Afraid of Machines? Chill! Don’t Be.

Rise of the machines

When water cooler conversation turns to movies and lands on The Matrix, what scene first comes to mind? Is it when the film’s hero-in-waiting, Neo, gains self-awareness and frees himself from the machines? Or Agent Smith’s speech that compares humans to a “virus?” Or maybe the vision of a future ruled by machines? It’s all pretty scary stuff.

Although it featured a compelling plot, The Matrix wasn’t the first time we’d explored the idea of technology gone rogue. In fact, worries about the rise of the machines began to surface well before modern digital computers.

The rapid advance of technology made possible by the Industrial Revolution set off the initial alarm bells. Samuel Butler’s 1863 essay, “Darwin among the Machines,” speculated that advanced machines might pose a danger to humanity, predicting that “the time will come when the machines will hold the real supremacy.” Since then, many writers, philosophers and even tech leaders have debated what might become of us if machines wake up.

Rise Of Machines

What causes many people the most anxiety is this: We don’t know exactly when machines might cross that intelligence threshold, and once we do, it could be too late. As the late British mathematician I. J. Good wrote, designing a machine of significant intelligence to improve on itself would create an “intelligence explosion” equivalent to, as he put it, allowing the genie out of the bottle. Helpfully, he also argued that because a super intelligent machine can self-improve, it’s the last invention we’ll ever need to make. So that’s a plus — right?

There are other perspectives on the matter — that fears of a machine-led revolution are largely overblown.

Like technological advances that came before, artificial intelligence (AI) won’t create new existential problems. It will, however, offer us new and powerful ways to make mistakes. It’s smart to take some preventive measures, like putting in alerts that tell you when the machine is starting to learn things that are outside [of] your ethical boundaries.

Embracing Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Healthcare in digital transformation: digital and connected healthcare

Data-driven digital transformation opens opportunities for healthcare providers, policy makers and patients to move toward personalized healthcare by collecting and sharing new kinds of data. The next wave of productivity gains will not come simply from the delivery of information and messages from one place to another, but from the cross-linked aggregation of a more complete body of information. While the transition requires an investment in new technologies and new ways of doing business, the tools are rapidly maturing, and costs are coming down.

Denmark has been at the forefront of health data exchange for more than two decades. It began in 1994 with the creation of Med Com, a nonprofit organization owned by the Ministry of Health and various local government entities, which designed a range of healthcare data exchange standards. Med Com also enforced a strict policy of compliance, which led to countrywide adoption.

The initiative established Denmark as a global leader in data sharing and in empowering patients to be more involved in their own treatment. A key aspect of the country’s digital health initiative is its web portal, (or, which gives patients secure access to health data, including information on their treatments, visits to their doctors and notes from their hospital records.

Now the rest of the world has caught up, and the old standards are competing with those that have global reach, such as Health Level Seven International (HL7)’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard. The new standards offer new data-sharing options and provide a far richer and more impactful set of options to healthcare providers.

While messages to and from clinical applications still have relevance, data sharing capabilities that enable true and actionable insights are growing in importance. The new data sharing models have the potential to transform healthcare, supporting digital transformation and moving healthcare toward progressive business models. The ability to share clear, consistent patient data is integral to driving patient-centric care, since patients now demand that healthcare organizations interact with them through multiple communication channels and have a deep understanding of factors that may affect their health.

But is this paradigm shift from messages toward rich data consumption easy for providers to adopt? Well no, if you still treat your electronic health records (EHRs), radiology information system (RIS) and laboratory information system (LIS) as big monoliths and data repositories where isolated and specific data is shared as messages.

Accelerating digitalisation in healthcare

Let me give an example. When I was a hospital chief information officer and wanted some new functionality in our EHR system, I needed to go through several hospital and vendor approval processes. In the end, it might take 2 years to get the change implemented, since the development roadmap didn’t leave much room for my innovative ideas. What I needed — but did not realize at the time — was access to data outside the applications where the data resided. The problem is that the apps themselves are not built for data sharing purposes and yet they contain vast amounts of invaluable data from across the enterprise — clinical, administrative, logistics, infrastructure, etc. In the past, medical use cases tended to be drawn from a single source, such as the EHR, but today’s use cases draw data from apps, medical devices and perhaps even sensors.

Here’s a problem that hospitals encounter — the outbreak of a contagious disease. To quickly mitigate a health crisis, the hospital needs to know within 12 hours what items and which people have been exposed: medical devices, staff, relatives, etc. To gain that insight, those managing the problem need data from a real-time location system, booking data, clinical data and data from a medical device database. But how do you make sure that the data is accessible outside of those apps? This is what digital transformation is about in healthcare — to set the data free and transform through innovation, with actionable insights, advanced analytics and other cutting-edge capabilities that are built upon your data.

