SQL Injection Attack and its Prevention

What is SQL Injection (SQLi) and SQL Injection Attack?

Web Security : SQL Injections and how to prevent it in Java application |  by Anna Jimenez | Medium

If you are quite familiar with the cyber world then you must have probably heard of “SQL” or “SQL Injections” terms floating around. In simple words, SQL is a database language that stands for Structured Query Language. It was designed for operating database systems like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server or SQLite. On the other hand, SQL injection is a cyber-attack that targets the database with the help of specific SQL statements that are crafted to trick the system into performing uncalled and undesired tasks. The SQL injection attack changes the code to modify the command.

A successful SQL injection attack is capable of:

  • Modifying, altering or deleting data from the database
  • Reading sensitive and confidential data from the database
  • Retrieving the content of a specific file present on the database management system (DBMS)
  • Enforcing administrative operations like shutting down the DBMS

Without proper mitigation controls and security measures, the SQL injection attack can leave an application at a huge risk of data compromise. It can impact the data’s confidentiality and integrity as well as the authentication and authorization with respect to the application. It can also empower an adversary to steal confidential information like user credentials, financial information, or trade secrets by misusing the vulnerability existing in an application or program.

Types of SQL Injection Attacks

What Is SQL Injection? Tips to Prevent SQL Attacks - DNSstuff

An SQL injection can be exploited in many ways and all of these ways require different levels of knowledge ranging from amateur to expert. Here are some common SQL injection types:

  • In-band SQL Injection

It is the most common type of SQL injection attack in which the attacker uses the same communication channel for launching attacks and gathering their results. In-band SQL Injection is infamous among SQL injection attacks for its simplicity and efficiency. It has two sub-variant methods:

    • Error-based SQL Injection: A technique in which the attacker determines the vulnerabilities of the system by deliberately causing the database to produce error messages. Later these error messages are used for returning full query results and revealing all the confidential information from the database. This technique can also be used for identifying vulnerabilities present in a website or web application and in obtaining additional information to redevelop malicious queries.
    • Union-based SQL Injection: In this technique, the attacker gets the benefit of extracting information from the database by expanding results that are returned by the original query. But the Union operator is only useful in case the original or new queries have the same number and data type of columns.
  • Inferential (Blind) SQL Injection

Blind SQL injections mainly rely on the server’s behavior and response patterns where the attacker closely observes the indirect clues. For this observation, the attacker sends the server data payloads. This type of technique is called Blind SQL injection because the attacker doesn’t get the data from the website database, thus making it impossible to see the information about the attack in-band. The Blind SQL injection is classified into two methods:

    • Boolean: Here the attacker sends an SQL query to the database that prompts the application to return a result. However, depending on the query, true or false, the result varies, and based on the result, the information modifies or stays the same, that is there in the HTTP response. With the help of it, the attacker finds out whether the result is true or false in the message generated.
    • Time-based: When an SQL query is sent to the database by the attacker, the database waits for some seconds to respond. By observing that period of time taken by the database to respond, the attacker gets to analyze whether the query is true or false. And based on that result, an HTTP response is generated either instantly or after some waiting period. Thus, without relying on the data from the database, the attacker can determine if the message used has returned true or false.
  • Out-of-band SQL Injection

The most uncommon approach to attack an SQL server, this technique relies on particular features of the SQL-enabled database.  It involves the submission of a DNS or HTTP query to the SQL server that has an SQL statement.  If successful, the Out-of-band attack can transmit the contents of the database, escalate user privileges, and perform the same actions that other types of SQL injection attacks perform.


The Recent SQL Injection Attack Examples

Many SQL injection attacks have taken place in the past decade and it can be concluded that SQL injections are one of the most evolving types of cyber attacks. Between the years 2017 and 2019, the SQL injection attacks accounted for 65.1 % of all the attacks on software applications. Here is the list of top SQL injection attack examples of all time that every user must be well aware of!

