Every Web Development Project Goes Through These 5 Phases

Web development is one process consisting of multiple phases. Just as time is segmented into centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, the web development process is also segmented into steps for better understanding and supervision. The segmentation of the steps differs from one developer to developer. Here, we will accentuate over the salient steps or phases of web development process. Different developers might give these a different name, but the work done in each step is the same.

Every Web Development Project Goes Through These 5 Phases

1.Collection of Information

The first phase includes a collection of information and requirements. If it is your website, you outline what look you want at the front-end and what you wish at the back-end, the goal of the website. It is for traffic only or converting visitors into leads. If it is client’s website, ask the questions that would fetch you enough information to move on to the next step.

2. Planning Phase

Once you have enough information to start your web development project on paper, you start off with the planning stage. It’s time to work and the list of requirements and research on the basis of the information gathered. The best optimal solutions are offered to proceed with the work in the planning stage, tasks are allocated, and deadlines are given.

3. Web Designers

Web designers come into play to prepare a mockup to let everyone see how will the website look before it is actually made. Web development and designing go hand in hand. Any changes in the visual aspect can be made at this phase of the development process. Designers are also given the list of requirements for the clients and functionality to be used on the website. The designers in some cases prepare a wireframe to check if everything is in its place.

4. And, The Coding Begins

Once the design is ready and every element in its place, the coding part begins to bring the design to life. This is the core web development phase. Page after page, functionality after functionality, the codes are implemented, re-checked. Best framework and language are chosen that keep the website light and maintain a good page speed.

5. Testing and Delivery

Once the coding is done, testing phase in web development begins. It is done to eradicate the minor or major errors if any. The goal of each functionality is thoroughly checked on several parameters to see if it is working on all browsers, devices. When all the errors are rectified and the website is fully functional as the client wanted it gets delivered to the client.

Bonus Phase and The Most Important One


Every Web Development Project Goes Through These 5 Phases

Updates in the content display, functionality, adding more products/services, and managing them all are taken care in the maintenance phase. This goes on as the demand for the updates is generated.

Prepare your project sheet and segment the complete web development process in these phases. The key is to concentrate on each point at one time so as to deliver efficient overall results.

Why angularjs is a match for Web App Development?

AngularJS started as a research project by Google that ultimately became one of the most popular responsive web app development frameworks. While working with AngularJS, you can be assured of a highly dependable scalable code base. Compared to most other JavaScript frameworks AngularJS is fast, powerful, and versatile enough to integrate with other frameworks. Built by commendable brains like Adam Abrons and Miško Hevery of Google it easily stands out from other JavaScript frameworks for responsive web development. Here we explain some of the key reasons to choose AngularJS for web app development.




Any AngularJS development company will agree to the fact that it is an exceptionally simple and fast-paced JavaScript MVC Framework for front-end development. By adding a few attributes to the HTML a developer can quickly build an app. AngularJS is equipped to enhance the HTML code while building controls for all types of difficult functions and creating a dependency between the template and the controller. To help beginners, there are plenty of useful tutorials available. If you want to build a web app quickly with a simple interface and few crucial features, AngularJS is the ideal framework to opt for.


AngularJS developers speak to the program’s unmatched competence in creating and adding new features for customizing an app. It is well equipped with state of the art features to drive app performance like filters, data binding, directives, animations, API client, routing, form validation, and many more features that are sought after for web development. With AngularJS you can easily update and improve without undertaking a bulk of coding tasks.

The best thing about this framework is that it helps to create new elements and adds new features and functions to an app without disrupting the performance. The framework offers a lot of productivity tools to help with developing new features and improving or updating the app. Furthermore, the community-shared mutual libraries allow more versatility and flexibility.



As far as collaborating with other libraries for responsive web app development is concerned, AngularJS offers smooth and easy integration. If the developers are working with other object-oriented MVC frameworks for the server-side development, they can easily integrate AngularJS for client-side development.

AngularJS, thanks to dependency injection, allows easy integration with other libraries. To create new functionalities you also have an array of libraries that can easily supplement AngularJS for a project.


AngularJS comes loaded with a robust testing mechanism to ensure building an error-free and high-performance app. When you need to upgrade and fix issues, powerful inbuilt testing tools to make your job easier. The apps built with AngularJS are highly testable ensuring a high degree of performance. 5 Top Reasons To Choose AngularJS For Web Application Development | by Angular Minds | Medium


One of the most crucial reasons for choosing AngularJS is its two-way data binding capacity. With such data binding, any change incorporated into the interface directly results in changes to the app objects. Similarly, any change with the app objects results in changes to the app interface as well. This saves development time and makes incorporating changes to the app easier.


AngularJS is capable of intelligent heavy lifting. AngularJS builds the controller function and dependency easily between the template and the controller thanks to intelligent heavy lifting. It is equipped to grab the required share of the app data and render it onto the device screen with the concerted output of the template and the controller.


AngularJS works seamlessly with HTML coding, and that enables it to develop the app based on basic information models instead of creating rows of tasks awaiting their turns in the MVC pipeline. This ensures that the developers working with AngularJS have to write less code. Apart from this, AngularJS will also help you to scale up the capacity of the app with minor tweaks in the code base. This ease of coding actually helps to build the app faster while ensuring optimum performance.


AngularJS is one of the frameworks that are known for a declarative coding paradigm for building frequently accessible patterns. Thanks to declarative coding paradigm you can ensure more lightweight code allowing optimum ease in reading and supporting. The declarative code of the AngularJS apps does not describe all steps pertaining to the app but only ones that are absolutely required along with their expected outcomes.


Just because AngularJS is patterned after AngularJS started as a research project by Google that ultimately became one of the most popular responsive web app development frameworks. Thanks to this inbuilt directives the developers can now create logic more easily with the more productive output. In case of any confusion, you can always refer to the directives to ensure better code readability.


