Why Rich Animations is a great design trend

Why Rich Animations are crucial for design | Design, Animation, Design  inspiration

In today’s world, the animation plays a crucial role in communication. It is incredibly versatile and can communicate abstract, complex and multidisciplinary concepts in an effective and easy manner. Gone are the days when people said: “ Animation is just a small part of interface design or product design and it is not essential “. Today, they are not used merely as eye candy, but as a powerful tool meant to enhance user experience. They are like heartbeats that brings life and soul to interfaces and products.

Latest web developments have allowed animations to be implemented easily which has given us designers truckload of opportunities. Simple or elaborate, animation can fascinate the users at every step. In this blog, I would like to highlight 5 ways you can use rich Animation’s to bring life to your designs:

Storytelling and fun way to convey any message

Who doesn’t like Stories? Probably no one. Animation can be used for storytelling and through them, even the most difficult concepts can be conveyed easily to the users. For example, previously, most brands were using the tutorial videos to help their users understand the process and benefits. But, today, the animation is ruling this space; pick up any app they are generally supplemented with ‘Splash Screens’ or step by step messages to guide users through the usage of the app.


Furthermore, it adds up to the personality of a website or mobile app, basically, your digital presence. Whether it is a long scroll of seamless sections of a website or showcasing of vision and capabilities, your story or action can be told in a fun and elegant manner. For instance, one of our clients, Hakunamatata, in space of Information Technology & Services wanted to communicate their strength in the development space through a website, hence, to highlight this we used ‘Unusual Navigation’ and empowered with many micro-interactions.


We believe, the animated design is a story best told; it adds an extra zing of awesome sauce that pushes the designs over the edge, bringing the very design to life in a subtle and friendly way which prompts the user to interact and explore more.  You should check out this website to experience the zing I was talking about.

Interactive and Intuitive

Intelligent animations are very engaging and enable users to focus, get feedback, and communicate efficiently with the brand and its digital interface; this creates a pleasant illusion close to natural interaction as with physical objects. This is the very reason why Apple and Google give so much importance to animation and interactions in their guidelines.


Interactive animations put the user in the driving seat and impart a feeling of having complete control over the navigation while they go through an astounding interactive journey. This amazing website takes users through the interactive journey of  Rome’s history. It is the most engaging history book you would come across and a user would feel like they are living the entire era.


Another, important thing to take note of is how a designer can effectively declutter his designs by concealing and revealing options with smooth animations and interactions which can be very useful while designing content/options heavy designs. A classic example would be the Android tray pulling animation with options.

Visual feedback and Micro interactions

These days we see a lot of animations giving visual feedback in the form of effects, transitions, animated colors, icons, and seamless backgrounds. They provide an unmatched user experience, because a user knows he is hovering on a clickable button or a link, and not just some content. Using Animation, the user is made aware of the progress and other features in an instance. An animated interface has the power to entertain the user with a fun loader while they wait for the page to load, inform them with a progress bar, load the animated skeleton of the layout, seek attention with beautifully animated signals when needed, alert a user about an error, help them navigate and what not! Micro-interactions also evokes emotions and feelings for the action. Animation applied for micro-interactions are hardly noticed by the user, however, as with all the small and simple elements of the interface, a lot of intelligence and understanding goes into designing micro interaction which boosts user’s interaction with the interface.


 Great and beneficial for designers as well

Animations, not only helps the designer to make a delightful presentation of their designs, but it also enables the designers to discover a lot of potential improvisation while they prototype or animate their designs. I would say every designer should keep animations and interaction in mind while designing an interface, which is nothing but interaction designing.

When the designer does this, not only he takes the wireframes to the design stage, but he also takes the design to the next level for better development, where he has already visualized how a user is interacting with the interface. It speaks volumes about the attention to detail the designer has put into it, as he eliminates bugs, errors, missing links, and dig into a lot of innovative UX with his “ Interaction Thinking “.


An animated design is a living thing! Period.

Not only it is as satisfying as the ‘fidget spinner’, but it supports the very essence of real life interaction and it creates feelings and perception close to what we humans experience while interacting with a physical object.  It speaks to you, plays with you, emotes with you, and understands you- Just like your best buddy.


