Enterprise Mobility Solutions: Why to Invest in Them

Benefits of Software and Mobile solution for CPGs - Ivy MobilityGone are those days when employees were supposed to check the notice boards or contact management for every query. Today, they can connect with the management and get the right information/product in real-time regardless of if they are in the office or at home. And this has been made possible by Enterprise mobility solutions.

Enterprise mobile apps are transforming the working environment of the company. They, unlike business apps, are targeting the employees of the company and providing them with a surplus of options, making it necessary for the organizations to look into Enterprise mobile application development.

But before we jump into the benefits the mobile apps avail to the Enterprises – the one that differentiate enterprise apps from consumer-end solutions, let’s have a look at this data giving a hint of the Enterprise app market:-

  • Enterprise mobile market is expected to hit a revenue of $430 billion by the year 2021.
  • 4.67% of companies acknowledged that Enterprise mobility solutions are becoming the need of the hour.
  • 65% of companies are using 2-5 enterprises apps, while 27% are relying upon 6 or more applications for catering to the needs of the employees.
  • 5.66% of companies decided to develop Enterprise apps in the coming 3 years.
  • 47% of agencies observed an improvement in internal communication, resulting in better relationships and lower disputes under the roof.
  • 59% of workers in America worked beyond their 9-to-5 shift because of Enterprise mobile apps.
  • Around 250 hours have been saved per year using Enterprise app, which is nearly equal to 6 additional working days.
  • 77% of employers shared that the market for Enterprise apps has grown in the past two years.
  • 39% of employees admit that they are using Enterprise mobility solutions due to efficiency potential they have.
  • 19.23% of increase has been experienced in terms of customer satisfaction.

With these interesting fact known to you, let’s check the reasons to build Enterprise apps:-

1. Effective Communication

What Is Effective Communication During a Divorce? - mycollaborativeteam.com

Various companies still rely upon emails and other desk-based means of communications. While these methods sound effective, they act as a barrier in communication when the employees are not at their desk or are into field work, resulting in isolation and disputes.

Enterprise business solutions, in this scenario, reside on their phones and provide them with a chat feature which is faster, easier and more effective than an email. An example of this is IBM launching its video streaming application enhancing workplace communication. It enables them to enjoy communication on the go and the best part, share the information with multiple people in group conversations without undergoing the risk of forgetting to click on the ‘Reply All’ button.

2. Real-time Data Sharing

Real-time Data Sharing - SOSY A/S

Unlike the traditional methods that demand staff members to prepare offline records and hunt for getting every single information, the Enterprise apps rely upon the cloud technology and offer quick and comfortable sharing of files and information anytime and anywhere. This encourages organizations to look forward to investing in Enterprise app development.

3. Higher Productivity

Excellence in Financial Management: Three Frameworks for Higher Productivity

One of the benefits of Enterprise app software is that it comes with various handy tools that help them work efficiently. For example, the calendar aids the employees to monitor their work schedule, while the push notification feature provides them with information about the upcoming meeting, project deadlines, and more.

4. Better Employee Involvement

State of Employee Engagement in 2019: 4 Key Points

An Enterprise application also helps the management to bring all the workforce on the same platform. It gives the employees an opportunity to freely give their feedback, share relevant information, make an announcement, and much more effortlessly – rather than waiting for their turn or visiting the management personally.

These apps also help organizations to realize the importance of education app in Enterprises and thus, provide the facility to their workforce.

This, as a whole, improves the relations and build effective work culture and productivity, prompting the organization to look ahead towards how to build Enterprise apps.

5. Seamless Record Maintenance

Equipment Maintenance Record Keeping: How To Optimize It?

Another reason behind rising Enterprise demand for custom app development is that it gives management an escape from the manual record management process. These apps enable employers to keep an online record of all their employees and retrieve the data easily and anytime based on different factors, such as age, department, contact number, etc. And, in this way, prevent them from going through the hassle of checking each record to find the right employee.

Let me explain this with an example. Suppose, you have a French client and are finding language as a barrier in communication. You need someone to have fluency in the French language immediately.

Now, if you talk about the traditional method, you were supposed to ask every individual to find the right person. Whereas, in the case of Enterprise mobility solutions, you can easily filter the data and contact the candidate with the required skills.

6. Robust Security

Robust & Secure, deep-level security secures school networks

One of the prime reasons to invest in Enterprise app development is that it adds security to the process. These apps, by integrating technologies like AI and Blockchain, enable the companies to ensure that their data is safely and securely stored on the cloud.

