Hey! Avoid these React Native App Development Blunders


Is React Native A Healthy Investment For Mobile App Development? | Hacker Noon

With over 1.6k active contributors working to make React Native a success, the glitter of a bright framework future has not gone unnoticed by developers looking to make a name in the cross-platform world.

The demand of app development with react native is getting from the developers is not just the doing of the fact that the industry has grown to an extent where it is now comparing Native and React Native modes of development. The demand is also driven by the constant updates that makes the framework advanced.

This demand, though, can only go so far. Ultimately, on a ground level, developers will have to learn their way around the development process. Especially on the front of understanding and avoiding React native app development mistakes which can ruin the users experience and their skills.

We have divided the article into four sections to ease the process of getting accustomed with the errors occured during React Native app development and know what it would take to become a developer that commits minimal mistakes.

Why do Developers Love React Native?

1. Because React Native uses JavaScript

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JavaScript is one of the languages which a developer starts their career with. And so they have a very detailed resemblance with the subject matter. The fact that React Native relies heavily on JavaScript brings down the learnability curve to a great extent.

2. They get to build native applications

10 Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

Even though the developers work on JavaScript, they don’t use web view for rendering React Native components. The one reason why you should choose React Native is because it renders real native elements, giving developers the flexibility to use platform specific components such as activity indicator, which gives very platform a recognizable, native-like* feel.

*It is impossible for a cross-platform developer to build fully native applications. The difference will be extremely visible on the UI and UX front.  

3. A straightforward installation process

How To Install WordPress | Web development design, WordPress web design, Web design

The installation method must always be direct, i.e. minus any complicated steps. The React Native framework can be installed through the Node Package Manager, which is extremely easy for developers with JavaScript background to follow. And even if you lack the understanding of JS, React Native will prevent you from the hassle of downloading binary from the source.

4. Greater productivity

The Secret to Greater Productivity

The key to building app faster lies in the developers’ productivity levels. While the reliability on JavaScript already makes the process easier, it also comes with a live reload feature and the freedom to use any IDE or text editor of their choice.

5. Strong community backing

Platform Engineering as a (Community) Service

React Native has gained a lot of popularity ever since its launch in 2015. Developers and businesses from all across the globe and industrial background have chosen to go with React Native at the back of the plethora of benefits it offers.

This high demand has in turn resulted in the creation of a strong widespread community working on adjusting the React Native pros and cons on a daily basis.

6. It is truly cross-platform

Best 10 Cross-Platform App Frameworks to Consider in 2020

When we say React Native is a cross-platform app development framework, we don’t just mean using React Native for mobile app development. Using React Native, developers get to expand their skills to smart TVs, smart watches, Windows devices, and even VR headsets.

Even amidst these and several other un-mentioned benefits of React Native development, there are some challenges that inherently come associated with React Native app development. Challenges that experienced developers have come to accept and work around. To eradicate the challenges, wherever you are located, be it Los Angeles, New York, etc, it is advisable to hire a company with app development with react native in New York to build and develop custom react native apps with the latest features.

The thing to note here is that these challenges that you are going to read next in no way imply that we are against React Native. It simply implies that like any other in the process to be perfect framework, there are some prevalent React Native limitations as well. There are in fact, several considerations to be made when developing React Native apps 

Challenges Associated with React Native App Development 

1. Dependency on Native app developers

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Noting how JavaScript works, developers sometimes have to rely on native developers as well. Especially when you have to put heavy computational operations in the application. These apps type force developers to offload computation to the native part of app, which in turn requires a native developer.

2. Limitations in Abstraction Layer

Promises and Limitations: Translating Microbiome Research to Practice - AGA Perspectives

In order to add more functionality in the React Native apps, an abstraction layer is added on native platform. Abstraction Layer in itself comes with some persistent issues – the issues to avoid in React Native app development – like:

  • Identifying bugs which gets encountered in the abstraction layer is extremely difficult.
  • High dependency on third-party services and libraries
  • Dependency on implementing custom designs

3. Zero support for multiprocessing or parallel threading

Multithreading VS Multiprocessing in Python | by Amine Baatout | Contentsquare Engineering | Medium

React Native comprises of a single Javascript thread because of which developers might observe slow performances when they want to execute any processes in parallel.