The animation is the future of design and interfaces, which is very obvious with the evolution of VR and AR interfaces, where animation is the key property used to design them. People don’t just buy products, they actually buy the interfaces, the lively designs, and those appealing interactions.

SVG, Canvas, WebGL? Visualization options for the web

So, if you are creating an innovative product or design, take heed as the future is animated designs. Technologies such as SVG animations and WebGL, which supports us designers to make use of rich animations and interactions to enhance and add life to designs, which eventually impacts millions of lives.

Creating Widgets in iOS 10

Widgets are something that every trending iOS application is looking forward to. Widgets help users to get some quick and relevant information without even opening the app. They are best suited for applications like Weather apps, To-Do list apps, Calendar apps which might show a day’s schedule. The widget should provide the immediate and relevant information that user must be interested in. The amount and type of information that widget carries, varies according to the requirement of the containing App of the widget.We will learn through this blog what are widgets and how to make widgets for our iOS app. We have already made an application called RemindME which is a small To-Do list application.How to create widgets in iOS 10 | Humble Bits

What we are going to cover 

  • iOS 10 Widget UI
  • Sharing UserDefaults and Files with Widget
  • Updating the content
  • Adjusting Widget’s Height
  • How to open App from Widget
  • When my Widget should Appear?
  • Home Screen Widget

Start-Up Project

We have already created an application that allows user to add some To-Do items with title and description and shows its status as done or not done. This will be containing app for our widget.

Getting Started

So, enough saying now and let’s get started with the real code. Widgets are nothing but a type of App extensions called Today Extension. So if anybody needs to know about app extensions, you can see this apple documentation. Now, add target by selecting File/New/Target and then under iOS section select Today extension and press next. After that give name to your widget and select the containing app as your project.

Now we can see in project navigator a new group will be added with our Widget’s name. Change Schema and select target as the widget and run project. You will  see widget in the notification center of our simulator with a message “Hello world” like this.

10 Tips on Developing iOS 14 Widgets Swift and SwiftUI | The Startup

iOS 10 Widget UI

Let us now design how our widget is going to look like. Open the storyboard of our newly added target and remove the default label. We are going to add a tableview and a button and two labels in our tableview cell. We have added UIImage for the status of the reminder and labels for title and description of the reminder. We have added a class called WidgetTableViewCell. Select the tableview cell and in identity inspector, add class name as WidgetTableViewCell. Add constraints to the views as needed and connects the outlets in the WidgetTableViewCell using Assistant Editor.

iOS 10 UI

We will also add Visual Effect View With Blur  from the object browser in our tableview cell. This is to add vibrancy effect to our widget. This causes a blur background in our Widget’s view. This is to make it look similar to what default iOS widgets look like. Make an outlet of visual effect view in the WidgetTableViewCell and name it as “visualEffectView”.

This ensures that vibrancy is similar to system-defined one for Today Extensions and the UI looks like default iOS 10 widgets.

Sharing UserDefaults and Files with Widget

Widgets are nothing but extensions. Extensions are just like another application so our containing app and widgets cannot communicate directly. There may be situations when our containing app and widget need to share some data. We can do that by sharing UserDefaults between them.

To enable this, select the main App target and choose Capabilities tab and then enable App groups. We require apple developer account for this. Now, create an app group. App group name must start from “group”. We have created an app group with name “group.com.quovantis.RemindMe”

Similarly we will repeat the process by selecting the target for widget. But we don’t have to create a new app group, we can use the one we created before. Now when we will save or retrieve anything from UserDefaults we will use this group.

We have made a class that will manage writing and reading our Reminders from UserDefaults. This code can be used by both our containing app as well as our widget extension.

We have used UserDefaults(suiteName: “group.com.quovantis.RemindMe”) for writing and reading our Reminders. This ensures both our containing app and the Widget extension save and read the data from a shared UserDefault under a common suite.

Now if we have to use the same UserDefaultsManager class in our Widget target also, we will have to enable it explicitly from the File inspector. Select the file UserDefaultsManager.swift and from File inspector check RemindMeWidget. Similarly if we have to import any other file like Assets.xcassests into our widget extension we can do the same.

