Commonly Used Password Hacking Techniques By Hackers

The top 12 password-cracking techniques used by hackers | IT PRO

We use passwords everywhere. We need them to log in to our websites, apps, online accounts and even the devices we access them on. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have discovered increasingly clever ways to find out what they are. To keep you up to date with their growing sophistication and to put you in a better position to defend your business and private accounts, here are seven of the most common ways hackers can crack your passwords.

1. Phishing attacks

Commonly Used Password Hacking Techniques By Hackers

Phishing attacks are the most common way that a hacker will attempt to get access to your passwords. They involve sending some form of electronic communication, typically email but also SMS or other forms of message, that contains a malicious link. Clicking on the link will result in malware being downloaded onto your device which will silently collect your usernames and passwords and send them to the hacker.

2. Social engineering attacks

5 Social Engineering Attacks to Watch Out For

Social engineering attacks are a specialised form of phishing that has been used heavily in recent years, particularly against businesses and their customers. The attack begins with the arrival of a seemingly legitimate email from a reputable company informing you that there’s an action you need to take. A link will be provided for you to carry out that action and when you click on it, you’ll be taken to a website and asked to sign in.

The website you are sent to is a scam site, often a clone of the genuine site with a URL that is not too dissimilar to the original. When you log in, that scam site records your username and password for the hacker’s use.

Another version of social engineering involves sending employees legitimate-looking emails that pretend to be from the company they work for. They often appear to come from people they know and trust within the organisation. These too will ask for an action to be carried out (e.g. your password is about to expire,  please click here to update) and, once again, logging in will result in the login credentials being stolen.

3. Spidering

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack Web Apps, Part 2 (Website Spidering with WebScarab) « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo

Spidering is a form of investigative hacking in which cybercriminals seek to build relationships with their victims as a way to steal passwords. In a way, it takes phishing and social engineering to a new level but the depth to which it goes to often provides better results. Hackers will often pretend to be potential clients or contractors and will ask for information about a company in the hope of gaining insights into its systems and networks. Any information it receives will then be analysed to help it find vulnerabilities to attack.

4. Password stealing malware

Major rise in password-stealing malware detected | TechRadar

Our day to day use of the internet makes it possible that we can unwittingly click on malicious links or visit compromised websites. If you do, there’s the potential for malware to be downloaded to your device – especially if you do not have antivirus protection. There are specific types of malware which are designed to steal passwords, usernames and other personal information. The most common are keyloggers and screen scrapers, which record the keys you press on your keyboard or take screenshots of your activity.

5. Brute force attacks

What is a Brute Force Attack? Types & Examples

A brute force attack is when a hacker will make multiple attempts to try and guess your password. This may look like an impossible feat, but it isn’t. Cybercriminals can cheaply purchase databases containing billions of stolen usernames and passwords from the dark web. These are then fed into password cracking tools that make use of AI and machine learning so that the guesses made, rather than being random, are algorithmically generated. The speed at which these tools make login attempts means that a password can often be cracked within minutes.

6. Rainbow table attacks

Rainbow Tables: A Path to Password Gold for Cybercriminals - Hashed Out by The SSL Store™

Systems generally encrypt stored passwords which means it’s impossible to discover them without having the right encryption key. Sophisticated hackers keep directories of stolen passwords and their associated encryption keys, helping them cut the time needed to break in. A rainbow table attack, meanwhile, uses an encryption algorithm to generate a list of every potential plain text password. These are then compared to the encrypted passwords on an organisations system to speed up the discovery of the right version.

The enormous number of possible passwords in a rainbow table means they can be terabytes in size. As a result, cybercriminals are making increased use of the cloud to help them process the data during an attack.

7. Network analysing tools

6 Best Network Analysis Tools On the Market - DNSstuff

Network analysis tools enable cybercriminals to intercept data sent over a network and steal any unencrypted passwords they contain. To carry out an attack, hackers need physical access to the network or the use of malware.

SSL and other forms of encryption are the best defence against this type of hacking, together with VPNs. Companies can use network analysis tools themselves to discover if they have plain text passwords unwittingly being transmitted.


The growing number of sophisticated ways hackers can find passwords means organisations have to continually find better ways to protect themselves. Today, there are numerous defences you can use: encryption, SSL, email signing certificates, firewalls, antivirus, intrusion protection, email filters, logical access control, multi-factor authentication and biometric authentication, for example. Additionally, the training of staff and the implementation of rigorous security policies and procedures can also help.

Employee Attraction towards Cyber Attacks

With the rapid development in technology and ever-increasing internet users, cyber security plays a critical role in every industry. Securing the IT infrastructure in an enterprise helps in maintaining smooth workflow and consistent business operations.

In recent times, cyber crimes have become extremely sophisticated and threat actors have come up with new ways to obtain access to an organization’s systems and sensitive information. All throughout 2020, everyone was battling to overcome the onslaught of challenges brought by the pandemic.


However, cyber criminals saw an opportunity and wholeheartedly exploited the panic and chaos caused by the pandemic to fill their own pockets. And these criminals took no time to launch back to back cyber attacks during the pandemic.

Which of Your Employees Are Most Likely to Expose Your Company to a Cyberattack?


These threat actors left no stone unturned to target the vulnerable companies that weren’t prepared to support a remote workforce securely. As a number of well-established companies became victims to various cyber attacks, 2020 witnessed several security incidents making the headlines.


