How To Become A Better Front-End Developer?

If you want to provide better web development services, then you need to master front and back-end development. Now it is not necessary that you need to learn both things, but as you know in IT world the more you know more, you will get praise and work. If you are a newbie and opted front-end developer as your career then today we have some important things which help you to become a better front-end developer. Follow them and master your skills.

8 Tips For Becoming A Better Front End Developer

Plan Your Projects

No matter whether you are a senior or newbie the first and foremost thing which you need to have is a PLAN. Yes, this is a small mistake which most of the people do.

A good plan for your work is a must. Don’t feel bored when you are going to organize your work. If you don’t plan, then there is a high chance that you miss some important task.

Being a front-end developer if you have an organized plan for your work then it makes sure that you save your time for other creative work, it reduces the stress and gives you the freedom to complete the project on time.

How about starting with a simple to-do list? Well, that’s a great start as it will help you to stay organized. Along with it, you are also able to check the roadblocks much before time.

If you want to make your plans more interesting, then you can take help of some creative tools like Workflowy, Writemaps, Trello or simple pen and paper.

Stay Proactive

Being a front-end developer, nothing could be worse than explaining your boss or client that why the project is taking so long to complete. If you are proactive, then you can easily check for any delays or roadblocks.

Now if you are developing something totally from scratch for your client then it is possible that it will take some more time then targeted time. If you know why it is taking time, then you can easily explain to the client rather than some useless and boring explanations.

If you can explain to your boss or client about the project delay efficiently, then there is no chance that they will not understand. Being proactive, you can easily guess the extra time which you are going to implement to resolve the problem.

There are many other reasons which help you to decide why you need to be proactive like it will add more professionalism in your work, boosts the credibility of your profile also it builds a better relationship with client or boss knows how much you are concerned about their project.

Being a good planner, you need to set weekly or daily reminder for your goals. For this, you use famous tools like Google Calendar,Evernote and iOS Reminders.

Don’t Let Die Your Curiosity

As your work needs lots of creativity, it is vital for you that you don’t copy from others but take inspiration from them. It is not hidden from you that new plugins, languages, tools, techniques are introduced daily. If you don’t adopt the new things then soon you will be not asked by your clients as they always demand things which are currently trending.

If you really want to become a better front-end developer, then it is must for you to adopt changes and read, learn and implement new things on your projects. In short, you don’t have to let die creative child inside you which wants to keep learning new things.

Keep on learning new things helps you to become more than an expert.
Here are some handpicked resources for you which keeps you stay updated with latest front-end development news.

  • CSS Weekly
  • HTML5 Weekly
  • JavaScript Weekly
  • Responsive Design Weekly
  • Web Design Weekly

Keep Sharpen Your Skills

You should never stop learning, and if you follow this for life, then no one can stop you from becoming a better front-end developer. There are unlimited resources available on the internet from where you can learn new things.

Now to enhance your knowledge you don’t need to go with expensive tutorials, books, seminars, etc. First grow with free resources then spend on things which you feel is worthy.

You know how much time it will take to expertise something. Well, it takes around 4 years, 40 hours per week. In short, you need to spend 10000 hours to master any particular thing.

Just spending time is a different thing and actually learning it is a different thing. So when you decided to become a pro then be ready to explore things a late night, testing new frameworks, reading blogs, and more.
Here are some little chunks from our side.

  • CSS Tricks
  • Codrops
  • ShopTalk Podcast
  • Boagworld Podcast
  • Apply Filters Podcast

Continue reading “How To Become A Better Front-End Developer?”

Ultimate Startup Tech Stack

Guide for choosing the best web development languages by ValueCoders

Picking the right technology stack can be overwhelming for any founder of the company, especially for someone who does not have a tech background. One can have a hard time finding the right set of tools and frameworks used in software development that can ensure the best performance of the product. Every application has different needs, hence the initial choice is important to ensure that the final product will deliver the best user experience. This article will help anyone with a non-coding background understand how to choose the best tech stack for a startup.