4. iOS deployment is particularly difficult

Apple reimagines the iPhone experience with iOS 14 - Apple

In case of React Native, developers find it particularly annoying when they decide to test their iPhone app on any testing services besides Apple’s Testflight, especially since they will have to deal with issues of obtaining provisioning profiles and necessary certificates.

The process is not very difficult on Android though, as it is very smooth and hassle-free to test and deploy Android apps.

As mentioned before, React Native, like any other framework doesn’t come free of challenges. It ultimately comes down to the experience of the developers. For a newbie or less skilled react native developers these challenges would appear as deal-breakers, while for skilled developers it won’t.

The only difference that stands between a skilled and unskilled React Native developer is the knowledge of mistakes that should be avoided in order to build an error free React Native app.

What makes React Native challenging for some is not just the inherent framework limitations but also the React Native app development mistakes that developers unknowingly commit. 

The 7 Common React Native App Development Mistakes

1. Wrong estimation

Missing the Target - The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

  • Layout for iOS and Android version – Yes there will be a number of reusable components, but there could also be different layouts. In fact, the mere structure of an application page can be different on iOS and Android completely.
  • Forms – you should estimate the validation layout as well. When you create app in React Native, you are supposed to write more codes compared to when you create a Hybrid app on suppose Cordova.
  • If creating Web app – You should check all the different endpoints which are offered by the backend. And because you will have to handle the logic in the app, it should all be coded correctly. You should understand the database structure, how the entities are connected, etc.

[ALSO READ: Top Local Databases for React Native App Development {A 2020 List} ]

2. Wrong redux store planning

The only introduction to Redux (and React-Redux) you'll ever need | by Hristijan Stevanoski | JavaScript in Plain English

As a developer when we get an innovative project, we focus more on planning the app layout and less on the data handling part of it.

Redux helps in storing the data correctly and managing, debugging app states. When planned right, it can be a powerful tool for managing the app data. When not, it can mess up many things.

Another point to not in case of Redux app development is that is not extremely suited for small projects. Even small changes will ask you to write long lines of codes. So, it’ll be better if you choose to go with it for large scale applications and avoid it when choosing React Native for startups.

3. Not reading external modules’ codes

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It is not uncommon for us developers to save time through external modules. It makes things easier and faster, especially since they come with documentation.

But, most often than not, modules break or they might not work as anticipated. This is the reason why developers should read the code and treat the step as one of the React Native best practices. Doing it helps to know what is wrong with the module and even how it can be solved.

4. Mutation of state inside render function

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The image above highlights how the Datastore and View are interconnected. The datastore contains all your data in component and the view is rendered on the basis of state. It then consumes new state from data store and shows it on the screen.

In order to achieve that, React has a setState() function where the new object state is taken and compared to the previous state.

Finally, a new state is added after merger with the previous state and sent to the state datastore.

This cycle is available all throughout the lifetime of a component when you develop application in React Native.

Now, if you mutate the state directly, the lifecycle gets messed up and it corrupts all the previous states. This leads to app behaving abnormally or even crash. This will also result in you losing track of the states across component and will lead to you writing custom code in place of React. Additionally, you’ll end up having an unmanageable code and a heavy app.

5. Left “console.log” statements

JavaScript Basics: Console.log(). Today we are going to learn the basics… | by Erica N | Level Up Coding

Console log statements are extremely handy. They even provide help with debugging the app execution. But what happens when you leave the log statements in the app?

This can turn out to be a serious issue if you keep the render methods and logics inside, especially those which are asynchronous for they can lead to a bottleneck in JavaScript thread. All this ultimately leads to the application becoming slower.

6. Using stateless component for gaining React Native performance

Stateless Component vs Pure Component | by Vikas Singh | Groww Engineering

Some developers still think that what was true before React 16 is true even now.

Stateless component basically means that the component does not extend any class. It basically takes the argument as display and props in the DOM. It comes with benefits like –

  • Easy testing ability
  • Fast implementation
  • Does not use state or the local variables

With the time changing, it has today become wiser for developers to use pure component when they create React Native apps. Here’s why –

  • Performs shallow compare – This is a special win for complex UI applications as it lowers the render operations. The reason behind it is that it comes with a life cycle method known as shouldComponentUpdate which automatically does shallow comparison and then check if re-render is needed. In case of stateless component, re-render happens when parent component re-renders. But in the case of pure component, re-render only happens when a change is detected in the states or props.
  • Performs side effects – Developers can even send AJAX request inside componentDidmount or can perform some other DOM operations.