Since companies are not willing to compromise with the health of their employees, remote working is expected to continue in 2021 and beyond. But the question is, how do companies survive the fight against cyber crime and secure their employees while overcoming the challenges posed by COVID-19?


Cyber Risks and Lack of Security Awareness Among Employees

Often organizations focus on upgrading the hardware and technologies to stay protected against cyber threats. In doing so, organizations spend millions of dollars on the latest security patches and upgrades. But just like our computers, humans store, process, and transfer information too.


Yet, if you compare the amount of time and money an organization spends on securing its computers and other electronic devices to the resources it focuses on securing its employees, you’ll see how huge the difference is!


Organizations typically invest a lot in installing antivirus and spyware software as well as upgrading the operating systems, applications, and browsers. Additionally, every company has help desks, support teams, and security technical teams to maintain all this software and hardware. But how much does an organization spend on securing employees? Very less.


Cyber security has become a massive issue in both private and government institutions. Looking into the core of the issue, it is not really about the technology or the systems. Technology and systems have become increasingly secure over the years.


Employees are the actual issue. Even though it is unintentional, most cyber attacks are caused by human error, whether it is a careless click on an unsolicited link or an innocent downloading of a corrupted file.


How to Fix these Cyber Security Loopholes? 

hacker attack every 39 seconds-min - Cybint

It may sound controversial, but the security teams are the last line of defense within an organization. Even though these teams face many cyber security challenges, it is the employees who form the first line of defense.


According to a report by IBM Security, human error is the main cause of 24% of all data breaches.


Therefore, it is imperative for every organization to train the employees to be aware of the prevalent cyber threats. This does not mean that organizations should implement such heavy security measures that will just create chaos and difficulties for the employees.


Rather, every organization should come up with a solution that makes the day jobs as easy as possible for the employees while making their IT infrastructure as secure as possible.


Here are some effective measures you can take to secure your organization:


  • Discover:  Start looking from a risk management perspective. Find out if there are any flaws in the organization’s cyber security framework. Conduct services like VAPT to discover and identify the loopholes within your organization’s network and IT infrastructure.


  • Practice healthy cyber hygiene: Implement basic cyber security protocols. Enforce a strong password policy, enabling multi-factor authentication for verification, using secure Wi-Fi, encrypting sensitive data, and regularly updating the systems with the latest security patches.


  • Lookout for malicious links: Think carefully before clicking on a link or downloading an attachment from an unknown source. An email can sometimes be from a threat actor impersonating a trusted individual. To protect yourself against malicious actors impersonating your email domain, set up tools like KDMARC and defend your domain against forgery.
  • Set up a firewall: As the name suggests, a firewall is a wall between the computer and the internet. It acts as the gatekeeper for all incoming and outgoing network traffic. Setting up a firewall protects the internal networks of your business against cyber threats.
  • Update on the latest risks: Keep up with the latest cyber hacks and threats news. It helps your organization stay up-to-date with the latest cyber security-related news. It also provides you with the cyber security preventive measures that your organization can adopt to avoid becoming a victim.
  • Train Employees: Educate employees to recognize social engineering attacks such as phishing, vishing, smishing, etc. To be more aware of the cyber threats evolving around the world and how to react when needs arise.


The Ultimate Solution to Make Employees Cyber Secure

Lack of Cyber Skills Holding Back the Growth of Small Businesses

There are several steps an organization can take to protect itself against cyber threats. However, it all comes down to how strong is your organization’s first line of defense – the employees. It has become essential for organizations to provide cyber security awareness training to their employees.


You can opt to educate your employees with tools that offers the most effective security awareness training materials. The tool generates awareness amongst employees about the common cyber threats wreaking havoc around the world.


Avoid those security vulnerabilities in your iOS

Every program is a potential target for hackers. They would want to tear you down and make you kneel. So, what do we do? I think we should stop writing programs and put our laptop lids down?Naah…. Just kidding!!Attackers will try to find security vulnerabilities in your application. They will then try to use these vulnerabilities to steal secrets, corrupt programs and data. Your customers’ private information and your reputation are at stake.

Security is not something that can be added to software as an afterthought; just as a shed made out of cardboard cannot be made secure by adding a padlock to the door, an insecure tool or application may require extensive redesign to secure it. You must identify the nature of the threats to your app and incorporate secure coding practices throughout the planning and development of your product.

Five weak spots of iOS app security and how to address them - DEV Community

Secure coding is the practice of writing programs that are resistant to attack by malicious or mischievous people or programs. Secure coding helps protect a user’s data from theft or corruption.

Most software security vulnerabilities fall into one of these small set of categories:

  • Buffer overflows
  • Unvalidated input
  • Race conditions
  • Access-control problems
  • Weaknesses in authentication, authorization, or cryptographic practices

I am not going to bore you with the theory of each type of vulnerability here. Duhh!! Who does that nowadays??

Instead, I am going to share a few examples from my own experience which I came across while going through an enterprise based security scan of my code.

Observation 1- Buffer Overflow

Abstract- The program writes outside the bounds of allocated memory, which could corrupt data, crash the program, or lead to the execution of malicious code.

As you can see in line 2 of the method, variable ‘has_storage’ has been declared as an unsigned 32 bit integer and assigned a value. However in line 3, a value is assigned to some index value of it. This is the classic example of possibility of Buffer overflow.

How Buffer Overflow Attacks Work | Netsparker

This code snippet is a part of Google’s Firebase/Messaging pods framework.