7. Improved ROI

6 Quick Tips to Maximize ROI from Your HRAs - Medicom Health

By providing all these features, the Enterprise mobile apps enable the employees to work seamlessly, effectively and safely, which eventually boosts the ROI.

Now as you know the reasons why invest in Enterprise mobile apps, it’s evident that you must be looking forward to hiring an enterprise mobile application development company in New York and get an app ready.

Taking the same thought forward, let’s see what it takes to hire an enterprise mobile application development company in New York, Florida, Texas, Middle-East and European countries for your enterprise app needs.

1. Experience

Sell an Experience, NOT a Product or a Service | by Kory Farooquie | nextgenninja | Medium

The foremost factor to consider to develop Enterprise apps is the experience of the app development company. If the company is highly experienced, it will be well-versed with the challenges and trends of the mobile industry as well as that of yours, implying they will provide you with the best solution as per the market needs.

Whereas, on the flip side, a newbie company might fail to deliver the application at the right time or may serve you with a low-quality product.

2. Platform

Android vs iOS, Which One Do You Actually Need? | Cashify Blog

The decision of investing in Enterprise Android app development or Enterprise iOS application development or both also depends on the fact that the platform chosen makes a huge difference in the development area, timeline, cost, and the corresponding outcomes. This is because every team has its own level of expertise at tech stack associated with developing an application for Android, iOS or both the platforms individually or using Cross-platform app development approach.

3. Design

Design - Mediastrasse

Many companies focus completely on the coding part, leaving no time for the design element. An outcome of which is that they fail to gain the attention of the target audience and thus, enjoy higher outcomes from Enterprise business solutions.

So, it is necessary to learn more about the designing skills of the company you are planning to hire before getting into a deal.

4. Portfolio

A portfolio, like a window, can help you to get a comprehensive look into their skills and visualize the type of application you will be served with. So, do not skip this step.

5. Communication

Though often overlooked, the level of communication also makes a difference in the choice. This is because if a mobile app does not connect you throughout the process, you would find it hard to know what and how they are developing your application, what challenges they are facing and how they are mitigating them, and ultimately fail to understand the impact on your application. In the worst scenario, you get delivered an app solution that is entirely different from the idea you shared, implying you need to ask them to invest additional effort and time in return of funds to get the same facilities available. Thus it is safe to opt for the enterprise mobile application development company in New York or other areas around the globe to get a  top-notch application.

6. Security

What Is IT Security? - Information Technology Security - Cisco

Considering the level of sensitive data stored/shared/exchanged on the platform and the growing interest of hackers into the mobile data, it is again important to consider an app development team that looks into the mobile app security best practices and strive to deliver a secure experience.

7. App Cost

Estimated app development budget bifurcated to popular app types

Last but not least, check how the cost to develop an application is defined at their end – do they provide all the services in a single package or has added a price tag to each service individually. Depending on the answer to this question, check for the company that can deliver the right set of services within your budget.

As covered in this article, Enterprise mobility solutions are becoming an indispensable part of the organization. They are encouraging the enterprises to serve their employees with the right insights and resources, and thus empower them to add more profits to their business.

So, in case you are also an Enterprise, look forward to investing in the process of how to hire the right mobile app development company and introduce Enterprise mobility solutions to your traditional process.

The Most Recent Website Development and Digital Marketing Trends

ETSOFT INDIA- Web Designing | Web Development | Mobile App Development | Digital Marketing Company : Etsoft.in

As the share of online shopping continues to grow, the amount companies spend on website development and digital marketing is increasing by around 30% year on year. Underlying this investment is the need to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive market. Companies are using their marketing budgets in a range of ways, from mobile websites to augmented shopping experiences. Here, we’ll look at some of the hottest trends currently having an impact.

1. Data-informed strategies

Data informed research | Amanda Englert

Today, pretty much every major business decision makes use of data and this includes digital marketing plans. It is now commonplace for businesses to integrate market, competitor and customer data and use it to inform their marketing strategies, right down to how they design and manage their website. They use a wide range of data sources to achieve this, including data on online engagement, order fulfilment, purchase history and retail trends.

Integrating this data helps produce more innovative and highly targeted digital marketing strategies that are better able to achieve the specific goals of the organisation and which work best within its operational and financial constraints.