Now we have shared UserDefaults between main app and widget, we can now add content to our widget. We will read data from the UserDefaults and will show the reminders in the table view of the widget. Widget will show the title and description of the Reminder and a button checked or unchecked depending upon the status. We will fetch the reminders from the UserDefaults in the viewWillAppear and will refresh the tableView. You can look the code in the TodayViewController.swift file in the RemindMeWidget folder.

We can also add actions to our widget. We have added an action to the button in our widget. When it is pressed that reminder is marked as done by updating status of the reminder in UserDefaults. Code for this action is written in WidgetTableViewCell class.

Now when we add any reminder from our main App, it will be reflected back to our widget also.

Updating the content

Now we will see how to add support to our widget to update its view when it’s off-screen, by allowing the system to create a snapshot. The system periodically takes snapshot to help our widget stay up to date. That is done through widgetPerformUpdate method.

We need to replace the existing implementation of widgetPerformUpdate

If we get reminders from the UserDefaults successfully, we update the interface and the function calls the system-provided completion block with the .newData enumeration. This informs the system to take the fresh snapshot and replace it with the current.

If we fail to get reminders then we call the completion handler with .failed enumeration. This informs the system that no new data is available and the existing snapshot should be used.

Adjusting Widget’s Height

As we have limited space in our Today View, System provides a fixed height to all the widgets. We have to design our widget UI in accordance with that . But we can also provide the option to increase the height of the widget so as to show more information in the Today view.

Our TodayViewController conforms to the NCWidgetProviding that provides the method to do this. There are two modes of the Widget of type NCWidgetDisplayMode, compact and expanded.

This will specify that widget can be expanded and we get a default button to expand and close the widget. Now add this method to adjust the size of the widget.

Whenever the widget height is adjusted this method is called where we have specified the height in case of compact and expanded state. In expanded mode we set preferredContentSize to the combined height of the cells of our tableview in Widget and when it is in compact mode we set preferredContentSize as CGSize() which gives the default height to the widget.

How to open App from Widget

Users may also want to open the containing app from widgets so as to have a detailed look over the information shown in the widget. For that we will have to allow our widget to open our containing app.

For this we use URL Schemes. We can open any app that supports URL Scheme from our widget but we should do that rarely. As user may get confused regarding the container app of the widget. Generally we should link the containing app of the widget only.

For enabling the URL Schemes in our containing app we need to add the following rows in our info.plist

After that we use the extensionContext property of type NSExtensionContext in our TodayViewController class to call the openUrl function. We have written this code in didSelectRowAt Index of our tableView

When my Widget should Appear?

There can be situations when under certain circumstances, you want your widget to appear in Today view. For example, there is no new or noteworthy information to show and you want to hide your widget until something new information comes up.

You can do this by using setHasContent: forWidgetWithBundleIdentifier: method of class NCWidgetController. Set the flag as true or false to show or hide the widget respectively and specify the bundle identifier of the particular widget which we want to hide or show.

In our case we will hide the widget if there are no reminders in our app. And as soon as the count of the reminders is one or more we will show the widget again.

We can write the code to hide widget from the TodayViewController itself but we must always avoid this. Our containing app should be the one which will decide when to hide or show the widget.

Write this function in the ReminderListViewController-

Home Screen Widget

We have seen applications show widget along with the quick actions when we Force Touch the app icon. If we have only one widget in our app, it is shown by default. But if our app offers two or more widgets then we will have to specify the bundle identifier of the widget in the info.plist that we want to show when we Force touch our app.

Add UIApplicationShortcutWidget key in the info.plist with the bundle identifier of the widget as its value.


So, this is all about iOS 10 Widgets for iPhone. Thank you for reading this tutorial and I hope you enjoyed this. You can think some more innovative ideas to explore more possibilities from Today extensions and think about ways to update your existing applications with your own widgets.

App or Website? Choose ‘the one’ for you!

