Prepare your workforce for the future- 4 steps

Steps to More Effective Project Management

What’s the best way to prepare for the workforce of the future? With news of Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, and others investing billions in training, you’d be forgiven for thinking the answer is simply “reskilling the workforce.”

And yet, reskilling is only one part of the solution. Creating the workforce of tomorrow requires a holistic approach to learning that enables the continuous development of new skills, a higher level of engagement, and an agile and thoughtful response to ongoing change. This, in turn, requires putting learning at the very core of the entire organization.

Vanguard organizations are already preparing the workforce by making learning foundational. Your organization can begin to do the same by taking these four action steps:

1. Make learning opportunities available to everyone in your complex demographic landscape.

How the shift to remote learning might affect students, instructors and colleges

Today’s workplace demographics are complex, composed of multiple generations with varying experience levels, specialization, tenure and learning preferences. HR practitioners must now determine how to leverage people, process, and technology around this workforce.

Globalization also affects employee learning and development. Workforces in different countries may need instruction that is sensitive to varied cultural and language preferences; remote employees need access to mobile learning and development tools. Similarly, the rise of part-time and gig employees requires organizations to think beyond traditional, synchronous, and on-location training.

Action: Increase engagement and productivity—and facilitate a valuable sense of community and collaboration—by providing training and career development opportunities to the entire workforce, including in-house, remote, global, part-time, and even gig workers.

2. Democratize talent with teams.

The democratization of professional talent and how it's transforming the way we work | BenefitsPRO

Today, an organization’s ability to pivot in the marketplace depends on agility—and agility requires a workforce that is networked and collaborative, i.e., team-based. Teams, unlike the traditional (and rigid) corporate hierarchy of the past, can form, dissolve and morph as needed to meet new and changing business needs.

Team-based structures also more effectively harness the expertise and wisdom of all employees, at all levels. In a team-based structure, someone may have only one year of experience, but they may also have the right expertise to contribute to a team’s success or even lead a team. And that’s the big “Aha!” moment, realizing that anyone can step up to contribute or lead.

Action: Democratizing talent means giving all employees an opportunity to contribute, regardless of tenure, assuming they have evidence-based knowledge and insights to share. Don’t dismiss employees’ perspectives or ideas based on age, tenure or role.

3. Understand and enable “learning while working.”

Why Hiring for Culture Fit Will Lead to an Unfit Workplace Culture | by Nicole Shephard | Better Marketing

How can workers continue to be relevant amid the increased use of AI, cognitive technologies and other disruptors to traditional workflows? By engaging in continuous learning. For organizations, this requires making learning available within the flow of work, moving development from the periphery of the employee experience—day-long courses, five-minute videos, synchronous and asynchronous e-learning—to its core. You deliver learning opportunities directly to employees and make them conveniently accessible at all times. The right technology can make learning a natural part of everyday tasks and eliminate the time employees are physically or cognitively separate from work.

Action: Use tools designed to make learning integral to everyday work life. Consider technologies that not only ensure content is relevant for each individual but also integrate learning opportunities directly into daily work tools, e.g., Microsoft Office, Slack, and Salesforce.

4. Apply programs, solutions, and technologies designed to optimize collaborative learning.

What Is Collaborative Learning? Examples of Activities

Collaborative learning, when done right, accelerates the collective intelligence of an organization—a potentially powerful competitive differentiator in an era of constant change. When people come together to solve a business problem, you gain greater organizational intellectual property and intelligence than if you were to ask each person to solve the problem individually. It’s the same with learning. When people learn together, they become collectively something greater by hearing and responding to each other’s insights and informed observations.

Action: Better manage and distribute informal knowledge and employee insights. Employ collaborative learning technologies to make individual experience, wisdom, and insight available to a large, distributed learning population.

The steps to reskill your workforce for the Age of Automation

Article: Future-proof your workforce: Reskilling & Upskilling for the digital age — People Matters

The age of automation is radically disrupting work as we know it. By 2022, seventy-five million jobs in 20 economies are expected to disappear, just as 133 million new jobs are created. And by 2030, McKinsey predicts that 375 million workers will need to find new work, as automation increasingly takes over traditionally human tasks.

Coping with this unprecedented change will require both a new way of working and what the World Economic Forum (WEF) and others are calling a “reskilling revolution.” WEF research suggests that, at minimum, 54% of all workers will need either reskilling or upskilling by 2022.

Fortunately, some organizations are already aware of this urgent need. Research by McKinsey discovered that 66% of surveyed executives saw “‘addressing potential skills gaps related to automation/digitization’ within their workforces as at least a ‘top-ten priority.’” A few organizations are even ahead of the reskilling curve, already making investments in programs designed to prepare workers for new roles:

  • JPMorgan Chase invested $350 million in a five-year global initiative called New Skills at Work. The investment will create new training programs, bolster collaboration and communication, enable research, and build upskilling opportunities.
  • Amazon’s Upskilling 2025 will reskill 100,000 workers by 2025. An investment of $700 million is earmarked for reskilling employees across all areas of the organization, including corporate, warehouse, retail, and transportation.
  • AT&T has invested one billion dollars in Future Ready, an internal program designed to reskill more than 100,000 workers.

The risk of not reskilling

Reskilling schemes benefit workers, employers and governments – European CEO

JPMorgan Chase, Amazon, and AT&T know that keeping pace with the age of automation will require employees who are agile, flexible, and adept at learning. But what will happen to organizations that don’t address the need to reskill the workforce?

Organizations slow to adapt won’t fall behind overnight. They’ll fall behind slowly until it’s too late to catch up. The problem is, with the age of automation, that if you get behind on something this big—reskilling— you can’t double or triple your pace to keep up. People can’t adapt that fast. And organizations probably don’t have enough money to buy all the talent they need.

Five action steps to take now to address reskilling for the age of automation:

The Five Steps to Argumentalizing Instruction | Argument-Centered Education

  1. Identify the risk areas for automation. Certain areas will be obvious—rote processes, tasks that can be done faster and more efficiently via automation. Other areas won’t be as obvious: Experts predict that jobs such as insurance underwriting, pharmaceutical discovery, and long-haul trucking will be automated by 2030.
  2. Identify what skills the company needs to succeed long term. Look at what the organization needs to continue existing work, as well as expand into new areas of work. What challenges are showing up in the marketplace and what key skills will help overcome those challenges?
  3. Examine existing employee skills. Can employees transition to different areas of the organization or will they need to be completely reskilled? If they need to be reskilled, do they currently lack hard or soft skills? Can new skills be learned on the job or will employees need formal training, and if so, for how long?
  4. Determine the right training for the right skill. While videos and microlearning are useful for just-in-time learning, effective reskilling in the age of automation will require far more than a library of courses. Technology and self-paced courses have a role to play, just not the starring one. A mix of learning modalities—instructor-led, microlearning, coaching mentoring—will provide employees with the best opportunity to learn and retain complex skills.
  5. Communicate with everyone. Every employee at every level needs to understand how critical reskilling is to the future of the organization, and by extension, their own futures. Informing all stakeholders on a regular basis about the organization’s plans for the future can alleviate the fear of change and job loss, thus keeping employees motivated and engaged.

Wait and see? Or act now?

7 Benefits of Business Process Automation

For organizations that want to remain competitive in the age of automation, a “wait and see” approach isn’t a viable option. It’s death by a thousand cuts for companies that don’t start to change now.

But getting started doesn’t require a major investment. I recommend organizations begin today by making small adjustments in the right direction—adjustments that over time add up to successful and sustainable change. Figure out the skills you are going to need. Communicate with everyone about upcoming changes. And use the right training for the right skill. Create small course corrections now so that your organization is on the right track and employees are more adaptable and engaged.

Digital transformation on the basis of risk: From hype to reality

Is Digital Transformation Hype or Reality? - Part 1 of 4

The digital movement is real. Consumers now possess more content at their fingertips than ever before, and it has impacted how we do business. Companies like Airbnb, Uber, and Waze have disrupted typical business models, forcing established players in different industries to find ways to stay relevant in the ever-emerging digital age. This post is not about that. Well, not in the strictest sense.

There are countless articles explaining the value of being digital. On the other hand, there are very few articles about how to get there. Let’s explore how to get there together, through an approach that I have named Risk-Based Transformation. RBT’s strength is that it puts technology, application, information, and business into one equation.

An approach that fits your specific needs

Smart Cities

I’m relocating very soon, and with that comes the joys of a cross-country journey. Being the planning type, I started plotting my journey. I didn’t really know how to start, so I went to various websites to calculate drive times. I even found one that would give you a suggested route based on a number of inputs. These were great tools but they were not able to account for some of my real struggles, like how far is too far to drive with a 5- and 3-year-old.

Where are the best rest stops where we can “burn” energy — ones that have a playground or a place to run? (After being cooped up in a car for hours, getting exercise is important!) How about family- and pet-friendly places to visit along the way to break up the trip? What about the zig-zag visits we need to make to see family?

The list goes on. So while I was able to use these tools to create a route, it wasn’t one that really addressed any of the questions that were on my mind. Organizations of all sizes and across all industries are on this digital journey but often the map to get there is too broad, too generic, and doesn’t provide a clear path based on your unique needs.

A different approach is needed, one in which you can benefit from the experience of others, whilst taking the uniqueness of your business into account. Like planning a trip, it’s good to use outside views in particular to give that wider industry view; however, that’s only a piece of the puzzle. Each business has its own culture, struggles, and goals that bring a unique perspective.

RBT framework

To help with this process, I have created a framework for RBT. At a high level, RBT takes into account your current technology (infrastructure), application footprint, the value of the information, and risk to the business. From left to right, the least weight to the highest. This framework gives a sense as to where to start and where the smart spend is. See flow below:

Risk-based Vulnerability Management | Tenable®

Following this left to right, you can add or remove evaluation factors based on your needs. Each chevron has a particular view, in a vacuum if you will, so the technology is rated based only on itself. It will gain its context as you move through each chevron. This will give you a final score. The higher the score, the higher the risk to the business.

Depending on your circumstances, you can approach it David Letterman style and take your top 10 list of transformation candidates and run it through the next logic flow (watch for a future blog on how to determine treatment methodology). Or, as we did with a client recently, you can start with your top 50 applications. The point is to get to a place that enables you to start making informed next steps that meet your needs and budget to get the most “bang” for your investment.

