keep your mobile app evolving you have to ensure it’s backed by modern technologies that give you an edge. Android apps used to be created in Java, but today Kotlin is a clear winner, allowing coders to generate android apps more rapidly. You have to get sure the tour tech stack is competitive –

• Use SDKs that boost the development of boilerplate features, like authentication.
• Seek advice from your app developer on native vs. cross-platform.
• Glean from your competition by using a tool like app figures.

It’s also important to select compatible technologies whether that is python is healthcare or bank-level encryption for fintech app development. Let us take an example about incorporating AI. In 2020 there is no hotter idea than adding artificial intelligence to anything with valid reason. It’s a rare trend that already a clear value adds to everyone on the continuum.

Few extra tips on selecting compatible technologies
• Explore which programming framework is best for your future application.
• Decide if machined learning is right for your enterprise.
• Learn the difference between android and iOS UI design for react-native.
• Consider a mobile-first design and development plan.

Protect Custom Data

Whatever you are developing a social media app like Facebook that shares users’ data with advertisers, privacy laws are becoming more stringent than ever. In a certain industry like Fintech and healthcare, liability is higher at the early stages. You only need to set up compliance at the early stage, encrypting data in the transfer as well as data at rest.

Most of the smaller startups we worked with had to deal with GDPR compliance.
Few things you should keep on the radar when considering data security:
• Using privacy as a service solution.
• Adhering to best practices like data encryption and support for HTTPS.
• Privacy legislation knowledge like HIPAA and GDPR.

There are many myriad services out there now that help app developers handle privacy and are accessible to entrepreneurial budget.

Concluding Words

Mobile app development is continuously changing. If you’re building apps today using the information of years, you won’t be able to stay competitive. As a reseller, you can treat the 2021 mobile app trends like your bible which are followed by top app development companies in India. These great tools will make your life easier when it comes time to build your app. Hopefully, this blog will be helpful for you regarding the proper guide of custom app development.

Speed Up Android App Development-10 Quick Tips

Android Apps Development Services | Technource US

In a market fraught with stiff competition, a quick time-to-market app can make all the difference. An app that takes forever to build and deploy can crash and burn even before it goes off the shelf. Developing a mobile app is an expensive process. Creating a mobile application is a costly process, as bringing ideas into reality requires time and effort, and expenses. For instance, after the development you’ll have to pay for hosting or for marketing campaigns to spread the word. One approach to keep costs back from spiraling crazy is to decrease the application development time. In the realm of mobile apps, time is money, so the more you spend working on your app, the more it will cost. Although Android app development for business is a good choice, however, it is especially notorious for its sluggish speed. CEOs of businesses are constantly struggling to meet deadlines and take their app to the market before competitors pinch the app idea. In this tussle between speed and quality, often quality is sidelined and what results is a product that doesn’t meet your or your audience’s needs and expectations. We will be discussing in detail how to develop apps faster in the below article.

Since android application development speed is such a relevant issue, we have compiled a set of handy android tips and tricks 2021 that can help you create android apps speedily, without compromising on quality.

Android Development Tips

1. Use the latest tools

Auditors must use latest tech tools for quality audits: CEPR

All android developers are faced with the same dilemma: too much to do and too little time to do it! Designing, prototyping, coding, testing, debugging, and the list of tasks goes on. While some of these vital steps have no short-cuts, there are valuable tools to help with others.

Here’s our countdown of developer must-have android development tools that can speed up android app development service process:

A. Genymotion

How to Run Android Apps on Windows 10 with Genymotion

A sleek emulator that can simulate built-in sensors that a device model has. This emulator supports all existing versions of Android, cutting the need for re-configuring for different devices.

B. Hierarchy Viewer

A great tool to view your app’s tree and analyze its flaws for debugging and testing purposes. This tool, available in Android SDK, helps speed up app development by letting you merge and remove redundant elements in your app.

C. LeakCanary

GitHub - square/leakcanary: A memory leak detection library for Android.

Detecting memory leaks is a specialized function of this tool. These bugs are very hard to debug and the tool will ensure no leakage escapes your notice. Debugging becomes rapid and mobile.

D. Vysor

Vysor - Android control on PC: Appstore for Android

This tool helps android app maker in sharing screens between their workstations and Android devices, using just a Chrome plug-in. The tool is an answer to most developers’ prayers who find it complicated to root devices via USB. With this tool, you can share app features live with the client and receive instant feedback which is always great for the development process.

E. Butterknife

Butter Knife

An awesome tool to improve the coding rate and readability of your boilerplate codes. This tool is a great time saver for all businesses looking to cut down app development time.

