Top IoT Trends that Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Out in 2021

Top 35 IoT Terms You Need to Know

IoT – the concept which started taking leap decades ago has today not just gotten mainstream but has also marked a presence, across industries and the globe.

With its market size poised to be 1.6 trillion by the time we reach 2025, entrepreneurs and businesses from all corners are finding opportunities to enter the segment.

In this article, we are going to look into the IoT trends and its advantages, which would act as a torchbearer for businesses looking for an area to expand into.

And since we are well past the stage where we address what is IoT and how IoT works, and what are the advantages of IoT, let us jump straight to IoT app development trends in the world.

But before that, here’s a quick synopsis of the IoT market to set the tone of the article.

18 Striking IoT Trends 2021 and Beyond

1. Rise in number & types of IoT devices 

The Negative Impact of Manufacturing Technology in Business

2017 ended with 8.4 billion IoT connected devices, 2018 saw the number increase to 9.2 billion. The 2021 number is all set to be 20.8 billion by the time the year ends.

It is not just the number of connected devices which is on a rise but also the types. Here are the different IoT device types that are expected to go mainstream this year:

  • Voice Assistants
  • GPS Trackers
  • Smart Bands or Fitness Bands.
  • Smart Locks
  • Smart Smoke Alarms
  • Amazon Dash button
  • Smoke Detectors
  • Child Monitor
  • Doorbell Cameras
  • Home mesh Wifi Systems
  • Fitness Devices
  • Wearables
  • IoT based Security Systems
  • Security Cameras

2. Consumer IoT (CIoT) and Industrial IoT (IIoT)

IoT Trends For 2020

CIoT is an IoT ecosystem that assists organizations with improving user experience by utilizing “insight” on users’ Internet-connected gadgets.

The customer IoT market is active for the last five years and is giving indications of slowing down. The Industrial Internet of Things on the other hand will start getting more attention as more and more companies start building modern industrial systems that want the adoption of IoT. Utilizing industrial IoT can decrease the probability of unexpected episodes in data transmission, information processing, or centralized administration.

3. Smart homes will become a norm

Smart Homes Will Soon Be The Norm, Not The Exception - Inman

Even people who discarded smart homes as devices for pretentious youngsters are now finding it difficult to ignore the capabilities the technology comes with. While it started with a steady growth, the demand for connected home devices will see a sharp rise in the years to come.

This demand, in turn, will increase the need for the manufacturing of connected electronic devices.

4. Cloud & edge computing 

The Edge Computing Ecosystem: From Sensors to the Centralized Cloud - CB Insights Research

For a long time, the IoT devices have been relying on the cloud for storing their data. But the IoT application development industry has now started wondering about the implications of utilizing storing, calculation, and analyzing data to limit.

They are demanding that instead of sending the data from IoT devices to cloud, the data should first be transferred to local devices which are closer to the edge of the network. This local storage helps in sorting, filtering, and calculating the data and sending a part or the whole data to the cloud, thus reducing the traffic to network.

Edge computing offers a series of benefits to an IoT application development company and developers, which makes it one of the key emerging trends in IoT technology –

  • Better management of large amount of data which every device sends
  • Lowered dependency on cloud helping apps perform faster with reduced latency
  • IoT based mobile apps consumes less bandwidth.

5. A greater focus on IoT security 

10 Biggest security challenges for IoT

With the adoption being on a rise, more and more devices are getting connected to the Internet of Things. And as the network is expanding, the volume of data is also expanding and there is more information which is at risk.  In fact, the security vulnerability has also become a prominent answer of what are the challenges in IoT domain.

This greater use of IoT tools and technologies must be accompanied with a greater boost to IoT security awareness and training. The year to come will see machine to machine authentication overlapping, biometric logins becoming a norm, and technology combinations like IoT and big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence being used to eliminate data infractions.

6. Greater personalization

Tips for Greater Personalization | Simantel

There would hardly be any industry left which has incorporated IoT in its offerings and is not taking advantage of personalization. With the help of beacon and sensors, the retail domain will be able to deliver next-level service offerings, through the use of IoT technology. Likewise, sectors like Healthcare and Edutech will also be able to deliver customized value offerings to their end customers.

This time can also be seen as a golden period for marketers looking to make a unique impact on their customers.