The idea behind this framework is to use data in the right context to present an informed view. For example, you can build your questionnaires on SharePoint or Slack, or another collaboration platform that also allows the creation of dashboard views. You can build dashboards in Excel, Access, MySQL, or whatever technology you’re comfortable with in order to build an informed data-driven view, evaluating risk against transformation objectives. The key is that you need to assign values to questions in order to calculate consistent measurements across the board.

A living framework

Real-Time Maps with a Raspberry Pi, Golang, and HERE XYZ - HERE Developer

Many years ago, when you plotted your cross-country drive on your map it was based on information from a fixed time. This was the best route when I drew the line on the map. Now, personal navigation devices hooked into real-time data change that course based on current conditions. In the same way, the RBT model is a living framework; it should have regular iterations in order to have course corrections as you go forward.

The intent of this framework and thinking is to build a context that makes sense for your needs, and then present data in a context that allows for better planning. That better planning should lead to a more efficient digital journey as we all continue to stay with, or ahead of, the curve.

If you have enjoyed this, look forward to my next post. There I will detail how the RBT framework is applied and the treatment buckets methodology.

Learn to deploy the game-changing Windows Virtual Desktop

What is VDI? | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure | VMware Glossary

The recent surge in ransomware and data breach incidents illustrates the vulnerability of IT workplace environments and the huge impact that these attacks can have on the entire organization. In response, companies are increasingly looking to desktop virtualization as a way to run the desktop OS in a remote data center where it can be better protected against such attacks. Historically, the implementation, operation, and management of a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) have been complex, and when done incorrectly, can create risk.  In a typical VDI deployment, a significant amount of infrastructure has to be managed and maintained, including the servers/virtual machines, load-balancers, networking systems, and endpoints. VDI is costly in terms of IT staff time, hardware, and software licensing. On top of that, companies need to make sure there are high-availability and disaster recovery systems in place so that end users are still able to work in case of a system outage. And unfortunately, in many cases, real-world deployments have failed to deliver the consistent performance that end-users require. But all that is about to change thanks to Microsoft’s announcement of Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD). This disruptive new service enables companies to run Windows-based VDI in the Microsoft Azure cloud, with multiple Windows 10 users active simultaneously on the same virtual machines, and with each user’s data isolated from every other user.

Why Windows Virtual Desktop is a game-changer

Windows Virtual Desktop provides significant benefits over on-premises and competing for cloud-based deployments:

1. Reduces cost: Compelling new licensing models reduce complexity and provide significant cost savings. For one thing, companies don’t need to maintain separate Windows Server licensing agreements. For another, WVD includes Windows 7 extended support — without requiring added end-of-life support payments — so companies dealing with legacy applications that only run on Windows 7 can still benefit from moving to cloud-based VDI as part of a broader digital transformation effort.

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2. Provides safe, secure access in a simplified environment: A free control plane – the software that orchestrates the creation and management of desktop and app session hosts — authenticates users and determines where to direct their desktop connections. This means companies no longer must set up separate virtual machines for functions like web access, diagnostics, application gateways and request brokers.

What Is SASE - Secure Access Service Edge? - Cisco

3. Drives efficiency with integrated Microsoft components: WVD, co-resident with Office 365 and your OneDrive data in Azure, drives fast response time and efficiencies. Microsoft will continue to optimize performance, as they own all the components.

Microsoft Windows' future is all about users

4. Facilitates workforce flexibility: From a business perspective, WVD opens up new employee use cases, securely and cost-effectively embracing the gig economy movement of using independent, short-term contractors, for example. With WVD, contractors can bring their own devices to the office and establish secure connections to the Azure cloud in order to access the applications and data they need to do their jobs.

Workplace Flexibility Can Impact How You Attract, Hire, And Retain Talent

How to optimize your WVD deployment

Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Deployment | Support Remote Workers

WVD is an important addition to an enterprise VDI ecosystem, a true game changer that can help companies cut the costs and complexity associated with desktop lifecycle management, as well as deliver rock-solid security.

However, enterprise VDI ecosystems frequently are complex because they contain some workloads that still need to stay on-prem for various security, privacy, regulatory, or availability reasons.  A modern desktop and application virtualization solution will need to manage all these delivery systems together as a whole.

Here are three ways to get the most out of your enterprise Windows Virtual Desktop deployment:

  1. Accelerate adoption: Start your deployment using your existing control plane to allow easy adoption and easy workload balancing with your current delivery infrastructure. While this approach comes at an additional cost, it facilitates rapid adoption.  For simple out-of-the-box WVD support, Citrix Virtual App and Desktop Services is ready for WVD from day 1.
  2. Track and manage the user experience: Add end-to-end user experience monitoring across all delivery systems — optimizing both the network and the endpoints which is particularly important when rich collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams is in use. And as these new delivery models are introduced, you can use these monitoring tools to compare and contrast cost alongside performance.
  3. Review your endpoint strategy: Use the change to revisit endpoint management and leverage new advancements in hardware and software thin-client systems. Harden endpoints to reduce the attack vector and simplify management at the device level through a next-generation edge device OS. Leverage management systems to gain an insightful, end-to-end view from endpoint systems.

In short, WVD is a major disruptor in the desktop virtualization space and an important component to consider including in your digital workplace transformation journey.

WVD offers a secure and cost-effective cloud-based digital workplace solution. However, given the complexity of deployment, you might also want to consider partnering with an experienced managed service provider that delivers an end-to-end solution with WVD and the relevant components – and makes sure WVD meets your specific business, IT and employee needs.

Proven Methods to Test Your Minimum Viable Product

Minimum Viable Product "MVP": What is it and how does it help your strategy?

Minimum Viable Product is a means to test the product that you are going to be launching in the market. It should be understood that MVP does not mean an unfinished product rather it is a way to get feedback for the final product. Let’s break down the term MVP for better understanding.

Minimum means a product that has simple features and usually, no users want to use or buy it. Viable is the product that a developer dreams of creating with the help of available resources to fulfill the needs of users. So the term MVP means a way to build such a product that has all the features and at the same time, has used fewer resources. It also should be able to get honest feedback which is how the final product will be developed.

The idea minimum viable test does not mean to see if the product can be technically improved or not. MVP shows whether a product should be built in the first place or should not be built at all.

Why does your product need Minimum Viable Product?

Who would have imagined that apps like Twitter, Instagram and Uber would blow up like this and would gain world popularity? We are guessing very few. In fact, Twitter gained its popularity through gradual growth. So, why do you need an Minimum Viable Product ?

Minimum development cost

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When an app is developed with many features and attractive designs, it’s development cost is high. An MVP is developed with limited resources and is still a product. The cost of developing an MVP can range between $10,000 to $20,000. However, it can be less than that as well.

Getting paid customers becomes easy

Understanding Customer Lifetime Value & How To Increase It

As a startup attracting new users without spending a heavy amount on ads is quite difficult. MVP for startups is a way to bring in more users by spending less. If users find your product good enough, they will communicate it to their friends and that’s how things go viral. Also, when the final product is launched, getting paid customers from the existing user base become possible.

Feedbacks for your product

Customer Feedback: Why It's Important + 7 Ways to Collect It

As stated already in our article, titled “What is Minimum Viable Product?“, considering Minimum Viable Product helps with gathering user feedback. These feedbacks further becomes a way to understand how certain features should be built. And this way, saves the developer the time and cost to go all in with the product while ensuring better market response.

Save your time and efforts

How to Save Time, Effort and Money with Multitasking | Engadget

Other very important things that go into making an app are time and effort of the developer. Imagine having spent sleepless nights working on an app and when its launched, it gets very less traction. It will be the most disappointing thing for any developer. It’s better to use time and put the effort into building an MVP which will bring feedbacks.

Raise money

7 Simple Steps for Entrepreneurs in Raising Money for Business - Think Expand Ltd.

If you have saved a couple of million dollars for the projects then you probably may not need MVP to save money. But if you haven’t then MVP is a great way of attracting investors. It is easy to build an MVP that raises money for your app rather than getting no funding for your final product. There are platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, AppBackr, etc that provide funding for apps.

What is a good Minimum Viable Product ?

What is Minimum Viable (Data) Product? - KDnuggets

Now that we know MVP is important for your product, how do we define if an Minimum Viable Product is good or not? To answer that question, let’s look at the following five traits of a successful MVP:

  1. MVP success criteria is achieved when the MVP is focused on one individual. This means that a buyer persona is used to target the audience and is as specific as defining one single person. As it is said that keeping in my one person and solving his problems with your product gives the best results. The biggest mistake usually made is building for multiple audiences.
  2. Even though we are building for one person, we do have to listen to multiple feedbacks. Sometimes different opinions and views solve most of the problems. If people fit into the category of your product, take their feedback seriously.
  3. MVP does not mean you have to do less and expect more. Your MVP should be able to showcase what problems your product can solve and how can it solve them. This is even more important if your product already has big competition.
  4. MVP test is just as important as building an MVP. It is impossible to earn money from a failed MVP, no matter how much you try. So, make sure testing the MVP is an important part of your development process.
  5. An MVP is supposed to find mistakes and gather feedback. Keeping the launch of the MVP limited to as less many people as possible is going to be a wise choice.

Some tools to test your product idea

Validation is not a one-time thing but a continuous process. In every stage, a certain type of validation is required to make sure the product is strong for the market. There are some tools which can be used to test the product ideas before building the actual product.

Research study

Essential Things to do Before Starting Your Research Study - Enago Academy

When the product is just an idea, try to find out as much as possible about it. Gathering significant information will help in improving the product which will stand out in the market. Tools like Google, Crunchbase,, LinkedIn, Google Adwords, SEMrush, Alexa, Quora, etc. are some great sources to gather information. These platforms have vast information on the latest market needs and have a large number of active users.


Facebook Ads : A Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing on Facebook - ASD

In order to convince others that your product is great, you need to make sure you understand it well. Once you are through with it, use tools and platforms to tell others about your product. Use Quora, Google spreadsheets, Facebook ads,c etc to present your product in front of users. You can also use UXPin to bring the product sketches to life or create a landing page with Landingi to create a community.