2. Low-fidelity wireframes are speedier

Low Fidelity Wireframes vs High Fidelity Wireframes - MentorMate

Wire framing is an essential step in the app development process. Using low-fidelity wireframes is better option than high-fidelity ones. These wireframes are less detailed and more fluid but they give a clear enough picture to developers and UI designers.

Going headfirst into coding is not advisable and most experienced Android app developers in New York, Florida, Texas, and other areas know this. The most crucial first step is to get designers, developers, coders and project managers on the same page. Low-fidelity wireframes do just that. They are quick to develop and are a good blueprint for the entire development team.

3. Go lean

A commonly-accepted best practice in the quick android app development process is to launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with just the basic features and no frills, instead of waiting to develop and launch a full-fledged app. The MVP will help you collect user data about what’s working and what’s not. Use the build-measure-learn feedback loop to get invaluable lessons about customer feedback. This approach diminishes the risk element of your app and makes for an app that is more likely to appeal and succeed.

Another facet is using short iterations or “sprints” to break up the entire app model into smaller, doable cycles. Each sprint is complete in itself-it has the entire gamut of development steps and results in an improvised version of the previous sprint product. Speed up android and go agile in your development process. Reduce redundancy of effort and resources. This not only helps reduce development time but also saves production costs. And of course, the ultimate benefits of android app development is a risk-free product that starts churning ROI from the moment it’s launched.

4. Hire experienced developers

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Once you are settled with the development platform and the tools, now comes an ideal opportunity to hire the best android developers to accelerate android application development projects. While hiring android developers, one thing that should be considered is their experience and flexibility. Why? Because if android application developers are experienced, this means that they will have proper knowledge or information on every issue that may come during the app development process.

Also, if the android app maker is interested to learn and adjust to new technologies and platforms, then that will enhance and accelerate your app development process. Adaptability plays an important part in deciding the interest level of your development group. Thus, you should employ android developers that are prepared to learn and update their abilities according to the project.

5. Delegate off-core activities

The Art of Delegating: What and How to Delegate to Your Directs

One of the android tips is to always take a wise choice to offload additional activities such as enhancing app engagement, measuring app analytics and converting free subscribers to premium ones. These activities eat up a lot of time and are better off with pre-designed applets, available at mobile engagement platforms. These applets can be incorporated in your ready app with just a few lines of code. Applets enable activities such as sharing tools, offer notification, new features tools and feedback tools.

6. Use hybrid app development

Top 10 Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks - Clever Solution

Cross-platform apps allow you to code for one app and get multiple apps that can run on all covered platforms. Hybrid app development is speedier than native app development, though it has its own set of drawbacks. But for quick market penetration, cross-platform apps may be the best choice. Later, one can go in for native apps that are more inherent, fluid, robust, and focuses on android app performance optimization.

7. Opt for automated testing

When to opt for automation testing | Test Automation Resources

Automated testing is a sure shot measure to get secure, fully-tested apps in a fraction of time than the ones deploying manual testing. Automated testing tests an app against a full suite of testing tools simultaneously, instead of one-by-one as in manual testing. This improves test coverage, reduces testing time, and guarantees a bug-free product that is market ready.

8. Outsource specialized development steps

Outsourcing Serious Games Development Tips - eLearning Industry

In-house app development is not everybody’s cup of tea. The app market is fast evolving and new apps are entering the market every day. To remain competitive, timely, and relevant, one can outsource app development to a skilled, efficient Android app development company. Even if you possess the capabilities to code or design an Android app, use domain experts for putting the whole product together and maintaining it. Not only will you get better returns on development costs, but you will also offload the hassle of running tasks that will be better handled by experienced professionals.

A common misconception shared by businesses is their misplaced fear about the cost of outsourcing. Android software development company mostly have flexible engagement models that can match product development costs to your budget. Fixed cost; time and material; and build, operate and transfer models can be evaluated to arrive at a business solution that works in your favor.

9. Cross-platform development tools

React Native vs. Xamarin vs. Flutter vs. Ionic vs. NativeScript

Cross-platform is the most convenient way to decrease app development time. The cross-platform tools allow users to focus on numerous mobile platforms with a similar codebase, eliminating the time that one would normally spend deciphering, reworking, and re-compiling the same code to work across various platforms.

Developing separate native applications for every platform is costly, while a hybrid app utilizes a single sharable code, which assists you to save your pockets. Cross-platform applications have a native look and feel, which is great for user experience.