7. Incorporation of artificial intelligence, big data, and machine learning 

future-medical-technology-controlled-by-ai-robot-using-machine-learning-artificial-intelligence - The Arab Hospital Magazine

There was once a time when the goal of IoT was to collect data coming in from multiple sources. But today, the intent has become to not just collect data but also extract useful information from it.

Incorporation of next gen technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning will define the trends and implications of IoT in the coming time.

Using the data analytics tools in the connected devices, businesses will be able to decisions around both predictive and preventive measures. And soon it will become a part of the latest IoT trends, both of the present time and the future.

8. Blockchain for IoT security and BaaS will become mainstream

IoT and Blockchain: Challenges and Risks

Although an extension on the security section, the integration of IoT and Blockchain deserves special attention of Blockchain development companies.

There are some pestering issues that IoT faces which have been adversely affecting the overall IoT growth trends and its mass adoption – Scalability, High Cost, Security, etc. being a few of them. A majority of these issues can be traced back to the centralized network.

Being centralized, there is minimal to zero guarantee in terms of security, especially since the data is held by a specific party.

Blockchain, being decentralized eliminates the issues of lack of security and control being with one party. The plethora of benefits that the combination of IoT and Blockchain offers makes it one of the important trend in IoT technology.

9. Smart cities will start flourishing

Five Technologies that any Smart City Needs to Cater - BW Smart Cities

What has been lying in the background for some years now, Smart Cities will become a thing of reality in the time to come. 2021 and the years to come will see the inception of several internet of things applications, which would be directed at improving environmental, social, and financial elements of urban living. The tech spending directed towards smart cities and the efforts to build IoT architecture, which is anticipated to reach $80 billion by 2050 will become a prime ingredient in the goal to improve the quality of living and sustainability.

10. SaaS will emerge as a norm

Saas, Paas, & Iaas- Decoding the 3 Cloud Computing Service Models | by Cuelogic Technologies | Cuelogic Technologies | Medium

It is impossible to talk about the technology without mentioning the benefits of cloud computing in IoT. By making data accessible in real-time, SaaS will find itself getting explored by a number of businesses as part of IoT trends 2021.

The time to come will see more cloud vendors coming in the picture for becoming an active part of the dependency that mass IoT adoption will bring alongside.

11. Unified IoT framework 

IoT Platform - For All Your Virtual Security Solution Needs!

The absence of a unified IoT framework is something that has been a major challenge for the IoT industry for a long time. The fact that not many companies work around a shared central platform, affects the adoption process to a huge extent.

Solving the issue through Blockchain will be one of the major IoT trends 2021. Blockchain driven ecosystem will bring all the data in one place with a decentralized operation model where the information will not be in control of any one entity.

12. Increased consumer adoption

What is Product Adoption? 4 Examples to Increase Adoption

One of the prime IoT market trends and the time to come will see IoT being used for not just personal or consumer based use but also industrial use. A validation of this can be seen in the numbers that the IoT connecting devices were set to grow to over 3.7 billion by 2019 and to over 50 billion by the time next year ends.

While the consumer based adoption of IoT is well talked about, we will look into the industrial internet of things in much detail in the next section.

As of now, the future of IoT lies in worldwide adoption.

13. Location tracking and wireless sensing will become a lot more relevant 

One of the major IoT Mobile App Development Trends will be seen in efficient tracking of location and wireless sensing.

With 5G prepared to come on the forefront, apps will get new capabilities on these fronts. According to Gartner, wireless sensing will be used for the creation of drone and virtual assistants, in addition to being helpful in object recognition, and medical diagnostics.

14. Greater efficiency and personalization in customer service 

The Importance of Personalization in Customer Service | by Kritagya Pandey | Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine

There are several use cases of how is IoT shaping up the future of better customer service. Operative majorly at the back of IoT and Big Data convergence, customer experience is poised to become a lot more personalized in the coming time. The combination of both is what would help in achieving true omni-channel customer experience, which is a need of every modern day business, irrespective of what industry they belong to.

15. Voice will become the new mode of communication

16 Types of Modes of Communication with Examples - Leverage Edu

Voice search, while already extremely hyped in the market, will see new demand flourishing this year. This time, it will be around IoT devices – for summoning them, connecting them with other devices.