Paper prototype fidelity | Ergomania UX and product design agency

When you see users interact with your product, that’s when you know where the improvements have to be made. Developing a prototype of your product not only ensures success or failure but also creates scope for improvements. Use prototype tools like HotJar, Survicate, SecurionPay, Google Analytics, Woodpecker, Growbots,, UserEngage, AppSumo, etc. to reach out to a large audience with your prototype and track their behavior.

Mistakes to avoid while building your MVP

Top 10 mistakes made in employee induction programs – Tribal Habits

Even though MVP is built to reduce the risk, there are some gaps that are formed while building an MVP. Avoid these common mistakes made by most developers:

An improper market, product, customer needs, demographic research.

What most people forget to do is a thorough validation of the market, idea and the product. Building an MVP is quite easy in reality but building a success MVP is where the big difference lies. Without proper research about the market and the product, the chances of succeeding decreases.

Building for multiple platforms

Most startups think that building the MVP for all the platforms will increase the success of the actual product. But in reality, this is just going to make the process complicated. If an MVP fails then the developer may not have any money to start over since all the money was spent on developing for different platforms.

Features and updates

Bringing in users with one solid feature is a more effective approach rather than launching the MVP with all the features. Even if the other features are good, they can be brought in later in the updates. Prioritize the features to see the best results and reduce the chances of failure.

21 Solid ways to test your MVP

Now, that we know why your product needs an MVP, let’s move onto how to test MVP of your product. Building an MVP is not the only important task but testing its viability is just as important too. A company may think that the product can satisfy the needs of the customers but until and unless the MVP test is run, it can not be said for sure.

There are many tactics for testing minimum viable product. But we will discuss only the best ones on this blog. So, let’s begin!

1. Fundraising

Building the Perfect Fundraising Plan: 10 Points to Consider - Philanthropy University

Crowdfunding is a way you can test whether your app will do good in the market or not. Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are a filled with MVPs that get funding from people who find the product interesting enough. This gives your product exposure to a group of interested and active users. The money raised from these platforms will help in building the final product to launch in the market.

2. Blogs

Why Your Brand Needs A Blog

Having a blog is like having a platform for two-way communication with the prospect users of your product. Blogs are a way to discuss and gather feedback about a product. This will give you an honest opinion about the product by seeing how much keenness the users are showing.

3. Customer interviews

4 Reasons You Should Start Conducting In-Depth Customer Interviews

Talking face to face with customers provide the most honest reviews. People may lie or sugarcoat the opinions online but when it comes to face to face feedback, it’s as honest as it can get. Interviewing the customers is usually done in a casual manner but is rather descriptive. The interviewee states assumed problems to get feedback on the same.

4. Videos

YouTube Shorts launching in the US soon, YouTube videos to add automatic video chapters - news

It is quite obvious that if an image can speak a thousand words then a video can speak millions. Explainer videos can be used by developers to demonstrate the functionality of the product and answer questions like what, how and why. At the end of the video, the viewer must be clear about what the product is, how it works and why does he need it. Dropbox is an example in such a case. They used a video to gather subscriptions for a product that didn’t even exist.

5. Pre-order Pages

Pre-order Templates from ThemeForest

Pre-orders are quite popular with books, gadgets and other interesting products. When it comes to pre-ordering, the idea is to convince the users with your product enough to make them pay for it beforehand. However, there is a chance that users may not be willing to put their money at risk way before the product is even born. For this, the presentation of the product must look as appealing as possible.

6. Social-media surveys

Social Media - A Significant Online Survey Tool - Obsurvey | Obsurvey - Free Online Survey Maker - No.1 Web Survey Software

Social-media surveys are quick, easy and most of the time gives honest feedback. Of course, this works when the focus is on the right questions. For instance, Facebook surveys have a feature that allows users to add their own options as an answer which gives interesting insights. Another good reason to use social-media surveys is that users don’t need to go out of their way to fill in the surveys.

7. Paper prototypes

Case Study: The Importance of Paper Prototyping | by Mariyam Elshrief | UX Planet

Unlike digital prototypes, these are tangible. A paper prototype is build to understand a product’s user experience. Anyone in the team can use these prototypes can understand how the product works. This will be very useful in the case of physical products like mobile phones, tables, chairs, etc.

8. Emailing

The Truth about Emailing. Is emailing truly a dead form of… | by Hali Zweigoron | Blog

Sending emails to see how many users click on the links or follow up with the email is another way of testing MVP. However, this works even better when you already have a list of emails. While the emails have been sent to the users, make sure to track the actions with the help of tools such as Yesware or use the built-in plugins.

9. Landing pages

Workshop - A premium landing page template by Creative Landing Pages on Dribbble

Landing pages are the pages the prospective customers go to find out about your business. A landing page can show the interest of the customers with the way they behave and interact on the page. Building a landing page should always be followed by tracking analytics with the help of tools like Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, etc.

10. Competitive products in the market

What's a Competitive Analysis & How Do You Conduct One?

There is a high chance that the product you are thinking about launching is already present in the market. This can make your new product suffer. To avoid that try analyzing the competitor’s product and see what they have that your product doesn’t. Also, your product’s unique feature can become the strongest feature.

11. A/B Testing

A/B testing is a way to test whether one version of a page is more effective than the other. This test can be done on a webpage where two different versions of the same page are shown randomly to the visitors. Then with the help of tools like Google Analytics, Unbounce, etc. information can be gathered about the interaction.

12. Piecemeal MVPs

Piecemeal MVPs means building a demo of your product using existing tools. For instance, Groupon is the best example of a piecemeal MVP. what Groupon did was built a WordPress website with Apple mail and a script that generated PDFs for the orders. This way the effort and cost of building an MVP become much less than anticipated.

13. PPC campaigns

You will be using PPC campaigns at least once for your actual product so testing out your MVP will be great. For starters, you can pitch in $100 and see the results. If your MVP does not get any leads, then either your ad is flawed or your idea is not good enough.

14. Micro-Surveys

Sending A Micro-Survey: Industry Metrics & Best Practices - [x]cube LABS

The disadvantage of general surveys is that they are too long and at times becomes quite annoying for online users. Users either skip the survey or fill it in a hurry and that is why these fail to give the accurate results. In micro-surveys, you can ask a couple of MVP survey questions to which you will get honest answers. Micro-surveys have two to three questions which online users find easy to answer.

15. Ad campaigns

5 Brilliant Ad Campaigns That Will Blow Your Mind

Platforms like Google and Facebook are the go-to when it comes to running ad campaigns. Before the product is even launched, you can put up ads and see how many users engage with it. There are even tools to analyze the clicks, engagement and other important behaviors.

16. Services and Platforms

Using SaaS and PaaS to build an MVP can help you in testing your MVP quite well. There are multiple choices to choose from and the building becomes easier and faster. These software and platforms also help in increasing reach of the product. Usually, developers face problems like compatibility of the app, mobile-friendly design and other code-based issues which can be eliminated as these tools already have taken care of those issues.

17. Manual-first MVP

A manual-first MVP (Wizard of Oz) is a way of interacting with actual customers rather than running an online survey. This MVP testing technique shows a picture of a fully completed product and when a user orders it, you deliver it manually. In this MVP testing, the users are getting what they see. Even though it takes much effort but it is worth it.

18. Concierge MVPs

The concierge MVP test is similar to the manual-first MVP test but instead of faking the products, the products are real. This MVP tests and answers whether the users are willing to use and pay for your products or not. An online dress rental business, Rent the Runway, tested their business model with this MVP testing technique. They were able to find the right answer to their questions.

19. Digital prototypes

Digital Product Prototype — The Full guide | by Mohamed Yahia | UX Planet

Digital prototypes can be used to display the actual product in a digital way. Wireframes can showcase products such as apps, games, etc. These prototypes can be anything from screenshots to digital sketches to mockup apps which will validate the user experience.

20. Single feature MVP

Sometimes testing the one and an only strong feature of your product results in the best conversion. Getting feedback on that one feature can help the product immensely rather than focusing on multiple features all at once. It will also help in narrowing down the customer base and will allow better focus. This testing is considered one of the most advised MVP testing strategies.

21. Software testing

Software Testing: The Who, What, When, How, and Why - DevPro Journal

If nothing works then there are multiple softwares for MVP test. Software such as QuickMVP, OpenHallway, Five-second test, Justinmind, InVision, etc. are some great ones to get your MVP tested.

Twitter’s Beta App Is Now Available, and Here’s a First Look

Twitter Launches New 'Twttr' Experimental Beta Testing App - MacRumors

Twitter is known for giving a strong voice to people from all corners of the world. The layout and smooth functioning have also made it easy for users to spend more time on the app.

Twitter survived in the world where InstagramSnapchat and Facebook were ruling and the reason was having honest opinions of the users on the latest topics. However, there are still some issues that need attention for further growth of the platform.

In order to attract more audience, Twitter needs to make some serious changes. The company is going to make some changes by launching Twitter’s new app in beta mode.

How is Twitter’s new beta app going to work? Well, Twitter will have a selected group of people to test the new features in the beta app. These users will have a full-fledged discussion on various new features just like any user can have on any trending topic.

From the discussions, Twitter will pick up all the data and use that to make decisions. The decisions will be regarding the features and whether it should be launched for the entire user base in general.

The app is scheduled to be launched in this week and we will see Twitter’s first look quite soon. Twitter said, “only a few thousand users will be able to get the beta version and not everyone who applies for it”. The users that will be allowed to test the Twitter beta app will be allowed to have an open discussion about the features of the app.

This programme will not be supervised by the NDA unlike other experiment programmes conducted by Twitter. There is more to it than just a basic beta testing app.

Unlike other beta apps, the Twitter beta app will not have final features. The discussion panel will control which features to be built further or which features should not be.

Twitter’s director of product management, Sara Haider, told Techcrunch, “Unlike a traditional beta that is the last step before launch, we’re bringing people in super early,”. The first version of the beta app will have features that will improve the conversations on Twitter. There will be different colour schemes and visual cues to mark important discussions.

Haider believes that there are going to be a lot of significant changes and it should not be dropped on users all at once. This is why Twitter will be slowly launching new additions and making changes in a way that the entire user base can adapt to it easily.