Avoid declaring the variables by keeping such vulnerabilities in mind i.e you can define this as:-

uint32_t  _has_storage_[0];

Observation 2- Privacy Violation: HTTP GET

Abstract- The identified call uses the HTTP GET instead of POST method to send data to the server.

Explanation- HTTP requests which utilize the GET method allow the URL and request parameters to be cached in the browser’s URL cache, intermediary proxies, and server logs. This could expose sensitive information to individuals who do not have appropriate rights to the data.

Example 1: The following code makes an HTTP request using the GET HTTP method instead of POST.

let url = URL(string: “”)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!)
request.HTTPMethod = “GET”
let connection = NSURLConnection(request:request, delegate:self)

Example 2: If the application uses NSURLRequest then the default HTTP method is GET.

let url = URL(string: “”)
let request = URLRequest(URL: url!)
let connection = NSURLConnection(request:request, delegate:self)

Since most of us are not aware that while making a URLRequest in Swift, if we do not provide any HTTP method then the default method is “GET” which can be treated as a major vulnerability in many of the Static Code Analyzers.


Make an extension of the URLRequest class and add a method with some added parameters as per your convenience.

Observation 3- Insecure Storage: HTTP Response Cache Leak

Abstract- The identified method performs a URL request without configuring the URL loading system to prevent the caching of HTTP(S) responses.

Explanation- The HTTP(S) responses may contain sensitive data such as session cookies and API tokens. The URL loading system will cache all the HTTP(S) responses for performance reasons, storing them unencrypted in the {app ID}/Library/Caches/com.mycompany.myapp/Cache.db* files. Developers may think that by setting the diskCapacity or memoryCapacity properties of the URLCache class to 0, they may be effectively disabling the HTTP(S) response cache system. However, the NSURLCache documentation states that both the on-disk and in-memory caches will be truncated to the configured sizes only if the device runs low on memory or disk space. Both settings are meant to be used by the system to free system resources and improve performance, not as a security control.


The combination of two solutions works best for plumbing these types of leaks. Firstly, after the response has been received, remove all the cache that has been saved to the memory by using this small snippet

Observation 4- Insecure Transport: Weak SSL Protocol

Abstract- The SSLv2, SSLv23, and SSLv3 protocols contain several flaws that make them insecure, so they should not be used to transmit sensitive data.

Explanation- The Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols provide a protection mechanism to ensure the authenticity, confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted between a client and web server. Both TLS and SSL have undergone revisions resulting in periodic version updates. Each new revision was designed to address the security weaknesses discovered in the previous versions. Use of an insecure version of TLS/SSL will weaken the strength of the data protection and could allow an attacker to compromise, steal, or modify sensitive information.

Weak versions of TLS/SSL may exhibit one or more of the following properties:

– No protection against man-in-the-middle attacks
– Same key used for authentication and encryption
– Weak message authentication control
– No protection against TCP connection closing

The presence of these properties may allow an attacker to intercept, modify, or tamper with sensitive data.

Example 1: The following example configures the session to use SSL v3.0:


In most of the networking libraries that we use in iOS like Alamofire and AFNetworking, the default setting is to use SSL Protocol and hence if we explicitly update the minimum supported protocol in our code to the latest TLS protocol version, then we can easily prevent this vulnerability in our code.

Observation 5- Input Interception: Keyboard Extensions Allowed

Abstract- The application allows third party keyboard extensions to be allowed.

Explanation- Keyboard extensions are allowed to read every single keystroke that a user enters. Third-party keyboards are normally used to ease the text input or to add additional emoticons and they may log what the user enters or even send it to a remote server for processing. Malicious keyboards can also be distributed to act as a key-logger and read every key entered by the user in order to steal sensitive data such as credentials or credit card numbers.


If you want that no third party keyboard can be installed while using your application, then add this code snippet into your AppDelegate.swift file.

Observation 6- Insecure Storage: Lacking Data Protection

Abstract-  The identified method writes data to a file lacking sufficient encryption settings.

Explanation- Even though all files on an iOS device, including those without an explicitly assigned Data Protection class, are stored in an encrypted form; we can specify NSFileProtectionNone which results in encryption using a key derived solely based on the device’s UID. This leaves such files accessible any time the device is powered on, including when locked with a passcode or when booting. As such, usages of NSFileProtectionNone should be carefully reviewed to determine if further protection with a stricter Data Protection class is warranted.

In the following example, the given data is not protected (accessible anytime the device is powered on):


The resource is stored in an encrypted format on disk and cannot be read from, or written to, while the device is locked or booting. It’s available in iOS 4.0 and later.

The resource is stored in an encrypted format on disk. Resources can be created while the device is locked, but once closed, cannot be opened again until the device is unlocked. If the resource is opened when unlocked, you may continue to access the resource normally, even if the user locks the device.
Available in iOS 5.0 and later.

-NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, NSDataWritingOptions.DataWritingFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication:
The resource is stored in an encrypted format on disk and cannot be accessed until after the device has booted. After the user unlocks the device for the first time, your app can access the resource and continue to access it even if the user subsequently locks the device.
Available in iOS 5.0 and later.

The resource has no special protections associated with it. It can be read from, or written to, at any time.
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.

Oh!! My God… So many observations. Who writes such a vulnerable code anyway??

Me, you??

Let me tell you something folks! Privacy and Security are two important constructs of today’s digital umbrella which covers a huge part of our society. And moving forward we are going to be more dependent on all these digital devices lying around us exploiting the technologies like AR, AI, IoT etc. Did I just sound like Mr. Snowden?? Believe me, I am “No One”(pun intended).