There are plenty of cross-platform development tools, but some of the most used tools include:



Flutter SDK

React Native

Adobe Phonegap

10. Create build variants

How to create and configure Android Build Variants - Cuelogic Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Loading your app with unnecessary configurations can slow down your app’s incremental builds. Retain only those configurations in your app that are required in its development and release versions. Plus, don’t waste time and effort in compiling additional resources that hold little value. Such resources include screen density resources and additional language localizations.

Wrapping Up

Manage your app development time strategically to get ahead of competition and meet tight deadlines. A minute lost in android application development services can translate to huge monetary losses. A good mobile app development company will micro-manage tasks of developments in such a way that your app hits the markets at top speed!

Also taking the above mentioned points into consideration will on how to create an app for android.

Fill up the form through this link and hire android app developers in USA that will help you validate and convert your app idea into an efficient product and create android apps.

Test Android App: Role of Android Espresso & AWS Device Farm

Android Integration Testing - The Official 360logica Blog

AWS Device Farm is a service that allows you to test your Android and iOS-based apps on real devices and not by using any simulators and using AWS Cloud.

A fierce competition exists in the mobile app development market as the competitor companies are trying hard to get recognized by showcasing their products in the App Stores. After developing an app, one key factor that is remembered is that you should never be in a hurry to upload an app in the App Store. This is where lies the importance of the reviews from the various customers. If by any chance, you upload an app that is unstable, there is every chance that the app will be outright rejected by the users. So, the success of an app depends mostly on this review.

There are many reasons on account of which the apps simply crash and these are network problems, bloatware on the device, inadequate error and exception handling as well as memory issues. Herein lies the need for testing the apps, on multiple platforms and devices as well as on different networks.

Testing an Android App: Role Played by Android Espresso and AWS Device Farm This service enables you to provide the solution that you are seeking to test the app in the right way. You can upload your apps in the Cloud and run Fuzz tests for the purpose of simulating random activity or utilizing the built-in app explorer.

AWS Device Farm will crawl your app and helps to capture screenshots as well as performance metrics and logs. The advantage that it offers is easy to use and quick. You can track the issues that will be faced by your Android app if you use Espresso in AWS Device Farm, much before the app is displayed on the App Store.

What is AWS Device Farm?

AWS Device Farm | Mobile & Web App Testing | Amazon Web Services

There is no need to get distracted by the issues that are faced while testing your Android app like constructing automation infrastructure, building expensive device labs, or even gathering different types of devices and above all ensuring that the devices are available in stable conditions, whenever they are required. The importance of AWS Device Farm lies in the fact that it handles everything most efficiently. In a matter of few minutes, you can test the app on a wide range of devices. Moreover, not only does it allow you to choose the devices, but you can also choose the make and model of the chosen Operating System. It is capable of testing various carrier connections as it can simulate the connection type and conditions.

What is Android Espresso?

Call view methods when testing by Espresso and Kotlin in Android | by Alireza A. Ahmadi | AndroidPub | Medium

Android Espresso is the most popular test automation framework for testing Android apps. Testing is often done with the help of running testing scripts by the developers, Google has now come with Espresso Test Recorder, a tool that helps to create Android apps tests, easily and quickly. So, the advantage lies for those people who do not have any background in coding or building test scripts, generating automated user interface tests for their apps to run on AWS Device Farm. So, the efficiency of the app developers is enhanced, and also the quality of the apps.

How are the Developers Utilizing the AWS Device Farms?

Using AWS Device Farm in an CodePipeline Test Stage - AWS Device Farm

Android Espresso actually helps the developers testing the apps locally as well as the Cloud Setup like AWS Device Farm. AWS Device Farm is used by the developers for the purpose of testing iterative changes through the development process. The functionalities are also tested so that they work well on the various targeted devices. That the applications are running well with the backend system is done with automated canaries running periodic tests using API. It also generates test reports that are of immense help to the developers. It offers the best place to produce issues related to mobile analytics.

Finally, Android Espresso and AWS Device Farms help to ward of app issues, so that only the high-quality apps get displayed on the App Store, not the unstable ones which will fetch the best of reviews from the users, a crucial requirement for building a highly successful app.

Get Your App Featured in Play Store (Step-by-Step Guide)

  • Update: Fixed] Google Play Store is reportedly failing to show newly published apps in search

According to the Google Play Store statistics, there are the interest that the famous mobile app store is getting is bigger than ever.

The fact that the number of Android device users are present in the manifold in almost every corner of the world only increases the liking for the store among the business world, irrespective of what industry you look at.

While the ultimate aim of all the businesses/entrepreneurs who opt for Android application development revolves around greater reach which ripples down to high download rate and as a result high revenue charts, the one position everyone wishes to reach is ‘Featured App’ or ‘Editor’s Choice’.