7. Not optimizing React Native images

React Native Image Performance. For the second installment of this… | by Adam Stanford | Medium

Optimizing the images in apps built with React Native should be a high priority task. It helps to resize the images locally and then uploading them to cloud storage like the s3 by server and getting the cdn link which then can be returned using API.

Following this process, helps make the image loading process fast.

While these are only 7, there can be a series of others as well. As a developer, your ultimate aim should be to make as few mistakes as possible.

Let us conclude the article by looking into what it would entail to become a developer who doesn’t commit these React Native app development mistakes.

How to Become a Mistakes-Proof React Native App Developer?

First thing first, there is not even a single developer on planet Earth who doesn’t commit mistakes.

Even developers with 10-15 years of experience commit mistakes. Your aim at the end of this article should not be to become a developers who doesn’t commit mistakes. It should be that you don’t commit the React native app development mistakes mentioned in the article and ones which are generally categorized as common in the mobile app development industry.

There are two ways to do that. Ways to become better React Native app developers –

A. Enroll in courses and keep brushing up your skills

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Enrolling in courses at the beginning of your career can be a great starting point on the present and future grounds.

Brushing up on the skill is equally necessary for when you are skilled and have years of experience. What happens is when you expand your career and work on a variety of projects, you most often than not lose sight of the technical understanding that you started with. Thus, it always comes across as a plus point to get back to the basics and revise things from scratch.

B. Associate with a company that focuses on training

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This part is more valid for newbie developers compared to their experienced counterparts. When you are just starting your career you should associate yourself with a mid-sized company that has Team Leaders to hand-hold you through the practical application of what you learned on an academic level.

The reason I say mid-sized company is because a small sized company usually operates in a time crunch model, so will be working under the expectation that you will be on your A game since the day one. Considering this, it will always be better if you partner with a mid-size business who will focus on your learning.

Knowing the mistakes that can ruin the users experience can be a good starting point for developers who take their job seriously. And another good starting point would be to get associated with a mobile app development company that understands how mistakes are a part of learning and helps you grow.

If you are searching for a company in app development with react native in NewYork, California, Texas, and so forth, send in your queries to sales@appinventiv.com.

FAQs about React Native App Development Mistakes to Avoid

How to Write Effective FAQs: Complete With 10 Best Examples

Q. How do you improve react native performance?

There are multiple ways to improve the performance of your React native application:

  • Avoid unnecessary renders
  • Use PureComponent instead of Stateless
  • Optimize the JSON data
  • Lower the app size

Q. Why use Redux with react native?

Redux tool helps in storing  and managing the data, debugging app states. When planned right, it can be a powerful tool for managing the app data. Although considered beneficial, Redux is best suited for the development of complex applications as compared to simple apps, for the number of codes are higher.



Colors in Health

Do you know why doctors wear a green/blue surgical scrub while operating? Have you ever wondered why walls are muted in color at adult patient rooms and brightly colored at children recovery rooms? The reason is colors influence human behavior. They affect our mood and emotions. They can even alter our perceptions or modify our actions.

For instance, blue and green are cool and calming colors. They bring a sense of tranquility and put patients at ease while they are on the operation table. Similarly, white is a color associated with warmth and peace. Colors like white, beige, have a calming effect on patients under intensive care. Likewise, blue, green, yellow and pink are suited for pediatric units where children are recovering.

The choice of colors make an impact in physical spaces as well as digital products.

Colors evoke different emotions in people according to their age, environment and condition. Therefore, it’s important to consider color theory while designing healthcare products.

So, let’s see how we can use the right colors to heal and comfort our end users.

Prescription delivery apps

Anteelo design. Healthcare

Amazon has changed the entire delivery gamut. Most people have a mindset of “why should I go out if I can order it from my mobile phone”. The basic feature of prescription delivery apps is to ensure easy access to medications on need-basis. Users may also need to consult with the staff remotely, or ask for a refill of their prescription.

For such kinds of apps, green and blue are the best choice of colors. They are refreshing, not too harsh on the senses and encourage concentration. These colors also work well for the pharmacists who are processing a lot of prescriptions by the hour. So, these colors help them concentrate on small details and deliver the right medication to intended recipients.