What is the tech stack?

Hotel Tech Stack Integration: Why is it important? Hear it first-hand from Hotel Technology Experts - HotelAppz

A tech stack is a combination of tools and frameworks used in software development. Simply put, it’s a set of programming languages, frameworks, and tools used in developing web and mobile applications.

The two primary pieces of a technology stack are front-end and back-end software frameworks.;

The front-end runs on the user’s client, which in the case of the web application is a web browser, while the back-end runs on the server that delivers data or web pages to the client. While back-end interacts with the database and creates web pages, front-end provides interactive web pages using JavaScript.

The Front-end

Top Ten Front-end Design Tips | Toptal

Front-end development incorporates everything a user sees on-screen, a website or a mobile app. There are three vital frontend tech stack components available:

Google’s AngularJS and Facebook’s React.js are the most popular web front-end stacks used by developers.


Top 18 Most Common AngularJS Mistakes That Developers Make | Toptal

Google’s AngularJS is an open-source MVC framework majorly used for the development of single-page applications. It is a developing structure that gives better approaches to creating web applications by changing the static HTML to dynamic HTML. Striking attributes like dynamic binding, POJO model, MVC Architecture, and dependency injection wipe out the requirement for code that was initially crucial. AngularJS is growing exponentially with the recent advancements in its latest versions.

There are several reasons to use AngularJS, some of them being:

  1. Can effortlessly create Rich Internet Applications
  2. Open-source
  3. Cross-browser
  4. Enables developers to make front end apps utilizing JavaScript in a clean MVC approach.
  5. Unit-testable code
  6. Reusability of code
  7. Facilitates data-binding in HTML
  8. Dependency Injection (DI)


Getting Started with ReactJS - Knoldus React Blog

Facebook’s ReactJS is an efficient, flexible, and declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is a component-based, open-source front-end library responsible for only the view layer of an application. It uses a declarative paradigm and aims at being efficient and flexible. React designs simple views for each state in your application, and will update the right component when the data changes. Additionally, the declarative view makes the code more predictable and more comfortable to debug. ReactJS is a warehouse of features, and there’s no way you cannot like it. Its benefits include:

  1. Simple: ReactJS is simple to learn and build a web or mobile application. React uses a syntax called JSX, which allows developers to mix HTML with JavaScript but this is not a requirement. The developer can write in plain JavaScript also.
  2. Reusability: In React, extensive code reusability is supported. By building components, most of the code repetition can be eliminated.
  3. Mobile Apps:  React Native allows the developer to create cross-platform native apps. React native can be easily picked by React developer, and with the use of proper data management tools (like redux), a lot of React website code can be used in Apps.
  4. Testability: ReactJS applications are very easy to test.

The Back-end

Dynamic Front End and Back end

The backend, which is likewise called server-side, stays undetectable and not open to clients. It gives a spine to the application. The most widely recognized parts of the backend are programming languages, for example, Ruby and Python; libraries and systems, for example, Ruby on Rails and Django; and a JavaScript runtime env, for example, Node.js. Choosing the right backend technology can be a daunting task, yet it can be simplified by considering the following factors:

1. Size and complexity of the project

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Simple applications on tight deadlines, particularly MVPs, require a distinct methodology in comparison to big projects with heaps of capacities. In any case, in the event that you figure you may need to upscale, later on, pick an adaptable stack that permits you to develop.

2. The kind of project

Many Companies Now Favour Continuous Feedback Over Annual Appraisals | Forbes India Blog

Data-intensive applications, booking frameworks, person to person communication applications, streaming applications, CMS, IoT, FinTech applications, and straightforward MVPs will probably require diverse stacks.