Expected Features in The New Twitter Beta App

1. Colour Coded Replies

Twitter to make big changes! Colour-coded replies, Facebook like updates and more

The new app will have colour-coded replies. The colours will be different for the poster of the tweet, people you follow and people whom you don’t follow. This will make a clear distinction in a long Twitter conversation. These conversations will also have visual cues to help users find the best and most relevant tweet in the thread.

2. New Algorithms

Biased Algorithms Are Easier to Fix Than Biased People - The New York Times

Twitter is going to have a new algorithm for all the tweet replies. Earlier, the problem was that users couldn’t find the tweets that they wanted to keep updated about. To do so they had to either ‘heart’ it or had to use the ‘Tweets & Replies’ section to find the tweets. With the new update, all the replies will be arranged as per a user’s interest.

In the future, Twitter may also have a ‘highlight’ feature for the tweet replies.

3. Removing Engagement Icons

How to Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts From Your Desktop or Phone

Twitter users ‘heart’ and ‘retweet’ as a way of engagement. In the new update, there is no heart or retweet icon under every reply. The reason behind this is a simplified view for users who do not wish to engage with the thread. However, this does not mean others can’t engage with the tweets in a thread. By clicking on the particular tweet, the icons will appear just like in the current version.

Twitter was not originally built the way it is today. The platform was updated depending on how the users were using it. The features such as retweet, hashtags, @mentions, and many more were not originally in the app but were added later on seeing the users behavior. The same is being followed with the beta app and we shall see some changes in Twitter soon.

Stay tuned for what’s coming next!

Is Blockchain the Key to High Efficiency for Startups?

Is Blockchain the Key to High Efficiency for Startups?

Blockchain – the concept/technology as powerful as the Internet itself has moved from the time when it was deemed to be overhyped to now when it has become an important part of a number of industries, banks, and government.

While the technology has made a prominent place in a number of processes on a very high-level and have found associations among a number of big brands like –

A general assumption has been formed that the disruptive technology is only practical for big names of the world and has, as a result, made itself very unapproachable for mass usage, unintentionally.

Our intent today is to remove the assumption and make Blockchain Startups a technology occurence that can be implemented on mass scales by businesses and industries of all size and across all categories. While, there have already been several use cases of Blockchain in Enterprise setup, it is the startups that need to reform with the power of Blockchain at the back of them.

Something we are going to attend to in this article.

This article is for you to get acquainted with the abilities of Blockchain for startups and how it can be used to not just make your business efficient but also mark it as a brand that is highly innovative. We will help you identify the ways Blockchain Startup can impact and make your processes a lot easier. And in case you wish to dive deep in the technology’s ABC, head on to our handbook on Entrepreneur’s Guide to Blockchain.

Now without further delay, let us get on to what can Blockchain do for YOU.

What can Blockchain do For Your Startups?

Can make you early adopters

How to Reach Early Adopters | BuySellAds Content Portal | For Advertisers

Just like the starting days of the Internet, the Blockchain world is underdeveloped to a huge extent. There are a number of critical elements that will have to be addressed before Blockchain becomes a mass phenomenon.

For startups that are willing to act as fast movers and follow the plant the flag strategy, there is a golden opportunity to conceive and grow a community before space becomes too overly crowded with Blockchain business applications.

By investing time and resources to develop a business model with Blockchain at the center of the processes or even a major part of the working mechanism, will automatically give startups an edge over others working in the same domain – something that all startups need in a time where there are thousands of businesses working in the same category, fighting for the same piece of market.

Can Replace Antiquated Processes With Digital Systems

Is Blockchain the Key to High Efficiency for Startups?

A number of startups operate on some or the other form of the legacy software or outdated infrastructure, which not just increases the cost of conducting business but also make them inefficient and inconsistent to a great extent. Plus, a great number of vital processes are manual in nature, meaning they are subject to the risk of human error to a massive extent.

With Blockchain for small businesses, startups will be able to solve a great amount of these issues. The technology is known to decentralize the pool of data segregated among a great number of different processes – something that solves the startups’ needs to rely on manual labor to collect and process data.

Can Secure Their Data

Is Blockchain the Key to High Efficiency for Startups?

Cybersecurity is a point of concern for companies of all sizes across industries. The global spending on cybersecurity based services and products like automation and IoT is estimated to increase by $1 Trillion by the coming five years.

Noting the incredible security proof that Blockchain systems come with, they are poised to soon become the de-facto mode of gathering and organizing the enterprise data – and a primary answer behind the question on why do companies use Blockchain.

All the data gathered in the ledger gets automatically encrypted with the newest and greatest of the cryptographic methods, the warehouses are only accessible through a key-value mechanism which validates and authorizes the identification before granting access.

Moreover, the decentralized mechanism of Blockchain for small business reduces the security risk to a great extent. As the distributed system cannot get manipulated by any single entity, it is impossible for hackers to change the data without notifying everyone in the network – something that protects against corruption and give the control back to the actual users.

Now that you have seen how Blockchain can make your startup more efficient, let us look at the ways you can employ the technology in your startup to make your business more efficient, transparent, and decentralized. The answer which is same as one to Why do Companies use Blockchain.

Ways Blockchain for Startups Business can be Employed for Better Processes

Here are some of the top-most applications for Blockchain in your business –

1. Payment and money transfer

Bank service, buy, donation, finance, money transfer, payment, salary icon - Download on Iconfinder

One of the most common applications of Blockchain in a startup is seen in use of technology in the payment and money transfer domain.

The present day story is that Blockchain is ready to transform transactions and startups are known to deal with a number of vendors across the world, for availing low-cost, high quality services. Blockchain with its cryptocurrency element comes in handy for making cross-border payments easier and a lot more cost effective than the traditional mode of payments, which are crippled by high transfer charges.

2. Contracts Creation and Abiding

Is Blockchain the Key to High Efficiency for Startups?

As you are just starting, there are a number of contracts that you will have to get binded into – with your interior designers, your food and beverage vendor, your offshore software development company and a number of other third-party stakeholders.

With so many contracts to be made and ensured to be followed, use of Blockchain in business can come in very handy, through the Smart Contract route. Since we have already talked about the concept in our Smart Contract guide before, we won’t get too much into the depth into the mechanism here, but what we can tell you with respect to Contracts and Blockchain is that it is impossible for any of the involved party to break the Smart Contract.

3. Distributed cloud storage

Is Blockchain the Key to High Efficiency for Startups?

A distributed cloud-storage comprises solutions around peer-to-peer decentralized cloud storage. By using the combination of cryptography and Blockchain to protect the files on both – transmission and in nodes – decentralized cloud storage makes your files unhackable and Blockchain a useful element of your startup.

In layman terms, distributed cloud storage system comes into existence when every element of the cloud storage, like processing, transport, and storage of data is put into the blockchain ecosystem. Once that happens, every data – how it moved, who accessed it, and how it was governed can be seen by everyone who has the access to the Blockchain. A system of this type help in offering full accountability, traceability, and transparency for cloud, and entities which are either using or managing the cloud.

4. Protection of Digital Identity

8 easy ways for anybody to protect their digital identity

Another crucial application of Blockchain in businesses is Identity Management.

Identity management is something that the world suffers from. No matter what business or team size you belong to, you are never truly safe from your identity being leaked on the internet and in worst case scenario, in the hands of the hackers.

In the case of startups, what happens is that they – in an ode to seek growth and efficient performance – sign up and subscribe to a number of websites that in some cases can be malicious.

Blockchain, in this case, can be used as a platform to protect identities from fraudulent activities. The technology can help businesses handle the problems of reconciliation and authentication faced by a number of industries. Moreover, it allows businesses the freedom to develop encrypted digital identities that replace usernames and pin codes with comprehensive security elements that are capable of saving the institutions and their customers’ valuable resources and time.

5. Supply Chain Management

Is Blockchain the Key to High Efficiency for Startups?

There are a number of different ways Blockchain can be used in business when it comes to the Supply Chain Management process, to make it more real-time, accessible, transparent, and efficient. Here are the different applications of Blockchain in SCM –

Provenance Tracking

In the blockchain-powered supply chain management process, provenance tracking and record keeping become very easy for the product information can be easily accessed through RFID tags and embedded sensors. Everything about the product, straight from origination to its present status can be tracked via Blockchain. Along with this, the provenance tracking can also be used for detection of frauds in any part of supply chain.

Cost Reduction

When Blockchain is used in supply chain for speeding up the administrative processes, the additional costs occurring in the system gets automatically reduced with the transactions’ security guaranteed. Secondly, elimination of intermediaries and middlemen in the supply chain lowers the chances of product duplicacy, frauds, while saving them a lot of money. The payments made can even be processed by the suppliers and customers in supply chain with cryptocurrencies rather than them relying on the EDI.

Establishing Trust

Having trust in complex supply chains with many participants is necessary for smooth operations. For example, when a manufacturer shares his products with suppliers, he/she should be able to depend on them for following factory safety standards. Also, when it comes to regulatory compliances such as custom enforcers, trust plays a vital role. The immutable nature of blockchain in the supply chain is well-designed to prevent tampering and establishing trust, marking trust as the primal application of Blockchain in business.

6. Quality Customer Support

What is quality customer service? - Quora

There are two ways through which Blockchain is used in Business for increasing the quality of customer support.

  1. Data Cleansing Whether it’s due to inept data import tools or human negligence, CRM users all over the world have to deal with inaccurate or duplicate data at some level.  With blockchain in place, a customer can have their very own personal block that presents companies with a unified and accurate picture of their personal information, past transactions, subscriptions, etc. Hence, blockchain helps these companies circumvent the issue of inaccurate, obsolete and duplicate data records altogether. This consequently yields better insights into customers and helps businesses engage them more effectively.
  2. Loyalty Programs Loyalty programs aim to drive profits by adding value to the customer experience. However, due to their variable mileage, volatile value and associated privacy concerns, they prove to be cumbersome for customers and yield a low ROI. However, in a manner very similar to cryptocurrencies, brands can make use of blockchain to reimagine and reinvigorate their loyalty programs. With blockchain, consumers would have a single decentralized wallet that is compatible with all brands. They would not be bound by the rules and limitations of individual brands and point redemption would be greatly simplified. The consumer will have far greater control over the whole experience and brands will complete for their wallet by offering them better deals.