Informational and health communities apps

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Mobile apps that share informative healthcare articles have just one aim- to make people more aware of diseases, medications, treatment methodology, and so on. They want to make users in charge of their own health by disseminating information on their portal.

In such applications, we need to give users a control over what content they want to consume. We also have to ensure that the app functions well for all age groups. Including too many colors might hinder readability for elderly users whose vision declines with age.

The primary color of such apps should be white, followed by blue and yellow. White is a color that denotes cleanliness, freshness, and simplicity. You can use shades of blue and yellow to convey depth and power. Yellow is associated with positivity and warmth. These colors add liveliness and encourage people to keep reading.


Patient-engagement apps

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Patient engagement apps work at various levels- they connect patients with doctors, through online consultation. They remind patients when it’s time to take medications. They encourage patients to exercise regularly. They keep a track of insurance renewal, and so on.

These apps also store sensitive information and personal health data. Therefore, the app colors must invoke a feeling of security as well as encouragement. These patient engagement apps aim to make users accountable for their own health. Therefore, colors that are soft and neutral must be used.

Orange is a color that signifies health, happiness, and encouragement. Green is the color of nature and it denotes freshness, and progress. One can even use shades of pink as they represent kindness and affection. Darker shades of pink or orange can be used in designing medication reminders and pills tracker.


Personal wellness apps

12 Motivating Wellness Apps To Digitise Your Wellbeing

A major shift has happened in the way we manage our health. With apps that can monitor sleep, calories, heartbeats, and even steps, personal wellness apps have an increasing consumer demand.

Personal wellness apps help in motivating people to track their vitals, self-monitor critical signs of illness, and stay fit. Therefore the colors in these apps should give a playful, cheerful and cool vibe. Shades of purple, blue, and pink are the right colors for these kinds of wellness apps.

Purple denotes ambition and devotion which fits well with the mindset to track and improve health. Blue and pink add the coolness and kindness quotient. Pink exudes the message of playfulness as well as tenderness.


Remote consultation and monitoring apps

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Remote consultation and health monitoring apps help in keeping the patient connected with their doctors. They are especially useful for the elderly or disabled who can’t visit the doctor’s clinic regularly.

In such apps, one important thing to consider is the choice of colors for all age groups. Color perception changes with age and demographics. What works for middle-aged people wouldn’t necessarily work with elderly. So, during the user research phase, identify your user persona and decide who your target audience is. People in their 30’s or 40’s might prefer bright and vibrant colors that are playful and cheery. On the other hand, older people are likely to enjoy softer, soothing colors like beiges and whites.


EHR apps

Role of mHealth Apps in Healthcare Evolution from 1.0 to 3.0

Patients are more informed now than ever. Technology has changed the way healthcare data is accessed and inferred. The end users want to analyze their personal health data and take control of their health. They also want to keep their privacy intact.

This means that the color palette of the application should give a confident, trustworthy and cool vibe. So use neutral colors and a lot of white space so that the users can access important information in a hassle-free way. You can also use warm tones to show graphical information.

In conclusion, I would just say start by reading about the psychology of colors. Understand the color wheel. Deep dive into various factors that affect people’s perception. All this will help you in deciding the best color combinations for your app. Colors that are well thought out after doing research on the demographics of the app, are timeless. They always attract new users and keep them engaged, no matter which trend appears or disappears.

React Native vs iOS

In the last blog I wrote, I shared my knowledge on how React Native collaborates with the OS to yield the native experience in cross-platform apps. If you haven’t read it yet, please give it a read to understand the sorcery used by this magical framework. In this blog, I will explain how the development cycle with React Native differs from that of iOS. To make it easy to comprehend, I have listed certain criteria based on which we’re going to compare the complexity/ease of development in both environments.

Let’s begin with an illustration of how the transition to React Native feels like to an iOS developer.

After adding React Native to your bucket, you will be able to implement your ideas on both platforms without a hitch. That sounds cool. Right? Let’s get started.


ArtStation - ICONS & Banners design, Andy XU

In iOS apps, making a small change in code is a Pain as it requires you to rebuild everything from scratch. Then, you have to wait for the app to launch again on the device so that you can verify the changes. If the project contains a large number of files, then multiple runs just add fuel to the flame, and you spend a lot of time just waiting.