This operation has majorly been done by algorithms, but from this year, you will see the operation becoming voice centric.  

16. Predictive maintenance will witness a rise

Using predictive analytics in health care | Deloitte Insights

The next-gen manufacturing tools will make use of built-in sensors and advanced programming for performing predictive analytics and forecasting the potential issues much before they actually happen.

This will not just lower the downtime but the data based predictive analytics will also eliminate guessing games from the preventative maintenance strategies. It will enable engineers to schedule and then initiate maintenance when the machines are dormant.

17. Automotive revolutionizing interaction between cars and people

SMART CAR – Revolutionizing the future of car technology

The employment of IoT in the automotive sector has brought in a vast development in the field of fleet management, connected cars, maintenance systems, and in-vehicle infotainment and telematics.

An idea of auto cars is basically based on the establishment of the IoT, autonomous vehicles are about connectivity. This implies that the vehicle is remotely controlled by IoT and automated vehicles are a forthcoming entity.

IoT car support system assists an individual to take essential steps to prevent the parts of the vehicle/car from abrupt breakdown. Like dashboard indicators of a vehicle, this framework alarms the driver about the possible breakdowns. In any case, the alarms are sent to the driver’s phone, before the issue even happens. This assists the driver with making cost effective and efficient strides to evade component failure while driving.

18. Better workforce management

Why You Need Better Workforce Management for a Productivity Boost

The use of headlights in recording the hours is expected to turn into an ordinary practice. Headlights are normally used to send messages to customers through smart phones. Decreasing the expense will expand the use of beacons in dealing with the work force. Beacons can be utilized to monitor personal and schedule tasks. All the information from these frameworks can promptly be used to populate the solutions of performance management.

Beacons can be generally used to screen the safety of the employee. This applies to circumstances where fitting safety equipment should be utilized. The health sector can utilize signals to screen the activities of doctors, medical professionals and nurses. This incorporates admittance to medical records and the use of medical equipment. IoT is quite possibly the most important subversive methods on the market.

These 18 IoT technology trends for 2021 that you just read are only the tip of the iceberg. The adoption of the technology would go above and beyond when it comes to changing the lives of millions, through connection.

On the note of changing lives, let us look at all the prospective industries IoT would touch in the coming year and how they would become new trends in IoT.

Industries That Will Get Affected by IoT in 2021

Although there are a plethora of industries which will witness IoT redefining their processes, there are a few which will play on in a front foot mode when the emerging trends in IoT are being defined.

A. Consumer electronics 

Supply chain pain points: Consumer electronics

The functionality of the IoT ecosystem depends entirely on the devices it interacts with. While there are already a number of IoT driven consumer devices operative in the market, there will be more to come in the coming time.

Here are some of the device types that will go mainstream in the coming time –

  • Next-gen locks to secure vehicles, home, and other personal belongings
  • Smart appliances which regulate power consumption
  • AI driven thermostats that adjust room temperature according to the weather outside.

B. Healthcare

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The IoT trends in healthcare will touch every single aspect of the sector. IoT implementation in healthcare will affect not just the software but also the hardware systems of the industry.

Several new personal healthcare devices like wearables will enter the market, enabling consumers to monitor their own health. Another Internet of Things trends in the healthcare sector will be seen in several hardware coming into existence allowing medical officials to track staff and patients, while monitoring the medical equipment.

C. Manufacturing 

Manufacturing - Overview, History, Economic Impact

The industry is one of the major sectors to become a part of industrial IoT trends 2021. Manufacturers from across the globe have already started investing in embedded devices for monitoring assets and equipment.

Commonly called smart manufacturing, Use of IoT in manufacturing improved the productivity and efficiency of operations.

D. Automotive

Automotive Suppliers | Siemens Digital Industries Software

Majority of the IoT next six year’s growth will be seen coming from the automotive and industrial sectors, according to an IDC report. The two domains alone would highlight a yearly growth rate of 60% in the IoT sector, solely at the back of the growing number of complexities of sensors which capture data from machines, automobiles, and other industry based assets.

E. Financial service

9 Effective Financial Services Marketing Techniques | DAP

With users opening up to the idea of conducting their financial services on different devices, the IoT trends in the financial domain will become too prevalent to ignore by financial software development companies.