Besides the usual feeling of pride that comes after google play store featuring your app, there are a number of benefits of getting featured on the Play Store. Benefits revolve around giving a bigger boost to featured apps with greater download, greater reach, and ultimately, greater profits, once you have completed the long process of Android app development.

In this article, we will tell you the ways of how to get your app noticed on Google Play and ways you can ensure your app gets featured on the Play Store. Ways that have been confided in us by Google itself.

Steps to Get Your App Featured in Play Store

  • Why Does Google have a Featured List?
  • What are the Different Options For You to Get Visible on the Play Store?
  • Steps To Get Your App Featured in the Google Play Store
  • User Interaction and Visual Design
  • Functionality
  • Work on Latest Technologies
  • Measuring Vitals of your Android App
  • Localization
  • Reach Out to the Google Developer Agencies
  • Factors to Avoid When Looking to Get Your App Featured in the Play Store

But, before we move on to the steps you should take to get featured on Google Play, let us first tell you the reason Google confided in us the secret, in the first place.

In the start of 2017, our team at Anteelo was sent an invitation by Google to join its Developer Agency program.

Under the program, we are given the access to get all the latest updates in the Android industry straight from the horse’s mouth before it is ever made life for public knowledge. In addition to this up-to-date information on new software and product launches, we also get the complete support of the Google in-house developer agency who conduct sessions to help our team get on-board with the latest technologies and standards in the design and development world.

Now beside the tech and knowledge support, Google, from time and again, has been confiding in us the steps that we need to follow in our design and development to ensure that the brand we have partnered with gets the most in terms of revenue and growth.

Before we move on to telling you the ways an app can get featured in the Play Store, let us first look into the reason why Google even has a list of Featured apps for Android in the first place and the different ways your brand can gain visibility.

Why Does Google have a Featured List?

A Complete List of Google's Featured Snippets Types

With millions of apps present in the Play Store, it can be difficult for the users to identify which app is the best out of the apps released on play store and from the developers’ side, it can become demotivating for an Android developer to first create a Google Play Store app for Android users and then watch it get lost in the crowd – something that gets resolved through Google’s several initiatives like Developer’s Badge, Editor’s pick etc.

What are the Different Options For You to Get Your App Noticed on Google Play?

When it comes to getting the word out for your Android app’s superiority in terms of performance, there are a number of options that are given to you by Google, besides getting featured on Google Play.


  • Top Free: Most popular free apps of all-time
  • Top Paid: Most popular paid apps of all-time
  • Top Grossing: Apps and games that generate the most revenue, including app purchases and in-app payments
  • Trending Apps: Apps showing installation growth in the last 24 hours


To determine new apps that google play features  and are less than 30 days old, Top New lists use the date of first availability; this includes the first time an app was published, or the first time an app was made available in a location.

Note: The time period when an app is exclusively in Alpha or Beta (without a Production APK) has no effect on its first availability date or its ability to be on a “Top New” list.

  • Top New Free: Most popular free apps less than 30 days old
  • Top New Paid: Most popular paid apps less than 30 days old

Selected by Google Play team 

  • Featured: Selected new apps
  • Staff Picks: Rotating set of staff-selected apps
  • Editors’ Choice: Some of the best Android apps of all-time on Google Play
  • Top Developer: Some of the best developers on Google Play

With all said and done, let us now look into the ways on how to get your app noticed on Google Play and then get it featured on the Play Store and maybe even come in the list of Editor’s Choice. These ways are a sure fire way to get an answer to the question― how to get your app featured on google play?

*Disclaimer*: For the sake of this article, we will assume that you are already updated with using the right ASO practices to increase your app visibility in the store.

While, it is a given that Google Play Store optimization in terms of following Google Play App description guidelines, are a very important step that you need to follow when it comes to getting your app popular in the store, it is not sufficient. Here are the other steps you will have to follow to get your app featured on the play store.

Steps To Get Your App Featured in the Google Play Store

Here are the different google play featuring requirements that we, the leading Android app development company, follow to ensure that Google Play is featuring your app and that makes it to the google play editor’s choice list.

User Interaction and Visual Design

24 of the Best Mobile App Design Tools | BuildFire

Google suggests that all Android apps should follow strict Material Design guidelines in their mobile app User Interface, in order to get featured on Google. Following the standards set by Material Design guidelines, not just leads to an interactive experience for app users but also raises the probability of app getting chosen in the Featured Article section of the Play Store.

In the end, having your app designed in a way that user experience is kept at the top is not just a way to get million downloads on your app but also has the potential to makes yours a Featured Play Store app.