  1. In one incident of an SQL injection attack, personal details of 156,959 customers were stolen from a British telecommunications’ company’s servers, exploiting a vulnerability present in the legacy web portal. (source: Wikipedia)
  2. According to Help Net Security, 60+ government agencies and universities were successfully targeted using SQL injection attack by a hacker who was involved in penetration of the US Election Assistance Commission and subsequent database sale in November 2016.
  3. The officials at Johns Hopkins University on March 7, 2014, publicly announced that their Biomedical Engineering Servers became victims of an SQL injection attack. The hackers compromised the personal information of 878 students and University staff. They posted a press release and the leaked data on the internet. (source: Wikipedia)
  4. In May 2020, a New Yorker was charged for hacking into e-commerce websites with the motive to steal credit card information. It was reported that the hacker along with its gang used SQL injection techniques for hacking into vulnerable e-commerce websites to steal payment card data.

How To Prevent SQL Injection Attacks?

SQL Injection Prevention - How It Works & How to Prevent It | Parasoft

In order to secure your organization and mitigate SQL injection attacks, the developers, system administrators, and database administrators in the organization must follow these below-mentioned steps:

  1. Ensure to keep all web application software components up to date with the latest security patches and leaving no place for vulnerabilities.
  2. Avoid using shared database accounts between different applications or websites.
  3. Regularly monitor SQL statements from database-connected applications.
  4. Limit the attack surface by getting rid of any database functionality that is no longer needed in order to prevent it from being misused by hackers.
  5. Error messages are key for attackers to learn a great deal about your database architecture, so make sure to display only minimal information.
  6. Always keep the database credentials encrypted and separate safely.
  7. Most importantly, these inculcate the practice of periodic VAPT, i.e. vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. A regular VAPT provides a detailed picture of exploitable vulnerabilities existing within an application and all the risks that are associated with these vulnerabilities. It allows IT, security teams, to focus on the process of mitigating critical vulnerabilities.

Do you think that the SQL injection attack can be another big threat to the next-generation-based software applications in the near future?

Security Flaws in Web Application and its Mitigation

The inability to identify vulnerabilities in a web application can leave it unprotected against potential attackers, resulting in the most severe consequences. Web application vulnerabilities include a system weakness or flaw in a web-based application that leaves you susceptible to security attacks, risking the loss of valuable company or customer data.The inherent complexity of a web application’s source code increases the possibility of malicious code manipulation and unattended vulnerabilities. High-value rewards such as sensitive private data obtained by successful source code manipulation have made web applications a high-priority target for attackers. This makes it essential to thoroughly understand web security vulnerabilities and how to prevent them.

Types of Web Application Vulnerabilities

Common Web Application Vulnerabilities | EC-Council University Official Blog

Web application vulnerabilities are caused due to misconfigured web servers, application design flaws or not validating or sanitizing form inputs. They are prioritized based on their detectability, exploitability and impact on software. So, here is a list of some of the most critical web security risks according to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP):

  1. Injection: Injection flaws, including SQL, OS, LDAP and NoSQL injection, take place when a query or command with untrusted data is received by an interpreter. The hostile data by an attacker can trick the interpreter into accessing data without authorization or executing unintended commands. This can lead to the unauthorized viewing of lists, unauthorized administrative access and deletion of tables.


  1. Broken Authentication: This occurs when application functions related to session and authentication management are implemented incorrectly. It allows attackers to not only easily compromise passwords, session tokens or keys but also assume the identities of other users temporarily or permanently.


  1. Sensitive Data Exposure: Sensitive data can easily be compromised if special precautions are not taken when exchanged with the browser or some extra protection, like encryption at rest or in transit, is not implemented. Many web applications are unable to protect sensitive data properly, which allows attackers to steal or modify it, resulting in credit card fraud, identity theft and a number of other crimes.


  1. XML External Entities: Attackers can exploit poorly configured XML processors to access confidential data, inject additional data, create remote tunnels and execute applications. This vulnerability can also lead to Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF), denial of service attacks and remote code execution.

How to Execute an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) | Cobalt | Cobalt.io


  1. Broken Access Control: With access control, you can manage the sections of a website and application data accessible to different visitors. If these restrictions are not enforced properly, attackers can easily take advantage of these flaws to get access to unauthorized data or functionality. This can enable these attackers to access the accounts of other users, view sensitive files, change access rights and modify the data of other users.


  1. Security Misconfiguration: Counted amongst the most critical web application security vulnerabilities, it offers attackers an easy way into your website. Attackers can exploit unsecure default configurations, open cloud storage, incomplete or ad hoc configurations, verbose error messages with sensitive information and misconfigured HTTP headers. All operating systems, libraries, frameworks and applications can be susceptible to security misconfigurations.