The time to come will see introduction to smart cash points having connected vending machines that would allow consumers to take loan, accept deposits, transfer money, and undertake a plethora of other financial transactions straight from a device.

Apart from new financial models, the IoT trends in insurance industry will come in the forefront with the industry expanding their offerings to accommodate the risks and needs of connected devices and ecosystem.

F. Retail

How Smart Devices and IoT Are Reshaping the Retail Industry

The IoT trends in retail will see the industry seeing physical and eCommerce getting combined. Instead of visiting the stores, consumers will soon be able to try on outfits at home through the power of Virtual Reality. The grocery industry will also witness an overhaul with IoT changing food consumption, farming, and the overall supply chain.

The time to come will witness an Omni-Channel retail, powered by IoT app trends.

G. Energy 

Energy Security | OSCE

The incorporation of IoT in the energy sector will lead to the industry becoming a lot more efficient and streamlined in terms of energy management. The impact of IoT in the energy sector will majorly be seen in the following areas through the mode of smart cities and smart homes –

  • Cost Saving
  • Better energy consumption and management
  • New data source offering transparency in the system.

H. Education and training 

Education and Training | NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics

The last but very impactful trends in IoT applications will be seen in the training and education domain. In the time to come, IoT will become a very important skill that a modern-day engineer or marketer should understand. Noting the heightened rise, we are going to see more courses lineup aiming at IoT specific studies.

We will also see businesses invest in boot-camp courses within offices to give their employees an exposure of the technology in action.

Challenges Of IoT

An Introduction to the Internet of Things

At present, there are four fundamental drivers of the IoT market: the ever-growing Internet connectivity, smartphone devices, and sensor devices with lower costs, great investments are filling the IoT. Also, there are four challenges for the growth of the IoT market: worries about cybersecurity, privacy, application process issues. Innovation is yet scattering.

The Internet Of Things is facing problems in many areas such as IT, Healthcare, Data Analytics and so on. Let’s discuss some of the challenges.


Billions of internet-enables devices get associated in an enormous network where large volumes of information need to be processed. The system that stores, examines the information from IoT gadgets should be scalable. In the present period of IoT evolution everyday objects are associated with one another through the Internet. The raw information acquired from these gadgets need enormous information investigation and cloud storage for understanding helpful information.


Technological principles in many regions are still divided. These technologies should be joined to help us in building up a typical structure and the standard for the IoT gadgets. As the standardization cycle is still lacking interoperability of IoT. This absence of interoperability is preventing us to move towards the vision of associated everyday interoperable smart items.

Connectivity issues

In its present form, the IoT uses a centralized, server-client model to give availability to the different servers, workstations and systems. This is very productive, since the IoT is yet in its earliest stages, however what happens when billions of devices are all using the network simultaneously.

According to updated reports from Gartner, more than 20 billion individual units will connect to the IoT by 2021. It’s just a matter of time before users start to experience significant bottlenecks in IoT connectivity, efficiency and overall performance.


While these above mentioned emerging IoT technologies trends will be a good starting point, you will still need someone to help you with getting started with a full-fledged business in the IoT sector. And so, the next thing to follow after being accustomed with what is the future of IoT is getting in touch with an IoT app development company who would hand hold you towards future and next-gen offering.

You can also opt for companies in your area like IoT app development company USA, if you live in the US or any other area where you reside. But you have to be careful while choosing a company or developer to get quality results. Check the expertise and knowledge of the blockchain development company before finalizing any prospect.

Why angularjs is a match for Web App Development?

AngularJS started as a research project by Google that ultimately became one of the most popular responsive web app development frameworks. While working with AngularJS, you can be assured of a highly dependable scalable code base. Compared to most other JavaScript frameworks AngularJS is fast, powerful, and versatile enough to integrate with other frameworks. Built by commendable brains like Adam Abrons and Miško Hevery of Google it easily stands out from other JavaScript frameworks for responsive web development. Here we explain some of the key reasons to choose AngularJS for web app development.




Any AngularJS development company will agree to the fact that it is an exceptionally simple and fast-paced JavaScript MVC Framework for front-end development. By adding a few attributes to the HTML a developer can quickly build an app. AngularJS is equipped to enhance the HTML code while building controls for all types of difficult functions and creating a dependency between the template and the controller. To help beginners, there are plenty of useful tutorials available. If you want to build a web app quickly with a simple interface and few crucial features, AngularJS is the ideal framework to opt for.


