Google’s Fuchsia OS, why?

Talk about innovation and you’ll see Google at its forefront. This time Google is working to replace its existing operating system called Android. Google is working on its next OS after Android and Chrome which is called Fuchsia. Fuchsia is an open-source, real-time operating system. Earlier the OS was introduced only with commands but now they have created a new crazy UI called Armadillo.
Google Fuchsia OS: What's the story so far?

Fuchsia is not a Linux based OS like Android and Chrome. Android is primarily designed for smartphones and touchscreen phones. Fuchsia has focused on voice control and AI. It is designed to better accommodate voice interactions across devices. It has extremely fast processors and uses non-trivial amounts of RAM.

There are mainly two reasons why Google is working on a new operating system-

  1. Unlike Android and Chrome OS, Fuchsia is not based on Linux—it uses a new, Google-developed microkernel called “Zircon.” With Fuchsia, Google would not only be dumping the Linux kernel, but also the GPL: the OS is licensed under a mix of BSD 3 clause, MIT, and Apache 2.0
  2. People love to write cross-platform frameworks for two reasons: First, they want to run their apps to run on both platforms without doubling the effort. And second, because Android programming is still so painful even after the Kotlin.

About Fuchsia

  1. Fuchsia is based on newly developed microkernel called Zircon. The microkernel is basically a stripped down version of a traditional kernel (the core of an operating system that controls a computer’s underlying hardware).
  2. Fuchsia, is partially written in Dart which is an open source programming language developed by Google itself. Dart compiles to JavaScript.
  3. The fuchsia interface is written in Flutter SDK which is cross-platform and is also developed by Google.
  4. Fuchsia has a new UI called Armadillo that has a different home screen containing a home button, a keyboard, and a window manager. It supports vertical scroll system where the user can adjust other icons like battery, profile picture, weather report and so on accordingly.
  5. A user can also adjust the apps which are shown in the cards on the basis of how frequently or recently he/she is using the app.
  6. Armadillo can run on iOS and Android platform or any other platform that flutter supports easily.
  7. Google hasn’t made any public, official comments on why Fuchsia exists or what it is for but as per their documentation it will overcome all the shortcomings of the previous operating systems and will provide the high performance which is not possible to implement in the existing operating system (Android).
  8. The Fuchsia interface is written in Flutter SDK which generates cross-platform code that runs on Android and iOS.

Armadillo- The Fuchsia System Interface

Is Fuchsia OS the next Android? - Dignited

  1. Earlier, Fuchsia was based on commands but later its interface is designed in the language called Armadillo by Google which is pretty interesting now.
  2. According to the picture of its UI- here is the description of how things will work in case of Fuchsia.

The center profile picture is a clickable area that will open the menu which is similar to Android Quick Settings. Battery and connectivity icon will be shown on the top bar. There is also a horizontal slider for brightness and volume and also icons for do not disturb, auto rotate and airplane mode.

The bottom ‘Google Now’ panel will bring up a keyboard which is not the Android keyboard but instead it’s a custom Fuchsia keyboard which has the dark new theme. Fuchsia keyboard functions are different from Android keyboard.


So Fuchsia is a brand new Google project which may be the answer to “How we will start writing Android again if we need to end the era of earlier stable OS”.

The biggest challenge to bring the brand new OS might not be developing the new OS but the risk in the transition idea from the world’s most popular Android Operating system to the new one. We can not say anything about the future of the Fuchsia. It can be successfully launched to the consumers by 2020 as quoted by some source or can be entirely trashed by Google before it sees the light of the day.

7 Ways to Make Your Linux VPS More Secure

13 Steps To Increase CentOS Linux VPS Security - OperaVPS

Offering superb performance, greater storage and increased reliability for a minimal increase in costs, Linux VPS has quickly become the go-to hosting solution for those upgrading from shared hosting. Just like with any other hosting solution, it’s vital that you keep your VPS secure. In this post, we’ll provide some important tips on how to do that.