As the world is going digital, all start-ups and businesses are indulged in developing their website and mobile applications. However, the question that arises is which amongst the two makes your business thrive and skyrocket its profit? The broad idea is that everyone in the coming times would have a mobile phone rather than laptops or any other. Besides, mobile apps are the latest things due to the popularity of mobile phones.

So far, the mobile apps get developed after the website has been launched, but is this the best decision for your business? However, should it be the only thing you start with? Especially if one’s budget doesn’t allow to launch both? Does that mean the web is dead?

Furthermore, having a mobile phone does not merely translate into downloading mobile applications. So, how to surpass your competitors on the web? Through a web vs app? There are many advantages and disadvantages involved in both. You must opt for the right platform for your start-up. The answer is, of course, selected according to your needs and the kind of customers you want to attract.

Should I start with an App or Website?

Therefore, before you choose, you must consider the importance of a mobile-friendly website as well as a mobile app. Going through this guide answers the most frequently asked question – What should I begin with – Mobile App or Website?

1. Product Line

Product Line

Does your product include GPS, navigation, or location-based elements? An instance of it would be Ola or Uber. Such start-ups must have a mobile app rather than having a website. Their business links the passengers with cab drivers willing to drop them to their desired destination. Similarly, if you plan to build an application for people to track their route or an application facilitating the runners map the distance covered and the number of steps taken, then you can provide your clients with the best possible experience only through a mobile app since GPS is the lifeline for a business.

Similarly, a flight or train booking business needs an app to make it accessible from everywhere. If you are into developing Android applications or even online games, to-do lists, notes, alarm clock, reminders, social media, or email, then mobile apps involve more users and interact with them in the best way possible. The business can only be successful by comprehending the requirements of its audience and target market first.

On the contrary, if you are an event management company who needs people to go through your catalogs and know about your business, or if you are a photographer or a hairstylist who needs people to checkout pictures or samples of your work, you can very well go with a website as it serves your purpose better.

2. Budget

A budget with a vision and direction; The Times of India, February 2, 2018

The first thing that you need to think about after getting your Company Registration completed is the budget you have for going over the internet. Furthermore, you need to set aside at least some amount to keep your platform, weather website, or mobile application, updated. Most Web Designing and Development Companies suggest that you develop a website first and then a mobile app since it is an economical option. You get the advantage of showcasing all the content on a single interface on a website. Besides, updating the content takes fewer efforts in case of a mobile app as compared to a website.

Furthermore, the UI of an App must be adjusted for every platform like Android, iOS, and Windows. An app-only business model might face issues reaching out to consumers across all the platforms. It is said that you are required to spend more on developing different apps for different platforms. It reduces your cost per OS. If you have started your business with a limited amount, it won’t make sense to start developing a mobile application.

3. Marketing Plan

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Marketing Plan

In the beginning, all the businesses only have restricted resources. As the business scales up, you can go for additional platforms. Still, if a company is opting to go app-only, it risks missing out on a broad market of potential customers. Mainly, if their app does not happen to feature amongst the top few apps of choice for a consumer.

A famous example is Myntra, the leading fashion e-commerce marketplace in India. A few years back, it announced that it is going app-only. The company claimed that this step was taken to improve personalization. Without a doubt, the loyal users of Myntra were compelled to download the mobile app. This approach was adopted to push out the competition. As consumers would be more captive in a particular environment and shopping around for discounts would decrease. But the move only backfired. Within a year, Myntra was compelled to relaunch its mobile website.

4. Tools Required

Tools Required

Are you launching something complicated? Would you require to show data analysis or reports and more? Will your users need sophisticated numbers, reporting, or calculations? It is almost impossible to utilize these tools on a website. So in this parameter of the website vs app, the mobile app is a clear winner due to its optimized UI, which displays all the data. For instance, if you will be needing complex calculations, numbers, reporting, then you should acknowledge that it will be next to impossible to use these tools without a dedicated app.

5. Frequency of Usage

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Do your targeted customers need to access your services on a daily or hourly basis? If you want your users to check into your platform a few times a day, then it makes more sense to start with an app. It is far more convenient, faster to access, and it has the option of notifications for the users to keep updated. But you must make sure that your app is not slow to launch or perform the desired actions. It will become a barrier that stops people from using your app.