AngularJS developers speak to the program’s unmatched competence in creating and adding new features for customizing an app. It is well equipped with state of the art features to drive app performance like filters, data binding, directives, animations, API client, routing, form validation, and many more features that are sought after for web development. With AngularJS you can easily update and improve without undertaking a bulk of coding tasks.

The best thing about this framework is that it helps to create new elements and adds new features and functions to an app without disrupting the performance. The framework offers a lot of productivity tools to help with developing new features and improving or updating the app. Furthermore, the community-shared mutual libraries allow more versatility and flexibility.



As far as collaborating with other libraries for responsive web app development is concerned, AngularJS offers smooth and easy integration. If the developers are working with other object-oriented MVC frameworks for the server-side development, they can easily integrate AngularJS for client-side development.

AngularJS, thanks to dependency injection, allows easy integration with other libraries. To create new functionalities you also have an array of libraries that can easily supplement AngularJS for a project.


AngularJS comes loaded with a robust testing mechanism to ensure building an error-free and high-performance app. When you need to upgrade and fix issues, powerful inbuilt testing tools to make your job easier. The apps built with AngularJS are highly testable ensuring a high degree of performance. 5 Top Reasons To Choose AngularJS For Web Application Development | by Angular Minds | Medium


One of the most crucial reasons for choosing AngularJS is its two-way data binding capacity. With such data binding, any change incorporated into the interface directly results in changes to the app objects. Similarly, any change with the app objects results in changes to the app interface as well. This saves development time and makes incorporating changes to the app easier.


AngularJS is capable of intelligent heavy lifting. AngularJS builds the controller function and dependency easily between the template and the controller thanks to intelligent heavy lifting. It is equipped to grab the required share of the app data and render it onto the device screen with the concerted output of the template and the controller.


AngularJS works seamlessly with HTML coding, and that enables it to develop the app based on basic information models instead of creating rows of tasks awaiting their turns in the MVC pipeline. This ensures that the developers working with AngularJS have to write less code. Apart from this, AngularJS will also help you to scale up the capacity of the app with minor tweaks in the code base. This ease of coding actually helps to build the app faster while ensuring optimum performance.


AngularJS is one of the frameworks that are known for a declarative coding paradigm for building frequently accessible patterns. Thanks to declarative coding paradigm you can ensure more lightweight code allowing optimum ease in reading and supporting. The declarative code of the AngularJS apps does not describe all steps pertaining to the app but only ones that are absolutely required along with their expected outcomes.


Just because AngularJS is patterned after AngularJS started as a research project by Google that ultimately became one of the most popular responsive web app development frameworks. Thanks to this inbuilt directives the developers can now create logic more easily with the more productive output. In case of any confusion, you can always refer to the directives to ensure better code readability.


AngularJS offers a client-side solution with great compatibility for both desktop and mobile browsers. Without requiring any modifications, AngularJS can easily be deployed across any project. This makes it an ideal framework for building any front-end app. This also ensures faster deployment across systems and browsers that offer support for JavaScript.


In a JavaScript framework the filters work for refining the values for display. This is of great value for any web app trying to appear consistent and meaningful for the users. Filters can change the decimal value of a number to show it with full value, or it can add pagination to the pages of your website or can just change the uppercase or lowercase string of letters to the opposite. With custom filters, you can also tweak these values in your own preferred ways.

AngularJS is completely well-equipped to deliver all the attributes and features you look for in a modern responsive web app. Most important of all, it takes off a major load from the developers.

What’s the future of website scrolling?

It’s hard to create the illusion of a 3 dimensional object from a 2 dimensional image and I’m not talking about the recent craze of 3-D TV’s, mobile gaming consuls and computers. There is a way to do it though. Parallax scrolling. Parallax scrolling was first used for video games and it gave the illusion of 3-D from a 2-D image.

How does this work though? When scrolling the background images move slower than different foreground images, which creates an illusion of depth to the viewer. You will notice this type of scrolling on old video games like Moon Patrol (the first game this technique was used on) or more popular games like Sonic the Hedgehog I & II and Street Fighter II.