It’s not only hospitals and clinicians who need these advanced insights. Today’s empowered patients require those insights to improve and manage their own care — whether that’s insights from digital devices for remote monitoring of their conditions or communicating with clinicians to help drive personal
health goals.

I believe it is time for health economies to look at how they will integrate and connect their existing systems with new digital technologies and merge the data locked inside to generate meaningful, actionable insights — both to inform personalized, patient-driven clinical care and to push the development of new treatments, pathways or services. Organizations that embrace change and transformation will emerge as winners in a world that demands first-class clinical care, better patient experiences and reduced costs.

While Denmark has led the way on health data exchange, advanced global standards and new digital technologies create the landscape for all health economies to embrace patient-centered care initiatives enabled by connecting data across the broader health ecosystem.

Impact of Digital on Brand DNA

Digital on Brand DNA

“Brand is a CONNECT between consumers and companies”.  This is a very simple yet powerful definition.

This so called ‘connect’ has undergone a seismic change recently. This change can be attributed to continuous evolution of technology which has really simplified a consumer’s life. Brands are continuously finding it difficult to establish a connect with their consumers and more so in this digital age. Earlier, brands had fewer, what is popularly known as, “moment of truths”. Consumers didn’t have access to much information. Hence choices were also limited. Marketers hardly focused on their prospective consumers. Advertising was seen as a potent weapon as a brand building tool than customer satisfaction and other elements of brand building. Customers had very limited options to voice their feeling about brands.

Digital on Brand DNA

Digital has had a transformational effect on how brand business is done. According to, Google was ranked 38th in 2005 out of top 100 brands whereas in 2009 it is ranked top 7th brand of the world. Considering the fact that Google stared its operations only in late 1998, it’s a huge achievement. Brands like Google, iPod, Facebook & YouTube have proved the notion wrong that brands take a long time to become the top brands.

Digitization has empowered the customers with unlimited tools to make them heard. Abundant access to information, thanks to Google, has left little room for brands to act smart with customers.

Brand Touchpoints model. Originally proposed by Alina Wheeler in... | Download Scientific Diagram

Brand touch points have increased in comparison to what they used to be. More interestingly, customers now have the power to make them heard at every such point through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Orkut to name a few. Brands are now aware that negative word of mouth spreads faster than positive word of mouth. Hence, brands are continuously employing “Online Reputation Management” tools to cater to disgruntled customers.

Digital has proved that brand building need not be an expensive activity. Brands are constantly exploring the power of ‘viral videos’ which are rather cheap to create and still give the brands great mileage. The recent “miss u maggi” campaign, by Nestle on YouTube has close to 1 million views so far and still counting.

Maggi - #WeMissYouToo – Campaigns of the World®

PR seems incomplete without ePR. Upsurge of blogs and review websites have made people trust their peer group more than the advertisements. Worse, users may give more credence to feedback posted by a stranger on a website more than what a brand is communicating.

Today, marketers are in a better position to understand online behavior of the users that visit their sites. Web analytics tools can be of great help in understanding what pages are most visited by users, what is the path traversed by users before making some purchase on your website, how many users are coming through paid media versus how many users are coming organically etc. Never have brands got so many insights to serve their customer better, all thanks to this Digital Age.

5 Effective Brand Building Strategies to Attract Customers

Brand building has become more comprehensive today wherein customer satisfaction, customer experience, customer delight get equal, if not more, weight age which probably only advertising once enjoyed. Digital empowerment has changed the rules of the game. It has opened up a bag full of opportunities for the brands. It has taken brands a step closer to their customers. And the good news is that you can be a top brand in few years if you are updated about the game. You are closer to your customers than ever before. But the point is: Are you listening, do you even care to have a INTELLIGENT DIGITAL INTERFACE?

*All the content and images are sole property of their respective owners, This is just a knowledge sharing platform.

Without Downtime, Here Are Five Ways To Deal With Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation: 5 Tips for Success – BMC Software | Blogs

Advanced technologies are significantly impacting and transforming the way people communicate and collaborate. How are businesses tackling this evolving corporate landscape?

From an option to a necessity – the trek of the digital transformation journey has always been full of obstacles and problems. When advanced technologies started having a significant impact and transforming the way people communicate, interact, and collaborate with a business, the majority of CEOs realized that it’s a matter of survival in the ever-evolving corporate landscape.