In React Native apps, we have a JS bundle that holds the application code and other assets. Your development machine acts like a local server hosting the bundle and the app just downloads it at every refresh/reload. Contents of the bundle are cached on the device which makes the reload process really quick and you don’t have to rebuild your app ever again.


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Laying out screens for the iOS app using Interface Builder in XCode is indeed a blessing for developers. It can use size classes to position views differently on screen sizes using a single interface. Constraints make it really easy to animate views on the screen at runtime. Styling based on certain flags helps in modifying the app behavior without having to write a single line of code.

In React Native, you’re definitely going to miss that ease of laying out views using drag/drop and constraints with XCode. React Native rather uses Flexbox to style and position views on the screen. It’ll take you a little time to get familiar with its syntax and attributes but once you master it, making views with dynamic content will be a cakewalk.


What Is Localization and Why Should You Care About It in 2020? - LTVplus

iOS apps have to manage separate files for localizing strings used in code and Storyboard/Nib files. There are frameworks that take a much easier approach to do this but there is no standard way to keep all the translations in one place.

There is a popular module named react-native-localization to do the localization in React Native apps. It uses just one file that holds the translation for strings used all over the project. It means that you just need to build a simple JSON file holding translations for all languages supported by your app. That sounds pretty easy, right? React Native is even smart enough to capture the locale used on your device and apply translations accordingly.

OTA (Over the Air) Updates

Should software updates be carried out OTA and on the fly? | Automotive World

This is something that makes mobile developers envy web developers a lot. Any bug/improvement requires time to recompile everything and submit the app for approval again. This whole cycle takes around 3-4 days to ship the new app to users. In short, it takes some time to fix the issue, and then some more, to deliver it to your audience.

React native has come up with a remedy. With third-party libraries like Code Push, you can have all of your live app’s code on your server. Whoa! Guess what? Apple approves it unless you turn your taxi app into a social media app with an update. You can configure the tool to update code on the live app either at the launch or even when the app moves to the foreground from the background. Did any new update induce regression issues in the app? No worries. You can revert the code back to the last stable version without having to go through the approval process again.

iOS pod lovers will have npm/Yarn in React Native

Yarn VS NPM: Why and How to Migrate to Yarn | Software Development

Many of us love using CocoaPods for linking third-party libraries in iOS apps. Pods installation keeps all developers from the pain of manually placing/managing the required files in project architecture. Just one command and there you have your workspace with Ready to use libraries.

In React Native, you got npm (node package manager)/Yarn at your rescue if you need to use any third-party library in the project. Both operate via terminal commands and can quickly install all packages listed in the package.json file.

Reusability of code (especially for views)

Custom Views In Android. Custom views can improve app's… | by Rachit Goyal | Technology at upGrad

React native has a clear advantage here. In iOS apps, if you need a similar view on other screens then you manually need to copy/paste the view components. In React native, all you need to do is “Just import the component and place it with the start and end tag in the render() method”. That’s it! Imagine just four/five reusable tags building a complex layout for you which looks purely native.

App Size/PerformancePerformance Management Mobile App - Key Benefits & Tips

For small apps, you might find React Native app’s size larger than that of an app built using native. It’s because of the tools and utilities it’s shipped with but for large-scale apps, size will be significantly less compared to a native app. Fewer lines of code due to the strong reusability make it really easy to manage big projects in React Native.
You might find a React Native app little laggy in debug mode. Don’t be disappointed and try running it in Release mode and voila, it got the same fps as that of a native iOS app.


Debugging: Tips To Get Better At It - GeeksforGeeks

Debugging with XCode is indeed unbeatable. You can debug your code, your views on the go without any hassle. It gets really easy to debug issues in the app and track memory/CPU usage as well. Exception and Symbolic breakpoints help a lot in tracking down the ‘hard to find’ issues.

I tried two ways of debugging a React Native App- one is with google chrome by enabling “Remote JS debugging” right from the device and another by using the inbuilt debugger by Nuclide in Atom IDE. With Nuclide, I find it really easy to put breakpoints and query variable values at every debugging step.