7. Advertisement and Promotion

The need for promotion while necessary for businesses of all size is something that is unignorable for startups who are just starting up and are in need of awareness in the market. Even after being one of the most important elements of a business, advertisement industry is filled with a number of loopholes that makes it unnecessarily expensive and opaque for the startups.

When Blockchain is introduced to the mix, there are a number of things that get sorted and  streamlined on the promotion front.

Let us look at the benefits of using Blockchain in your business in terms of decentralized advertising.

  • Better Audience Targeting

How to Find and Target Your Social Media Audience (Free Template)

Earlier, as marketers, we used to rely on more than one sources to get information on users’ buying habits. But now with blockchain, advertisers will get the freedom of creating buyers’ demographics by getting the necessary information straight from the buyer themselves. The technology will gather all the information that the users wish to share their buying pattern and get them to the advertisers.

  • Reliable Ad Buys

5 Things You Must Do Before Jumping Into Paid Internet Advertising

The problem with online advertising is the lack of knowledge related to the fact that it is absolutely difficult to know whether the people who clicked on the ads were genuine buyers or paid clickers. However, since blockchain is transparent, advertisers can easily make out if the clicks that they are getting, even coming from the population they are targeting or not. This way, the ad buys would prove itself to be of value to money.

  • Ad Verification

How to Make Ad Verification More Transparent in 2019 | MarTech Advisor

Many times, it so happens that you see a banner advertisement on Facebook listing price of the product as N, but when you visit the site, the number is shown as X. The identification and rectification of issues such as these are the tasks done by the Ad verifiers, whom the networks pay heavily to. However, blockchain helps ensure that the actual information is exactly same as what shown in an advertisement. It reduces the heavy cost that is associated with the ad auditing process.

  • Management of Advertisement Inventory

Internet BillBoard | Ad inventory and campaign management for publishers and advertisers

Ad inventory, as we all know is the space that advertisers have for ad selling. It can be calculated on the monthly basis. The information that goes into the whole ad inventory management cycle – number of space, length of the advertisement, maintaining records of which day is assigned to which brand, the amount that has to be charged space placement wise etc. – are way too much to handle manually. By using smart contracts and blockchain, brands can not just manage the inventory better but also get payments from advertisers on time.

8. To Generate Funds

Arushi Jain Discusses Ways to generate Funds To Start a Business

One of the biggest sign of success for any startup and also the one which helps them grow to their maximum ability is the amount of investments that they receive. The moment your startup gets backed by investors, you don’t just become an establishment to look out for but also get sufficient funds to support your growth and expansion needs.

Now, when we talk about generating funds or raising investments, there are quite a few options available to the startups and entrepreneurs – Crowdfunding, Angel Investments, Venture Capitalist, Bank Loans, Small Business Administration Loans, etc. While out of all of these modes of generating funds, Venture Capitalist has established itself as the most preferred form of raising fund as entrepreneurs get not just funds but also the experience of VC investors, ICO (a Blockchain powered mode of raising fund) is soon replacing the VC model.

There are a number of reasons that have not just brought the demand for VC and ICO at an equal stage but have also increased the fund investment count for ICO fund model. But, the ones that make ICO ideal for you are:

  • Easier:

Compared to the VC fund model that asks for entrepreneurs to come prepared with validating market and financial response that proves how your startup or idea is a success, ICOs have a lot fewer benchmarks to follow, making it easier for entrepreneurs to raise funds through the ICO route.

  • Global:

While VC funding operates within a set geographical boundary, ICO can be raised from investors in the UAE while you are in Australia.

  • Speedy:

As opposed to the VC funding timeline to raise funds, ICO lasts for around 30 days, only. Making it a lot speedy for entrepreneurs to raise money.

So, here were the several benefits that come tagged with the integration of Blockchain in a startup. But, these benefits like all the genuine, validated benefits, don’t come without their set of challenges.

Specially when the technology is as disruptive and less explored as Blockchain, the instances of businesses facing a challenge in its implementation is very obvious.

Let us look at what challenges Startups face and the probable solutions there can be to overcome and adopt the technology in the business process.

Challenges Startups have to overcome

Complexity in Regulations

Insurers Wrestle with Integration, Complexity and Regulations (Part 2) - Accenture Insurance Blog

The biggest obstacle facing enterprise blockchain adoption is the lack of regulations safeguarding entrepreneurs if something goes wrong. While, there are a number of regulations coming up aimed at bettering the Blockchain adoption rate, the time when you will have a legal regulation in place is still far away.

Presence of Legacy Systems

What is a legacy system? | Freeport Metrics

Startups that wish to actually benefit from Blockchain will have to have a DLT based infrastructure, something that requires technical know-how and capital. The solution to this is investing in skilled Blockchain developers who know how to integrate the technology in the existing system and then integrate on a small scale rather than going all in.

High Hack Incidents

For something anointed to be highly secure, Blockchain doesn’t come sans hack and security breach instances. The internet is filled with Blockchain hack events causing people a loss of millions and millions of money, making safety the biggest factor keeping Blockchain receive full Enterprise adoption.

The solution to this challenge is employing Private or Permissioned Blockchain ecosystem instead of Permissionless or Open Blockchain. By making Blockchain permissioned, you add another security level to the mechanism, making it completely unhackable. Also, since the number of stakeholders, in this case, lowers, the throughput time increases by manifold, making it easier to handle multiple transactions at one time.

Now that we have seen how Blockchain can make Startups more efficient and the probable challenges along with the ways you can conquer them, it is time to look into the Blockchain platforms that you will have to work around to employ the technology in your startup.

Enterprise Blockchain System Platforms

Here are the platforms that we have been trusting for the development of enterprise grade Blockchain system for your Startups –

  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Quorum
  • VechainThor
  • R3 Corda
  • Hedera Hashgraph

As you could see, the enterprise blockchain systems usually have a lot more throughput, lesser latency, and a lot less complex consensus protocols compared to the standard public blockchains such as Ethereum or Bitcoin.

With this, you not just know why to invest in Blockchain for bettering your startup efficiency and the various applications of Blockchain in your business but also how to establish yourself as an innovative company but also what platforms to use to make it possible. What is left now is to get in touch with our Blockchain app developers and get started with the bettering of your startup.

Development cost of a Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc

Doctor Appointment App

 Table of Content:

  • The Rise in Demand for Doctor Appointment Booking Apps
  • Recent Fundings list in the Field of Doctor Appointment App Development
  • Top Players of the Doctor Appointment App Category
  • Key Features to Include in your Medical App For Doctors Appointment
  • How to make your app for doctors appointment future ready?
  • How to Generate Money on Your Doctor Appointment App?
  • The Cost to Develop a Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc

The evolution track that the mobilized healthcare economy has placed the industry on has not just made health care more accessible and real-time but has also achieved the complication of bridging the gap between the patients and doctors.

One of the biggest contributory digitized factors behind this movement that has made healthcare more hassle-free and accessible than ever before is App for Doctor Appointment.

The way digital healthcare IT solutions industry is moving has now made it possible to handle functionalities like bookings, cancellations, re-booking, follow-ups, and reminders online, crossing all the fuss linked with manual appointment schedule systems.

The ease that online appointment booking apps offer has brought in an unprecedented demand for the healthcare category from all the different stakeholders of the healthcare domain, thus making it an important part of the healthcare mobile apps trends and one of the most followed upon healthcare app ideas.

The Rise in Demand for Doctor Appointment Booking Apps

Doctor Appointment Booking App Development - An Overview!

The ease – of booking and monitoring – that the doctor appointment application offer has made them a prime category in the Healthcare & fitness mobile app development domain.

Here’s a short infographic to validate the demand from numbers, statistics that prove how your hospital need a mobile application for scheduling appointments –

The interest that the doctor appointment booking apps have garnered have led to heightened demand from the investor side of the healthcare IT solutions industry.There are a number of funding rounds that have happened in the field of a doctor appointment booking application. Let us look at some of the recent funding rounds in the area –

Recent Fundings list in the Field oDoctor Appointment App Development

  1. HotDoc, in September 2018 raised $5 Million at the back of its active doctor appointment users who belong to million users count. The active investor, AirTree invested in the brand to support expansion into services like telehealth services and several payment functionalities within the application.
  2. Solv, the same day health appointment app, in May 2018, raised $16.8 Million to expand beyond appointment booking space and give users the facility to pay their medical bills through the application itself. The investment round lead by the Slavet’s firm Greylock with an active participation from the Aspect Ventures has brought the total funding to over $21 Million.

Apart from these, a number of other apps like Kry and Any Time Doctor have also bagged high investments at the back of their plans to bridge the gap between the healthcare app for patients and doctors by making healthcare more accessible.

With the constant attention and heightened acceptance from all the stakeholders of the healthcare economy and the investors, there are a few doctor appointment booking apps that have established themselves as them as the market leaders.

Top Players of the Doctor Appointment App Category

Doctor Appointment AppIs Setmore HIPAA compliant?Doctor Appointment AppDoctor Appointment App

Doctor Appointment AppDoctor Appointment App

While Practo and ZocDoc are the two doctor appointment booking apps that are ruling the healthcare app category, there are a number of other apps that are performing equally well in the industry.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to making these apps the best in doctor appointment class. But the one prevailing factor present in them all is the set of Features that are present in all the applications.

The features that have now become a must-have lot for healthcare brands seeking constant growth and demand from all the involved stakeholders.

Let us look at what those features are.

Key Features to Include in your Medical App For Doctors Appointment

Stakeholders’ Profiles

A Primer on Stakeholder Management

Building the Doctor and User Profile are the two primary parts of the Doctor on appointment specific healthcare app development. While the user profile will be drawn around the users’ name, age, gender, and basic medical data like height, weight, blood group, hereditary disease, etc. The doctor’s profile will have details like their area of specialization, the location of their clinic, the timings, names of hospitals they are associated with, and the visitation charges. What we would advise is to treat the user’s profile page as their personal health chart and the doctor’s profile page as a section where everything – their specialization, degree, their photo, clinic’s photos etc. is present.