  1. Cross-Site Scripting: This vulnerability occurs when untrusted data is included in a web page without validation. It injects malicious code into the web application and executes it on the client-side. It helps attackers execute scripts in a user’s browser to hijack user sessions, redirect the user to malicious sites or deface websites.


  1. Insecure Deserialization: Often resulting in remote code execution, deserialization flaws allow cybercriminals to perform a variety of attacks including injection attacks, privilege escalation attacks and replay attacks.


  1. Use of Components with Known Vulnerabilities: Various components such as frameworks and libraries run with the same privileges as the web application. Even if a single vulnerable component is attacked, it can cause server takeover and serious data loss. For this reason, a web application that uses components with known vulnerabilities can seriously compromise its defences, leaving it open to attack.


  1. Insufficient Monitoring and Logging: Insufficient logging and monitoring along with ineffective or missing integration of incident response can cause another major vulnerability. It can help attackers further attack systems, tamper, destroy or extract data and maintain persistence, pivot to more systems. According to security studies, it often takes more than 200 days to detect a breach. And it is usually detected by an external party instead of internal monitoring or processes.


How to Prevent Web Application Vulnerabilities?

How to prevent top 7 Web Application Vulnerabilities?

Organizations that do not properly secure their web applications are more susceptible to malicious attacks, resulting in information theft, revoked licenses, damaged client relationships and legal proceedings. There are several measures that you can take for securing your web applications:

  1. Web application firewalls (WAFs): WAFs are hardware and software solutions designed to examine and monitor incoming traffic for blocking any attack attempts. They offer the best way of compensating for any code sanitization deficiencies.


  1. Information gathering: Classify third-party hosted content and review the application manually to identify client-side codes and entry points.


  1. Authorization: Test your application thoroughly for path traversals, missing authorization, insecure, direct object references and horizontal and vertical access control issues.


  1. Cryptography: Secure all data transmissions, encrypt specific data, check for randomness errors and avoid using weak algorithms.


  1. Denial of service: Test for anti-automation, HTTP protocol DoS, account lockout and SQL wildcard DoS for improving your application’s resilience against denial of service threats. Use a combination of scalable resources and filtering solutions for protection against high-volume DDoS and DoS attacks.

Apart from the above measures, running a periodic Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing is essential too. VAPT looks for possible and common vulnerabilities related to the platform, technology framework APIs, etc., and runs exploits on the web application to evaluate its security loopholes. It provides the organizations with reports on discovered vulnerabilities, the nature of the vulnerability, threat level, its impact and measures to eliminate it.


Realm vs SQLite

While starting a new application, we often wonder which database to use, especially if the application is database intensive. Recently I came across Realm, which is really well-built and surprisingly very fast compared to SQLite. In this post, I aim at showing how Realm compares to SQLite.Choosing Database For Android: Realm vs SQLite | by JetRuby Agency | JetRuby

Let’s start with looking at basic CRUD operations in Realm.





Now let’s look at the comparison between Realm and SQLite.

1. Architecture

Realm does not use SQLite as its engine, rather it is a database built from scratch to run directly on phones, tablets and wearables. Realm is an object oriented database that uses C++ as its core. However, SQLite uses a transactional SQL database engine.

2. Easy to Use

Realm is easy to use as it uses objects for storing data. Realm data models are defined using normal Java classes that are a subclass of RealmObject. This class can define properties of primary keys, required fields etc. using simple annotations. Also, there is no requirement for converting the Realm query results into objects for further use, this conversion is handled automatically by Realm. Realm query results are returned in a generic RealmResults instance which is a collection of the model class. This RealmResults instance is iterable like a List. However, the SQLite query results are returned in a Cursor object.

3. Cross Platform

Realm stores its data in a native object format where the objects are stored in a universal table-based format using C++ as its core, rather than storing them as is in their language specific format. This makes Realm easy to use across multiple languages, platforms and queries.

4. Speed

Realm performance is faster than SQLite, almost 10x faster according to the benchmark results. An example of this is- data fetched by Realm queries have a better performance enhancement than the insert queries as compared to SQLite.