Unlocking Continuous Testing: The Four Best Practices Necessary for Success

Compared to iOS apps, there is more scope in React Native to test your code. You can use the Jest module to do unit testing, UI testing, and API testing. UI testing is also supported on XCode but in React Native environment, you can test all screens of your app in one go without even navigating to them. Felt pretty cool to be notified in advance about a little change breaking the views in the app.

What if something to be implemented on iOS is not available as a module on React Native?

React Native’s got your back here as well. It gives full flexibility to let you make function calls to native code and get the callback with the result of the execution. Your experience in iOS development comes really handy when you need to build a similar feature in React Native app. I tried Augmented Reality implementation in iOS as well as React Native app and it worked great. The guide to building your own native module in React Native is easy to follow. Try it and you will be impressed.


Once you start the development with React Native, you are definitely going to miss the X-Factor yielded to developers by XCode. But, if you look at React Native’s power to share the code between platforms while keeping the native feel intact then it’s really worth giving a try. Once you get used to it, you’ll be able to unleash its power on both platforms. Hope the blog gives you an idea of the challenges and perks of using React Native. The new era of cross-platform apps apparently belongs to React Native.

Cost of a Mobile Banking App Development- Determine

Ewallet Mobile apps | SMD Webtech

A massive percentage of the finance sector is willingly switching to mobile banking. But how much does mobile banking app development cost?

Irrespective of how slow we call the adoption of technology in the finance sector, there is one transformational event that can not be ignored – a massive percentage of people willingly switching from desktop and branch-visiting banking to mobile banking.

Mobile banking apps have today become one of the primary ways in which people log on to their bank accounts and perform transactions. The attraction towards mobile banking is so high and prominent that banks, across size and geographical locations, are not just expanding into the online banking app development offering but are also looking for ways to make them new-gen technology-rich.

In this article, we are going to deep dive into the different facets of banking application development and the feature-sets that come together to define how much does it costs to create a mobile banking app.

A Peek Into the Mobile Banking App Market 

A Peek Into the Mobile Application Development at Global Market

The ease that banking apps come with – real-time access of account information, ease in transactions, card-less ATM withdrawals, etc – has led to the fact that every bank now comes with their own banking applications.

But does it mean that the time for entrepreneurs to join the bandwagon has passed? No!

There are a number of statistics that validate the need for a mobile banking application. Here are some prominent ones –

In a decade’s time, mobile banking apps have taken over the combined user count of internet banking, branch-visit banking, and telephone banking. We can only imagine how big the market will be in the years to come.

The Top Players That Every Mobile Banking App Development Company Looks Up To

These are some of the top banking apps that the mobile banking application development companies look up to as benchmarks and the users compare other apps with.

The experience that these brands offer has played a massive role in increasing the adoption of mobile banking apps in the industry by showing the users that the process can be extremely seamless and automated.

Another factor that helps these applications become revolutionary is the feature-set that they come with.

Let us look into some of those features.

Must-Have Features of Banking App

There are a number of features that come together to define a well-strategized mobile banking app creation process. In order to get an idea of which is the best one, it can be helpful to look into the reasons why people use banking applications in the first place.

While the image gives a good idea of the kind of features that must be considered when you are looking for answers on how to develop an online banking application, let us reinstate the primary features.

1.  App access

12 Innovative Mobile Payment Apps | Practical Ecommerce

Like a majority of applications, a banking application also starts with authorization and registration. The sign-in option in the banking application should be simple but also highly secure. There are two options that brands generally follow when building a banking app – PIN entry and Fingerprint.  A multi-factor authentication system can help secure the application to a great extent.

2.  Account information

Updating Your Account Information | Help Center

You should enable the users to access their bank account information – account number, balance, card number, name, etc. There are a number of success stories that highlight the need of showcasing the feature of checking balance and other information in the first screen that opens when the user logs in. However, even if it goes differently than your plan, at least make the sections easily accessible for the users.

3.  Payment and transfer

How to Pay Chinese Suppliers by T/T Payment (Bank Wire Transfer) - QualityInspection.org

The next must-have feature of a banking application would be the ability to make real-time payments and transfers. There should be a specific section for the transfer activities containing the ability to add beneficiaries, view account balance pre and post-transfer, etc.

At the payment stage as well, you should ask the users to put in their password/PIN or fingerprint to allow money transfer.