Doctor and Clinic Search

Finding Doc | Book Doctor Appointments Online : Search Hospitals & Clinic, Diagnostic Tests, Consult

The next must-have feature in the list is the Search option. Your patients’ side of the user group should be given an option to search for doctors and clinics on the basis of different parameters like the specialization, the clinic’s or doctor’s name, the wait time, visitation charges, etc. Opt for having a wide search filter menu for offering the best services to the users.

Geo-Location Based Search

Sitecore Spatial/Geo Location Search Module

Another addition in the list of MVP(Minimal Viable Product) features would be adding a geo-location based functionality to enable patients to look for doctors and clinics in their area of residence or work. You can make use of Google’s and Apple Map functionality to add in the location-based search feature in your doctor appointment booking mobile application.

The benefit of this would be that the usability factor of your healthcare app would increase by manifold and with it the session time of your medical app for doctors appointment.

Appointment Booking

Appointment Booking and Online Scheduling Plugin by vCita: A Detailed Overview and Review | Elegant Themes Blog

The feature, as it goes without saying, is one of the most basic features of your app to find doctors. The appointment booking feature that you are adding should belong to a very simple interface, where the whole process of finding a doctor and confirming a time slab for booking the appointment is very easy and hassle-free.

You should give the patients the option to select a future date according to their availability while giving the doctors the functionality to accept or reject the appointment in real time as per their availability.

Doctor Review

Top Doctor Review Websites | Top 6 Sites to Create Profiles

Doctors’ rating and review is the one feature that will make the patient side of the users’ get engaged to your mobile app for finding doctors. For your healthcare app, you will have to ensure that you have a good lot of genuine rating and reviews for your partnered doctors.

The case with doctor appointment apps is that the patients only click on those doctors’ profile who have a good set of rating and reviews backing them. So, in case they find profiles with no ratings and reviews, chances are that they won’t interact with those doctors and ultimately with the app as a whole.

Apart from giving the patients side of the users the option to give ratings and reviews, you should also give the option to add media to enable them to add the condition of the clinic for other patients to view.

While these are the features that will form a part of the must-have or MVP features, there are a number of other features that can be added as apart of your application on a future date, once the MVP has proved of your app’s viability.

  1. Telemedicine
  2. Patient Check-In from the App
  3. At home Medical Service
  4. In-Built Payment
  5. Reminder for Appointments

Now that you have looked into all the features that contribute into the making of a successful mobile app for finding doctors, it is time to look into the technologies that can be incorporated to give you a competitive edge among the hundreds of doctor appointment online apps mushrooming in the market.

How to make your app for doctors appointment future ready?

There are three technologies that can make your doctor appointment app more efficient and future-centric –

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Difference between Artificial intelligence and Machine learning - Javatpoint

Doctor appointment booking apps like ZocDoc is using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to a huge extent for making search more relevant.

What happens is that the general users don’t know the specialization names like Ophthalmologist or Oncologist but what they understand is Eye doctor or Cancer specialist or at times they make queries in more layman terms like doctors for blurred vision, etc.

In the case like this, when you integrate Machine learning in your app, you are able to match the patients to the right doctor with much ease.

Cloud Computing

Why Cloud Computing Is Ideal for Small Businesses

As your medical app to find doctors starts expanding, you will start dealing with petabytes sized data, which you’ll then have to store, demarcate the data into categorized silos, and then transform the data into insights that would then be used to deliver better services.

The cloud computing industry has grown to a huge extent especially for the Healthcare industry stakeholders. With Google Healthcare Cloud API getting ready to hit the Beta stage, the Cloud computing industry is going to bring a number of advanced level benefits for your doctor on appointment app – Big Data, Machine Learning, and Heightened Security powered by Google’s own IAM system.


Blockchain: A Single, Immutable, Serialized Source of Truth | Material Handling and Logistics

While the impact of Blockchain on the Healthcare ecosystem has proved itself to be more than a fallacy, the doctor appointment domain will not be sans the touch of decentralization too. The technology can have several adoptions in the popular healthcare app category.

Blockchain will help bring all the data in one decentralized system which will only be accessible by those who have the access to it, thus eliminating the instance of data or appointment detail leak. Also, the patients, from within your side of healthcare app for patients will be able to check their insurance claim details before booking a doctor’s appointment – something that will help them connect with only those doctors or clinic that are a part of their insurance umbrella.

With this, we have now seen all – The market for doctor appointment online apps, the features set that will mark its success and the technologies that will make your mobile app for finding doctors truly nextgen. The time has now come to look into the different modes of revenue generation to see how you can earn money on the healthcare app that is poised to transform the healthcare domain. After all, if the cost of making an app like Practo or ZocDoc is X, the revenue that you should earn on it should be X+1.

How to Generate Money on Your Doctor Appointment App?

There are quite a few options that you have when drawing a revenue model for your doctor appointment booking app.

The ones that seem to work most in favor of the popular appointment booking apps like Practo, ZocDoc, and Doctor on Demand, amongst others, are:

  1. Subscription: You can give doctors and medical practitioners the option to take monthly or yearly subscriptions, which would give them access to x number of patients. Within your healthcare mobile application, you can either give them the option to contact an unlimited number of patients like what ZocDoc does or make a number of patients wise subscription model.You can also ask the patient side of your users to pay a monthly subscription amount for connecting with doctors on your platform.
  1. Sponsorship: You can give the doctors and healthcare organizations the option to show their names on the top of your healthcare mobile application as part of your Sponsored programme. In the sponsored section, you can offer them greater videos or photos count than the regular users.In our experience, users are more open to paying extra if they are getting higher visibility than the others on the platform.
  1. On-Demand Services: Although an advanced level revenue stream, you can attach a number of on-demand services through your doctor appointment booking mobile app. Services like at-home blood and urine collection, medicine delivery, etc. can be added to make your app an extended healthcare solution provider while finding yourself an additional source of revenue stream.

Now that we have looked at the features that would go into getting your doctor appointment booking app and the revenue streams through which you can earn money on your healthcare app, the time has come to look into How much does it cost to develop a doctor appointment app.

The Cost to Develop a Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc

Doctor On Demand App | On-Demand Doctor App Development

If you plan on going with the MVP features that we mentioned before, for your doctor appointment app, the healthcare app developers might charge somewhere in the range of $40,000 to $50,000 but if you are looking to add more advanced features like video functionalities and Artificial Intelligence, it would grow up to $100,000 to $150,000 price range.

What we would recommend is that instead of investing money in the name of doctor appointment app development cost for making a highly advanced full-fledged doctor appointment booking app, start with an MVP, see how it is being accepted in the market and then expand to adding other healthcare app features. This would ensure that you are constantly adding some value to the users’ life instead of giving them everything up front and then being with the same set of medical app features forever.

While we are positive that you must have got all the answers that you are seeking for launching your doctor appointment app in the market and the cost to build a healthcare app, there are still a few questions that our clients ask answers of. Here’s what we tell them.

In case your question is not listed here, contact our team of Medical app developers to get a definite answer.

The FAQ on Doctor Appointment Booking App Development

1. Which platform to go with first

The answer to this would lie with your demographics. If your user group belongs to the western nations, go with iOS. If you are planning to expand your bases to all over the world, go with Android.

What we would recommend is investing in React Native powered Healthcare Mobile App Development and getting the app on both Android and iOS to make the most of both the platforms.

2.  How will I manage doctor’s listing

As an app admin, you will be given a separate profile from where you will be able to add in the doctors’ listing along with their several other details. You will also be given the freedom to remove a doctor from the app or edit their information.

3.  Should I develop a web app as well

While not at the beginning, it would help greatly to expand into the PWA domain, once you have steady traffic coming in. This would only take your app to a million other users at a very minimal price. All the while bringing down the cost to develop doctor appointment booking app.

4.  How to add trust in the app

There are quite a few ways to make your app an element of trust.

  • Get accredited and add badges of reputed healthcare standard bodies in the app
  • Add multi-factor authentication system at all stages – Log in, Payment, Social Sharing etc.
  • Aim at adding real photos, videos, and reviews of the doctors you associate with.

Fintech impacts on Business

Fintech impacts on Business

The Finance world, while having established itself as a secure industry is also the one that frequently becomes the victim of a number of glaring issues like lack of transparency, a still less real-time ecosystem, and a case of slow digitized adoption.

All the prevalent bickering, questioning voices when meet with issues like the 2017’s attack of a Trojan horse virus Ramnit which affected the financial sector widely, accounting for around 53% of attacks, becomes a voice seeking complete transformation.

A transformation that 2019-2020 is expected to bring with it.

Attacks like this and several others, along with the need to bridge the gap between the general population and the real-time access of their money, has brought up a dire need of adding technological innovations into the traditional financial processes to improve its status quo and deliver better services to the end users.

A technological innovation known as Fintech.

Fintech or Financial technology  is revamping the Financial as well as other business verticals by significant numbers. The pace at which FinTech is moving has ensured that the popularized segment will contribute to 25% of the revenues that the Financial sector would draw.

This has increased the necessity to develop a Fintech app and embrace the Fintech solutions into our business, about which we will discuss in this blog  – starting with the importance of considering Fintech app development.

Why Invest in Fintech App Development in 2019-2020?

From Coinbase to Avant, Credit Karma, Mint, and Stripe, several fintech solutions have changed the way companies have been doing business so far. They have transformed the traditional business models and made it necessary for businesses to invest in Fintech mobile app development in 2020 and beyond, if they wish to avail benefits such as:-

1.Easier Payment Process

Fintech impacts on Business

The foremost reason to develop a Fintech app in 2019-2020 for businesses is easier payment process. The Fintech solutions prevent the consumers and business owners from going through the cumbersome, time-consuming process of cash and credit/debit card based payment. The transactions can be easily made online using banking apps, digital wallets and even Cryptocurrencies (which are gradually resulting in the rise of Blockchain wallets in the market).

*Side Note* Fintech, by embracing Blockchain technology, is not just set to revamp the future of transaction, but has eliminated the intermediaries, added transparency and security to the process, and accelerated the whole mechanism, which has brought a sense of satisfaction among both the customers and business owners.

2.Evaluating Risks Effectively

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Fintech solutions have taken the market by storm by making it easier to predict and overcome risks. It scans a vast amount of information from different sources and uses a wiser approach while lending loan or making any transaction, which is cutting down the risk of errors and frauds.