3. The expense

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Remember that a few technologies are open-source and free for business use, which is just one point on the endless rundown of the favourable pointers that open-source gives to both the developers and stakeholders. Others are authorized and paid. Likewise, developers’ rates vary according to the technology they specialize in. The stacks that are considered as a speciality can be expensive. Also, remember that the release doesn’t mark the end of work on the application – you have to look after, update, and conceivably upscale it.

The Top Back-End Technologies Available:

It remains a staggeringly hard task to express the contrasts between programming languages since all programming languages have their military of backers who will decline any analysis about their language of decision. Thereby it is vital not just to comprehend the contrasts between programming languages but to know what a wrong decision while choosing a backend technology has on a project. Below listed are the top-performing backend languages which will help you stay within the circle of success.


Senior/Junior Moodle Developer, PHP (2 positions) | SMR HR Group

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source back-end scripting language used by developers to build web apps and sites. It is a cross-platform scripting language that can be utilized to create apps that seamlessly run on all the Operating Systems. It is one of the fastest programming languages and facilitates the creation of websites that load quickly. PHP also has a huge assortment of utilitarian modules and a couple of the modules accessible in PHP incorporate Graphics and PDF, among others. One of the greatest advantages of PHP is that it is very easy to learn and use because of its simple syntax. Anyone who is familiar with C language can easily grasp PHP without any difficulty.


6 reasons why Python is the future programming language - ICTSlab

Curated by Guido van Rossum and rolled-out in 1991, Python is an interpreted, cutting-edge, general-purpose programming language. It reduces the need of coding to a very significant level and has high utility because of the presence of third-party modules. Not just that, but the high extensibility of python enables you to write a few pieces of code in other languages like C++ and C#. The ease of use and extensive libraries offer back-end developers more productivity as compared to other programming languages. Not just for building basic applications like desktop apps, Oss, Business Apps, and web frameworks, but Python is also the best fit for AI and ML-based web development.


Interesting facts about Ruby Programming Language - GeeksforGeeks

Ruby is the programming language that is utilized accompanied by Rails. Ruby is to Rails as PHP is to Zend, or as Python is to Django. The sheer class and finesse of the language are what attract the back-end developers towards this language and make it a must-have in your tech stack. The most exceptional feature of Ruby is that it prioritizes conventions rather than configuration, which helps the back-end developers as they don’t have to waste their precious development time in configuring the files to start the development process. It comes pre-configured, which saves a lot of time and speeds up the development process.


Microsoft returns to Java with Azure-focused OpenJDK release | InfoWorld

Java is an object-oriented, platform-independent, general-purpose programming language that is designed to have negligible implementation reliance. As a result of Java’s power, convenience, cross-stage capacities, and security highlights, it has become the most preferred language among developers. y. Java Virtual Machine has a remarkable identifier that distinguishes the bytecode and confirms it before running it. It has the component of the Stack designation framework. It follows LIFO (Last in First Out) which causes the information to be put away and recovered effectively. Java is one of the programming languages that support Multithreading which is the capacity for a program to play out multiple errands at the same time inside a program.

C# / Visual Basic

Overview for C# developers - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs

C# is a platform-independent, Java Based programming language whose syntax is similar to C++. It is an object-oriented language and does not support multiple inheritances, just like Java. It takes great advantage of the design of the .Net. Microsoft has built a pair of flexible business back-end solutions called Asp.Net and Core that are written in C# or Visual Basic.


JavaScript Tutorial - An Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Node.js is a back-end solution written in JavaScript that has been trending for several years. Being written in JavaScript gives it an edge over others because with this developers can work in the same language for both the front-end and back-end of a project. Moreover, it has also been proven efficient at scaling up applications to handle large user bases.

Factors to consider while choosing the right tech stack

Availability of resources

Liquidity and Availability of Resources - Rehmann

The accessibility of human resources who can work on your project is one of the most characterizing variables that will impact your organization’s tech stack. Assure if your developers will be able to work efficiently with the tech stack that you have chosen. Assume you select a tech stack that isn’t based on a common programming language. In such a case the process of finding a developer who can work on the language can be a daunting task in itself.