Recently some websites have been receiving a face-lift using parallax scrolling, truly transforming the look and feel of the site, like the Nike website. The background and various images move at different speeds allowing for the 3-D illusion. The best part about this is, it is not with old 80’s video game graphics, but can be seen on Full HD display’s. This rather old technology can is being applied in a new ways and makes for a very exciting web experience.

AI in Web Development: Python’s the best

May it be an MNC or a new startup, Python has a lot of benefits to offer everybody. It is the most renowned and efficient high-level programming language which has got largely famous in the past few years. It’s growing fame has enabled it to come out of the web development sphere and dive into some of the most popular and multifaceted processes like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, etc.

With its steady rise in fame, the demand for Artificial Intelligence is at a boom as it has become an integral part of various industries like Health Care, Education, Banking, Food & Beverage Industry, E-commerce, Agriculture, Marketing, Automation, etc.

Python Is Best Fit For Artificial Intelligence in Web Development

There is no denying the fact that python plays a very significant part in the sky-rocketing of AI in the market. There are numerous reasons to opt Python for Artificial Intelligence in Web Development a few of which are listed below.

1. Simple and Consistent

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Python is well-known for its brief and easily readable code and is totally unparalleled when it comes to the ease of use, especially for budding developers. While Artificial Intelligence is based on complex algorithms and vivid workflows, Python allows developers to create dependable systems. Due to this simplicity provided by Python, the developers get to focus primarily on solving AI problems rather than wasting their time on tech-nuance of the programming languages.

Also, Python is the first choice of many developers as it is very easy to learn. The code written in Python is easily comprehensible by humans, which makes working with it very swift. Python is also more intuitive than other programming languages and is very beneficial when multiple programmers collaborate on the same code. The simplicity of the Python syntax allows quick development along with very prompt testing (without having a need for implementation). Python uses approximately a fifth if the code that might be needed to do the same task in any other language based on OOPS.  The ease of code and the simplicity involved in it makes easier for a developer to work on it thereby also reducing the time to complete a job.

2. An extensive selection of libraries and frameworks.

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A major facet that makes Python a leading choice for Artificial Intelligence in Web Development is the richness of its libraries and frameworks that makes coding easier and saves a lot of effort and time. Python has numerous libraries specifically built for Artificial Intelligence like NumPy, Pytorch, TensorFlow, Theano, Keras, Scikit-learn, Pandas and the list is endless.  Therefore, whenever you have to run an algorithm, all you need to do is to install and load one of these libraries (as per your requirement) with a single command and your work is done in a snap. These solutions help you to develop your product faster and better. With these libraries and frameworks, you need not start from scratch every time and can just use one of these and implement the required features.

TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Keras Machine Learning
SciPy Advanced Computing
NumPy Data Analysis & Scientific Computing
Pandas Data Analysis
Seaborn Data visualization
PyTorch Natural Language Processing
Theano Evaluating Mathematical Expressions

3. Platform Independence


The Platform Independence of Python is one of the major reasons for it being on the high tide. Platform Independence implies that a python program can be made or executed on any framework or platform and afterward can without much of a stretch be utilized on the other. Python is compatible with many major platforms like Windows, Linux, macOS, etc. It can very well be utilized to make independent applications on a vast majority of the platforms, which implies that these applications or software can be effectively appropriated and utilized on different frameworks without having a requirement for a Python translator. There exist libraries like PyInstaller to help developers prepare their codes to run on various platforms. Yet again, this makes the process convenient and simple by saving time, money and effort required to run and test a single program on multiple platforms.

4. Abundance of Support

According to a survey conducted by StackOverflow in 2018, Python was one of the top 10 most popular languages. Also, according to, Python is Googled more than any other programming language.

This ultimately means that with such a large community of Python Enthusiasts all over the world, there is great community support so you are likely to find answers to all your problems over the internet. It boasts a large number of active users who are more than happy to help the ones learning or stuck in the development life cycle.

5. Flexibility

Being a dynamically typed language gives python a great advantage of being immensely flexible. That being said, there are no rigid rules as to how a feature must be built. It also offers flexibility to choose between the OOPS approach or the scripting approach making it suitable for every purpose altogether. Also, it the most appropriate choice for combining various data structures and also supports as a great background language. It also offers immense flexibility when it comes to solving problems, which is a huge add-on for both beginners as well as professionals.