But, it’s the least, we as developers can do to make our code less prone, a little bit more secure by keeping in mind certain techniques while coding. After all, good code is contagious. It spreads.

Cyber reference architecture: An Enterprise Security Backbone

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Architects? | Design Ideas for the Built World

At the heart of digital transformation is data. The importance of protecting this critical business asset is bringing cyber security into sharp focus in the boardroom as well as the data center.

In the past, an enterprise’s cyber security team focused on IT security risks and threats, with little reference to business risks, objectives and strategy. The team would deploy controls within a defined corporate network boundary, driving a very technology-focused approach to cyber security. The team generally spoke its own language of cyber security terms and acronyms, little understood by the business.

Digital transformation, however, means that cybersecurity can no longer be handled as an after-the-fact bolt-on, separate from the rest of the business. Organizations must consider security as part of their strategic approach, viewing cybersecurity and resilience as business enablers that help enterprises safely embrace the benefits of digital transformation.

Even the World Economic Forum recognizes the importance of high-level responsibility for the strategic governance of cyber risk and cyber resilience. In a report for boards of directors, “Advancing Cyber Resilience: Principles and Tools for Boards,”[i] the forum concluded that “cyber strategy must be determined at the oversight board level.”

Aligning cyber security strategy with business objectives — and obtaining board-level sponsorship — is key to attaining and maintaining a strong security posture.

Most organizations are struggling to reduce the growing gap between their security posture and the threat landscape, with its ever-increasing cyber attack sophistication — and at the same time, they are trying to stay on top of changing security-related regulatory and legislative obligations that differ across geographies.

Spending more money isn’t necessarily the answer. Security budgets are increasing, but the security posture gap is getting wider.

Designing A Cybersecurity Solution: Security Reference Architectures | United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Here are some reasons why:

  • Lack of integration, with little or no understanding of the cyber security risk posture throughout the business, makes it difficult to reduce business risk.
  • Lack of prioritization means security investments are often allocated to implement the latest security trend or technology, without first addressing security foundations.
  • Bottom-up technical siloes cause a lack of alignment between the security solutions deployed and business objectives.
  • Lack of optimization results in overlap of security controls and failure to take advantage of virtualization or new functionality in existing security tools.
  • Reinventing the wheel increases time, cost, and risk.

Closing the gap requires upper management to set a clear cybersecurity strategy and requires the cybersecurity team to focus on managing cyber risk appropriately and proportionate to the business’s goals and risk appetite.

If they want to be truly cyber resilient, enterprises must also be prepared for the worst to happen. It’s no longer a question of whether they may be breached, but when, and what the likely consequences are. The legislative and regulatory implications of data breaches continue to increase, and the reputational damage they can cause to a business can be extremely damaging. A Juniper Research report estimates the cost of cybercrime to businesses will total $8 trillion by 2022.

A key strategy for addressing these challenges is the adoption of a cyber reference architecture (CRA), which is a framework of strategies, tactics, and capabilities that provides a common language, a consistent approach, and a long-term vision to help organizations align security strategies with the business and accelerate their digital transformation.

A Guide to Cyber Security Certifications - University of North Dakota Online

The CRA helps organizations to develop business-aligned security strategies and accelerate their digital transformation, including:

  • Understanding which objectives matter most to the business
  • Defining security requirements to achieve those objectives
  • Mapping out the best approach for deploying targeted security capabilities to support the plan

This approach helps organizations in all industries move from a reactive mode to higher levels of cyber maturity. Organizations are become better equipped to visualize their future state and develop a roadmap of short- and long-term timeline for getting there.

As a result, organizations can develop a resilient and agile security architecture that supports a risk-based approach to business strategy. This crucial planning helps organizations:

  • Define how to protect what matters and enable digital business initiatives
  • Optimize security budget and operational cost
  • Avoid financial loss by managing existing and emerging risks
  • Ensure compliance with laws and regulations

Security organizations are constantly faced with decisions about upgrading tools and adding services to improve processes. Before the work begins, it’s imperative to understand all risks and the state of the organization’s security posture with a strong cyber reference architecture.

Why Organizations should conduct cybersecurity assessments

Information Security Audit and Self – Assessment Frameworks for operators of essential services and digital service providers — ENISA

The past year was filled with news about cybersecurity, including phishing scams, ransomware, and new attack methods. And this year, security experts again predict even bigger attacks and smarter hacks that will be met with heavy fines slapped on regulated organizations for not preventing or minimizing a breach on their watch.

Adhering to compliance standards and finding gaps in data security is a multi-faceted process that requires a holistic approach, expertise, and vigilance. If your organization hasn’t done a self-assessment of your cybersecurity and compliance processes, or done so recently, now is the time.

Research shows that more than 56 percent of organizations reported moderate or severe impact of security challenges on their cloud computing use. Even more, reported compliance and regulation challenges. For organizations that must meet regulatory standards—like HIPAA, PCI, SOC, ITAR, FIPS or CJIS—the disruption and consequences in the event of a breach can cost more than they are worth in fines, a tarnished reputation and remediation efforts.

After working with hundreds of organizations on their compliance and data security processes, I’d like to share five key benefits of a cybersecurity self-assessment.

A cybersecurity self-assessment can help your organization:

1. Measure security risks objectively across teams and roles

Risk and Performance Management. Risk measurement quickly raises… | by Ryan McGeehan | Medium

Even the most brilliant and passionate IT teams, partners and vendors can sometimes become myopic or defensive about their technology infrastructure and practices. And because most organizations have a variety of clouds, platforms and IT infrastructure, security exposures may not be discovered without an assessment, or worse, a traumatic event.  A self-assessment tool can offer an objective lens from which to have critical conversations across teams and roles.