Core budget impact models | Research & EDucation (RED)_Satellite Company (RED_CO)

Budget is undoubtedly a deciding factor for your tech stack. If you choose a technology which does not have abundant specialists in the market, you might have to pay them extra. Moreover, choosing a paid technology over open-source technology can also be a concern while working on your project. Therefore, draft your budget and plan your tech stack accordingly.


Phase Definition and Examples

The requirements of the tech stack for your business might change as your business scales up or a new issue arises. Therefore it is vital to comprehend what phase you are at and choose the stack accordingly. If you are a start-up, you would be looking at technology that is open-source and easy to utilize along with easy accessibility of human resources. On the other hand, if you are an established business, you might require enterprise-grade technology which can handle more complex issues.


Testing the Requirements: A Guide to Requirements Analysis | TechWell

While framing a tech stack for your company, it is crucial to comprehend the needs of your project. You must understand what does your audience expect from you and what are their major requirements. If your project requires complex numerical analysis, you might want to go for Python, however, if you are more concerned with the aesthetics of your project and it does not have to do much, you must work with some other technology.


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New technologies come every day and the old ones perish. Therefore it is very important to choose a technology for your tech stack that is time tested and has a big community that can help you in case you get stuck.


Workplace Safety Training Implementation Mistakes - eLearning Industry

Ensure that the application is created remembering the prescribed procedures of security. It is vital to run security tests on both customer and server to kill the regular security dangers. Toward the end, settle on a decision that works best for your business. You can pick the innovation to go with, in light of your business objectives, necessities and the assets you can bear.

What are the benefits of choosing the right stack?

Web Application: Choosing the Right Technology Stack Before You Start | by Talha Waseem | The Startup | Medium

The technology utilized in your task can highly affect how it functions and how it will act later on. For instance, some server frameworks are made for high-read activities, however, are less proficient with regards to high-write traffic. That is something essential to know whether you’re changing your application from local file storage to cloud file storage. Your tech stack can likewise impact the versatility of your item. Certain stacks will better serve various activities. Since such a large number of various mixes are feasible for your tech stack, it’s troublesome (if not difficult) to sum up. Be that as it may, getting acquainted with the qualities and shortcomings of your tech stack before you begin assembling your item will assist you with taking advantage of the qualities and moderate the shortcomings.

  • Once you have settled on the right tech stack, it will ease the whole documentation process and all the future bugs and errors will be easier to rectify for the same reason.
  •  Choosing the right tech stack and working on  it for a long time will establish your team’s    expertise on it which will amplify your brand image
  • Settling on the right tech stack has an added benefit that you can work with the same team for multiple projects.
  • Having the right tech stack minimises errors and increases efficiency.

What are the drawbacks of choosing the wrong stack?

The 6 things you must keep in mind when choosing the tech stack for your startup

If you end up settling for a wrong tech stack, it can be a huge mistake for your company as well as for your clients:

  •  Choosing a wrong tech stack may lead to incompatible and unnecessary dependencies.
  •  It can result in Dry-schema and Dry-validation misunderstandings
  •  Problems with ROM.rb and Sequel (Database) might occur.
  •  A wrong tech stack might hinder your testing process.
  •  You might face difficulty in hiring the right professionals if the technology chosen by you is not widely used. Your tech stack may become unsustainable or unscalable.

Hence, it is very important that you find a company that knows what they are doing, and Anteelo is one such company.;

The services we specialise in:

1. Frontend Development

Become a frontend development expert with this massive bundle | Creative Bloq

We provide services for “client-side programming,” i.e., frontend development. We believe in creating user-friendly experiences for all our clients. Our list of tools cover Angular, React, Vue, Jquery, SASS, Bootstrap, HTML 5 and CSS 3. Our team ensures that your customer’s experience is delightful and easy to use.