5. Data Synchronization

The data in Realm is never copied, it works on live objects. Using Realm queries, we get a list of object references thereby working on the original Realm data. Thus, any changes made to the queried data is reflected in the actual stored data as well after a simple commit. However, in SQLite, we get a copy of the data from the database through a query. Thus, using SQLite, any changes made on the queried data need to be persisted by writing them back to the database again.

Companies using Realm:

A few companies using Realm are Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Intel, Ebay, Adidas, Zynga, Nike, IBM, and CISCO.

Realm Customers: See how our customers are using Realm


Realm currently has a few limitations:

  1. Realm does not have support for auto-incrementing ID’s and composite keys.
  2. In order to maintain a balance between flexibility and performance, Realm imposes a certain limitations on various aspects of storing information in a Realm which include:
    1. The upper limit on the name of a class is 57 characters, which includes the _class prefix.
    2. The field names have an upper limit of 63 characters.
    3. There is no support for nested transactions.
    4. String and byte arrays cannot be greater than 16 MB.
  3. There is no support for final, transient, and volatile variables.
  4. Realm model classes can only extend the Realm object.
  5. Realm model class must include the default empty constructor.
  6. There is currently support for only ‘Latin Basic’, ‘Latin Supplement’, ‘Latin Extended A’,  and ‘Latin Extended B’ (UTF-8 range 0-591) in sorting and case-insensitive string matches. Further, setting the case insensitive flag in queries when using equalTo(), contains(), endsWith() or beginsWith() will only work on characters from the English locale.
  7. Although Realm files can be handled concurrently by multiple threads, we cannot hand over Realms, Realm objects, queries, and results between threads.
  8. Realm files cannot be accessed by concurrent processes, they can only be accessed by one process at a time. Different processes should either copy Realm files or create their own.
  9. RealmObject are live objects, and might be updated by changes from other threads. Although two Realm objects returning true for RealmObject.equals() must have the same value for RealmObject.hashCode(), the value is not stable, and should neither be used as a key in HashMap nor saved in HashSet.

Working with SQL Server Azure: Read and Know

As a new version of SQL Server is under preview these days i.e. 2016 Preview and soon will be out for use. It might be possible that you would be wondering why SQL Server @Azure and how it’s different than traditional on-premises Server.

Those who have already gone through the process of purchase, downloading, and installation can understand the pain caused by it.

So here it is with

–          No license purchasing

–          No worry about new release

–          No long hours of installation

–          No need of latest compatible operating system

–          No worry about disaster recovery

–          No worry about availability and scalability

And the list goes on…..

Visit Azure portal get an account, create your server in the blink of eyes and start digging into it.

Let’s create a SQL Database @Azure…

  1. Login to Azure portal [if don’t have a subscription please get one, don’t worry its free for one month which is good enough to enjoy the benefits of cloud and make an informed decision]
  2. Create a Database and a Server for it
  • New > Data Services > SQL Database > Quick Create
  • Provide a name for Database
  • Choose a Server [if it’s your first DB then select “New SQL database server” else choose one from the drop down list]
  • So if you choose to create a new database server you will get some more cool options to choose from such as
    • Provide the Region [yeah these are the location which Microsoft has got its data centers]
    • Login Name for server
    • Password for Login
    • Click on “Create SQL Database”

Hey look it’s there under “SQL Databases” option on the left menu

  Get your connection string

  • Select Database from Database List
  • Click on “Dashboard”
  • Click on “Show Connection String”

4.       Start consuming it from you application using any of technology you love

SQL injection attack: Your website might be undergoing one right away!

How to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks? | Indusface Blog

Injection, this word not only terrifies children but also, is a cause of immense worry for those who have suffered from ‘injection’ attacks. Last week, 90% of the deployed cyber-attacks were injection attacks. In an injection attack, attacker injects a malware or malicious code in a query or program. This allows the attacker to execute commands remotely that can read or manipulate a database. It can also enable the attacker to modify data that is lying on the website.

There are different forms of Injection attacks including XPath Injection, Blind XPath Injection, SSI Injection, OS Commanding, LDAP Injection, Format String Attack, Buffer Overflow, SQL Injection, Blind SQL Injection etc.