2. Flag risks and exposures

74,273 Red Flag Warning Illustrations & Clip Art

From intrusion detection software to cybersecurity insurance, cybersecurity is a multi-faceted and ever-changing effort. Cybersecurity experts are in high demand, and many organizations face exposures for which they aren’t equipped to assess or internally manage. A self-assessment can be the starting point of identifying new and old areas of risk and can help you ask the right questions regarding protecting your organization.

3. Document and track security efforts

PDF & Document Security: How to Protect and Track PDFs and Documents Securely (2021)

In the world of cybersecurity, there are no guarantees that “digital trauma” won’t strike. That’s not the reality of today’s world. However, multiple layers of security processes can isolate issues in their tracks and prevent worst-case scenarios. In addition, a well-prepared organization should be able to quickly respond to multiple severity levels of security situations. Assessing your risk is the first step in developing cybersecurity and compliance efforts, documenting and training your organization around a security plan, as well as tracking progress toward remediation efforts.

4. Quickly adapt to regulatory changes

Digitally adapting to regulatory change -

Regulations change, technology platforms evolve and teams adopt new devices, subscriptions and solutions. Your organization’s IT environment must continuously evolve to keep up with the reality of everyday business. What was a best practice a year ago may not be so today. Routine security risk assessments can help your organization stay proactive. And with the right cloud tools and controls, your organization can quickly adapt to changes in the marketplace.

5. Empower your users

Exposing a Phishing Email Attack – 5 Tips to Empower Your Users

Multiple experts cite the number one threat to cybersecurity is your colleague down the hall. The people in your organization have the most opportunity to expose your data, second to vendors with access to your systems. From proper management of user access and authentication to education around recognizing phishing emails, your users can make or break your security. Organization-wide education and preparedness are key to preventing, as well as responding, to a security event.

Creating a safe networking of linked devices

Creating a safe networking of linked devices

The number of connected devices is predicted to grow to 75 billion by 2025. This will create a massively connected ecosystem, and data security will be paramount.

Many of these devices will be cyber-physical systems, which closely integrate computation, networking and physical processes. The devices consist of a physical entity and its cyber twin, which can replicate the behavior of the physical machine and give insights into how the machine will react when prompted by various actions. Connect these devices to the internet, for data transfer, and the result is the internet of things. Smart grids, autonomous vehicles and medical devices are examples of cyber-physical systems.

In cyber-physical systems, digital and physical components interact with each other in a variety of ways that change with context. For example, an offshore drilling facility transmits sensor values from devices to check that machinery is functioning; the alerts from the devices will vary depending on whether it is a normal scenario or an emergency. Similarly, a connected medical device will send an alert based upon the patient’s condition.

In all contexts, it is imperative to maintain security and privacy of the data. This is particularly true in a data-sensitive field like healthcare, where there is growing concern about cybersecurity in connected medical devices.

A secure framework for cyber-physical systems

Cutting off stealthy interlopers: A framework for secure cyber-physical systems

We have created a secure framework for connecting cyber-physical systems by leveraging distributed ledger technology (DLT). DLT is a digital system for recording asset transactions in multiple places at the same time, making fraud and manipulation difficult.

Our framework addresses:

  1. Two-way tamper-proof device communication
  2. Financial transactions between devices (e.g., machine-to-machine micropayments using crypto currencies)
  3. Message transfer and data storage between devices with minimal or no transaction fees and mining (network) fees

The framework integrates edge computing components, which are industry-specific (such as medical devices), and has DLT at its core for data transfer and communication.

Edge devices communicate with a central system, the Directed Acyclic Graph distributed ledger, which powers data storage, transfer and access and ensures data security and data privacy. Click image to enlarge.


Inside the framework


We developed the framework’s components using directed acyclic graphs (DAG) — specifically IOTA — as the underlying DLT technology. DAG architecture is well suited for scalability and does not carry mining fees.

IOTA uses an invention called “The Tangle” at its core. The Tangle is a new data structure, based on DAG, that takes care of data privacy needs by providing restricted and private storage and retrieval options.


We describe each component with an industry example but the components can be extended to other industries:

  • Financial transactions – This component stores all transactions and automates micropayments between machines without any manual intervention. This component can be directly applied to the automobile industry for vehicle charging, toll payments, parking place payments and more. Details are available in this earlier post.
  • Tamper-proof data transfer / two-way remote communication – The underlying DLT technology of this component ensures data security and privacy in transmission, storage and usage. One direct application is remote patient monitoring in healthcare. This can be extended to any industry that needs remote device monitoring or secure data communication (e.g., offshore drilling and its machines).
  • Track and trace of a device’s location with indoor positioning – This component helps track and trace sensitive assets, when knowing the status of a device or machine is paramount. For example, use this component to optimize x-ray machine use in a trusted hospital network and reduce patient wait times.
  • Secure over-the-air firmware updates – This component addresses the exponentially growing need to push secure firmware updates to connected devices, with tamper-proof audit trails made possible by DLT. It is applicable to all connected devices in almost every industry including automotive, healthcare, technology and energy, and utilities.

The components are designed to work online, offline and in mesh networking mode (when Wi-Fi or cellular networks are not available). For example, if connectivity is lost due to an emergency or an outage, these systems can still transmit messages in up to a 65-mile radius. This is critical because it means your medical device stays connected if Wi-Fi or cellular goes down.