2. Backend Growth

Effective Backend Web Development Technologies In 2020

We prioritize web backend & development services and the services we deliver are comprehensive. The backend tools that we use to make your website proficient and interactive are Laravel, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS, Redis, Firebase and Elasticsearch. Our key quality is our attention to each detail that our clients provide.

The Various Services Anteelo Provides:

1. App Development Services

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In this age of digitalization, every business needs to make an online dent. And for you to achieve that we ensure that our team of professional app developers build a mobile app that suits your business needs and demands. For a successful business app it is important that you develop your mobile application for all crucial platforms like iOS and Android and our team can help you with that

2. Web Development Services

Web Development services by Best website development company

We firmly believe that a great website has the potential to convert visitors into customers. A good website can do wonders for your business. Therefore, we help companies create websites and web applications that help them take their business online. We understand that each of our clients has a different business goal so we customize our services accordingly to meet all the expectations.;

3. DevOps Services

Reasons To Use DevOps Services - DevOps Benefits - i2k2 Blog

At Anteelo our team of AWS experts can manage anything from a new to existing cloud infrastructure for you. We will provide you with the right architecture, organized management and regular optimization and improvements on services. Moreover, with our use of high-quality tools and the latest technology, we promise to deliver the best overall experience to you and your users.


How to Write a Conclusion: Outline and Examples -

At the end of the day, it is up to you to make a choice that works best for your startup. You should choose the best technology stack after thoroughly analyzing your requirements, business goals, and resources. What suits someone might not always suit you and vice versa. The choice of a technology stack is very personal and varies from organization to organization. Having a clear view of your requirements would ease the entire process of choosing the right tech stack for your company. Discuss your goals and requirements with your team and choose a tech stack that compliments your company and its business procedures.

Browser specific hacks for Frontend developers

If you are a web developer then it’s unlikely that you haven’t faced this situation-You spent days and weeks writing perfect code. Everything is perfect from the CSS stylesheet to the meta tags. You test it in Google Chrome and it works perfectly fine. You go home and sleep in peace. But when you come back to the office the next day, everything is broken and you find a hundred bugs allocated in your name.Browser specific hacks for Frontend developers | Humble Bits


Culprit? Internet Explorer.

And, Mozilla Firefox.

And, Opera.

Happens to all of us, right?

So, is there a way out of this mess? Well, there isn’t. At least not a full proof one. 100% cross-browser compatibility is a myth. It’s almost impossible to write a code which works perfectly fine in all the internet browsers. It comes with experience and you need a lot of patience to learn that craft.

But you can always start small. I learned some browser specific hacks during my journey and I thought it’s a good idea to share them with fellow developers.

Browser Specific CSS Hacks | W3REIGN


It is as simple as you write your simple CSS code, just pick the hack you want. Copy it into your stylesheet. Add the style you want between the braces. Enjoy the new styles for the browser that you’ve targeted!

Google Chrome and Safari Browsers

Google Chrome and Safari browsers are mainly the same as they both use WebKit, but sometimes they behave differently in the case of forms, fonts etc.

Css hacks

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){





Media Query Hacks

@media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution: 1280px){

.selector {}


Javascript hacks

var isChrome = !! && !!; // for Google chrome

var isWebkit = ‘WebkitAppearance’ in; // for Chrome and Safari

Firefox (any version)

Css hacks

@-moz-document url-prefix() {

.selector { Property: Value; }


Media Query Hacks

@media all and (min–moz-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution: 1280px) {

.selector { Property: Value; }


Javascript hacks

var isFF = ‘MozAppearance’ in;

Opera – Opera 10 and above

Css hacks

@media not all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {

.selector { Property: Value; }


Media Query Hacks

@media all and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)and(min-resolution: 1280px){

.selector {

Property: Value;



Javascript hacks

var isOpera = window.opera && window.opera.version() == X;  //replace x y the version