AngularJS offers a client-side solution with great compatibility for both desktop and mobile browsers. Without requiring any modifications, AngularJS can easily be deployed across any project. This makes it an ideal framework for building any front-end app. This also ensures faster deployment across systems and browsers that offer support for JavaScript.


In a JavaScript framework the filters work for refining the values for display. This is of great value for any web app trying to appear consistent and meaningful for the users. Filters can change the decimal value of a number to show it with full value, or it can add pagination to the pages of your website or can just change the uppercase or lowercase string of letters to the opposite. With custom filters, you can also tweak these values in your own preferred ways.

AngularJS is completely well-equipped to deliver all the attributes and features you look for in a modern responsive web app. Most important of all, it takes off a major load from the developers.

Ultimate Startup Tech Stack

Guide for choosing the best web development languages by ValueCoders

Picking the right technology stack can be overwhelming for any founder of the company, especially for someone who does not have a tech background. One can have a hard time finding the right set of tools and frameworks used in software development that can ensure the best performance of the product. Every application has different needs, hence the initial choice is important to ensure that the final product will deliver the best user experience. This article will help anyone with a non-coding background understand how to choose the best tech stack for a startup.

What is the tech stack?

Hotel Tech Stack Integration: Why is it important? Hear it first-hand from Hotel Technology Experts - HotelAppz

A tech stack is a combination of tools and frameworks used in software development. Simply put, it’s a set of programming languages, frameworks, and tools used in developing web and mobile applications.

The two primary pieces of a technology stack are front-end and back-end software frameworks.;

The front-end runs on the user’s client, which in the case of the web application is a web browser, while the back-end runs on the server that delivers data or web pages to the client. While back-end interacts with the database and creates web pages, front-end provides interactive web pages using JavaScript.

The Front-end

Top Ten Front-end Design Tips | Toptal

Front-end development incorporates everything a user sees on-screen, a website or a mobile app. There are three vital frontend tech stack components available:

Google’s AngularJS and Facebook’s React.js are the most popular web front-end stacks used by developers.


Top 18 Most Common AngularJS Mistakes That Developers Make | Toptal

Google’s AngularJS is an open-source MVC framework majorly used for the development of single-page applications. It is a developing structure that gives better approaches to creating web applications by changing the static HTML to dynamic HTML. Striking attributes like dynamic binding, POJO model, MVC Architecture, and dependency injection wipe out the requirement for code that was initially crucial. AngularJS is growing exponentially with the recent advancements in its latest versions.

There are several reasons to use AngularJS, some of them being:

  1. Can effortlessly create Rich Internet Applications
  2. Open-source
  3. Cross-browser
  4. Enables developers to make front end apps utilizing JavaScript in a clean MVC approach.
  5. Unit-testable code
  6. Reusability of code
  7. Facilitates data-binding in HTML
  8. Dependency Injection (DI)


Getting Started with ReactJS - Knoldus React Blog

Facebook’s ReactJS is an efficient, flexible, and declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is a component-based, open-source front-end library responsible for only the view layer of an application. It uses a declarative paradigm and aims at being efficient and flexible. React designs simple views for each state in your application, and will update the right component when the data changes. Additionally, the declarative view makes the code more predictable and more comfortable to debug. ReactJS is a warehouse of features, and there’s no way you cannot like it. Its benefits include:

  1. Simple: ReactJS is simple to learn and build a web or mobile application. React uses a syntax called JSX, which allows developers to mix HTML with JavaScript but this is not a requirement. The developer can write in plain JavaScript also.
  2. Reusability: In React, extensive code reusability is supported. By building components, most of the code repetition can be eliminated.
  3. Mobile Apps:  React Native allows the developer to create cross-platform native apps. React native can be easily picked by React developer, and with the use of proper data management tools (like redux), a lot of React website code can be used in Apps.
  4. Testability: ReactJS applications are very easy to test.

The Back-end

Dynamic Front End and Back end

The backend, which is likewise called server-side, stays undetectable and not open to clients. It gives a spine to the application. The most widely recognized parts of the backend are programming languages, for example, Ruby and Python; libraries and systems, for example, Ruby on Rails and Django; and a JavaScript runtime env, for example, Node.js. Choosing the right backend technology can be a daunting task, yet it can be simplified by considering the following factors:

1. Size and complexity of the project

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Simple applications on tight deadlines, particularly MVPs, require a distinct methodology in comparison to big projects with heaps of capacities. In any case, in the event that you figure you may need to upscale, later on, pick an adaptable stack that permits you to develop.

2. The kind of project

Many Companies Now Favour Continuous Feedback Over Annual Appraisals | Forbes India Blog

Data-intensive applications, booking frameworks, person to person communication applications, streaming applications, CMS, IoT, FinTech applications, and straightforward MVPs will probably require diverse stacks.

3. The expense

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Remember that a few technologies are open-source and free for business use, which is just one point on the endless rundown of the favourable pointers that open-source gives to both the developers and stakeholders. Others are authorized and paid. Likewise, developers’ rates vary according to the technology they specialize in. The stacks that are considered as a speciality can be expensive. Also, remember that the release doesn’t mark the end of work on the application – you have to look after, update, and conceivably upscale it.

The Top Back-End Technologies Available:

It remains a staggeringly hard task to express the contrasts between programming languages since all programming languages have their military of backers who will decline any analysis about their language of decision. Thereby it is vital not just to comprehend the contrasts between programming languages but to know what a wrong decision while choosing a backend technology has on a project. Below listed are the top-performing backend languages which will help you stay within the circle of success.