Moving toward a unified Digital Security Transformation Framework

Security a Challenge in Digital Transformation - Security Boulevard

Organizations pursuing digital transformation initiatives are typically doing so to achieve a variety of possible business outcomes ranging from improved customer experience to improved operational efficiency. As enterprises plan their digital journeys, they are increasingly moving to a more distributed IT environment where corporate applications reside on premises as well as in public cloud environments, and access to these applications is provided on an anytime, anywhere basis to a variety of endpoint devices.

In this type of environment, there are a number of technology-related issues that will drive enterprises to think about new security risks such as the adoption of new technology, IT architectural migration, and the implementation of new operational processes. While these issues typically drive the front end of a digital transformation plan, security is often viewed as an obstacle to a digital transformation initiative or is an afterthought and only considered after the plan and design of the digital transformation initiative is finalized.

Security as an obstacle to innovation

Five Barriers to Innovation S14 Ep25 - Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney

Technology issues like cloud migration, the proliferation of endpoint devices (or “things”) attached to the network, and the adoption of new technologies like AI and IoT can potentially create new vulnerabilities for attackers to exploit. For some organizations, the thought of digital transformation creating a need for incremental security spend above what is currently being spent can slow the pace of digital transformation or stop it entirely.

The reality is that digital transformation is driven by business objectives and the development of a digital transformation strategy must include security requirements at the outset to minimize potential technology and business risks that cybersecurity represents to an organization. What is needed is a better understanding of the business risks associated with a digital transformation plan and the potential impact to the business if those risks ever materialize.

Attempting to “bolt on” a security strategy after the digital transformation plan is in place can put an organization at significant risk once the transformation plan is implemented by not having the proper controls, processes and technologies in place. Every component of a transformation initiative brings inherent risk, and organizations must rethink their overall security posture and the effectiveness of the current security controls they have in place.

Therefore, in the shift from an organization’s current state of IT operations to their future state, IDC believes that a framework for security that includes the combination of a comprehensive security strategy in conjunction with a digital transformation strategy would provide a guide to help organizations understand where potential risks exist and how best to address the risks inherent in their digital transformation journeys. This approach brings security concerns and technical risk in better alignment to business objectives.

Accelerating the path to digital transformation securely

4 ways digital transformation can help you adapt to a post-pandemic world | TechBeacon

Reference architectures are commonly used as a template for highlighting the various components of an architecture, their functions, and the interdependencies of the functions provided through a set of interfaces. The objective of the reference architecture is to provide a level of commonality for consistent implementation and reuse. This helps to accelerate the delivery of a technology solution while ensuring consistent implementation.

When considering the architectural changes taking place in enterprise IT environments as organizations execute on their digital transformation strategies, the use of a security reference architecture can help bring business objectives and security concerns in alignment, while also accelerating the path to digital transformation in a secure manner.

Given the challenges businesses face today keeping pace with the ever-changing security threat landscape and the demands for IT to be an enabler to digital transformation, a consistent approach to implementing security at the strategy, operational and technical level is a business imperative. The use of a holistic framework that provides a consistent methodology, uses a common language and provides a step-by-step guide for embedding security into any digital initiative will help organizations streamline transformation and accelerate the time to realize real business value.

Why does a Zero-Trust Security Paradigm in Healthcare make sense?

Security in Healthcare

There has been a long-held assumption that data security threats originate from nefarious external forces seeking to steal an organization’s most sensitive data. Traditional security models were therefore designed with this view in mind and on the mistaken belief that everything within the internal network is trustworthy. But there is evidence that a majority of attacks come from internal sources, with healthcare, manufacturing and financial services firms at the greatest risk.

An insider threat may be intentional or accidental but, in either case, the risk can be that much greater because it is often difficult to detect and can continue to spread.

A Lifetime Electronic Health Record for Every American – Third Way

In healthcare, having electronic health records (EHRs) that collect a patient’s data in a single record is hugely beneficial to managing patient care and to patients’ ability to gain insights into their overall health and manage their own care. Securing sensitive data is of paramount importance to prevent data theft, identity theft and reputational damage to the provider. Therefore, access must be secure and accountable, regardless of whether the data resides on hospital servers, mobile devices or cloud services.

As the healthcare industry continues to digitize — bringing together EHR data with other data about the patient, including from smart devices — and as it shifts to care without borders, interoperability of data will become even more crucial, but so too will cyber resilience. Organizations will need to focus on hardening access to digital assets as opposed to making them inaccessible.

9 Important Elements to Corporate Data Security Policies that Protect Data Privacy | 2016-05-10 | Security Magazine

In an era of patient-driven care, patients expect to be able to trust those caring for them to safeguard their data. Violation of that trust with security breaches affects the quality of care those patients receive. If a reputable hospital suffers a breach, it will influence where a patient will go for care, which could affect the continuity and quality of care.

This is where the security approach known as zero trust comes into its own. With zero trust, there is no assumed trust of corporate devices or networks versus untrusted public networks or personal devices. The same security checks are performed on users and devices. Everybody is equally suspect, but everybody is also equally enabled to gain the access they need. Access policies are applied wherever data is held and across the interfaces of all systems when they are being accessed.

Data Privacy Day: seven ways we protect your privacy

Such a system might sound onerous to operate, but zero trust is not about putting roadblocks on innovation, collaboration and open exchange. Rather, it’s about increasing cyber defense.