6. User-Friendly

What makes an E-commerce Store user friendly - VAR Sales Management Blog: News, Tips & Many More By VARStreet

Most of the websites have a navigational UI. However, mobile apps need to have an interactive UI to be successful.  Again the example of games comes to mind. A mobile app will be a better choice for a game development company as compared to a website. A responsive web design approach acknowledges as well as resolves many of the usability problems for a mobile-friendly website. So, you must consider the needs of your business and the choice as well as the comfort of your users.

7. Accessibility

Evaluating Web Accessibility Overview | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C

Even today, accessibility to the internet is a major problem in many parts of the world. So, do in-depth research on how long would a customer need your services. For offline accessibility, you must build location-dependent, parallel apps. Therefore, mobile apps will be more appropriate for offline mode of navigation rather than a website. If you think that your business would serve mostly to offline users, then it is much better to develop a mobile app where the user can access your services whenever they need it. For instance, dictionaries facilitate accessibility to know words, even without an internet connection. Users can use it whenever they need, wherever they need.

8. Speed


Those who’ll use your app or website pretty often during the day would want to have their interaction to be smooth and lag-free. Nobody would want to wait even for a minute to play games during their 15-minute metro ride or while waiting for a cab. Nobody has the time to bear with a slow platform for their needs. Imagine if you always had to access your favorite Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn through your browser first and then having to sign in. Only after doing all that every time would you be able to read that message or know of the newly vacant position. Wouldn’t it be much better to get an immediate notification as soon as you receive the message? However, if you are targeting customers who would not be accessing your platform frequently, then installing a mobile app will be more time consuming as compared to visiting a website.


Many companies and businesses may want to go for a mobile app first. It is a much more advanced and trending way to connect with consumers. But it can be a huge mistake too. Unless you have a mobile-based start-up, developing a website first, is the way to go, rather than spending some significant part of your budget in making a mobile app. Instead, you can try to make your website more user-friendly or even pay extra to make it rank up on the Search Engines. The final verdict is that there are many points that you must carefully consider before you make a choice should I start with an App or Website?. Amidst the Website vs. Mobile App, it’s challenging to pick an absolute winner. It all depends on you and your business requirements. With this article, we have all the advantages and disadvantages served before you, which you will have to weigh for yourself.

Microservices: New face to app development

Mobile device users are rapidly becoming the user’s favored instruments of choice for browsing the Internet. With market leaders centering on providing customers with exceptional user experiences, we are now seeing a rapid rise in consumer expectations, which compels, including the innovation of the mobile experiences you offer. Just implementing a mobile-first approach isn’t sufficient anymore. While your users may make-do with a responsive website in the early period, a shift to mobile apps provides you substantial leverage over your contemporaries. The key to successful mobile applications isn’t just limited to excellent design and continuous development. The development teams need to speed up the delivery of benefits that mobile apps offer to users. Implementation of the agile procedure, adopting a DevOps strategy, and making a move to the microservices model of creating a cloud-based application gives you a unique business advantage. Microservices enable the development teams to own the entire project development cycle. It provides much-needed flexibility in mobile app development services. Teams can work upon the data collected from users to incorporate changes within the app components on a real-time basis resulting in the DevOps procedure becoming more dynamic and the development teams more agile.

Flexible integration and code creation suit rapidly changing, customer-facing apps, which pushes businesses to evaluate microservices for mobile applications. Microservices in mobile application development boost modularization — breaking the architecture apart into independent services and groups of services. With services lined up around business function and still secluded from each other, developers can deliver the quick updates and recent feature releases that mobile users expect. Since microservices communicate via APIs, mobile application developers can opt for the most appropriate technology stack and language for each service or business flow, instead of limiting the entire project to one. However, microservices aren’t the only way to business mobile app development. Low-code platforms also tout a simple procedure to build mobile apps.

What are Microservices?