A survey conducted by Tech Pro Research Center in 2018 revealed several interesting facts. Out of all the respondents, 70% admitted that their business heads are either working on a digital transformation or already have one in place. Moreover, the survey also revealed that the budgets for IT transformation have been increased in the past couple of years by senior-level executives.

With the acceptance of C-LEVEL executives, every businessman knows that digital solutions are crucial for the success of an enterprise. However, the percentage of businesses that invested in a digital transformation strategy is surprisingly less. What’s the major contribution to such a low adoption rate? What’s hindering you from adopting digital transformation solutions?

The last ten years of information technology have been about changing the way people work. The next ten years will be about transforming your business!

A lot of CEOs are afraid that they’ll have to stop their business process while they undergo digital transformation. However, with proper planning and monitoring, you can easily conduct digital transformation in your company while keeping your business running.

Here’s a list of stats that’ll help you decide by yourself:

  •     A report by Adobe & E-consultancy stated that companies with a digital-first approach are 64% more likely to achieve their business goals than their competitors.
  •       According to a case study conducted by Deloitte, 45% of companies tell people that digital transformation has a positive impact on their business and reported higher net revenue growth.
  •       A published article by PwC stated that 52% of the companies plan to cut their defer investment amid the rise of COVID-19, while only 9% are likely to do the same with digital transformation’s budget.

As the statistics suggest, businesses that have adopted digital transformation strategy not only have an edge over their competitors but also allow them to get a higher revenue growth. In this article, you’ll know about five assured ways to tackle digital transformation without downtime. However, before we start, let’s get back to the basics and understand the correct meaning of digital transformation.

The Main Issues of Downtime

3 ways to reduce IT issues from impacting downtime, security risks, and costs - TechRepublic

For most digital transformation services company owners, downtime is the single biggest reason behind the loss of production time. According to research by Vanson Bourne Research Study, 82% of companies have experienced unplanned downtime at least once over the past three years. Aberdeen’s Research further includes the cost of a company that can go as much as $250,000 an hour. Not just the production, but companies are also facing issues related to productivity, IT, and customer service due to the downtime.

The study by Vanson Bourne also revealed high levels of asset estate ignorance across organizations, wherein 70% of companies lack full awareness due to equipment maintenance, upgradation, or replacement.

The same study also reveals another issue that occurs due to unplanned downtime is that the unplanned downtime results in loss of customer trust and productivity. This loss resulted in a 37% loss in production time and 29% inability to support equipment for production.

When unplanned downtime occurs, no value is generated but the cost of digital transformation grows constantly specifically around overhead operations , which in parallel impacts a company’s bottom line.

The unplanned downtime is the real issue that is pervasive and finding a solution for this downtime gap is a primary step in an organization’s digital maturity and an essential role for a transformative journey.

Road Towards Zero Downtime

Vanson Bourne (@vansonbourne) | Twitter

As organizations create and invest in their digital transformation business strategy, we are soon entering a time where  zero tolerance and zero unplanned downtime will turn into a norm. The key to this is an understanding of and interest in field service management and asset performance management.

As indicated by Vanson Bourne, eight out of ten organizations have effectively perceived that digital tools can improve the visibility of assets and eliminate unplanned downtime. Around half of the organizations confirmed their intent to invest in field service and asset management in the following three years, while 72% claim that zero unplanned downtime is presently the focus of priority.

One of the significant barriers to digital modernization is the challenge to replace systems while maintaining business continuity. To build a strong customer base, and empower employees with modern technical skills, there is a strong need to increase the uptime and follow digital transformation maintenance to bring digital and IT transformation strategy in the business. Let’s look at the ways businesses are overcoming digital transformation challenges and adopting digital business transformation strategy.

5 Ways To Conduct Digital Transformation Without Missing Business

Digital transformation is a sure-shot way for large and successful organizations to stay ahead of their digital-only competitors. That’s why these projects are usually large in ambition and scope, but there are always some chances of risk. With that said, let us take a look at some of the handiest tips that allow you to undergo digital transformation without any downtime

1. Phase-wise Approach

digital transformation

Instead of following the traditional “rip and replace” methodology, you need to approach transformation in a more efficient way to prevent the risk of downtimes. Consider taking a phased approach to reduce the risk in your transformation. You can release a minimum viable product (MVP) into production early to get realistic structural and operational criticism. This phased approach lets you focus on each stage to make changes and develop a customer centric product.

To tackle the digital downtime, the first phase should always be to create and deploy a front-end proxy. The proxy will provide the data. Only after getting the data, you should move to now comes the time for the second phase which includes the replacement of the old stack.