With respect to Material Design, Android has shared a list of particulars for brands to follow.

In Terms of Standard Design:

  • Apps should not redefine the obvious function of system icon, e.g, Back Button or Home icon.
  • App should not replace the system icon with a completely different icon.
  • If the app offers a customized version of the standard system’s icon, the icon should 100% resemble the icon of the system and perform the typical standards system behaviour.
  • The app should not misuse the Android UI pattern in a way that the resultant action is misleading.

In Terms of Navigation:

  • The App should support the system Back button and not make use of custom back buttons.
  • All the dialogs should be made dismissable with the back button.
  • Pressing the home button should take the user back to the home screen, no matter at what stage they are in the application

In terms of Notification:

  • Multiple notifications should be stacked as the single notification
  • Notification should be persistent only if they are related to the ongoing user task.
  • The notification should not have an advertisement or any content which is not related to the main functionality of the mobile app.



Tangible user interface - Wikipedia

  • Use of shadows to communicate which surface are in front
  • Use of surface and shadows in a structured and consistent way
  • Avoid too much layering or surfaces nesting
  • Scrollable Content should scroll to either the screen edges or behind some other surface.
  • Surface should have single-colour, simple background


6 steps to establishing a design aesthetic for your brand - 99designs

  • The apps should use a primary and accent colour which should be contrasting to each other.
  • Icons, texts, images are to be coloured ‘ink’. They should not have shadows or gradients.
  • Colours taken from the image can be used as the adjacent Ul element colour.
  • App icons should follow system icon guideline and material design icon set.
  • Elements such as thumbnail, app bar titles, etc should be aligned to 3 keylines.


Games | Rolocule Games

  • Ul and content element should animate into place
  • Ripple effect to show where you touched the screen
  • UI elements should reveal with a circular reveal animation
  • Animations should be under 300 ms


Adaptive vs responsive design: which is better? | Webflow Blog

  • The app should use best responsive design practices
  • key action should be shown with a floating action button on the screen
  • App should use standard Android app bar
  • App bar should be 2-3 time higher than standard height
  • App bar can scroll off screen when user scrolls down.
  • Tabs should follow material design based styling and interaction
  • Tabs should have a swipe gesture for movement between them


  • The leftmost icon of app bar should be navigation drawer indicator
  • App drawer should be no wider than 320dp on phone and 400dp on tablet


Are You Losing Out to Competition Because of the Functionality of Your Website? - Monitis Blog

Google usually insists that the app made for Play Store should be developed with the help of Android Studio.

In Terms of Permission

  • The app should request only the very minimum set of permissions that are needed to support the core functionality of the mobile app.
  • Apps cannot request permission to access sensitive, private user information or service which can cost users money, until and unless they are related to some core app capability.

In Terms of App Installation

  • The apps should function normally when it is installed on the SD Card.
  • Most of the large apps should support SD Card installation.

In Terms of Audio

  • Audio should not play when the screen is off until it is a core functionality
  • Audio should not play under a locked screen
  • Audio should not play on the home screen or above some other app
  • Audio must resume when the app is brought to the main screen.

In terms of UI

  • Apps must support both portrait and landscape orientation (if possible)
  • Irrespective of what orientation your app is following, the features, actions, and functional parity should be preserved.
  • Apps should use the whole screen in both orientations and should not letterbox for changes in orientation.
  • Apps must handle the rapid transition between orientations.

In Terms of App State

  • Apps must not put any service in running when the app is operational in the background.

Work on Latest Technologies

The chances of your app getting featured on the Play Store increases, even more, when the apps are based on the leading Google technologies.

To increase the probability, we, at Anteelo always try to find out the scope for adding these technologies to your app, wherever viable. Let us look at what these technologies are –

Action on Google

Google Assistant opens to apps in December, and hardware makers next year | Greenbot

With Google recently launching Google Homes in India and several other regions, developing an app and making it in sync with Google Assistant is what increases the chances of your app getting visible whenever a user ask the assistant for a similar service that your app brand offers.


The Firebase Blog: Firebase expands to become a unified app platform

While the debate between Real-time vs Cloud Firestore is an ongoing one, when you develop an app using Firebase, users get to sign in the app through a system that they trust and use. The app saves users’ data in a secure cloud environment and offer personalized experience across a number of devices.

Implementation of Firebase brings in the factor of innovation and trust in the app, which ultimately increases the chance of getting your app selected as a Feature app.


Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time

The Google flagship for Cross-Platform App Development, Flutter has been getting special attention from the developer community for being easy to use and packed with features that are standing points ahead of React Native.