Anteelo design

Microservices architecture is an essential architectural innovation that is a useful alternative for building complicated software applications. It involves the fragmentation of large applications into loosely coupled smaller services. Each microservice focuses on separate business functionality. Every microservice can be independently deployed, tweaked with, and redeployed without compromising the application integrity — the loose combination of microservices lead to the facilitation of rapid deployments. The features build as a result of user feedback, thus quickly reach the users.

How do microservices differ from conventional development practices?

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In the conventional monolithic app architecture, designs all the constituents of the code as a single, cohesive unit in which the constituents are independent and interconnected. Any updates the developers require to make results in alterations made to the whole stack. Adopting a new framework or shifting to a new tech stack needs a substantial overhaul and rewriting of the entire code. In contrast, microservices architecture has the system distributed into individual services that can run as autonomous processes and communicate with each other, utilizing APIs. Containerization enables the encapsulation of the services, and operations run in parallel, thereby making the existing infrastructure easy to maintain. Any changes or updates performed on individual services without affecting the entire system.

Benefits of microservices architecture in app development

Benefits of Microservices Architecture

  • Improved productivity and agility

Microservices are made, deployed, and tested individually of other components in the system, which results in enhanced team agility and rapid iteration cycles. The developers have the elasticity to use the framework or language most appropriate for the functionality developed; this ramps up productivity by radically reducing the amount of code to be written. It also increases the maintainability of the application. Breaking down complex apps into manageable services improves the performance of agile teams.

  • Accelerated velocity and scalability

Scaling of various microservices components at runtime takes place individually; this facilitates more productive resource utilization. We can shift the workload of an element to an infrastructure that is best suited for the task. Microservices offer accelerated development speed combined with on-demand scalability. The flexibility of the cloud-native environments can be effortlessly leveraged by the microservices making scaling cost-effective through optimal use of infrastructural resources. Microservices also ensures that the application is more responsive to market requirements. The agile methodology enables you to roll out robust digital capabilities in response to real-time market requirements.

  • Continuous deployment

In conventional monolithic systems, dedicated teams work on distinct functions. The introduction of microservices leads to cross-functional teams managing the complete application lifecycle in a continuous delivery model. With various team members, including testers, developers, and operations teams working simultaneously on a development testing, single service and debugging takes place in continual iterations. The incremental development results in a constant cycle which writes, tests, and deploys the code consistently while incorporating relevant feedback.

  • The rise in cross-functional teams

Carrying out software development and deployment could be a tedious job when, while working with extended teams. Microservices result in improved independence for the developer. They can work independently, resulting in faster decision making. The cross-functional teams in microservices architecture consist of empowered individuals who can make faster decisions. Working in smaller groups and close-knit teams result in more freedom to the individual team members and quicker technical decision making.

  • Flexibility in utilizing technologies and access to a broader talent pool

Since each developed microservice can be written using different technology, the development team is free to opt for the tech stack that would be most suitable for the specific service. Decoupled services written in various programming languages can easily coexist, add new components continuously, and perform scaling at an individual level. The flexibility that microservices offer also enables you access to a broader talent pool.


While the business profits of shifting to a microservices architecture are huge, the transformation needs to be sensibly monitored and strategically implemented. Implementing a DevOps culture, with robust monitoring is essential for an effective shift to the microservices architecture. The ramp in flexibility and speed has to balance with an associated increase in complexity.

Outsourcing your app? Ask Right!

When it is about outsourcing application development work, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It’s all about looking for the right partner that is the most appropriate fit for your team. As per the Computer Economics study IT Outsourcing Statistics 2014-2015, 62% of big organizations are outsourcing at least a part of their application development work.

As time-to-market needs increase and IT budgets decline, the trend of farming out development work is both rising and broadening to contain new services. In response, service providers have extended their offerings to comprise of product, technical, and process services. Notably, this runs the gamut from product management, information architecture and quality automation, analytics, and more.

If a mobile application is developed and executed in the right manner, it has the capability of offering increased efficiency, growth, and revenue for your business. That’s why development is so essential, as faults in this phase can lead to the development of a dysfunctional app that wouldn’t give you the preferred results.