2. Mobile-first websites

Mobile First Web Design | Mobile First Websites

Mobile-first websites are those where the main focus is on the mobile user rather than the computer user. Although this is something which has been pushed by Google and could be of benefit in SERPS ranking, the main reason for building websites for mobile devices is that people are shifting more towards them. In the UK, we already spend twice as much time, per day, using a smartphone to search the web than we do a laptop. This has, unsurprisingly, led to significant growth in the amount we spend when using our phones.

As this trend is set to continue, companies are investing more and more into providing better mobile-friendly sites. It is no longer good enough to simply use a responsive theme if all it does is rejig the layout of a computer-based website for display on a mobile phone. Instead, developers are being asked to produce flatter websites where all elements are more mobile-friendly and which are optimised for quick loading, regardless of the type of internet connection being used. These sites are often single page (using scrolling instead of page to page navigation), have minimalistic, grid or card style designs and feature fewer images.

3. The customer-experience

What is Customer Experience: Strategy, Examples, Tips | Hotjar

Business has become increasingly focused on pleasing the customer over the last few years and this means looking after them at all stages of their dealings with you. To do this, you’ll need to provide personalised experiences that are engaging, simple and rewarding. And more than ever, you’ll need to do this in a way which they find ethical.

This means providing them with tailored content and products, giving them all the information they want in the most accessible of ways (think online chat, FAQs, knowledge bases, how-to videos, etc.) making purchasing and the delivery of goods as simple and convenient as possible (e.g. next day delivery, in-store collection, local pick up points) and rewarding them with customised offers, loyalty bonuses and the like.

4. Omnichannel marketing content

Omnichannel meaning: Definitions and examples of good and bad strategy

Content marketing has become an indispensable element of today’s successful digital marketing strategy. However, in the same way that customer choice has pushed for omnichannel shopping, content marketing strategies must also make use of the wide range of channels that audiences frequent. This means more than simply putting the same information on Facebook and Instagram, it requires a strategy that coordinates content in a way that is consistent, integrated and, above all, seamless across the devices and channels your customers like to use.

5. Building trust

10 steps to building trust that lasts - Nan S. Russell - Municipal World

Modern, highly literate consumers are far less taken in by advertising than they used to be. Every schoolchild is taught the techniques of writing persuasively and so understands the nuances of an advert. Today, therefore, ads are no longer taken at face value and customers are looking for additional social proof before they purchase. This comes in the form of recommendations or social likes by people they know, online customer reviews, independent professional reviews, influencer recommendations and products or services which are featured on reputable sites.

Rather than focus your marketing budget totally on promoting your own company directly to your audience, today, it is important to get others to promote you too. This means building partnerships with other customers, influencers and media organisations and enabling customer reviews about your products or about your business itself.

6. The rise of augmented reality

The Rise of Augmented Reality. The development of augmented reality… | by Vera Ortega and Leopold Gaebler | Medium

Augmented reality has been around for a few years and is beginning to take off in a big way. Essentially, it is a way to use digital technology to provide additional value to customers. For example, there are now apps or website platforms that let customers try products on before they make online purchases. One well-known UK optician has recently put augmented reality to good use by enabling customers to see what their spectacles will look like on their face. Before this, customers had to visit the shop before making a purchase decision, now they can do it online. Estate agents also use augmented reality to give home hunters a virtual tour of a house. No longer relying simply on photos, searchers are given a much-improved understanding of the home’s interior. In this way, those that do go for an on-site visit are already more inclined to put in an offer.


There are many factors influencing how businesses are updating their websites and digital marketing strategies, from advances in technology to shifting patterns in customers’ expectations and browsing behaviours. Hopefully, this post will have shown you what these influences are and the reasons why the trends mentioned here are having such an impact.

8 Reasons Why Cloud Hosting Helps Businesses Compete

5 Best Cloud Hosting Companies In 2021 - Productivity Land

Organisations are flocking to cloud computing in greater numbers than ever before and many are expanding their use of it. This comes as no surprise, given the many advantages that cloud migration brings. In this post, we’ll look at how the cloud hosting enables its users to outperform their competitors.

1. Cloud users save money

4 Ways Cloud Computing Can Save Money | TechnologyAdvice

One of the primary reasons that organisations migrate to the cloud is to cut costs. By using the hardware and services of your cloud provider you’ll no longer need to spend enormous sums on purchasing your own hardware. And that’s just the start of your savings. As you won’t need a data centre any longer, you can eliminate the expenses of running one. The money spent on maintenance, management, space, security, air-conditioning, power, insurance, etc. can all be put to better purposes.