Internet Explorer

Css hacks

:root .selector {

Property: Value\9; color: red\9;


Conditional Comments

<!–[if IE 9]> Internet Explorer 9 <![endif]–>

<!–[if lte IE 9]> Internet Explorer 9 or less <![endif]–>

<!–[if gte IE 9]> Internet Explorer 9 or greater <![endif]—>

For example:

<!–[if IE 9]>

<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”all-ie-only.css” />


IE 10 and above

_:-ms-lang(x), .selector { property:value; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {

.ie10up {property: value;}


@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {

.ie10up {property: value;}


IE 11 and above

_:-ms-fullscreen, :root .ie11up { property:value; }//Works for IE 11 and above

*::-ms-backdrop, :root .selector { property:value; }//Works for IE 11

IE 11+, Microsoft Edge Browser

/* Put this code in external stylesheet: ie11up.css */

@charset “&lt;Any Modern Browser but MSIE 10- or FF 18- &gt;”;  _:-ms-lang(x), .selector { property:value; }

Javascript hacks

var isIE = ‘behavior’ in && ‘- ms-user-select’ in;

var isIE = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled;

var isIE = !== undefined;

Lower Frontend Maintenance Cost Of The Mobile App

Front-End Development & User Experience | WebeMax

There are two types of software projects that come to any app development agency. One which is brand new and has to be developed from scratch and another is one which already exists in the market and has to be updated. In both cases, the benefits of mobile app maintenance are manifold.

While in the case of the former, you will have to spend little time in the whole update and maintenance process, the latter would require your frontend and back end team to come together and understand the product to its entirety before moving on to its updation. Either way, maintenance is a part of the overall mobile app development cost estimate.

In this article, we are going to look into the factors that make mobile app frontend maintenance cost expensive, how can the cost be lowered and ultimately move on to the steps of lowering of maintenance cost in case of Node.js, Angular, and React.js projects.

Table of Content

  1. Why is App Maintenance Process Important?
  2. What Makes App Frontend Maintenance Cost Expensive?
  3. How Can Developers Lower App Maintenance Cost in Angular, ReactJS, and Node.js?
  4. How can Project Managers Lower App Frontend Maintenance Cost?

Why is App Maintenance Process Important? 

Mobile App Maintenance: A Critical Element In Any App's Success

Improper mobile app maintenance plan leads to challenges in flexibility and stability, which sooner or later translates into application failure. When the code lacks quality or when developers use outdated tools, the app performance suffers and the users experience more app crashes and bugs. Moreover, it hampers app’s scalability capability and the overall next phases of app development.

In business terms, this means more technology and resources inclusion, greater cost, and delayed launch time.

Efficient maintenance, on the other hand, makes apps flexible and stable, enabling you to create new functionalities and improving the present ones. And thus, knowing when to update your app is extremely important.

What Makes App Frontend Maintenance Cost Expensive?

Besides the obvious – multiple types of frontend app maintenance, lesser app tests and absence of continuous maintenance, there are some other prevalent reasons that bring the cost of frontend maintenance up.

A. Non-Structured JavaScript 

JavaScript Essentials: Types & Data Structures | by CodeDraken | codeburst

There are many ways of structuring a JavaScript project, keeping it consistent is the most important part of Android app maintenance. A well defined structure enables developers to understand what is going on in the project at the first glance without making them search a particular file for hours on end. Even when the product is based on famous libraries like Vue or React, it has the probability of becoming chaotic as it grows.

In preparation of lowering the frontend maintenance cost, you should consider defining the style guide for project structure to use as a reference for the development team.

B.  Poor Code Quality

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The quality of your code is very essential for defining your project’s success, even when keep aside the fact that it is a part of the list of OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks. While things like identical file structure, consistent incidents, and semicolons are insignificant for a non-technical person, they hold great value when it comes to defining the project’s success.

This, in turn, tends to increase the app frontend maintenance cost in the future.