3.Faster Investment

Fintech impacts on Business

Fintech has eliminated the need of hiring a human financial advisor by providing 24×7 consultation and advice through mobile apps. This has accelerated the process as well as provided us escape from biased suggestions. Besides, Fintech solutions have brought the banking and non-banking organizations on the same platform which has opened new doors for Entrepreneurs in terms of gaining loans and investments.

4.Lower Cost

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As per the market insights, the primary challenge to entry into the financial business has been cost. By making the financial services available on devices that millions of people have, i.e. smartphones, Fintech has improved the PoS (Point of Sales) system and cut down the expenses of the businesses, along with gaining sophisticated analytics data to better engage their audience.

While these are some of the prime reasons making investment in Fintech a profitable deal, there are various factors that have placed Fintech at a prominent place in not just the present but also the future of a number of business segments.

Something that we are cover now.

What makes Fintech the Driving Force of Future Businesses?

Fintech is proving to be a disruptive force for the financial and other business verticals. It is helping them improve their business models and lessen the associated risks – be it payment, lending process, wealth management, or any other such finance-related activity.

The technology is adding higher value to the consumer experience and market strategies by incorporating cutting-edge techniques and tactics into the process, which is eventually drawing the time of disruption of the future of business world.

A few factors that are ensuring the prominent presence of FinTech in the world around us are:

1.Rise of Millenials

The foremost factor that made Fintech a disruptive force in the business world is the millennial generation. The millennials highly depend on social media platforms for gaining information or financial advice, which has been a challenge for the conventional financial institutions. They are more demanding and less loyal – asking for personalized services at the speed of light.

As per a report, 1 out of 3 millennials changes their bank in every three months in hope of getting desired experience, which is increasing the need for technological advancement in the Financial industry, i.e, the rise of Fintech solutions.

Fintech startups and established companies, as compared to the conventional financial institutions, are offering better services at data utilization and customizing the options as per the users’ needs and preferences using technologies like artificial intelligence for finance, which is making millennials far more satisfied and helping businesses gain higher revenue.

2.Payment Apps and Digital Wallets

The surplus use of P2P payment apps and digital wallets, has not just bought a rise in the query on how to develop a P2P app, but is also proving Fintech to be a disruptive force in the market. These payment apps and digital wallets are providing users with quick and secure access to their money and send/receive any amount at any time and pay their utility bills without running for their pocket or purse.

This convenience is gaining higher momentum in the market and encouraging the business to invest in Fintech app development, in an ode to join the list of most frequently used payment apps.

Now as you know what factors make Fintech a catalyst in the business world, let’s look into the impact of Fintech on different sector:-

Different Sectors Where Fintech is Bringing Considerable Changes:-

After revolutionizing the different process of banking sector, the Fintech technology has moved on to creating a considerable impact on other prominent businesses. But before we explore each business vertical individually, let’s look into what percentage of respondents in different industries think that Fintech will disrupt their domain, as shared in the image below:-

1.On-demand Economy

Fintech impacts on Business

Fintech is transforming the On-demand economy in a multitude of ways – both for customers and drivers.

It is making the ride payment process one that is not suffering from any time lags by allowing users to connect their bank account with the ride-sharing apps, thus preventing any daly and time gap.

It is providing drivers with small business banking tools like expense management and automatic invoices which will ease the financial processes and upgrade their productivity.

The impact of FinTech in Ride-Sharing economy is so much so that in 2019, various insurance companies and Fintech startups will also invest heavily in the taxi-hailing industry, offering all the services to the users on the same platform. In addition to this, the top Blockchain-based Fintech apps like Coinbase will increase their interest in promoting making transactions and sharing e-gift cards in the On-demand mobile apps.


Five Forces That Will Reshape the Future of Healthcare

Fintech is spawning new opportunities in the healthcare industry, helping with mitigation of  the current challenges and providing exemplary experience to both the patients and healthcare service providers.

On one side, the Financial technology is serving the industry with seamless payment solutions, while, on the other side, it is, in 2019-2020, poised to pave new ways for several lending and insurance purpose. Various medtech startups have added Fintech to their services in an ode to provide all the medical-related services under one roof, an example of which is Practo.

Also, a significant rise will be observed in the adoption of Blockchain technology in Healthcare industry, implying payment will be possible through virtual currencies (Cryptocurrencies) in addition to a higher level of data security through Smart Contracts.


The 5 Biggest Retail Trends In 2021

The retail industry is enjoying a wave of revolution with Fintech app development, especially in the payment and customer experience facet. It is providing users with an omnichannel experience, making it possible for the customers to interact with the Retail stores via different platforms. It is also simplifying the payment and checkout process,  helping the retailers to cater to a wider audience. Two relevant examples of the impact of Fintech app solutions on Retail business are Fingopay and Perpule.

It is not over yet. In 2019-2020, it is estimated that the technology will boost the marketing strategy by empowering retailers to know what order have the customers ordered, paid for and returned and thus, plan a loyalty program accordingly.

Besides this, digital payment apps and social messaging apps will coincide, implying 2020 and beyond will make it possible to perform retail centered payment from all the social media apps and message via payment apps. The retail platform, through the payment gateway integration process will aim at creating an omni-channel presence by making it possible for the users to checkout from everywhere – the app, website and social media.

4.Government Ruled Banks

Why are PSB staff wary? - The Financial Express

Fintech is also reinforcing the government banks by offering them multiple digital services and platforms to connect with users and deliver transparent and impactful solutions. One way through which they would be achieving this, is through the introduction of Open banking.

Open banking- a collaborative model where banking data can be shared among two or more independent parties via APIs – enables the government organizations to enhance customer experience, generate better revenue, and build a sustainable service model for conventionally underserved markets via a decentralized approach which is far beyond lending and data sharing. This is empowering multiple fintech innovators as well as various one-off bank agreements, which was not possible with the traditional financial industry model.


Fintech impacts on Business

Earlier, it was tough to gain visibility in the market and raise fund effectively due to lack of platforms, resources and historical data preventing startups and established brands from getting into the claws of the frauds. But, with the introduction of Fintech apps, the Crowdfunding process is becoming a lot more streamlined. The technology is bringing more effective and profitable approaches by fostering P2P payment, easing the process of follow up with the investors and assisting the fundraising process.

It is also encouraging established financial services institutions like banks and NBFC to turn towards online fundraising platforms to extend their reach and offer better services in the market as “alternative investment”. In this way, fintech technology is contributing to bridge the gap between public and private investment, which will open up new avenues to get funds from.

Though we have covered why and how Fintech application development is bringing a major impact on the business world, having a look at the future fintech trends can help you plan a better strategy. So taking the same thought forward, here are some of the Fintech app development trends to expect in the year 2020 and beyond:-

FinTech App Development Trends for 2020 & Beyond

There are a number of technologies and trends that will become more apparent in Fintech realm in 2019-2020 and foster innovation in different business verticals. Such as –

1.Blockchain will Become a Prominent Part of Fintech Strategy

Fintech impacts on Business

Blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies, have already been considered to improve the Financial services across different sectors.

While the impact of Blockchain on Fintech has mainly been restricted to banking and other sectors for trading and supply chain management, by 2020, the technology will create more opportunities in the field of Payments Infrastructure, Digital Identity Management and Funds Transfer Infrastructure. It will be considered by 70% of financial companies for creating immutable record of their sensitive financial information and use them safely and securely.

In addition to this, the blockchain and fintech convergence will reduce the number of unbanked from 1.7 billion to less than 1 billion by the end of 2020.

2.AI will Enhance Financial Consumer Strategy

How fintech and AI will boost businesses, offer more affordable banking – and could help us 'live' forever | South China Morning Post

The fact that Artificial Intelligence is one of the biggest disruptions in the business economy with almost every business vertical either embracing the technology or planning to add it into their process by the next 5 years (as shown in the image below), Fintech mobile app developers will show a profound interest in this technology.

Fintech organizations and development companies will add AI, Machine Learning and Predictive analytics to their tech stack to understand the customer behavior, choices and preferences, and deliver better customer experience along with automating a significant amount of work at their end.

3.New Payment Solutions will be Introduced

6 innovative payments solutions to look forward to

With the advent of mobile payment solutions, visitations to banks have reduced by significant value and it is further expected to drop by 36% by the year 2022. In the same time period, mobile payments will grow by 121% with over 90% of users expected to be turning towards digital wallets and contactless payment solutions.

Besides, a major disruption will be noticed in this context with the adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because of their characteristics like faster transactions, ease of cross-border payment and enhancement in infrastructure. It will all ultimately  result in an heightened investment in Blockchain Wallets – a decentralized concept that we have talked about in great lengths in our Blockchain Wallet guide.

4.CyberSecurity will Get More Attention

Six Skills You Need to Succeed in Cybersecurity - Dice Insights

According to a PWC survey, 69% of financial services’ CEOs admitted to be more concerned about cyber-threats, when compared to those belonging to other sectors. They further shared that though they are employing various cutting-edge technologies, the security threats are continuing to exist due to involvement of third-party traders, complex technologies concepts, cross-border information exchange, etc. As a result, the cyber intruders are able to steal sensitive information and make millions of dollars, as we have seen in the case of Bangladesh’s central bank.

To combat such situations, the organizations will embrace different Fintech technologies – majorly Big Data and Biometric authentication. They will employ Big Data to analyze and predict the upcoming internal and external security issues and respond at the earliest. Besides, they will add biometric authentication to their processes to ensure that no unauthorized person could get access to their data, which will increase security, build trust and reduce the efforts and cost of securing their data via traditional means.

5.Digital-Only Banks will Gain Momentum

With the increasing mobile based banking and other financial solutions, there will be lower-to-no need of a traditional bank in the future. This will boost the concept of Digital-only banks, i.e, banks that have no brick-and-mortar outlets but provide the users with an access to all the banking resources and services virtually and swiftly.

6.Higher Investment Will be Made in Fintech


As shown in the graph below, the Fintech investments have risen from less than $1M in 2014 to more than $20M by the end of the year 2018, and these numbers are expected to increase in the coming years – making Fintech one of the revolutionary sectors in the coming 4-5 years.