4.  Transactions history

Payments Transaction History – Welcome, please choose a topic below.

Another primary feature of a banking application is real-time transaction history. On a usual note, you should give your users the feasibility of viewing their transaction history for the period that they want, i.e custom date setting.

5.  Push Notifications

Introduction to Push Notifications | by Ferenc Almasi | JavaScript in Plain English

A well-thought-of push notification strategy can not just help you retain your customers but also increase the engagement levels in your application.

Generally, push notifications are divided into three parts:

  • Transaction-based – notify users of everything related to their bank accounts
  • Promotion-based – inform the users about offers, discounts, and deals
  • Application-based – document submission or password change request

6.  Bank and ATM locations

ATM, Bank ATM, Bank Branches, ATM Locators, Bank Address | Citi India

It is one of the most convenient features present in a banking application. You should integrate Apple or Google Maps in the application to help guide the users to the nearby bank locations and ATMs.

7.  In-app chat

In-app Chat vs. Email Support – Which One is Right For Your Mobile App? – Customer Service Blog from HappyFox

There are a number of ways chatbots make banking better. The number one is making banking accessible to the users on a 24*7 mode. A securely devised chatbot can help keep updated with their account details, check if x amount was credited from their accounts, etc.

While these are the must-have features that define how to build a banking mobile app, there are a number of advanced features that can elevate the returns on mobile banking development services investment. They can be – regular payments, QR scan, integration of third-party services like investment portals, hotel or travel booking options within the app, etc.

Now that we have looked at the must-have feature sets of banking applications, let us get to the point where we look into the cost of banking application development.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Banking App? 

How to develop modern mobile banking? Which features should be first. – Softensy

The banking app development cost is dependent on a number of factors. Here are the top ones –

1.  Features

Mobile banking app feature-set is the first thing that contributes to the development cost estimate. The more advanced the features, the greater would be the development cost. For example, the more you move away from a standard mobile banking app and gravitate towards the integration of Blockchain for IoT in the application, the higher would be the overall cost range.

2.  App design

There are a number of information present inside a banking mobile application – account information, money transfer details, customer service information, an active chatbot, etc. It is very easy to create a design which tries to add all the information in place. But what is needed and appreciated is minimalistic design – something that carries its own place in the mobile app design cost list.

3.  Technology Integration

The other key factor that has a direct impact on the banking app development cost is technology integration. While we do suggest adding new-gen technologies like AI or Blockchain to future-proof your banking applications, it can increase the development cost to a great extent.

4. Location of the agency

The last element is the location of the agency. As you move from East to West, the cost of app development increases. The average hourly rate of mobile banking app developers in the US is usually in the $100 to $120 range, while in India it can be anywhere between $60 to $80.

All the elements come together to define the cost of banking application development. If you are looking for a numeric value, share your idea with our banking software experts. They’ll help you validate your app idea while giving you a costing estimate.

While you are working on your banking application idea, keep the banking trends into consideration which would help make your app 2021 ready.

Mobile Banking Development Trends That Will Rule 2021-22

ATM connectivity

Connectivity solution for the largest network of ATMs in Central America

Innovations in QR code scans and near-field communication technology will help customers manage their ATM transactions without fumbling to find their debit cards, while saving them from entering passwords in a public setup.

Voice commands

Voice Command App: Adapt Your Marketing to Voice | CleverTap

Voice technology will find itself getting adopted by the banking sector by a greater extent. Users will now be able to check their bank balance or transfer money to people in their contacts simply by initiating a voice request.

Greater integration of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI): What's In Store For 2021?

This year will see a number of innovative use cases of AI in the payment & banking sector. Right from fraud detection to establishing a 24*7 connectivity between users and banks, AI and Machine Learning will be integrated by the banking institutions to a great extent.

Improved app security

8 Steps to Enhance App Security - Bluestone Apps

Although the banking sector is still one of the most secure sectors, 2021 will see it become unhackable. Here are a few elements that we will be adding in the banking applications to make them breach-proof:

  • Multi-factor authentication system
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Fingerprint authentication
  • Real-time alerts
  • Incorporation of AI to identify fraud instances, etc.

At this point, you have all the information needed to initiate a mobile banking application and the factors that will help you get an estimate on the project. The next step? Find a team of developers who can help you with the project. We are one of them.

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