1. Set up and configure a firewall

Firewall configuration with system-config-firewall - TechRepublic

Firewalls are essential to keep your VPS secure. They protect you against cyberattacks by blocking malicious network traffic and prevent malware from accessing your server via the internet. To work effectively, they need to be correctly configured.

Anteelo firewalls provide robust security, offering custom firewall rules and application defence, together with protection against DDoS, intrusion and malware.

2. Disable root logins

How to Disable SSH Root Login in Linux

Hackers love default usernames which is why brute force attacks always begin by trying the username ‘admin’. With a Linux VPS, there’s also the default username ‘root’ which hackers are familiar with. Disabling logins that use the username ‘root’ prevents it from being targeted by a brute force attack. To do this, first create a new admin-level user with a different username and then disable the ‘root’ login.

3. Keep your OS software updated

How to keep your business software up-to-date | Tech Donut

While vulnerabilities in operating systems are usually found and patched very quickly, not everyone updates to the latest version swiftly and this leaves their VPS at risk of attack. Cybercriminals use sophisticated bots to seek out those vulnerable servers so they can be targeted.

Unless your applications require you to run a legacy OS, it is essential that you update your OS as soon as an update or patch is released as this will remove any vulnerability. If you are a customer of Anteelo, our managed service means we’ll take care of this on your behalf. We’ll also update your control panel and the virtualisation software that the VPS runs on, too.

4. Take control of your software

6 Steps To Take Control of Your Software Quality | by Emre Dundar | Devops Türkiye☁️ ? ? ☸️ | Medium

Just as with your operating system, hackers will seek out vulnerabilities in all the software you use. One of the ways to minimise risk is to delete any unnecessary applications that came bundled with your server and only install apps and add-ons that you actually need.

For the software that you do need, setting up automatic updates from within your control panel will ensure that, should a security patch be released by the developer, your server will have the latest, secure version as soon as it is available.

5. Use strong passwords

How to Create Stronger Passwords -

Brute force hackers now use AI-enabled software that accesses databases of stolen usernames and passwords to help them find the right login credentials. A weak username/password combination can be cracked in seconds. Forcing users to choose strong passwords is the easiest way to prevent these advanced techniques from being successful. Even better, implement two-factor authentication.

It is also worth remembering that this type of hacking will need multiple login attempts before it is successful. A further layer of protection can be achieved by using the ‘faillog’ command to limit the number of attempts a user makes before they are locked out. Hacking software will make continuous and very quick attempts to log in, so setting a limit will prevent this from happening.

6. Partition your server

How to automate Table Partitioning in SQL Server

Security can be enhanced by partitioning your server’s SSD. This will enable you to separate the operating system from applications, files and other data. Essentially, this means that if one of your partitions is compromised, the damage that is done is limited. It also means any restoration needed can be carried out quicker.

7. Back up your VPS regularly

How to Backup VPS [5 Tips to Make it Simple] | Liquid Web

Aside from data theft, the other major issue caused by a cyberattack is not the attack itself but how long it keeps your business offline. With your applications down, you will be unable to carry out the operations that your business relies on, such as your website, email, manufacturing or other critical IT processes.

The key to swift recovery is having an up-to-date backup in place which can quickly restore all your affected applications, files and data. Without a backup, some data could be irretrievably lost and restoration of services could take too long for your business to survive.

At Anteelo, we provide a backup solution that stores your data remotely, encrypts it for security and checks it for integrity so you know that it works. What’s more, you can schedule backups to occur automatically so that you always have an up-to-date copy of your files or even your entire server.


A VPS provides exceptional hosting for growing businesses, but like all hosting solutions needs to be protected from the growing number of cyberattacks. The seven tips discussed here should help you make your VPS far more secure. Of course, with the right web host, much of the security will be taken care of on your behalf and you’ll have 24/7 technical support to provide expert assistance if the worst happens.

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