With the aim of making the tool become synonymous to Cross-Platform App Development, Google editorial team is giving special focus to apps that are based on Flutter.

Measuring Vitals of your Android App

It is no surprise that stability and performance are linked directly to good Google Play Ratings. So the more issues you fix, the better goes your app rating on Play Store and the more users you are able to retain, which ultimately leads to a stage where your app gets featured on the Play Store.


  • Adding App Analytics in Android app
  • Proguard in Android app
  • Low APK Size
  • Crash Reporting Library
  • Turn off debugging and logging
  • Check app version name and code
  • Test app on different OS version and screen size


Localizing your app UI and UX in a way that it is not made just for the native English speakers and readers, also plays a contributing role when it comes to getting the app featured in the Play Store.

Google has always shown a sweet spot for brands that don’t restrict their audience to any one particular geographical location, so for an app that supports its multi-linguality preference, tends to get a higher spot than the others as well.


  • Identify countries where there is a market opportunity and where you can provide user support
  • use single set of flexible layouts having alternative layouts where needed. Support right-to-left text, use system-provided formats for times, dates, numbers, and money.
  • Optimize app for low and no bandwidth connectivity and low price range phones
  • Translate app, store listing and other resources
  • Test the localized app
  • Run open test in markets you are focusing on
  • Create forum or user group to support international users
  • Run store listing experiment to see what works best.

Reach Out to the Google Developer Agencies

Google expands its certified Developer Agency network to India | Technology News,The Indian Express

While you cannot nominate your own app for getting featured in the Play Store, Google developer agencies like us can help your app get featured.

Let us tell you how.

Google Developer Agencies have access to the internal Google development and design team, who help them develop apps that is since inception up to the standards of getting featured in the Play Store. Also, the scope of us using our connection with the Google editorial team to push your app for nomination is of a high possibility.

So, here were the factors that Google has confided in us, which can directly lead to your app getting featured in the Google Play Store. While these were the things that you should do, there are steps that you should avoid at all costs to make sure that your app falls in the Featured section.

Factors to Avoid When Looking to Get Your App Featured in the Play Store

  • Do not use a payment provider other than Google
  • Do not make your app download other applications
  • Do not bribe your users with rewards in return for a high application rating.

Pointers to Consider and Avoid to Get Your App Featured in the Play Store


  • Top free
  • Top Paid
  • Top Grossing
  • Trending Apps
  • Top New Free
  • Top New Paid
Selected by Google Play Team 
  • Featured
  • Staff Picks
  • Editor’s Choice
  • Top Developer


  • High Download Rates
  • Increase in Positive User Reviews and Feedbacks
  • Greater App user Retention Higher Revenue


Don'ts and Dos on Coronavirus - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

  • Proper Visual Design and User Interaction
  • App Functionality to Meet the Standards of Billion Devices
  • Work on the Latest Technologies
  • Test Your App to Make it Bugs and Complaint-Free
  • Localize Your App to Make the World Adopt it
  • Do not use a payment provider other than Google
  • Do not make your app download other applications
  • Do not bribe your users with rewards in return for a high application rating.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is Editors Choice in Google Play?

Editors’ Choice refers to the apps and games that introduce users to the best innovative, creative, and designer apps on Android. Google also released an improved Editors’ Choice section that features app and game reviews accumulated and organized by the editorial team of Play Store. If your app gets featured on editors choice google play, there is a high chance for your app to gain million downloads.

Q. How to get your app featured on google play?

Well, Google really helps developers with its Google Play app description guidelines. With that, we have 6 tips up our sleeves to help you get your app on Google Play.

  1. Follow launch checklist
  2. Preach simplicity rather than over-stacking app with features
  3. Develop attractive UI/UX design
  4. Employ Google Product Initiatives
  5. Acquire Press coverage
  6. Analyze larger market forces.

Q. How to get your app noticed?

Everyone devises different tactics to make their app popular. For you, we have accumulated 7 tips that will ensure more active users for your app. They are:

  1. Practice App Store Optimization
  2. Promote your app on your website and other platforms
  3. Devise email marketing campaigns
  4. Optimally use Social Media
  5. Make online and in-app ads
  6. Create an effective Public relation strategy
  7. Give your time to offline campaigns

These 15 Famous Apps Migrated from Java to Kotlin-Reasons

Java: How do I get along with Kotlin ? | by Ashwin S | AndroidPub | Medium

Google in its I/O 2017 Developer Conference announced that it will now officially base its Android App Development process on Kotlin – the language developed by the JetBrains team of programmers based in Russia.