Senior/Junior Moodle Developer, PHP (2 positions) | SMR HR Group

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source back-end scripting language used by developers to build web apps and sites. It is a cross-platform scripting language that can be utilized to create apps that seamlessly run on all the Operating Systems. It is one of the fastest programming languages and facilitates the creation of websites that load quickly. PHP also has a huge assortment of utilitarian modules and a couple of the modules accessible in PHP incorporate Graphics and PDF, among others. One of the greatest advantages of PHP is that it is very easy to learn and use because of its simple syntax. Anyone who is familiar with C language can easily grasp PHP without any difficulty.


6 reasons why Python is the future programming language - ICTSlab

Curated by Guido van Rossum and rolled-out in 1991, Python is an interpreted, cutting-edge, general-purpose programming language. It reduces the need of coding to a very significant level and has high utility because of the presence of third-party modules. Not just that, but the high extensibility of python enables you to write a few pieces of code in other languages like C++ and C#. The ease of use and extensive libraries offer back-end developers more productivity as compared to other programming languages. Not just for building basic applications like desktop apps, Oss, Business Apps, and web frameworks, but Python is also the best fit for AI and ML-based web development.


Interesting facts about Ruby Programming Language - GeeksforGeeks

Ruby is the programming language that is utilized accompanied by Rails. Ruby is to Rails as PHP is to Zend, or as Python is to Django. The sheer class and finesse of the language are what attract the back-end developers towards this language and make it a must-have in your tech stack. The most exceptional feature of Ruby is that it prioritizes conventions rather than configuration, which helps the back-end developers as they don’t have to waste their precious development time in configuring the files to start the development process. It comes pre-configured, which saves a lot of time and speeds up the development process.


Microsoft returns to Java with Azure-focused OpenJDK release | InfoWorld

Java is an object-oriented, platform-independent, general-purpose programming language that is designed to have negligible implementation reliance. As a result of Java’s power, convenience, cross-stage capacities, and security highlights, it has become the most preferred language among developers. y. Java Virtual Machine has a remarkable identifier that distinguishes the bytecode and confirms it before running it. It has the component of the Stack designation framework. It follows LIFO (Last in First Out) which causes the information to be put away and recovered effectively. Java is one of the programming languages that support Multithreading which is the capacity for a program to play out multiple errands at the same time inside a program.

C# / Visual Basic

Overview for C# developers - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs

C# is a platform-independent, Java Based programming language whose syntax is similar to C++. It is an object-oriented language and does not support multiple inheritances, just like Java. It takes great advantage of the design of the .Net. Microsoft has built a pair of flexible business back-end solutions called Asp.Net and Core that are written in C# or Visual Basic.


JavaScript Tutorial - An Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Node.js is a back-end solution written in JavaScript that has been trending for several years. Being written in JavaScript gives it an edge over others because with this developers can work in the same language for both the front-end and back-end of a project. Moreover, it has also been proven efficient at scaling up applications to handle large user bases.

Factors to consider while choosing the right tech stack

Availability of resources

Liquidity and Availability of Resources - Rehmann

The accessibility of human resources who can work on your project is one of the most characterizing variables that will impact your organization’s tech stack. Assure if your developers will be able to work efficiently with the tech stack that you have chosen. Assume you select a tech stack that isn’t based on a common programming language. In such a case the process of finding a developer who can work on the language can be a daunting task in itself.


Core budget impact models | Research & EDucation (RED)_Satellite Company (RED_CO)

Budget is undoubtedly a deciding factor for your tech stack. If you choose a technology which does not have abundant specialists in the market, you might have to pay them extra. Moreover, choosing a paid technology over open-source technology can also be a concern while working on your project. Therefore, draft your budget and plan your tech stack accordingly.


Phase Definition and Examples

The requirements of the tech stack for your business might change as your business scales up or a new issue arises. Therefore it is vital to comprehend what phase you are at and choose the stack accordingly. If you are a start-up, you would be looking at technology that is open-source and easy to utilize along with easy accessibility of human resources. On the other hand, if you are an established business, you might require enterprise-grade technology which can handle more complex issues.


Testing the Requirements: A Guide to Requirements Analysis | TechWell

While framing a tech stack for your company, it is crucial to comprehend the needs of your project. You must understand what does your audience expect from you and what are their major requirements. If your project requires complex numerical analysis, you might want to go for Python, however, if you are more concerned with the aesthetics of your project and it does not have to do much, you must work with some other technology.


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New technologies come every day and the old ones perish. Therefore it is very important to choose a technology for your tech stack that is time tested and has a big community that can help you in case you get stuck.


Workplace Safety Training Implementation Mistakes - eLearning Industry

Ensure that the application is created remembering the prescribed procedures of security. It is vital to run security tests on both customer and server to kill the regular security dangers. Toward the end, settle on a decision that works best for your business. You can pick the innovation to go with, in light of your business objectives, necessities and the assets you can bear.

What are the benefits of choosing the right stack?

Web Application: Choosing the Right Technology Stack Before You Start | by Talha Waseem | The Startup | Medium

The technology utilized in your task can highly affect how it functions and how it will act later on. For instance, some server frameworks are made for high-read activities, however, are less proficient with regards to high-write traffic. That is something essential to know whether you’re changing your application from local file storage to cloud file storage. Your tech stack can likewise impact the versatility of your item. Certain stacks will better serve various activities. Since such a large number of various mixes are feasible for your tech stack, it’s troublesome (if not difficult) to sum up. Be that as it may, getting acquainted with the qualities and shortcomings of your tech stack before you begin assembling your item will assist you with taking advantage of the qualities and moderate the shortcomings.

  • Once you have settled on the right tech stack, it will ease the whole documentation process and all the future bugs and errors will be easier to rectify for the same reason.
  •  Choosing the right tech stack and working on  it for a long time will establish your team’s    expertise on it which will amplify your brand image
  • Settling on the right tech stack has an added benefit that you can work with the same team for multiple projects.
  • Having the right tech stack minimises errors and increases efficiency.