One of the most commonly deployed injection attacks is SQL injection. Considered as one of the top ten vulnerabilities, this injection attack is a code injection technique that targets data-driven applications by inserting malicious SQL statements into the entry field for execution. It was discovered in 1998 that is still being deployed by the attackers. SQL injection exploit security vulnerabilities in software of applications. This allows the attacker to manipulate, tamper, disclose or destroy data, changing the balances or voiding transactions etc.

What is an SQL injection attack?

Introduction to SQL Injections. SQL injection is an attack technique… | by Charithra Kariyawasam | Medium

SQL injection attack is deployed through parts of SQL statements in the web entry field for letting the website pass a freshly formed rogue SQL command to the database. It is an attack vector for websites that can be used to attack any type of SQL database.

Why are SQL injection attacks successful?

Protecting Against SQL Injection

The reason behind the success of SQL injection attacks is the weak codes. These vulnerabilities can be easily exploited by attackers for the execution of database queries thus, allowing attackers to access sensitive and confidential information, modify database entries and injecting malicious codes resulting in the compromise of the entire data. SQL injection attack can easily encrypt sensitive data. This attack can allow attackers to read information like username, passwords, card credentials. It can also allow attackers to delete the entire database.

What are the different types of SQL attacks?

SQL Injection Payload List. PayloadBox | by Ismail Tasdelen | Medium

SQL injection attacks can be categorized into four types. These are:

Blind based: In this form of SQL injection attack, attackers are not required to see any error message for running the attack. Even if the database error messages are disabled, attacker can still route the blind SQL injection attack. It can be further categorized into Boolean-based blind SQL injection attack and Time-based blind SQL injection attack.

Error based: This SQL injection attack is based on the error messages that are thrown by the database server for gathering information about the building of the database. Attackers can calculate an entire database.

Union based: In Union based SQL injection technique, attackers leverage the UNION SQL operator for combining the results of more than two SELECT statements. This attack helps in determining the structure of the main query with the help of blind SQL injection attack.

String based: This type of SQL injection attack takes place when the website is susceptible to SQL injection but does not show any consequences that would have otherwise shown after performing SQLi query.

How to prevent SQL injection attacks?

SQL Injection Prevention - A Practical Approach - Yeah Hub

Sanitization and Validation: Sanitization refers to ensure that no dangerous characters are passed to an SQL query in data. Validation confirms that the data is submitted in the form in which it is expected to be.

Updating and patching vulnerabilities: It is important apply patches and updates as soon as possible in order to prevent attackers from exploiting the vulnerabilities.

Encryption is important: Hashing or encryption of passwords as well as other crucial information including connection string is important for maintaining the confidentiality of your data.

Penetration testing: Cyber security companies like Anteelo provide managed services like web application penetration testing help in preventing SQL injection attacks with input validation testing.

SQL injection has been prevailing in the world of cyber-crime since two decades and is still strongly impacting industries. It is therefore, very important to examine each vulnerability and work in the direction to patch it.

SQL Developer: A Career

Instance - Cloudbizz SQL Express Edition 10GB | Cloudbizz | NET Computer Group

What is SQL?

SQL is the most renowned Fourth Generation Programming Language (4GL). 4GL means that programmers only define what the result looks like as opposed to how the outcome ought to be calculated by the database. SQL is not a full-fledged programming language in which you can write applications and is a pillar of web development (back-end). Generally, this decisive programming paradigm has been a key component for ad-hoc queries run for data introspection carried out by human users directly with SQL rather than with a user interface.

SQL programming can be productively used to search, insert, delete or update database records. However, its functionalities do not end here. Actually, it can do plenty of things including, yet not constrained to, upkeep and streamline of databases. RDBMS like Oracle, MySQL Database, Sybase, MS SQL Server, and so on use SQL.

Beneath we’ve gathered a rundown of the most significant abilities for a SQL Developer. We positioned the top abilities dependent on the level of SQL Developer resume they showed upon. For instance, 15% of SQL Developer resumes contained Database as an aptitude. We should discover what abilities a SQL Developer entirely so as to be fruitful in the work environment.

What skills are required to be a SQL Developer?