The features that Kotlin comes powered with –  Interoperability with Java, Conciseness, and Android Studio support – were enough for Google to validate developing android apps with Kotlin, something that the tech giant continued to highlight in I/O 2018 by scheduling sessions on the Android new programming language.

Just days after the announcement of Kotlin becoming the official language of Android at the I/O 2017 developer conference, the programming language found itself in the list of top programming languages that will define 2018.

Between 2017 and mid of 2018 (the present time) the language has seen an exponential rise in demand from both developers and businesses. The realm report that surveys mobile app developers globally also found that 20% of the Android apps that were built on Java before the Google I/O 2017 conference, were then migrated on Kotlin. A movement that has brought in a surge in demand for Kotlin app development agencies.

In the October of 2017, we covered Kotlin in depth in one of our blogs, head on there to read the article where we dissected Kotlin and highlighted ways it is better than most of the other programming languages.

Taking what was started in 2017 forward, the Android industry in the present day is staring at the rise of the number of Kotlin based apps, with the portfolio consisting of a number of hot-shot brand names.

In this article, we will be looking at 15 companies that were using Java earlier but now use Kotlin, and this way, give you an idea of why it’s time for you to follow the lead to.

But before that, here are the business benefits that you can enjoy by focusing on android development with Kotlin.

What are the Business Benefits of Choosing Kotlin – The Official Programming Language for Android Apps

6 benefits of Kotlin for building server-side applications - DEV Community

1. Improved Code Maintainability Meaning Faster Development Time

When we compare Kotlin vs Java, we can find Kotlin to be more concise meaning it can solve more problems with fewer lines of code. It means that the engineers can read and change the code much efficiently.

There are a number of features that come associated with Kotlin, which make the language more concise – Smart Casts, Data Classes, Properties, and Type Interface.

2. Lower Instances of Application Crashes

Open source Android Apps written in Kotlin offer better security over those coded in Java. This is so because Kotlin averts the common programming mistakes in design, which results in lesser application crashes and system failures. Also, since Kotlin works on a fail-fast system, any issue that can lead to failure are reported instantly.

The fail-fast compiler that Kotlin comes with searches for bugs and prevent them from coming again.

3. Shrinked Codebase Leads to Easy App Maintainability

Android apps made with Kotlin calls for a lot less number of code lines as compared to Java, which ultimately not just saves the app development time but also the app maintenance time and efforts.

Apart from these Business Benefits, there are a number of advantages that come associated with Android Kotlin.

Seeing these myriads of benefits that Android apps made by Kotlin bring with themselves, the Android mobile app development industry has now eventually started moving to the adoption of Kotlin Programming Language. A move that has been bringing about a transition from Java to Kotlin.

Kotlin Developers that have made the switch from Java to Kotlin have realized a series of benefits that have also become the reasons why it is time for the android mobile application development industry to start making the switch.

Why is the Android App Development Industry Moving from Java to Android’s New Programming Language?

This is Why –

1. Mass Adoption

Even though Kotlin – the new language for Android Apps is a new entrant in the industry, there are a number of companies – established and new alike – that have migrated from Java to Kotlin to take advantage of the benefits that the language comes with.

*More on That Later.

2. Concise

Android mobile apps developed in Kotlin language are very concise. The resulting code of a Kotlin programming language reduces the total number of boilerplate codes, which enhances productivity to a great extent. Also, there is a lot less room of error, while the resulting code is a lot safer and reliable.

3. Better User Experience

Kotlin programming language makes your app a lot more stable by removing the bugs and reducing the instances of app crashes. And when your app is launched with these issue missing, the user experience only enhances.

4. Designed to Fail-Fast

This time around, Google has brought changes in its new programming language for Android Apps. They have made Kotlin fail-fast.

A fail-fast system immediately reports any issue in coding that is most likely going to lead to failure. When a problem emerges, the fail-fast system fails immediately, making it impossible for the Kotlin developers to move ahead with the mobile app development process.

5. Kotlin for Android is a Developer’s Retreat

Kotlin programming language, in its latest 1.4 release, has made the Android App Development process a breeze for the developers. The language now offers a new flexible Project Wizard for easy creation and configuration of varied types of projects, a new compiler mode known as explicit API mode that aids creating well-defined and consistent APIs, and much more.

All these benefits cumulatively have resulted in making Kotlin the answer to ‘What programming language are Android Apps Written In’.

The fact that Google has introduced free courses to learn Kotlin, will do wonders for the adoption rate. It is so much so that the probability of you using some apps built with Kotlin is extremely high.