What are the drawbacks of choosing the wrong stack?

The 6 things you must keep in mind when choosing the tech stack for your startup

If you end up settling for a wrong tech stack, it can be a huge mistake for your company as well as for your clients:

  •  Choosing a wrong tech stack may lead to incompatible and unnecessary dependencies.
  •  It can result in Dry-schema and Dry-validation misunderstandings
  •  Problems with ROM.rb and Sequel (Database) might occur.
  •  A wrong tech stack might hinder your testing process.
  •  You might face difficulty in hiring the right professionals if the technology chosen by you is not widely used. Your tech stack may become unsustainable or unscalable.

Hence, it is very important that you find a company that knows what they are doing, and Anteelo is one such company.;

The services we specialise in:

1. Frontend Development

Become a frontend development expert with this massive bundle | Creative Bloq

We provide services for “client-side programming,” i.e., frontend development. We believe in creating user-friendly experiences for all our clients. Our list of tools cover Angular, React, Vue, Jquery, SASS, Bootstrap, HTML 5 and CSS 3. Our team ensures that your customer’s experience is delightful and easy to use.

2. Backend Growth

Effective Backend Web Development Technologies In 2020

We prioritize web backend & development services and the services we deliver are comprehensive. The backend tools that we use to make your website proficient and interactive are Laravel, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS, Redis, Firebase and Elasticsearch. Our key quality is our attention to each detail that our clients provide.

The Various Services Anteelo Provides:

1. App Development Services

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In this age of digitalization, every business needs to make an online dent. And for you to achieve that we ensure that our team of professional app developers build a mobile app that suits your business needs and demands. For a successful business app it is important that you develop your mobile application for all crucial platforms like iOS and Android and our team can help you with that

2. Web Development Services

Web Development services by Best website development company

We firmly believe that a great website has the potential to convert visitors into customers. A good website can do wonders for your business. Therefore, we help companies create websites and web applications that help them take their business online. We understand that each of our clients has a different business goal so we customize our services accordingly to meet all the expectations.;

3. DevOps Services

Reasons To Use DevOps Services - DevOps Benefits - i2k2 Blog

At Anteelo our team of AWS experts can manage anything from a new to existing cloud infrastructure for you. We will provide you with the right architecture, organized management and regular optimization and improvements on services. Moreover, with our use of high-quality tools and the latest technology, we promise to deliver the best overall experience to you and your users.


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At the end of the day, it is up to you to make a choice that works best for your startup. You should choose the best technology stack after thoroughly analyzing your requirements, business goals, and resources. What suits someone might not always suit you and vice versa. The choice of a technology stack is very personal and varies from organization to organization. Having a clear view of your requirements would ease the entire process of choosing the right tech stack for your company. Discuss your goals and requirements with your team and choose a tech stack that compliments your company and its business procedures.

Learn to coding with the help of the best App Developers in the world

Learn to code with the help of the best App Developers in the world
Coding has placed itself as one of the most secure jobs in the current world. The demand is set on a high priority mode for a number of years to come.

This is the reason why more and more people who are even mildly interested in technology are preparing to become coders.

However, even among this stable demand in the job market and the passion to follow the path, a number of people are still thinking twice before getting into it, solely because of the misconception that it would need a degree and years of practice to become a coder and join some glorious app development company.

If you too are the one restricting yourself from realizing your code dream because of this misconception, we have listed down ways that you can learn how to code. A list that has been curated by our team of skilled coders.

Before we get into the ways you can learn how to code, let us look into some of the reasons that are motivating people to learn how to code.

1. What is prompting our generation to take up Coding courses

a. It will be around in the future

Learn to code with the help of the best App Developers in the world

When one takes up a course, the idea is to not go with the one whose demand is short lived but go with one that is least replaceable. And, when we talk about the job trends, the one that is going to be around for the foreseeable future and beyond, it is Coding. The tech industry is only going to grow (with many more programming languages coming up) and the only way to grow with it is by joining the club and becoming technical.

b. Demand is much more than supply

Learn to code with the help of the best App Developers in the world

The demand for coders is much higher than the number of coders in the industry – a scenario that doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon.

Having much more demand than the supply comes with its own set of perks. You get to earn much higher than your years of experience and the chance of finding a job irrespective of the geographical boundaries is also much higher.

c. A lot of career options at the back of a strong foundation

A great career strategy relies on strong foundations By IIBM Institute

If you work on your code foundations today, you will have in front of you a series of career options. Even if you are preparing yourself to be a flappy bird developer, with time you will be able to branch out in coding involved with a number of disruptive technologies like AR/VR, Blockchain, or even AI.

Now that we have seen the reasons that are motivating people across the globe to become coders, let us now look into the ways you can learn how to code, even without a programming language experience or a computer science degree. These are the ways that have been suggested by our team of developers who themselves have developed over 500 apps belonging to a range of different disruptive technologies like Chatbots, AI, and Blockchain, amongst others.

Let’s begin.

2. Ways You Can Learn How to Code Without a Computer Science Degree

Okay, a slight detour again.

Before we get into this journey of learning how to code let me help you finalize a programming language first, the one you should start with.

The basic programming language that I would suggest to start with is JavaScript. The language comes in very handy when you are developing an app – one that can be of any type, no matter how complex. The industry demand for JavaScript developers is extremely high. No matter what job portal you are looking into, you will find a listing for JS developers there.

Also, the JavaScript developer community is an ever growing one. New tools are always coming up in the JavaScript industry, giving you, a beginner, a chance to join the league of developers who come with years of experience in the domain and are yet to explore the new batch of tools.

Once you are adept with JavaScript, expand your learning to a more platform specific language. The present and the near future belongs to Kotlin for Android app developers and Swift and iphone app developers. So, choose a platform that you are even remotely passionate about and invest in its specific language.