C. Back-Dated Third Party Packages

Programmers Team Code The Website From The Command Line Flat Vector Illustration, Digital, Illustration, Young PNG and Vector with Transparent Background for Fr… in 2021 | Website template design, App background, Data design

There is a high probability that your product uses open source libraries and third party packages. Since these external resources are updated rapidly, it is important that you too update their versions in your app in order to remove project dependencies’ problems because of vulnerabilities and issues. The new versions contain performance improvements, bug fixes, security enhancements, etc which ensures that the app is working up to its fullest potential.

D.  Non Automated Build Process and Deployment

The Eight Phases of a DevOps Pipeline | by JakobTheDev | Taptu | Medium

Build and deployment are the last stages before the app gets live. When they are not developed in an error proof manner, it might get expensive to kill the bug later. The absence of automated build and deployment pipeline slows down development to a great extent, while lowering the team efficiency. You should go with the implementation of a continuous integration which includes running automated tests for all the new commits. Doing this, enables you to identify bugs and solve them in real-time.

E.  Absence of Readme

Readme is one the most important files of a project. It makes the project requirement, its usage, and the development, deployment process clear. If you fail to keep it updated, your development team might end up spending multiple hours in solving issues that have been solved earlier.

How Can Developers Lower App Maintenance Cost in Angular, ReactJS, and Node.js?

  • Use the latest versions

Why You Should Always Use the Latest Version of WordPress | FastComet

All the three frameworks keep introducing new versions from time to time. Ensuring that you are using the most recent ones gives you a number of benefits – increased app efficiency, long term support from the parent team, access to all the latest functionalities and features – some of the key reasons for maintaining the frontend of an app.

  • Ask for clear documentation

Document Writing, Step by Step (with Templates) - Focus

Very few projects lasts with the same developers working on it till the end. Documentation plays a significant role here in the application development services for mobile as the developer who is new to the project has a clear understanding of the project and the work status, pipeline tasks are clear to them.

  • Ensure compatibility with third-party modules

10 best practices for implementing the Drupal coding standards | Anubavam

Making a list of third-party modules which are compatible with the chosen frontend framework can be a great start.You will have to proactively ensure that there is a plan B for the future where the modules will get a major update and it fails to be compatible with your chosen frontend.

  • Test before implementing new features

Bendigo Bank testing chart support after rating downgrade | CMC Markets

If you have to implement or rewrite some functionalities, first ensure that the app’s behaviour is tested in advance. For instance, if you have to rewrite a logic in your app, it’ll be easier to implement the changes when you are sure that the present functionality has been tested. This way, in case something stops working, you will know it instantly.

  • Use microservices

Introduction to Microservices - Comunytek

If the issue lies in the monolithic structure, you must extract microservices out of the app so that it can work separately. Every mini-app should serve its purpose right. It will, in turn, streamline scalability for you will be able to move the services around different machines and dev teams – a microservice benefit that is not possible in monolithic.

  • Improve the code quality

What Is Code Quality? How to Measure & Improve Code Quality | Perforce

If the app works fine but the code quality seems inconsistent or low, you must start with introducing conventions. Start by clearing the file structure by dividing it into logical units. It will be good to implement the static code analysis tools and use type systems. There are other things that you should follow to ensure a sound code quality:

  • A properly configured Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
  • Addition of linters in pipeline for ensuring poor/inconsistent codes are not put in production.
  • Code refactoring should be a must-have development process.

How can Project Managers Lower App Frontend Maintenance Cost?

As a non-technical project manager, you can majorly take only one step to avoid high maintenance cost in frontend – Hire an experienced frontend team which has the skillset to give you the desired quality and understand the importance of not delaying tests just for meeting deadlines. Even if you don’t have the necessary monetary resources to employ an entire team of frontend developers, you will have to at least employ one skilled resource for the task.

The other strategy to reduce frontend maintenance cost, while not so common, is building single page application.

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