In healthcare, zero trust is about finding a solution that can preserve the sharing and giving of information in a patient’s best interest but that will safeguard the information at the same time. The zero trust approach does just that and is a viable option to support digital healthcare.

To achieve the objectives of data security through a zero trust approach, healthcare organizations need to consider three key elements.

  • Ensure that zero trust encompasses security at multiple levels. Applications need to be subject to strict login and monitoring rules and complete API security. This is one way an application can be executed, and these interfaces are vulnerable to attacks unless they are properly protected. The network must have strong security measures, such as physical segmentation and firewalls, plus security monitoring across all users and IT systems. Multilevel security programs should also address training for staff and patients to spot phishing attempts and practice good security hygiene, such as setting strong passwords. And the infrastructure needs to monitor all users logged into the overall system. Patients who read reports that their hospital is being investigated for security breaches will choose to go elsewhere. Once a hospital’s reputation is damaged, the stigma is hard to overcome.
  • Ensure that all patient data and resources are accessed securely with the appropriate permissions. Knowing where data is held allows controls to be extended to wrap and protect data on-premises, in the cloud and on personal devices. Once the data is classified, the correct access policies can be enforced when that data is being accessed. Healthcare organizations need to be able to audit who has accessed information to ensure accountability.
  • Have in place a “least access” strategy through an identity and access management solution, and grant access only to people authorized to access data. For example, if a physician is allowed to access a patient record, only that physician should be able to do so, not other clinical staff involved in caring for the patient. The objective is to ensure that the hospital is running an environment with the proper protection in place. Zero trust needs to be ingrained in human resources policies. Since hospitals typically have a large temporary workforce and a lot of personnel changes, the identity management system can automate safeguards to identify new employees and those moving into different roles or leaving the organization. So, if a nurse or doctor leaves the hospital, that person’s authorized access will be automatically revoked.

The patients’ trust and confidence in the healthcare system rely on healthcare organizations being able to safeguard their data and ensure that it is only used legitimately. Trust drives all consumers’ experiences in terms of whom they engage with. And in an era of patient-centered care, patients expect their hospital or clinician to also care for their personal data.

Android Issues Affecting Websites Using Let’s Encrypt

Android Issues to Affect Websites with Let's Encrypt SSL | Web Hosting UK Blog

Site owners that use the free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate have been warned that, from next September, their websites will no longer work on older Android operating systems. The issue, which will affect a third of all Android devices, including smartphones, could prevent over 220 million websites working properly.

Launched by the Internet Safety Research Group, ISRG, in 2016, Let’s Encrypt has played a crucial role in making the internet more secure by providing millions of free SSL certificates to websites across the globe. By encrypting data as it travels between a user’s browser and a website’s server, an SSL ensures that personal information and payment details are kept out of the hands of cybercriminals. At Anteelo, we recognise the important contribution Let’s Encrypt is making and are proud to be a sponsor of its parent organisation, ISRG.

Another of its sponsors is Chrome, the Google-owned browser, while Google itself encourages the uptake of SSL certificates by including SSL installation in its ranking criteria and rewarding those websites that have them with higher rankings. This makes it a little ironic that the problem Let’s Encrypt faces is with Android, Google’s own operating system.

Alphabet's Google to Fold Chrome Operating System Into Android - WSJ

Though unintentional on Google’s behalf, the issue is that, from September next year, devices with older versions of the Android operating system (versions 7.1.1 or earlier) won’t be able to connect securely with websites using Let’s Encrypt. Anyone with one of these devices that attempts to visit a website with a Let’s Encrypt SSL will, instead, be shown a warning sign telling them that the website is not safe.

Free SSL Security Certificate with 256 bit data encryption | I.T.ZAP Website Design Works

The cause of the problem is that, when ISRG launched Let’s Encrypt in 2016, its own root certificate had not been in existence long enough to have become trusted by operating systems. To overcome this challenge, it used an existing certificate authority, IdenTrust, as a cross-signature. IdenTrust’s root certificate had been firmly established for some time and was trusted and accepted by operating systems such as Windows, iOS, macOS and Android.

The use of IdenTrust’s root certificate was always seen as a short term solution, with Let’s Encrypt knowing its own certificate would be trusted by all operating systems by the time the IdenTrust certificate expired.

That expiration is set to take place in September next year and Let’s Encrypt’s SSL certificate is now trusted by the major operating systems. There is, however, a technical snag that affects older versions of Android. That snag is that these operating systems have not been updated since 2016 and, as a result, have not been configured to accept Let’s Encrypt’s root certificate; nor will they, after 1 September 2021, continue to accept the expired IdenTrust root certificate.

This means that devices running Android versions 7.1.1 or earlier will, from next September, no longer trust websites with the Let’s Encrypt certificates installed. This problem can also impact apps that gather data from websites using a Let’s Encrypt certificate.

Unfortunately, if you are a website owner using Let’s Encrypt, a third of all Android devices still in use fall into this category. That means that from September 2021, around 850 million devices, mainly smartphones, will start seeing certificate warning errors when their users visit your site. According to Let’s Encrypt, that works out at between 1 per cent and 5 per cent of the traffic that visits the websites they serve.

A temporary solution

Cost control takes a total team effort

For anyone with an affected Android device, there are three potential solutions: if possible, upgrade the OS to version 7.1.1 or later; if not, install the Firefox Mobile web browser app which accepts the Let’s Encrypt root certificate and works with Android versions 5 and later; or, alternatively, buy a newer device.