Now that you must have gathered an idea of what programming language you would like to delve in further, let us now look into what we gathered here for – to learn how to code when you do not even know its basics.

3. Online Courses to Learn Coding From

The Ultimate Guide to Coding for Beginners - Skillcrush

  1. Code.org – Their courses are majorly designed for the K-12 students, but anyone who is looking to start fresh in the coding industry can enroll in these courses.
  2. Codecademy – It is a free resource for learning every major web programming language out there in the industry.
  3. Khan Academy – They have a range of topics to meet the learning needs of coders irrespective of their learning level
  4. Learn Swift – If iOS App Development is what you wish to do, the site is your Meccah. It has pages and pages of data that would help you learn Swift.

4. YouTube Channels That Will Help you Code

11 Best YouTube Channels for Coding and Programming | IE

  1. Learn.code Academy – Topics it Cover – Responsive Design, Sublime Text, Node.js, Backbone.js, Angular.js, Deployment Strategies, etc.
  2. Thenewboston – Topics it Covers – C programming language, Android development, Python, MySQL, etc.
  3. ProgrammingKnowledge – Topics it Covers – Java, C, Python,  Android programming, JavaFX, Bootstrap, etc
  4. Derek Banas – Topics it Covers – Java, PHP, Ruby, HTML, C++,  Python, Android, Assembly language, etc.

5. Blogs you should Follow to Become Better Coders

Top Programming Blogs and Websites Every Programmer Must Follow — agile actors

  1. SitePoint –The blog continuously keeps getting updated with new topics ranging from everything – HTML, CSS, Swift, React.JS, amongst a lot of others.
  2. David Walsh – Managed by Mozilla’s senior developer, David Walsh, the website has a lot of information specific to developers, presented in how-tos, demos, and tutorials.
  3. A List Apart – Have tons of articles for coders irrespective of their expertise level.
  4. SoftwareHow – The blog is a go to the website for anything related to software tools. It comes with a huge collection of guides, tips, and software reviews.

The list would help you immensely at becoming better coders over time. The one thing that you should do though before you drop the idea of learning how to code is at least try one other method of learning, irrespective of what your current mode of learning is.

Big Brands Making Use of PWAs to Improve Their Business

What are Progressive Web Apps? - Ionic BlogAs the technology industry continues to make more and more investment in innovative web solutions, the progressive web apps aka PWAs are becoming more prevalent. Today, PWAs are fully supported by Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and iOS, making great progress in providing benefits of PWA for businesses.

This growing support for PWAs is driven by demands from leading brands seeking to take full advantage of their capabilities. Listing some progressive web app examples below to provide you the growing importance of progressive web apps:

Twitter invested heavily in making its main site a responsive PWA to create a faster user experience with an enhanced interface, joining the likes of Facebook and Pinterest which both use PWA features.

Similarly, media powerhouses like the BBC, The Washington Post, and Forbes have also launched progressive web app for business to distribute their content more seamlessly across consumers and various types of devices, from desktops to cell phones.

The PWA landscape is rapidly changing the e-commerce vertical and big businesses like Twitter, Starbucks, Washington Post, Pinterest, the Weather channel and much more have launched their PWAs in the last six months.

So why are top brands making the switch towards the technology and reaching out to PWA development experts? To get the answers, let’s read and find out.

What are Progressive Web Apps?

What are Progressive Web Apps and How Do They Work?

PWA stands for progressive web app that you can install on your system. It uses the cached data from your previous interactions to enable it to operate offline or without a stable internet connection.

A progressive web app is a website that functions just like a native app. It has all the functionality of a native app and still manages to deliver the usability of a website. PWAs are intended to address a range of problems ranging from inadequate networks to data obstruction or total lack of connectivity.

Google describes PWA’s as web experiences that are:

  • Reliable: Loads instantly and never shows a website to be down, even under unpredictable network conditions.
  • Fast: Responds easily to user interactions, with silky smooth animations and without janky scrolling
  • Engaging: Feels like a normal app, with an intuitive user experience.

Progressive web apps use the latest technologies to blend the best of both online and mobile applications. Progressive web application development is increasingly becoming the norm for the future. For businesses trying to optimise user experiences, PWAs fit right in the requirements in terms of budget, feature, development time and more.

Progressive web app benefits companies by offering an enhanced user experience through progressive enhancement. Robust PWA solutions are useful in accelerating the technological capabilities, empower companies and add the right balance to the business.

Since the advent of PWAs, many businesses have leveraged the power of this platform to reach new markets and enhance their user experience. After all, the Progressive web app framework is simple to develop, test and maintain, post-deployment.

How are Brands Using PWAs to Connect With Users?

The ease of access, cross-browser compatibility, and faster page load times help companies render a higher-level user experience that impresses consumers and gets them hooked.

1. Rising consumer expectations

How technology is changing customer expectations. | by Deborah Nas | The Startup | Medium

Customers have little tolerance for brands that have poor digital experiences. With plenty of choices at their disposal, consumers can easily move on to another brand if they have an underwhelming experience. When Pinterest and Starbucks launched their PWAs, they both saw a noticeable increase in interaction metrics. Pinterest saw a 60 percent rise in mobile interaction with quicker page loads, while Starbucks’ PWA was designed for web-based order management, and is now preferred by consumers over the native app for the coffee company.

 2. Native-like appeal

7 key principles of designing visually appealing websites | The JotForm Blog

PWAs provide a consistent and adaptive interface across all devices. It loads like a standard website but has many advanced native mobile app features, including the ability to add one touch to device home screens, to operate offline, and to allow push notifications. They also offer website benefits, such as search engine discoverability and the ability to be available from all modern web browsers. Additionally, PWAs can appear in the App Store and Google Play alongside native mobile apps.