Here are the 14 Android Apps That are Made Using Kotlin for Android 

1. Pinterest


The popular photo-sharing app, Pinterest is one of the biggest names that have used Kotlin for Android App Development. The brand officially moved from Java to Kotlin and showcased the benefits of the move at Droidcon NYC 2016.

2. Postmates

News Analysis: Uber Eats Postmates for $2.65B | Constellation Research Inc.

The on-demand food delivery app also recently shifted to Kotlin for its Android version of the mobile app. The reason for this switch from Java to Kotlin can be attributed to the fact that the language is famous for supporting high scalability and is known to be engineered around a fail-fast mechanism.

3. Evernote

Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote

The note-taking and task organization app, Evernote has also joined the league of apps built with Java that has turned towards Kotlin.

4. Corda

Corda Partner Program. By Ricardo Correia, Head of Partner… | by The R3 Team | R3 Publication | Medium

Corda, the open source blockchain project that helps Blockchain app developers create interoperable blockchain networks is also based entirely on Kotlin.

5. Coursera

Coursera's Mission, Vision, and Commitment to Our Community | Coursera

The world-renowned online courses app, Coursera is also partially based on Kotlin. The app has millions of active users who use the platform to take courses on a range of different topics.

6. Uber

Earn Money by Driving or Get a Ride Now | Uber India

The global leader in the on-demand commutation market, Uber has also invested in Kotlin app development for Internal Tooling processes such as annotation processors and Gradle plugins.

7. Spring by Pivotal

Download Free png Spring Framework Logo - Spring Boot, HD Png Download - 1280x329 ... -

The Spring Framework offers a comprehensive configuration and programming model for the development of modern-day Java-based enterprise apps – on every sort of deployment platform. The framework uses Kotlin to provide more concise APIs

8. Atlassian | Trello

Sync Jira with Trello | Atlassian Marketplace

While Trello is not planning to do a full code conversion of the old codebase, the new code that they are using is made using Kotlin. Since there is great interoperability between Java and Kotlin, the brand is able to work with both.

9. Basecamp 3

New in Basecamp 3

Basecamp developers have admitted witnessing a huge difference in code quality and speed ever since they made the switch from Java to Kotlin.

10. Twidere for Twitter

Twidere for Twitter/Mastodon - Apps on Google Play

Twidere is a full feature open source Twitter client app that customizes the theme, manages the unlimited accounts, and filters unwanted tweets. Developed in Kotlin, the app has been able to bag 100,000+ install rate because of its smooth performance.

11. Shadowsocks

Shadowsocks - Wikipedia

The secure cross-platform socks proxy helps user surf the internet securely and privately. The app with 1,000,000+ downloads on the Play Store also joined the list of apps made with Kotlin.

12. Simple Calendar

The ad-free fully open source calendar app is also amongst the Android apps made in Kotlin.

13. Kickstarter


The app helps musicians, artists, designers, filmmakers, and other creatives find all the resources and the support that they would need to convert their ideas into a reality. With thousands of active users, the app is powered by Kotlin.

14. Square

Square Point of Sale - POS - Apps on Google Play

Ever since Kotlin was approved by Square for their Android Applications, the payment platform has become the evangelists of Kotlin for Android.

15. Gradle

Gradle - Wikipedia

Gradle is the custom build tool that is used for developing the android packages (apk files) by providing the custom build logic and managing dependencies. And recently, Gradle introduced Kotlin as the language for writing the build scripts in. Since Kotlin gives support for both IDEA and Eclipse, Android’s new programming language gives the Gradle users full IDE support for refactoring to auto completion and everything in between.

Get your app’s name added in the list, get in touch with our team of Android Kotlin experts today.

Now that we have looked at the benefits that come attached with developing apps using Kotlin and how their a number of hot-shot apps that are benefitting from this association, we have come to the end of the article where we will talk about the pointers that you should look out for BEFORE you plan to join the league of those famous apps by migrating to Kotlin.

What Do You Need to Know Before Migrating Your Java App to Kotlin?

A. Is your team ready to make the switch?

Shifting the development method from one programming language to another comes with a learnability curve. So, before you make the switch, ensure that your hired development team is adept and experienced in building Kotlin apps.

B. Is your app architecture made of loosely coupled components?

When you make a change in the programming language, it can result in deletion, creation, and merging of some artifacts and classes that make your mobile app architecture a mess. And the more loosely coupled your app components, the more difficult it would be to make changes and then test them.

Once you have ensured that both the pointers are in place, you no more have a reason to not turn your Java-based application into one of the finest Kotlin apps, like the app industry’s top leaders did.

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