Windows 8 paired with Ubuntu 12.10: DUAL BOOT

I started with Ubuntu installation on Windows 8 and little did I know that it will have its own new complications. Lets try to understand! I had Windows pre-installed, the obvious suggestion to use ‘WUBI.exe’ was thrown at me. I went to the Ubuntu site to download the installer and got the Ubuntu 12.04 set up from the team. All I had to do was to let WUBI handle the installation and it would have been done but, it failed.

Dual-boot Windows 8 and Ubuntu 12.10 in UEFI mode |

My second attempt.

I made the USB installer from 12.04 Ubuntu setup. First, I had to download the USB installer and later insert the pen drive. Second, I had to run the installer and let it handle the rest. After you get the USB installer prepared one has to boot the system from the USB and for that one has to reach the BIOS set up first. Another interesting point, ‘do you know how to reach the BIOS setup on windows 8?’. Windows 8 works on UEFI technology and thus gives you a span of only “.2” seconds to hit the Del/F2 button bang on at the right time. Try to give it as a challenge to someone and you can bet 1000000$ bucks on it cause he will not get that done in his lifetime! Right!

Another option is to go to the Windows setting from the start menu and to reach the General option. There the smart Windows 8 will ask you whether you want to boot again using other source like USB/DVD/CD. So, that will work if you have a USB/DVD/CD connected to the system. Remember only one! But the USB installer also didn’t work cause of what I later found out is the Windows 8’s UEFI feature.

UEFI stands for “Unified Extensible Firmware Interface”. The UEFI specification defines a new model for the interface between personal-computer operating systems and platform firmware. The interface consists of data tables that contain platform-related information, plus boot and run time service calls that are available to the operating system and its loader. Together, these provide a standard environment for booting an operating system and running pre-boot applications. UEFI would not support any OS without the UEFI feature so I had to do what I did next.

Got the Ubuntu 12.10 version and after a good hour and some minutes of my precious Ubuntu download I again made the USB installer. Do you want to know why I didn’t choose the WUBI.exe option? Well, when using WUBI.exe, I was given a choice from 3 GB to 30 GB for the Ubuntu storage, to which my team member informed would be insufficient. Like anybody in a similar situation, I too went with the ‘Boot using USB’ option but to my horror even this didn’t work.Hmmm!

New Mantra – “Disable Secure Boot”

After disabling the Secure Boot option in Windows 8, I got the Ubuntu USB installer working. I rebooted my system again to find that I didn’t get the option of Windows reboot! Do not worry as I didn’t write this blog without any prior success with the Ubuntu installation ;). Ever heard of “boot-repair”. Download it from the Ubuntu link and run on Ubuntu, reboot and success! ?

React Native: 5 Roads of iOS vs Android

In this digital age, one can’t survive without technology. Mobile apps have become an obsession for people, a proven fact that in 2017, users around the world downloaded almost 197 billion Android apps and over 25 billion iOS apps. The app development business has reached its peak in the past few years and has been growing higher since.

But with the craze for mobile apps rising high, there’s one massive problem that has arisen for app development companies. Finding enough talented developers who can develop the same thing for Android and iOS is a bit of a challenge.

So is there a more natural solution?

Of course, there is! If you want to develop an app from scratch, for both iOS and Android platforms, React Native is the best option.

React Native is a framework that can be used to develop cross-platform apps. It is a JavaScript-based framework created by Facebook to develop apps supported by both Android and iOS platforms. While it offers benefits such as reduced development time and reusable code and app components, there are some differences between the usages of React Native for both platforms.

In this article, we are going to highlight five significant differences between React Native app development methods across Android and iOS. But before that, let’s have a look at the features of React Native that have made it so popular.

Why is React Native gaining impetus? 

React vs Vue in 2021: Head to Head Comparison [Updated]

React Native is a widely used platform that allows you to alter the user interface of an app for both iOS and Android development. Following are some primary reasons that React Native is such a hit among app developers:

  • Open-source Framework – This framework is open-source. Its structure is all set to become completely compatible with both Windows and macOS. It also supports reusing already written code instead of rewriting it from scratch.
  • Quick Development – Application development is not an easy task. Writing code from scratch and learning to code in Swift and Java is tough and time-consuming. React Native resolves this issue in a way that instead of having expertise in these two, you are only required to know JavaScript; this makes app development very easy and quick. That said, basic knowledge of Swift and Java is also necessary.
  • Focus on the User Interface – React Native allows you to develop smooth and easy-to-navigate User Interface in both operating systems at the same time. UI is one of the main reasons behind its popularity. Before this, developers were required to prioritize one type of operating system. React Native resolved this issue and made development more comfortable and balanced for both platforms.

Coming to the focal point now –The differences when used for Android and iOS no platform is perfect when it comes to technology. There are some boundaries and restrictions for every one of them. The same is the case with React Native. App development for Android and iOS vastly differs, and it is because of the following factors:

While you develop a cross-platform app using React Native, you need to access a few specific iOS simulator tools for app testing. But these tools are not considered reliable as Apple does not officially recognize them. In the case of Windows, Android studio is a reliable source to test the Android version of apps. So it is effortless to conduct official testing for the android version, and there is no authorized testing module available for iOS. That does not mean that iOS apps are not tested; we can say that the results are not authentic.

A suggested solution to overcome this problem is to test the iOS app within Android Studio since it is compatible with macOS. It is better to use Apple MacBook as the testing device to test both, Android and iOS versions of the React Native apps.

  • Linking Libraries

If you need to link third-party libraries in your app, you cannot merely use the React Native link called “library name” to link libraries. You are required to link those third-party libraries manually. This manual linking is considered to be a hurdle because it is time-consuming, and it requires developers to have distinct knowledge about Android and iOS development.