3. Resource use and decrease in expenses

Maximise savings with cost cutting measures - Bizmag.co.za

PWAs need only one code base to provide website and mobile app-like experience across devices and browsers, which implies it needs only one team, one software platform, one test approach, and one digital product roadmap to plan, design, create and manage both a website and a mobile app-like experience. PWAs not only reduce the cost of product design, development, and maintenance, they also save money for organizations by allowing for quicker delivery of new features and bug fixes.

4. Adaptive

Adaptive thinking in practice

Innovative brands understand that technology is changing at an incredible speed, and they need to implement more forward-looking technologies to avoid rapid cycles of strategy, design, production and re-construct for digital solutions. Progressive Web Apps are fundamentally versatile and continually changing to meet the new functionality improvements. If you are rewriting a legacy website or native mobile application as a PWA today, it will work for years to come as expected. PWAs are built for transition, ensuring that companies should avoid investing in one-off websites and mobile apps that eventually need redesigns to meet evolving demands and technologies from the audience.

9 Best Examples of Companies Using PWAs

1. Forbes

Inside The 2013 Forbes 400: Facts And Figures On America's Richest

Forbes, a multinational media company, turned to Progressive Web Apps for their new mobile experience in order to improve loading times for their readers. The previous Forbes site took about 3-12 seconds to load.

The new site grounded in progressive web app technology is capable of loading in 0.8 seconds. As a result, Forbes saw a 43% increase in sessions and a 100% increase in engagement.

2. Flipkart

Flipkart strengthens fashion business; acquires stake in Flying Machine's owner Arvind Youth Brands - The Financial Express

Flipkart, India’s biggest e-commerce site, adopted a mobile-only strategy in 2015. After shutting down their mobile site and focusing only on their native app, the company was not seeing the desired results. They decided to combine their web presence and native app into a PWA to allow their current and prospective customers to have instant access to their store.

Compared to their previous mobile presence, Flipkart has tripled time-on-site with their Progressive Web App. Users spend an average of 3.5 minutes on Flipkart Lite versus 70 seconds on the predecessor.

Flipkart has also generated a 40% higher re-engagement rate among first-time visitors and a 70% higher conversion rate due to the “Add to Homescreen” icon, because customers have instant access to Flipkart whenever they want.

3. MakeMyTrip

According to the MakeMyTrip Survey, 1 in every 2 Indian traveller is looking to book an alternative accommodation for their next trip | Travel Trade News | Online Travel News | Travel Magazine

MakeMyTrip is India’s leading travel company with 8 million visitors monthly. After the addition of PWA, the major changes in the site such as improvement in conversion rate is 3X, the loading time of the page has increased by 38% and shopper sessions have increased up to 160%.

4. TwitterLite

Twitter Lite is now available in 21 more countries | Engadget

Twitter wished their mobile web to be faster and more attractive. In addition to PWA, Twitter launched TwitterLite which becomes the fastest and easiest way to use Twitter. With lower data consumption, TwitterLite also gives benefits such as reduced Bounce Rate up to 20%, and the page per session increased up to 65%, 75% in Tweets.

5. Alibaba

Alibaba.com | LinkedIn

Alibaba.com is the world’s largest marketplace for suppliers, buyers, and manufactures. It is the biggest E-commerce platform that recently adopted PWA and witnessed a significant increase in interaction rate up to 4X, and a huge rise in the conversion rate by up to 76%.

6. Starbucks Coffee

Menu of Starbucks Coffee, Connaught Place (CP), New Delhi - magicpin

Starbucks allows its customers to check the menu, create the orders and add the orders to the cart even when there is no signal or poor connection. With the addition of PWA, Starbucks improved its performance and rendered a highly responsive and fast performance.

7. Trivago

Trivago - one of the largest hotel search engine

Trivago is a big name in Hotel Search Engine Marketing. The availability of Trivago’s PWA is in 55 countries worldwide with 33 languages. After the adoption of PWA, the percentage of user engagement has increased by up to 50% and Click rate has increased by 97%.

8. Instagram

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We all use Instagram, but are not aware about its working. When you access Instagram on the mobile browser, you are accessing it through PWA. Presently the PWA looks very much like the traditional application and gives you some additional features like you can now upload images.

9. Pinterest

Pinterest - India

When you consider Pinterest’s UI and its design, it is totally fit to take advantage of Progressive Web App technology, thus they have. Their PWA gives them a lot quicker loading times and the capacity for clients to add it directly to their landing page with no download or installation. They’ve seen a 40% rise in time spent on the mobile site, just as a 44% increment in client generated ad revenue.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Progressive Web Apps

Advantages of a PWA

Smaller and faster

Sonic Running Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Many individuals, despite the fact that native apps take a lot of space, would utilize these applications but they need more space on their smartphones so they can’t install them. But that is not an issue with PWAs, which only take space for what they need, making them quicker to download and saving space.

Offline capabilities

Lot of people realize the advantages of progressive web apps and that’s why they are downloading PWAs in light of the fact that it can be utilized even without an Internet connection. Also, these applications even work when the server is dead, making users not lose anything, and this is all such a great deal for conversions.

Cost-friendly than other apps

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Since content just needs to be delivered once, PWA saves time and money in contrast to making content independently for iOS, Android, and a site. Also, PWAs don’t need to be updated very often. Clients don’t need to download new data. If PWA works, you presently don’t need to stress over its development, which makes it a financially alluring option, similarly to Flutter, for instance.

Independent app

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PWAs can be found by means of search engines and other platforms. PWAs can also be offered through social media, home page, or by another means. You are not required to be reliant upon application stores.

Disadvantages of a PWA

Limited browser support

Empoprise-BI: Revisiting my nine year old rant on sites that support limited browsers

PWAs are Android-driven and don’t work on popular browsers, including Safari, IE, and Edge. Since Safari overwhelms 51% of the browser market in the U.S., thus implying that a huge percentage of mobile clients will be unable to access PWAs.