If you’re planning to become a Structured Query Language Developer, (sometimes pronounced as “sequel”), now is the right time to make the move. These specialists are in high demand as corporations push to implement their digital revolution strategies and become data-driven organizations. This role requires you to plan, construct and maintain databases. You are responsible for all aspects of it which also includes:


The database is an orderly assortment of data. Databases bolster stockpiling and control of information. Databases make information handling simple. For example, an online phone catalogue would utilize a database to store information relating to individuals, telephone numbers, other contact subtleties, and so on. Each company, service provider and organization around you utilize a database to manage billing, customer related issues, to deal with error information, and so forth. We should likewise consider Facebook. It needs to store, control and present information identified with individuals, their companions, part exercises, messages, promotions and parcel more. Likewise, there is an unending number of examples for the same.

It is utilized to screen the general execution of the database to prescribe and start activities to improve/enhance performance and make Snapshot Replication for the development and testing Databases across various Servers. It is used to make records and perspectives, put away techniques to upgrade database/application execution.

DBMS: An Intro to Database Management Systems – BMC Software | Blogs


Well, knowing SQL is the most fundamental and foremost requirement when you start on the path of becoming a SQL developer. SQL represents Structured Query Language and it allows you to control and access databases. SQL by expansion is truly adept at working with a lot of information. SQL is even useful for troublesome information control. It is used to test Performance Accuracy related inquiries under SQL Server and improve the exhibition of questions with adjustment in T-SQL questions, standardized tables, set up joins and create indexes wherever necessary. It facilitates the creation of complex queries using table joins (inner and outer), temporary tables and table variables.

المرجع المتقدم إلى لغة SQL - SQL - أكاديمية حسوب


SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) is a part of the Microsoft SQL Server database programming that can be utilized to execute a wide scope of information relocation assignments. SSIS is a quick and adaptable information warehousing instrument utilized for information extraction, stacking and change like cleaning, aggregating, merging data, and so forth. It makes it simple to move information starting with one database then onto the next database. SSIS can separate information from a wide assortment of sources like SQL Server databases, Excel records, Oracle and DB2 databases, and so on. SSIS likewise incorporates graphical instruments and wizards for performing work process capacities like sending email messages, FTP activities, data sources, and destinations.

Synchronize Table Data Using a Merge Join in SSIS



T-SQL (Transact-SQL) is a lot of programming expansions from Sybase and Microsoft that add a few highlights to the Structured Query Language (SQL), including transaction control, exception and error handling, row processing and declared variables. All applications that interact with SQL Server do as such by sending T-SQL proclamations to the server. T-SQL questions incorporate the SELECT articulation, labelling output columns, restricting rows and modifying a search condition. T-SQL identifiers, in the interim, are utilized in all databases, servers, and database protests in SQL Server. These incorporate the accompanying tables, imperatives, put away methodology, perspectives, segments and information types. T-SQL identifiers should each have a one of a kind name, is allocated when an article is made and are utilized to distinguish an item.

T-SQL Static Code Analysis & Security Review Tool | SonarQube

Other Programming Languages

If you haven’t worked with SQL previously, you’ll see it’s a moderately clear revelatory language where you compose queries that either adjusts the database or recover records. Ideally, proficient SQL engineers ought to have experience working in a development environment like Oracle SQL Developer. Other programming necessities differ across associations. For instance, you may be developing applications written in Java, C++ and C#, so information on these will assist you with working together with different groups. When working with MySQL, you in all likelihood need to have involvement in PHP. Similarly, recognition with the .NET system is helpful, particularly on the off chance that you’ll be having some expertise in Microsoft SQL Server. A foundation in Unix is another enormous addition to it. You ought to be efficient in CLI, so getting Bash or Windows batch scripts is another approach to enable your resume to stick out.

It’s a job that gets even more complicated as databases convert into data lakes, and you need to keep your skills updated. But with the right experience and certifications, you can assure a knock from the employers on your door.