Let’s Encrypt is working hard to find a solution that will let websites using their certificates work with these older devices; however, with time running out, those concerned about losing traffic may need to replace their Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, at least for the time being, with one that will be recognised by all Android devices as well as by other OS.

If you are considering installing an alternative SSL certificate on your website, Anteelo offers a range of SSLs to suit the needs of different organisations. What’s more, we’ll take away the hassle and install and test it for you. For more details, visit our SSL Certificates page.

Steps to Improving Data Security

11 Smart Ways to Make Your Data More Secure | Mental Floss

As Clive Humby famously said, ‘Data is the new oil.’ It’s a commodity so valuable that cybercriminals go to great lengths to get their hands on it. And when they do, they use it for extortion and to sell to other criminals on the dark web. If that isn’t worrying enough, the means by which they try to acquire it can also cause havoc. They will infect entire systems with malware, take systems completely offline with ransomware and use sophisticated techniques to steal login credentials or brute force their way in. Today, it’s every firm’s business to keep their data secure. Here are some of the ways to strengthen yours.

The impact of a data breach 

Data breaches can put companies out of business. 60% of those that suffer a cyberattack go under within six months. For the rest, there are significant repercussions. According to IBM’s 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report, incidents involving data security, such as malware, phishing and device theft, cost UK companies almost £3 billion to recover from. It’s a prolonged process, too. The average company took around nine months to discover and recover from an attack. On top of all this, of course, are lost income, reputational damage and the potential of large fines from the ICO.

1. Use tech and training to prevent phishing

What is phishing? Everything you need to know to protect yourself from scam emails and more | ZDNet

Phishing attacks, usually sent via email, are one of the main ways that cybercriminals will try to steal login credentials or infect a system with malware. Making sure that you have a robust spam filtering tool, such as SpamExperts or Mimecast, will help filter out the vast majority of phishing and malware containing emails.

Of those that manage to get through, statistics show that around a third are opened and clicked on by recipients. This is often because cybercriminals go to great lengths to make these emails look genuine. The key to reducing such incidents lies in training staff to spot the tell-tale signs of phishing emails: poor English, lack of addressee name, email address not matching up with the name of the sender, dodgy-looking logos, etc. Employees also need to know how to deal with these emails: not to open them or any attachments or click on any links, how to report them and safely delete them.

2. Two-factor authentication

Is two-factor authentication (2FA) as secure as it seems? - Malwarebytes Labs | Malwarebytes Labs

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds another layer of security to the login process, usually asking employees to input a six or seven-digit security code sent to their phone. The advantage of implementing 2FA is that even if a cybercriminal gets hold of the username and password, they won’t have access to the additional code unless they also have the employee’s mobile phone. What’s more, as security codes are only valid for a few minutes, it doesn’t give criminals the time needed to crack them.

3. Virtual Private Networks

What Is a VPN? - Virtual Private Network - Cisco

A virtual private network (VPN) provides employees with a secure environment in which to work. It does this by securing the connection to the network and encrypting data sent over it. It is particularly vital for those working over wi-fi networks, especially the significant number of employees now working remotely.

4. Automated software updates

Simplify software updates with automated patching - 5 IT automation examples that ops teams should implement today

Vulnerabilities in outdated applications are one of the biggest threats to data security and are actively targeted by cybercriminals. Updating applications as soon as a patch is released is essential to minimising the risk of a data breach. Unfortunately, too many businesses have paid the price of being slow to update their software.

There are several ways to automate updates. With a managed hosting solution, for example, your provider will automate the patching of your operating system, while you can use tools like Patchman to carry out patching on CMS websites like WordPress. Auto-updates can also be implemented using cPanel and Plesk and from within the admin panel of some website platforms.

Another way to keep applications up to date is to use Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, such as Microsoft 365, instead of having standalone software installed on the network. Here, the provider will update the software automatically for you whenever they release a new version.

5. Encryption

What is PGP Encryption and How Does It Work? | Varonis

If your data is encrypted, no-one can access it even if it is stolen. Encryption makes it useless to any cybercriminals and ensures that your important information and customer data isn’t used illegally. You can encrypt data in multiple situations. For example, your host can encrypt data stored on your servers, SSL certificates encrypt data transferred between your customers’ browsers and your website and email SSL certificates will encrypt your emails and attachments while verifying the authenticity of your email address to the recipient.

6. Remote backups

Remote Backup - Computer Systems Plus, Inc.

If in attempting to steal your data a cybercriminal deletes, corrupts or encrypts it with ransomware, the effects can be devastating. However, it’s not just cybercrime that can result in data loss, so too can hardware failure, human error and various other problems. The solution to not losing your data permanently and getting your systems back up and running quickly is to have an effective backup solution in place.

While there are many ways to do this, one of the most effective is to use the services of your hosting provider. At Anteelo, our backups can be scheduled and automated to take place at the frequencies you need, are stored remotely from your server, encrypted for security and integrity checked so you know they will be uncorrupted if you need to use them.

7. Secure hosting

Most Secure Web Hosting Services in 2020 - SecurityLab

A good web hosting provider will help keep your server and the data stored on it secure by using advanced security tools. At Anteelo, for example, we use powerful next-gen firewalls with intrusion detection and prevention tools to stop hackers and malware from getting access to your server.


Data is increasingly sought-after by cybercriminals and their modes of operation are getting more sophisticated. Companies need to put cybersecurity at the top of their priorities to prevent attacks that could potentially put them out of business. Hopefully, the measures mentioned here will help you increase the security of your firm’s data.

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