But on the positive side, fresh browser versions of Opera, Chrome, and Firefox support PWAs, making other browsers to support this in the coming future.

 Limited Hardware and Software Support

Hardware & Software Support

PWAs are generally new and not yet upheld by many device hardware and software. For instance, iOS doesn’t support PWA’s notification and home screen shortcuts.

Also, PWAs don’t support the utilization of GPS, finger impression scanners, smartphone cameras, and other device features.

No download store

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PWA don’t appear in popular application stores, for example, Google Play and the Apple App Store, which may delegitimize them.

Application stores not just give authenticity and social evidence of applications to likely users through reviews, however they additionally go about as a list that allows users to look for and find relevant applications.

Since most clients directly look for apps in application stores rather than in search engines, thus your audience may miss your PWA app.

No access to innovations

You Need an Innovation Strategy

Not every technical choice, like Bluetooth or Near Field Communication (NFC), can be applied to PWAs. This implies that you are restricted in the potential applications for your application. The inquiry is whether other future developments can likewise be utilized by PWAs.

Progressive Web Apps and The Future of Mobile Web

If you need a steady and consistent mobile app experience, then progressive apps are the best choice applications. PWA development company like Anteelo can offer interactive user experience similar to a native app without any high development expenses. The benefits of PWAs have been leveraged by many big brands, now it is your time to take up progressive web apps agency in USA and increase your conversions and revenue figures.

Challenges Faced by iOS Developers

Apple is improving every day. Throughout the years, iOS is widely used on an assortment of devices including iPhone, iPad, and iPod. And yet, with every new update, Apple brings new abilities and difficulties for developers over the globe. The below pointers talk about the challenges face by iOS developers while working on an iOS app: But iOS developers do face a lot of challenges while creating an iOS app. Some iOS developer challenges are mentioned below:

Challenges Faced by iOS Developers

Becoming an iOS developer - POCIT. Telling the stories and thoughts of people of color in tech.

Anyone can make an iOS app by using the iOS developer kit, which is regularly updated by Apple. But iOS developers do face some challenges while creating an iOS app, like:

1. Eligibility: 

Selling 18+ rated video games and movies – is this allowed?

If you want to distribute your app on the App Store, you have to be 18 years or older and you have to purchase a membership by paying a fee of 99 USD per year. This can be a real hurdle for new developers who are just starting out with iOS development or for someone who is just experimenting with an idea. Also, the age requirement can be a limiting factor for young developers who are talented but do not meet the age criteria.

2. Rejection from the App Store:

What factors are responsible for iPhone app rejection on Apple app store? - WhaTech

Apple is very strict about the quality standards for apps in the App Store and has laid down clear guidelines that an app must follow. Your app might get rejected due to the following reasons:

  • Poor Performance: An app can be rejected if it doesn’t run smoothly without any major lags. Apple gives top priority to user satisfaction and if the app is slow to load, it is unresponsive or if it has major bugs, there is a good chance that the app will get rejected from the App Store.
  • Lack of information about the app: Every app must include metadata which describes what the app does, like screenshots, videos, and descriptions.
  • Safety Issues: The app should not include objectionable content which might include content that promotes violence, pornography, or consumption of illegal drugs, etc. If the app is in the kid’s category then it can’t include third-party analytics or third-party advertising.
  • Substandard UI and UX: The app must have a decent user interface which is not too confusing for the users. The layout should be pleasing to the eye and must include proper margin and padding. Also, the app should not be very complicated to use which might affect the overall user experience.
  • Copy of an already existing app: If the app is just a copy of another app in the App Store, it will be rejected as it does not include any original content.

3. Device Compatibility

Apple iPhone 11 review: The best $700 iPhone Apple has ever made - CNET

Apple has released 11 iPhone versions, and each new iPhone comes with major updates in both hardware and software. Developers have to constantly learn the new features in the new versions and update the app accordingly; otherwise, the app will not run on the latest iPhone. Although it takes a while for a new iPhone to be released when compared to Android, developers still have to keep in mind about the major changes in the newer iOS updates and iOS challanges.

4. Resource Consumption

Monitoring memory usage of a running Python program | by Russell Keith-Magee | Survata Engineering Blog | Medium

An app has limited resources available to it and it must minimize the use of critical resources like battery, CPU power and memory, otherwise, it might affect the proper functioning of the device. This can prompt the user to uninstall the app from the device or give it low ratings, which might affect the popularity of the app in the App Store. To utilize resources optimally, the app should be free from major bugs and should not contain unnecessary code. The focus should be given on testing the app and removing bugs in an agile manner. Sometimes developers have to create two versions of the same app for making it compatible with both low and high-end devices. This can increase development time and cost to maintain two versions of the same app.

5. Hardware and software requirements:

Image about tumblr in 3 Macbook Air by S on We Heart It

The biggest difficulty while developing an iOS application is that the Integrated Development Environment utilized for developing them is only compatible with Mac. A developer has to have a Mac device to develop an iOS application. This hardware constraint compels the developer to build on a particular platform thereby adding to the difficulty.

6. Storage Issues

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iOS devices don’t include the trash assortment function. The application can be ended on the off chance that it turns source-controlled. Along these lines, it is a daunting task for the iOS developers to manage memory within the app. While building up an application for a particular adaptation of iOS, we can’t overlook that equivalent version runs on different iPhone devices and every one of them has a varying level of capacity and memory. There are applications and games that utilize a ton of space. Users are unable to use those applications or games, even if their smartphone is compatible with it.

7. Battery and Performance Optimization

Low Battery Stock Photos and Images - 123RF

Battery Drainage is a very significant problem that is very common with Apple users. A client tends to uninstall an IOS application on the off chance that they discover that it is draining out their phone battery. Therefore, iOS developers need to ensure that the application doesn’t execute any sort of unessential procedure that can suck the battery power. Battery and performance optimization itself being a difficult errand should be precisely looked upon particularly when any new iOS adaptation is launched.