To attain success in mobile app development, you need clarity of purpose and focus. To make this possible during outsourcing, you and your team have to sit down and ask some crucial questions before outsourcing, so you can attain success and avoid some of the most expensive pitfalls.

Things you Should Know Before Outsourcing an Apps

Here are some of the most critical questions that you must ask to select the correct partner for your organization’s specific outsourcing needs.

1. What is the purpose of the mobile app?

The Importance Of Mobile Applications In Everyday Life!

Are you developing an app just for building an app or because you are caught up in the hype about mobility? Will your application be a business version of your website, or will it have a particular purpose? Asking yourself the intent behind developing a mobile app can help you come up with a capable mobile app that aids a definite purpose. To make your mobile application successful, it must be extraordinarily focussed and address a specific purpose/function. You can discuss with the outsourcing team and narrow down on a definite problem that it is going to resolve or the particular purpose of your app. Ponder about why your mobile app is needed, how your customers can profit from it and how the application can be a more convenient alternative when compared to your website.

2. What should be a probable deadline for the completion of the app?

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Narrowing down to a deadline for the app is very important if the mobile app is to be developed for a particular event or occasion. If the mobile app is not finished before the event, the entire development is futile. Even a delay of a few days might make an enormous difference and cease the mobile app from serving its purpose — moreover, the plan for the release schedule for the app. In case your application is released in different versions, you have to prepare for the release date accordingly.

3. What programming methodology do you want?

Top 12 Software Development Methodologies & its Advantages & Disadvantages

How do you wish your end-users to interact with your application? This supports the outsourcing developers to create an appropriate wire-frame. Also, think about the visual design needs and User Experience. Briefing the developers about the non-functional and functional needs of your application can help them to develop product backlog. You would also want to explain the required programming interfaces, outside services/systems, and third-party vendors, sharing such details is important.

4. How do you need the app to be hosted?

Hosted Web Apps explained | by Jeff Burtoft | ThisHereWeb

Do you need your mobile app to be plugged in to a new or preexisting infrastructure? Ponder about the hosting space that you would want. Brief the outsourcing developers beforehand about the post-launch support that you might need to fix the bugs and tweaks that you may get from users.

5. From where do you need the app to be downloaded?

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Did you have an idea that the delivery channels of an application can significantly affect the design of the application? Getting listed on the App Store and Google Play is essential. You need to inform the developers in advance about your requirements for listing and get them talked at the development and design stage itself.

6. What level of security is needed?

Corporate network security levels

Tell the developers that you are expecting security protocols that ensure that is the app is protected and secure from hackers trying to attack and breakthrough code vulnerability. Also, ensure that you get the privacy policy of the application drafted.

7. Does your application need to adhere to guidelines?

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Ensure that your business app adheres to corporate guidelines like consistent screen design, design of icons, and branding conventions.

8. What are some of the risks involved?

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Through the course of mobile application development, you might face risks and uncertainties that can hinder the project. To steer clear of such hazards, make sure that you build a risk register at the onset of your application so that you can file the actions at every step. This way, you can hold your stakeholders responsible for each risk factor.

9. Who are the main stakeholders involved in the development process?

Key Stakeholders in Agile Product Development

It is crucial to identify the main stakeholders who are involved in the development and usage of your mobile application. Who would be funding it? Who would be owning it? Who would be benefiting from it? Who would keep the app active? Who would maintain the app daily? Asking such questions and trying to understand the involved decision-makers can lead to the successful development and running of the app. By comprehending the needs of the stakeholders, attaining clarity about their role, and taking responses to help in developing a successful application.

10. What budget can be allotted?

Budget, Budgeting, Budgetary Control - BBA|mantra

Many times the budget is overlooked when it comes to developing mobile apps. This is a significant reason why it becomes tough to estimate one. Make sure to sit down with the developers and discuss the various variables at play, be it multiple operating systems, testing environments, and more.


If you have made your mind to outsource your software development, you must have found some software development companies that you’re considering working with, and you are on the horns of a perplexity of making the correct choice. There is nothing better than talking to them and satisfying every query that you might have. Choose the web development company that passes all your parameters and comes out as reliable and trustworthy as a lot of your business now lies in their hands.

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