2. Identify Problems Earlier

How to identify problems earlier and reduce downtime with high end thermography – Testo UK Blog

As downtime can be caused by a native problem, for example, a software glitch in a workstation, remote server, a major event, or any other reason. Thus, for a major transformation phase, you need to build an early warning system to validate and test things in each phase, so that not much time is wasted in detecting the issue and then resolving it.

Identifying problems earlier also helps in having a solution right there, so when the problem occurs then it is easier to correct it without affecting any productivity. With a little bit of testing, iterating, and assessing, you can easily manage traffic to the new system and identify any potential problems earlier.

3. Plan For Accuracy and Reliability

While undergoing a digital transformation, you must visualize, collect, and alert on in-depth operational metrics. It’s better to have a dynamic plan to ensure functional accuracy and operational reliability to minimize the chances of errors and move towards the next step. The plan can involve the right management. Then comes the skill development to streamline standard operations, decrease downtime, allow quick decision-making, enable employees to attain the skill effectively, and improve brand reliability.

The accuracy provides a convenient digital strategy framework to identify important components within the system and reliability helps in decision-making which is meant to upgrade the system availability or reduce the mean duration of system downtime.

4. Establish A Multi-Layered Fallback Mechanism

Multi-Layered Fallback Mechanism helps to reduce the use of the old system while decreasing the impact and elegantly degrading in case of problems. The mechanism helps in a way that the issues arising in one service do not harm overall operations.

During the transformation, you need to make sure that your team gets familiar with the use of new systems to prevent the product or service quality from degrading. That’s why it’s always a good idea to plan for multiple layers of fallback to keep your back covered.

5. Keep Everyone Involved in the Plan

Non-profit Q&A Forum: Strategic Engagement

One of the major issues is the skill gap in what needs to be transformed and what is there in the workforce. Thus, to make everyone in your organization understand the process, recognize the process, and agree that it will be worth the efforts, it is important to involve everyone in the plan. Involving the team in a plan helps to track the progress that is being made towards the goal. It helps build trust within the team and provide employees a chance to come up with approaches that they think will work in a way. Also this helps in getting out-of-box ideas from different members, preparing business transformation strategies, and there are chances of not wasting much time in finding a solution or explanation.

The After-Transformation Effect

Although DT is filled with numerous revolutionary technologies, the top ones are the internet of things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data. However, it’s more than just the use of technology – transforming corporate culture and business processes are also an integral part of the digital transformation process.

While it’s easier to manage the disruption created by technology to your business, you also need to make sure that your people can cope up with the changes – and it’s more than just technical skills. It’s more about embracing the change and being resilient and resourceful enough to make decisions faster and better.

If you have any business transformation challenges in your organization, you can partner with a digital transformation agency like Anteelo to take care of the migration and adoption needs. We are a well known brand that builds digital products and processes to help teams get acquainted with changes through the shortest learnability curve. We have served digital transformation companies across the globe including digital transformation companies in USA and parts of the globe.


Digital Technologies: Transforming pharma’s customer value chain

Biggest influencers in digital pharma in Q4: The top individuals to follow

Pharmaceutical companies struggle with a complex and, often, poorly managed partner, customer and distribution network. It’s not surprising, given the makeup of most large pharma companies. Large, often disconnected product portfolios are built through discovery — both internally and externally with academia and biotech partners — and global clinical trials, using a network of clinical research organizations, investigators, other experts and patients. Suppliers, distributors and often contract manufacturers are all integral to making and supplying products. And at the customer level, companies work with healthcare practitioners, pharmacists, payers and patients.

This web of partners and customers is growing in complexity — both logistically and from a compliance point of view. Yet this way of doing business remains the same. Communication and requests are conducted via email and through call centers without a connected and intelligent way of routing work and queries. Service level agreements are often poorly developed, and governance processes are often inconsistent across the distribution and customer ecosystem.

While different parts of the pharmaceutical business are deploying digital technologies, an opportunity exists to transform the customer and partner value chain with progressive digital tools and platforms. Customer service and support centers are now implementing artificial intelligence (AI) by analyzing both structured and unstructured data and also leveraging natural language processing (NLP) for omnichannel engagement models with the customers. But how is this actually achieved?

A single source of truth

Synchronizing systems around the customer for a customer-centric approach begins with bringing together data from disparate sources and creating a single view of the truth through a common data model. In this way, companies have a big-picture view of every customer service request, including the distribution chain.

Once the data is in place, the next step to improving customer engagement and ensuring regulatory compliance is to embed the common platform with digital tools and technologies. Combining NLP with AI, machine learning and workflow automation enables increased customer engagement with sound governance and improved compliance.

Digital solutions for the pharmaceutical industry

How do these digital technologies improve engagement and compliance?