8. High Expectations of UX/UI

Web design, web development, UI and UX: What's the difference and which do you need? - 99designs

Because of its High-quality UX and crisp layout, iOS has emerged as the top choice of users. While making an iOS application, engineers need to remember the requirements and feasibility of the end-users. They have to ensure the UI contains just the crucial features so as to make an easy-to-understand functionality. While making UI/UX for an application, developers ought to consider contemporary designs, so as to make an intelligent and instinctive interface. Since  Apple has always provided its users with top-notch quality, the developers have the responsibility of keeping up the quality of the apps, or else users will not like it.


Apple presents hardware and programming developments consistently while keeping up with firm security and control norms. iOS Development companies and developers must work in accordance with these advancements so they can limit the difficulties encountered during the application development process. The above-mentioned iOS developer challenges give the developers an insight into the hardships they might face and provides a front foot over the challenges that they might face during the development process. However, developers need to fathom with occasional updates so as to limit the efforts and provide quality solutions for the end-users. Constant testing and improvement experience will cause you to defeat all the forthcoming issues.

Website Loading Times: 4 Ways They Affect Your Business

9 Ways on How to Improve Your Website's Loading Speed

Here’s a question for you: what’s the first thing any visitor notices on your website ? Your header? Your logo? Your headline? The answer is none of these; it’s your loading time. Before a visitor sees any of your content, they’ll watch your website load. The expectation is that this will happen almost instantaneously. If it doesn’t, they’ll start to leave and this will impact on your conversion rates. But there are other reasons why a slow loading site causes problems: it increases your bounce rate, it makes your site harder to crawl, it gives a poorer experience for your visitor and, perhaps most crucially, it lowers your ranking on search engines. In this post, we’ll look at the importance of site speed for your website.

1. Google uses site speed as a ranking factor

The Google Speed Update: Page speed will become a ranking factor in mobile search

Google’s mission to provide users with the best possible search results means it is actively demoting slow loading websites. It doesn’t consider it good business to send visitors to websites that take too long to load as it reflects badly on itself. So, even if your content is great, your ranking in search results can still suffer. And this means less traffic and fewer sales.

What’s more, this applies to searches done on mobiles as well as on computers, so if your desktop site runs fine but your mobile site is sluggish, you’re still going to rank lower.

2. Site speed affects search engine crawling

Learn To Conduct Search Engine Optimization With These Suggestions - OSS Blog

If you want all your content to be searchable on the internet, search engines have to discover what’s there. This is done through what is known as site crawling, where a search bot will go to your homepage and follow all the links until it has made an inventory of every page it can find. These pages and their content are then indexed so they can be searched for.

When undertaking a crawl, a search engine needs to send requests to your server to receive information about your content. However, as each request uses up a part of your server’s resources, search engines are reluctant to send too many in case they slow your website down for genuine visitors. If your loading times are slow or you have a poor server response time, then, to prevent overburdening your website, search engines will crawl fewer pages. As a result, not all your pages may get indexed or updates to existing pages may not get noticed.

This should not be a big problem for small websites, however, if you have a large website that is constantly adding new content or if you have a significant amount of older content, it could be an issue. One way to improve crawling efficiency is to improve your site structure. Delete outdated content, eradicate any broken links, put in redirects where necessary and tidy up your menus and categories.  This will cut down on the amount of unnecessary crawling a search engine has to do, so it can focus on the content that counts.

3. Faster sites have higher conversion rates

Page Speed and Decreased Conversion Rates: 2019 Statistics

While studies into the effects of site speed have come up with different figures, they all agree on one thing: the faster a website, the higher its conversion rates. HubSpot looked at 12 different case studies and showed that a 1 second delay in loading times reduces conversion and revenue by 7% and page views by 11%. Similar results were shown for bounce rates: the faster the loading times, the lower the rate. A page that loaded in 9.9 seconds had a 58% bounce rate, compared to 12.8% for a page that loaded in 2.4 seconds.

This goes to show that even the smallest delay can impact your bottom line. Quite simply, the longer people have to wait, the fewer of them are going to stick around all the way to the checkout. To grab those sales and remain competitive, you have to have a website that loads faster than your competitors.

4. A faster website equals happier users

3 Speed Performance Metrics that focus on User Experience

If you want visitors to stick around until they purchase something, you have to provide them with a great experience. This is especially so if you want to retain those customers over the long term. Studies have shown that site speed is an integral part of creating a good user experience – this is why Google places so much importance on it when ranking sites. The statistics for conversion rates and bounce rates back this up.

If you want to improve your brand reputation and increase customer loyalty, making your website faster should be one of the things that you consistently try to achieve.

How to improve your site speed

Organizational Speed in the Digital Age | Corporate Compliance Insights

The first stage for anyone wanting to make their site faster is to discover its current desktop and mobile loading times and to find out where improvements need to be made. You can find this out easily by using the free Google PageSpeed Insights Tool. Just type in your URL and it will give your site marks out of 100 for its desktop and mobile loading times. The higher the mark, the better. Of more value, it will also identify the issues which are causing your loading times to be slow and provide you with a list of modifications that can make it load even quicker. These will include things such as caching, compression and image optimisation.

Another issue which can affect your loading times is the performance of your web server. This can be due to your host using slower hardware or not configuring the server for optimum speed. For those on a shared hosting plan, it can also be due to other users hogging all the server resources and your host not dealing with the matter.


As you can see, slow loading speeds can affect your site in all kinds of ways: lowing search engine ranking, preventing pages from being indexed, reducing conversion rates and revenue, and negatively impacting the user experience. Hopefully, the information provided here will help you check your own site speed and put measures in place to make it load faster.

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