Top 10 In-Demand programming languages to learn in 2020 | by Md Kamaruzzaman | Towards Data Science

Here’s an overview of the skills and educational background needed to dive into the SQL Developer role:

  • PL/SQL: A thorough knowledge of structured query language or correlated programming language to work effortlessly on database design.
  • SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS): This service aids in report generation for several databases so that you can be sure of all database objects and units encompassed in the database.
  • SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS): This service helps you with the integration of multiple databases, database objects and entities as per your requirement.
  • Microsoft SQL Server: This is the most difficult yet intriguing job for SQL developer where he has to work on server performance, integrity as well as server maintenance. This is one of the highly paid SQL Developer skills where  developers get attractive remuneration and other opportunities too.
  • Analytical skills: Developers must analyze and understand the needs of the user and then design the software accordingly to meet those needs.
  • Creativity: Developers must be creative enough to find new solutions to conventional problems.
  • Detail-oriented: Developers usually work on several parts of an application or system simultaneously and therefore must be able to focus and pay attention to even the minute details.
  • Interpersonal skills: Developers must be able to work in harmony with others who help in developing and creating successful software.
  • Problem-solving skills: Since developers are in charge of software from beginning to end, they should be capable of solving problems that may occur along the design process.
  • Communication skills: Developers must be capable of giving able to give clear instructions to their teammates. They should also be able to explain to their customers how the software works and answer any queries that arise.

Systematic skills, smart organization skills, fine detailing, maximum accuracy, great knowledge of structured programming language, decent experience in RDBMS and knowledge of maintaining relationships between different data objects. You need to be a quick performer and you must know how to work under stress and constant pressure.  The future of SQL is really bright and most of the successful SQL professionals ensure that they know each and everything about current trends of the database and stay updated about the technical market.

What are the responsibilities of an SQL Developer?

  • Application of DML and DCL statements
  • Build appropriate and valuable report deliverables
  • Create procedures and scripts
  • Develop top-notch database solutions
  • Develop, execute and modify stored procedures
  • Examine SQL queries
  • Guarantee performance,  safety, and readiness of databases
  • Handle troubleshooting database problems
  • Provide reports
  • Research necessary data

Why should you choose SQL as your career?

Why You Need to Learn SQL If You Want a Job in Data (2021 Update!)

SQL is a massive technology. The future scope of being an SQL Developer it is not just limited to Computer Science, but you can see it revolving around Retail, Finance, Healthcare, Science & Technology, Public Sector, in short everywhere. All organizations need a database for the storage of their data. There are endless reasons why you could SQL career. A few are listed below:

  • Combine data from multiple resources: Integrating data from several resources may be consuming a lot of time, but with SQL, you may simply combine the specific fields or merge the complete database.
  • Everlasting: The image below shows a report of StackOverflow’s survey conducted in 2017  where SQL stands second in terms of popularity ensuring that SQL is here to stay for times to come.
  • Free: SQL is open-source which means that SQL is completely free to use and distribute. As far as learning is concerned, you just have to bear the initial training charges of SQL certification, later on, you need not pay for any tool or software to practice SQL. SQL is executed using XAMP/WAMP server, which is an open-source tool for executing the queries.
  • High in Demand: If you search the internet for jobs for SQL Developers, there are more than 25k results. According to an analysis, SQL has been mentioned in 35.7% of advertisements, which is 1.39 times higher than the advertisements of Python and other Data Analytical languages.
  • Integration: You can utilize SQL queries with the incorporation of other programming languages like PHP or Java depending as per your requirement.
  • Manage bulk of data: When you have a large collection of data, then it becomes really difficult for the conventional database software to manage them. In this case, SQL acts as a blessing. Whether there are a thousand records or a million, SQL is fully equipped to manage a huge amount of data of all types.
  • Simple: SQL is the simplest programming language as compared to its contemporaries. One can easily learn the basics and fundamentals of SQL within a week or two.
  • Standard: SQL development has been around for 30 years now and without any doubt, it is going to stay for a good 30 years or more too staying true to the old proverb, “Old is Gold”.
  • The base of data visualization tools: All data visualization tools utilize SQL for their functioning. Therefore learning SQL will help you get a better understanding of all such tools.


SQL Developers are sought after because of the expanding dependence on the information. Turning into a SQL engineer can be a fulfilling and satisfying vocation. The path towards it is generally simply contrasted with other specialized vocations. Microsoft SQL Server is among the best 3 RDBMS frameworks and getting the right skills for turning into a SQL Server developer will work well for you and open many job opportunities.

Most SQL developers are either database specialists or veterans in managing database advancement. There are various kinds of SQL relying upon the stage you use, however, they all play out similar essential capacities—recover, include, alter, and erase database information.

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