India third-largest fintech market in 2019, investments doubled to $3.7 bn | Business Standard News

Besides, there are more than 20 fintech unicorns right now, with 50% of them raised their growth exponentially in 2018 and five of them made debut in the list. Many more newcomers are expected to follow the same roadmap and deliver innovative financial products to consumers and enjoy better ROI, as shown in the image below.

Fintech, as we have covered in this article, has opened up a new world of opportunities for the business world –  helping them deliver more innovative services, make better profits and that too on a fraction of money they have been investing earlier.

The segment has been bringing a major impact on the present and future of the business world, implying every business owner need to look forward to investing in Fintech app development to provide the users with higher value and generate higher revenue.

So, contact our team today to add the optimal fintech solutions to your business model.

How can react Native App Development help you Save Money?

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Being so highly exposed to social media channels, it is not possible for us to turn a blind eye to just how many Start-ups are rounding up around the world every day. The numbers are in hundreds of millions and the only way these startups dodge the exit from the world is if they have an amazing mobile application that is exceptionally successful with the audience.

But according to simple math, there are only close to about 2.6 million apps on Google Play Store and, as mentioned above, the number of startups are in hundred-millions. So what is it that is not allowing these numbers to add up?

We know! Money. There is, of course, high demand for mobile apps among startups but the follow-up on the idea is low because of high mobile app development costs.

In such a scenario, there is an urgent need to bring in a cost-effective way of mobile app development that can accommodate more startups for everyone’s benefit.

One such cost-effective measures found to aid the ailing of the world is the guide to Cross-platform mobile app development.

What is Cross-Platform App Development?

Cross-Platform App Frameworks in 2021

Cross-platform App development is the development of mobile application or softwares for multiple platforms. That is by accommodating various platforms in one round of coding.

And what makes Cross-Platform app development a cost-efficient measure for mobile app development is that it is the only way for relatively faster development of the application at a substantially lower price.

But How does Cross-Platform App Development helps one in saving the cost?

When More Expensive Processors Actually Cost Less | IT Pro

A few years ago, whenever someone went to a mobile app development company with an idea for an app, the immediate follow-up question used to be – Which would be the first platform for launch – Android or iOS? And the cost of development for both the mobile app platforms would come out to be very high with double the annual maintenance charges.

But if we roll out today’s calendar, we would see a number of options to help us avoid those high costs of native mobile app development. The biggest change that came upon the world for this was the invention React native app development.

But how does this impact the React native app development cost?

  • Reusable code: Cross-platform app development, the code for the mobile application can be used for the desktop web views.
  • Easier team management: When all your development team members will be required to be the masters of only one language for both Android and iOS app development.
  • Easier Maintenance: Since there is only one code base, the majority of the problems can be solved on that commonly.
  • Cost-cutting: Since there is no need of building apps for individual mobile platforms, the cost of development reduces substantially.

But to learn more about the benefits of React native app development, we need to know which is the best platform for us to explore react native web apps and mobile apps.

The Evolution of React Native:

Sentia Tech Blog | Redux explained

Ever since there has been programming in the world, people (Programmers and non-programmers) know that coding a programme is a tough job. And with the abundance of different programming platforms and languages, the job only becomes more complicated. In such scenarios, Developers prefer that they have to learn a single or only a few languages which can get them maximum outreach an exposure.

Often, the code of complex mobile applications needed to be “fixed” with the help of Native Coding, Which was making the process longer instead of faster.

Realising all of these points, in 2015, Facebook created React Native. React native was developed after the failure of multiple cross-platform app development technologies as they were all creating weird-looking interfaces which were not fully compatible with all the devices.

React native is an open source framework particularly which is used as it allows the mobile app developers to code in Javascript and deploys the app on both, Android and iOS platforms. It is very important to judge when to use Native or React Native apps, but the best thing about React native apps is that they are as good as Native apps.

Over the years, React Native has gained popularity for all the good reasons and it won’t suffice to end it there; so, let’s move forward to look at the properties of react native that make it the best choice of programming languages.

Properties of React Native:

If we count the advantages of React native, the cost efficiency will make it to the first spot every time. The cost-saving benefits of React native are the result of the other advantages that the platform posses for mobile app development. Although, to create a react native app means that the developer has to take account of multiple platforms to guarantee the best performance of the app, it still saves time and resources.

Let us take a look at the properties which make React native the best platform for mobile app development and how it benefits the mobile app developers.

  • Slashed Costs of app development

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There is no denying the fact that building a cross-platform mobile application is comparatively much more cost-efficient than building native mobile apps or even web apps. This is because there is no need for programming for individual platforms. Besides, with the rising competition in the app development world, the focus has centred around the market of the application more than the development. And such a scenario, cross-platform applications are able to deliver high quality of mobile apps in a substantially lesser amount of time for more number of platforms which gives the marketers more time to strategise the launch and marketing of the app.

There are collective libraries of many app development frameworks available, like PhoneGap and Xamarin, which allows the React native mobile app developers to work and deliver much faster than native mobile app developers saving both, cost and time.

React Native designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements on Dribbble

Those who have dealt with a non-optimised app can very well recite the pain of scrolling horizontally for seeing the full page of an app on their mobile devices. cross-platform applications built with the help of React Native eliminate this flaw and let the react native app builders make a fully optimised and compatible mobile application with numerous devices.

React Native cross-platform Apps are not only known for their ability to display data faster an adjust to the screen configurations promptly but also fixes the problems of fluctuating data streaming.

Apart from this, React native cross-platform apps can support a high definition of app graphics and contents because they’re very lightweight.

  • Easy integration:

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cross-platform mobile apps, just like native apps, allow seamless integration and synchronization with other compatible apps. This is because the cross-platform apps also influence the internal programming of the mobile devices. This kind of working reduces the extra integration work for mobile app developers and the cross-platform apps still work well with the devices default applications such as GPS, Camera, etc.

  • Easier App Maintenance:

Why is Mobile App Maintenance Important? - Orafox

A cross-platform mobile application works just like a native mobile app and therefore they are well equipped to make use of all the device applications. The difference between the two is that a Native app is much harder to maintain, on both, the developers’ and the users’ sides. That is so because native applications require regular updates but cross-platform apps can easily avoid versioning and this makes the maintenance of the apps much more simplified. This flexibility provided by cross-platform apps gives the required scalability to the enterprise apps.

  • Offline Working:

How to Take Your Work Offline in Case of an Emergency | WIRED

cross-platform mobile applications work by storing the mobile device’s API, which saves the app data offline and hence results in a much faster-working app. It proves to be of great help at the times of adverse network conditions by providing uninterrupted access to data. This is even cited as one of the best performance capabilities of cross-platform apps and puts them a level above native mobile apps.

  • Scaling and Availability:

Being a cross-platform app, it can be made available at multiple online market platforms such as Google’s play store or Apple’s AppStore. This is the best way to expand your reach and maximise your customer base. Also, cross-platform applications are basically cross-platform apps, capable of working flawlessly with different Operating systems and platforms. And since the code for these apps can be easily reused, they become extremely simple to scale and develop.

As we are now through with the best advantages of React Native, Let us move on to the factors contributing to the overall costs of mobile app development.

Factors Contributing to the cost of development and How React Native minimises it:

From the Operating system to App Design elements, everything adds up to a certain cost in the overall app development process. Although the costs of development for the native apps and the cross-platform apps can be distinguished easily. Let us see how these factors affect these two kinds of mobile app development processes.

Operating system: The fundamental support required for updating older versions of operating systems is difficult and rather, time-consuming in the case of native mobile apps. However, in the case of cross-platform apps, versioning can be easily avoided which makes the maintenance of the app much easier and therefore, cost-effective.

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Hardware: Along with supporting various Operating systems, the programming required to support the dimensions and orientation of various mobile devices. And making a native app compatible with different generations of a device can turn out to be highly expensive on the development front. For instance, the older iPhones had much smaller screens and the newer ones have larger screens but all the devices successfully accommodate and support the same mobile applications. This means that these native apps were specially optimised for the device type and hence added highly to the cost of development. Whereas, React native cross-platform apps work with all digital ecosystems and are pre-optimized to accommodate a maximum number of devices for the mobile apps. This, in turn, saves the time of development, thereby saving the overall cost.

Maintenance and support: the maintenance for native apps is quite complex because it takes the aftercare of two platforms at once, which includes regular updates, troubleshooting, patching etc. And thus, it takes almost twice as much time and resources to keep up with the maintenance of both Android and iOS device versions of the native app. And a cross-platform app can be easily maintained by a single app developer and thus the total app development costs are substantially slashed.

Application Design: It is unarguable that the cost of UI and UX design for an app is an added cost for a native app. Every app requires a flawless user-experience which account for nearly one-third of the total app development cost. Although, cross-platform apps made with react native are known for their uniformity across devices which accounts for great user experience.

Other factors, such as Data security costs and external APIs (Application Programming Interface), App hosting are the factors that work more or less in a similar way for native apps as well as for React native apps. However, the other factors mentioned above result in a significant reduction in the overall cost of mobile app development and still build high-quality apps which are no less than native apps.

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The cost-saving benefits of using React native are long since proven that is why a number of businesses are bringing their applications over React native Platform. React native Apps in the market like, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Skype, Tesla, Uber, Walmart, Vogue are a few big names which are validating the benefits of React native app development.

Although cross-platform app development is easy and takes lesser time and resources which results in lesser development costs, there are always pitfalls associated with every technology.

Besides, the time and prices are always governed by the difficulty and complexity of the task at hand and this complexity decided the final cost of the project.

And though it is true that cross-platform apps cut short the time of development, it still takes time to create React native apps and optimise them for different devices of both iOS and Android platforms, which is a difficult and time-taking task. To hire a react native developer means hiring a developer who can successfully handle the creation of an app for every possible mobile device, which is a speciality in its kind and has a good cost.

In the end, there are a lot of contributing factors which play their part in deciding the final cost of development in the case of both, native, as well as, cross-platform mobile application. And for every app, it will be a different scenario and the last decision is yours to make if React Native is the right platform for your App. However, the general factors, as discussed in the article, are in favour of React native and show us the benefits for React native app development and React Native app development companies.

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