6. Minimal Coding Requirement

There are numerous calculations associated with AI (Artificial Intelligence). The simplicity of testing offered by Python makes it one of the most straightforward programming language among contenders. Python can execute a similar rationale with just 20% of the code in contrast to the other programming languages which are based on OOPS.

7. Popularity

Due to its ease of use and vast versatility, Python has emerged as the most preferred programming language among developers. The ease of learning and the developer-friendliness of the language has attracted developers to opt for it for their projects. Undoubtedly, Artificial Intelligence-based projects do require veteran developers, but the simplicity of python eases the process of learning it for new developers.

8. Superior Visualization

Python gives an assortment of libraries and a couple of them are exceptionally amazing choices for visualization. For the Al engineers, it is imperative to emphasize that in the Al, ML, and deep learning it is crucial to have the option to present to the information in an intelligible configuration that can be easily read by humans. Libraries like Matplotlib lets the data scientists assemble histograms, graphs, and plots for better information perception, representation, and viable demonstration. Besides, the different APIs disentangle the visualization procedure and this makes it simpler to make clear reports.

9. Compatibility

Python web development gives the designer the adaptability to offer an API from the current programming language, which, in reality, is amazingly adaptable for new Python developers. With just a few nominal changes in the source codes, you can make your assignment or application work in various OSs. This spares developers a great deal of time to test distinctive working frameworks and move source codes. Along these lines, in the event that you need your AI task to be the best, you should the best web app development company that has experience with AI-based undertakings with Python.


Artificial Intelligence is emerging as the need of the hour and has been showing a thoughtful effect on the society we live in. Developers are opting for Python as their language of choice for the numerous benefits that it provides particularly for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.  Python’s specific libraries for AI increases developers’ efficiency and cuts short in the time required for the development. The simplicity of Python promotes fast testing as well as execution thereby making the language accessible for beginners as well as non-programmers. With all this being stated, there is definitely no reason left as to why one might not consider Python as the best fit for Artificial Intelligence in Web Development.

6 Indicators that It’s Time to Switch WordPress Web Hosting

Here are the Attributes of Fully Managed WordPress Hosting You Ought to Know - blog-guru

Hosting is integral to the success of your WordPress website and something you should never be complacent about. A poor hosting provider or a wrongly chosen hosting plan can impact the performance of your site and the customer experience of your visitors. What’s more, they can result in lower search engine rankings and make it more difficult to manage your website. In this post, we’ll look at six signs that indicate it’s time to upgrade to a more powerful package or move to a better web host.

1. Your website keeps going offline

7 Ways Your Website Can Go Offline - VPS.NET Cloud Server Blog | VPS.NET

In a 24/7 marketplace, you need your WordPress website to be constantly online and available for your visitors. If it isn’t and your site goes down, even for short periods, visitors will become frustrated, damaging your reputation. What’s more, when search engines see your site’s availability decline, they’ll downrank it in their search results. Combine these and you’ll end up losing business and long term customers. If this is happening to your website, it’s a clear signal that you can no longer rely on your hosting solution to keep your site online.

To discover if your site is frequently going offline, you should monitor its uptime. As a WordPress user, you’ll find several plugins to do this which you can install directly from your admin panel. Recommended plugins include WP Umbrella and Site Uptime Monitoring, both freely available from the WordPress Repository.

Ideally, you should look for a host whose WordPress hosting packages guarantee a minimum uptime of 99.5%.

2. Your WordPress hosting lacks the features you need

Best WordPress hosting 2021 – Helpful comparison guide – Travelpayouts Blog – Travel affiliate network

WordPress hosting has moved on considerably over the last few years in order to meet the demands of today’s websites and the needs of their owners. If your hosting plan lacks these new features, it might mean you’re having to spend more time and effort than necessary managing your website.

At Anteelo, for example, you’ll find WordPress pre-installed and ready to go, you’ll get a free domain on annual accounts and free SSL certificates for your sites. You’ll even have use of our specially developed WordPress Toolkit that lets you install, secure, update and manage your WordPress sites all from a single, easy to use interface.