We can avoid manual linking if complete documentation of the required libraries are available, which is rare. The manual linking requires the developer to have a grip on Java and Swift or Objective C language.

  • Platform-Specific Styles Elements

While working on a cross-platform app, it is essential to consider the style differences. The styles added using React Native look different in iOS and Android because both operating systems might not support that styling. For example, if you add shadow style in your app, it won’t be visible in the Android version, as Android does not support this styling.

So, developers require keeping the style differences in mind and use the styles which are supported by both operating systems.

  • Native Elements

The display differences of different native app elements might not be considered at the initial stage, but once development proceeds, developers start regarding such differences as hurdles. React Native has several elements to be used, but the results differ according to the platform they are implemented on. For example, the picker component would display a different outcome on an iOS simulator and a different one on the Android emulator.

  • Platform-Specific Design Elements

React Native provides a cross-development platform because of shared code, and developers expect to build both versions of applications with minimal efforts. But unfortunately, no platform is perfect. iOS apps usually are quite minimalist in design, while Android is more drawn towards the material design principle. While developing through shared code, you need to make sure that the app is suitable according to its natural look and feel for both platforms. Right now, multitask panels in iOS have small tabs in contrast, while the interchangeable tabs of Android’s multitasking panel are almost of screen size. So, developers need to keep track of these differences while developing on a shared platform.

Similarly, the icons of iOS apps are round-cornered squares, while Android has a range of useful options that include icons with transparent background and shadows. iOS has simplicity and lower cognitive load on icons. There is also a difference in navigation patterns for both operating systems. Android’s native navigation-bar has back and refresh buttons, while in iOS, the back button on the top is screen-specific and also works with a right swipe gesture.

All these differences are necessary to consider for developers while working on application development through React Native. These issues are essential to tackle but don’t come in the way of making it a popular and reliable platform. Many big brands have utilized React Native to develop popular applications for both operating systems.

To Sum It Up

From in-app features to design elements to testing tools, the development of iOS and Android mobile app development using React Native differs on various levels. Developers need to take care of these differences to avoid bugs during implementation. Many big brands like Instagram, Uber Eats, Airbnb, and Gyroscope use React Native’s shared platform technique, which goes a long way to indicate that the framework is reliable and generates up to the mark results.

Google’s Fuchsia OS, why?

Talk about innovation and you’ll see Google at its forefront. This time Google is working to replace its existing operating system called Android. Google is working on its next OS after Android and Chrome which is called Fuchsia. Fuchsia is an open-source, real-time operating system. Earlier the OS was introduced only with commands but now they have created a new crazy UI called Armadillo.
Google Fuchsia OS: What's the story so far?

Fuchsia is not a Linux based OS like Android and Chrome. Android is primarily designed for smartphones and touchscreen phones. Fuchsia has focused on voice control and AI. It is designed to better accommodate voice interactions across devices. It has extremely fast processors and uses non-trivial amounts of RAM.

There are mainly two reasons why Google is working on a new operating system-

  1. Unlike Android and Chrome OS, Fuchsia is not based on Linux—it uses a new, Google-developed microkernel called “Zircon.” With Fuchsia, Google would not only be dumping the Linux kernel, but also the GPL: the OS is licensed under a mix of BSD 3 clause, MIT, and Apache 2.0
  2. People love to write cross-platform frameworks for two reasons: First, they want to run their apps to run on both platforms without doubling the effort. And second, because Android programming is still so painful even after the Kotlin.

About Fuchsia

  1. Fuchsia is based on newly developed microkernel called Zircon. The microkernel is basically a stripped down version of a traditional kernel (the core of an operating system that controls a computer’s underlying hardware).
  2. Fuchsia, is partially written in Dart which is an open source programming language developed by Google itself. Dart compiles to JavaScript.
  3. The fuchsia interface is written in Flutter SDK which is cross-platform and is also developed by Google.
  4. Fuchsia has a new UI called Armadillo that has a different home screen containing a home button, a keyboard, and a window manager. It supports vertical scroll system where the user can adjust other icons like battery, profile picture, weather report and so on accordingly.
  5. A user can also adjust the apps which are shown in the cards on the basis of how frequently or recently he/she is using the app.
  6. Armadillo can run on iOS and Android platform or any other platform that flutter supports easily.
  7. Google hasn’t made any public, official comments on why Fuchsia exists or what it is for but as per their documentation it will overcome all the shortcomings of the previous operating systems and will provide the high performance which is not possible to implement in the existing operating system (Android).
  8. The Fuchsia interface is written in Flutter SDK which generates cross-platform code that runs on Android and iOS.

Armadillo- The Fuchsia System Interface

Is Fuchsia OS the next Android? - Dignited

  1. Earlier, Fuchsia was based on commands but later its interface is designed in the language called Armadillo by Google which is pretty interesting now.
  2. According to the picture of its UI- here is the description of how things will work in case of Fuchsia.

The center profile picture is a clickable area that will open the menu which is similar to Android Quick Settings. Battery and connectivity icon will be shown on the top bar. There is also a horizontal slider for brightness and volume and also icons for do not disturb, auto rotate and airplane mode.

The bottom ‘Google Now’ panel will bring up a keyboard which is not the Android keyboard but instead it’s a custom Fuchsia keyboard which has the dark new theme. Fuchsia keyboard functions are different from Android keyboard.


So Fuchsia is a brand new Google project which may be the answer to “How we will start writing Android again if we need to end the era of earlier stable OS”.

The biggest challenge to bring the brand new OS might not be developing the new OS but the risk in the transition idea from the world’s most popular Android Operating system to the new one. We can not say anything about the future of the Fuchsia. It can be successfully launched to the consumers by 2020 as quoted by some source or can be entirely trashed by Google before it sees the light of the day.

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