Customer service support and the operations space have evolved over the years from a manual, labor-intensive and software-centered business model to a more dynamic multichannel customer engagement business model. This new model facilitates omnichannel engagement with the customer using multiple devices. AI- and machine learning-powered chatbots are being leveraged for quick response management, and digital capabilities are tightly integrated with intelligent workflow management tools.

For example, today a customer can raise a service request through an email, phone call or a text message, or even talk to a live chat agent. Digitally enabled customer service engagement centers can now seamlessly bring in the request from different channels into one homogenous customer engagement platform for action. From there, the request is processed using digital tools to identify the intent of the case or request — who it is aimed at, what the objective is – and to create groups in which to classify the case based on importance. This is achieved by using NLP to create an entity score, match this score with a subgroup and route it to the right place to ensure proper follow-up.

The customer may then choose to follow up with a phone call or through a chatbot or online feedback form. This is where an AI capability (or the more traditional customer service agent) should be able to view all of the various communication forms and frame the response accordingly.

To achieve this, AI and ML tools learn from previous interactions, continuously improving on the quality of responses. The AI learning also needs to extend to compliance, adherence to SLA guidelines, as well as any regulatory restrictions on what can and cannot be shared. For example, if a customer asks for the available stock of a particular drug, the pharma company is not allowed to address that question according to U.S. government regulations. So, the response needs to be framed appropriately. The rules will be different in each country, so the AI/ML-enabled automated response app should be able to learn and adapt accordingly.

Preconfigured responses based on the type of the request are then configured using data science and AI/ML techniques. AI and ML capabilities also help to determine the urgency or sensitivity of a case, and how best to ensure that compliance requirements are met within the timelines and SLA metrics.

In addition, analytics will play a key role in verifying, validating and improving customer service. Predictive models can be used to strengthen the human response team by understanding peak cycles, such as a new drug launch, natural disaster areas and so on.

By taking a progressive digital approach to managing the communication network with partners and customers, companies can mitigate many problems while improving customer engagement. This is enabled by having a single view of the customer, using robust data analytics capabilities thanks to AI and ML — to predict risk and compliance needs, and ensuring that the company is always ready for regulatory inspections and has the necessary information at hand. With the emergence of AI and ML techniques, it has become easier to achieve customer engagement needs with more enriched analytics and insights, thus allowing enterprises to not only automate customer engagements but also excel in customer experience.

Is your Digital life at risk? Let’s know more about it!

Is Your Company At A Risk Of Losing Data? Top 4 Security Risks Every SME Owner Should Know - My Siccura - Private and Secure Digital Life

Are you using social media platforms on daily basis then you must be aware of its dark side impacts on your social life? Let’s talk and rethink about your personal safety before using these interactive internet based applications. As people use it to connect with far-flung friends and family members to send speedy messages to colleagues and can broadcast major and minor actions in your lives. This is also a basic platform for many businesses to collaborate or share information for instance; individuals can discuss an assignment with co-workers by means of a various social media messaging session. With advancement employers and schools are more and more using social media to reach out to possible employees and students as well.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 16 million US residents became victims of identity theft in 2012 alone. Keeping your passwords, financial, and other personal information safe and protected from outside intruders has long been a priority of businesses, but it’s increasingly critical for consumers and individuals to pay attention to data protection advice and use various top-notch practices to keep your personal information secure and protected. There is loads of information out on the internet there for consumers, families, and persons on protecting their bank credentials, sufficiently protecting desktop and laptop from hackers, malware, and other threats, and most excellent practices for using the Internet safely for personal safety. Protecting your individual information via various cybersecurity training programs can help lessen your menace of individuality theft.

Various conducts to secure your data:

5 easy ways to secure privacy of your data - The Economic Times

  • Maintain proper security on your PC, Mobiles and other electronic devices to secure your social life.
  • Systematically store and arrange your personal information securely
  • Ask questions before deciding to share your individual information

Practices for personal safety and Keeping Your Devices Secure

Digital Safety Kit - Committee to Protect Journalists

  • Install good quality anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, and a firewall.
  • Don’t open files which are not known to you or download programs sent by outsiders.
  • Before sending personal information over your laptop on a public wireless check if your information will be protected.
  • Keep financial information on your laptop only if necessary.
  • Don’t use an automatic login feature on your bank accounts and emails that save your username and password.
  • Delete mail that contains identifying information or account numbers or invalid transaction.

There is so much information that may make you get confused, principally if you’re not a tech-savvy. In order to mend these issues, you can adopt various straightforward best practices and tips for protecting your devices from threats or simply consult us via and get various security tips to secure your social platforms.

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