2. Instant scalability

How Cloud Can Bring Instant Scalability to Your Business | TECHNIA

Being competitive means being able to adapt at speed to market demands. One of the drawbacks for businesses running their own data centre is that scaling up can be a slow and expensive process. If you are getting increased traffic to your website and you need additional resources to cope, scaling up can involve purchasing a new server, setting it up and getting it online. This can take quite some time to do. When you use the cloud hosting, your service provider’s vast data centres mean that you can have all the resources you need instantly.

Another issue faced by organisations scaling up in-house is that the additional resources they acquire aren’t fully utilised. For example, your company may get high traffic for certain periods but for the rest of the time, the new server sits idle. This doesn’t make it the wisest investment. Cloud services, however, are charged on a pay as you go basis. You only pay for what you use, so during quieter times, the costs are minimised.

3. Speedy application deployment

Speedy Framework

It’s not just scaling up that can be done quickly in the cloud hosting , the deployment of the critical applications needed to give you the edge in a competitive market can also be done instantaneously. This can be particularly advantageous for smaller enterprises as it gives them the same speed of deployment as larger competitors who have superior in-house capacities.

Cloud-based apps require far less time for successful execution, most of them being available immediately on signup, giving you instant access to game-changing technologies such as AI and machine learning.

4. 100% uptime

100% Server uptime – why aren't you achieving it?

Today’s organisations rely on critical applications to run their operations. The disruption caused by downtime is a major issue, as events such as server failures can cause operations to grind to a halt. Fixing the problem can be difficult and time-consuming and the resulting losses and reputational damage can be substantial.

In a cloud environment, server failure cannot cause downtime. As clients are hosting on virtual machines, when a physical server error occurs, the virtual machine is simply moved to another part of the server cluster. This hyper-converged infrastructure protects organisations against everything from hard disk issues to entire server failures, guaranteeing 100% uptime for critical applications.

5. Latest technologies, exceptional performance

Must-Know Event Technology Trends for 2020 | Social Tables

Another problem with in-house data centres is that the technology organisations purchase or lease soon become less competitive than the newer, high-performance products that are regularly released onto the market. Continually updating is both expensive and disruptive and this often puts companies at a disadvantage.

For cloud service providers, investment in these new technologies is a necessity in order for them to remain competitive and meet the growing expectations of their clients. The advantage for cloud users is that they will see their applications running on the latest, high-performance servers without the need to invest in the technology themselves. These are servers where performance is consistently optimised, using powerful processors, blisteringly fast SSD drives and load balancing to maximise speed and capacity utilisation.

6. Increased security

Increased security automation supports reliability, efficiency and compliance for grid operators | POWERGRID International

Every organisation has concerns about security, so it’s good to know that cloud providers are obliged to comply with stringent security regulations to safeguard customer data. Your provider will protect you against hacking, malware and internal data theft. Using state of the art firewalls that feature intrusion prevention and in-flow virus protection, threats will be detected and isolated long before they reach your server. Other security features include data encryption, remote backups and VPN.

7. Organisational transformation from working online

Careers - A&F Business Consultants

As a cloud user, your employees can access your system from anywhere with an internet connection and this has helped many organisations to reap the benefits of remote working. It enables companies to employ highly skilled members, no matter where they live, and bring about more flexible working hours. It also means they can save on the amount of office space needed as staff can collaborate in real-time using online conferencing and through the sharing of synchronised files.

Furthermore, as employees can access the company’s system using connected devices such as smartphones and laptops, many companies have dispensed with these costs by introducing a ‘bring your own device (BYOD)’ policy that uses authentication to maintain security.

8. Do more with technology

Do We Really Need It? On The Excess Of Technology

Perhaps the biggest benefit of the cloud is that it is a technology that enables you to do more with other technologies. With Big Data analysis, machine learning and AI all rapidly deployable, just imagine what potential cloud brings: personalised marketing and communications, improved customer services, discovering new development opportunities and much more. Cloud is also the ideal place for companies wanting to take advantage of the Internet of Things, augmented reality and the other ground-breaking innovations that are helping to reshape the way the world works.


Cloud hosting enables even the smallest of companies to take advantage of the technologies that are transforming today’s marketplace and working environments. In doing so, it makes them far more competitive, while enabling them to spend less and do more. At the same time, these organisations can also benefit from the cloud’s high-performance and reliability, its scalability and flexibility and its highly secure environment.

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