What’s more, we provide the advanced security that WordPress sites demand with our application firewall protecting you from hackers and bots and our daily backups ensuring that you can rest easy should you ever need to recover your data. There’s also 1-click website hardening, automatic WordPress patching and more.

3. Your website is slow

9 Ways on How to Improve Your Website's Loading Speed

Visitors and search engines expect websites to load quickly and respond swiftly to interactions, like clicks and data inputs. When they don’t, customers abandon the site and search engines downrank it. Ensuring the site performs well, therefore, is critical to its success.

WordPress does have some speed issues, often caused by the number of plugins working in the background and the size of the images used in a site’s content. While there are well-known actions you can take to speed up a site, such as caching, compression, image optimisation and content delivery networks, these only go so far.

By far the most important factor in driving the speed of a website is the performance of the server on which it is hosted. If you find your site sluggish, even when you have optimised its performance, it’s another sign you need to upgrade to a more powerful solution.

The WordPress hosting at Anteelo is built from the bottom up to provide enhanced WordPress performance. We use the latest Xeon processors and super-fast SSD hard drives in our servers and then configure them to provide optimal performance for WordPress using Apache + NGINX, PHP7.x + OPcache and HTTP/2. We even provide an in-built caching engine, so you don’t need to install a separate caching plugin.

4. Your host suspended your website

How to Fix “Your Account Has Been Suspended” Message on Your Website

There are only a few genuine reasons why a web host would take a site offline or suspend a user account, for example, if the site was infected with malware, if it was being used to carry out illegal activities or if the hosting bill hadn’t been paid.

Some hosts, however, will take a site down and even suspend an account if the host’s usage limits have been exceeded, such as reaching a maximum bandwidth allocation. Meeting a maximum bandwidth allocation is a sign that your website is doing well in terms of the visitors it receives. It’s a time when the company should be reaping the benefits of its success, not getting punished by finding its site offline.

If your hosting has bandwidth restrictions, it’s time to move to a solution where this isn’t an issue. At Anteelo, our WordPress hosting plans have unmetered bandwidth – in other words, there is no data transfer limit, just a simple, fair use policy.

5. You have outgrown your WordPress hosting package

Signs Your WordPress Website Has Outgrown Its Hosting

Over time, you’ll want your online venture to grow. This could mean having a bigger website, multiple websites, dealing with far more visitors or even running other applications on your server besides your websites. When this happens, there may come a time when the hosting plan you currently have lacks the resources (storage, CPU, RAM and bandwidth) or the features (number of websites, email addresses, databases, etc.) that you need.

This is one of the most obvious signs that you need to upgrade. And while there are bigger WordPress hosting packages you can upgrade to; at some point you’ll need to move on from shared hosting to a larger solution, like VPS. The issue for many WordPress owners is that dedicated WordPress VPS hosting is something of a rarity. This is not the case at Anteelo.

At Anteelo, we offer WordPress Starter and WordPress Standard shared hosting plans. However, for those making the move upwards, we also have a WordPress Pro-Server plan hosted on your own VPS. Unlike a standard VPS, this has been optimised for WordPress in the same way as our shared hosting solutions but with the added advantages of 50GB of storage, 4vCPU core processors, 4GB of dedicated RAM and unlimited websites and mailboxes.

6. Poor technical support

7 Examples of Bad Customer Service Experience (And How to Fix Them)

Who do you turn to when something goes wrong with your website or hosting? While there is a monumental amount of WordPress help available online, when the need is urgent you want a WordPress expert that can help you sort out issues quickly so that your site remains online and working as it should.

A key requirement of a good web host is providing technical support to its customers. At Anteelo, we go above and beyond. Our technical support is free with all accounts and our technical experts (not merely customer support) are available 24/7, 365 days a year. What’s more, you can contact them via online chat, phone, email or ticket – and about any problem you have with your site or hosting.

If you find your host lacking in the technical support department, then it’s another sign that you need to move on before you find yourself in a tricky situation with no one to help.


WordPress hosting is specially designed to improve the hosting of WordPress websites. However, not all plans or vendors are the same. Hopefully, the information given here will help you know when it’s time to make the move.

Time feasibility of Setting-Up a Website

How Long Does it Take to Build a Website?

Having a website has emerged as the need of the hour. Every business wants to establish their online presence and there no solution better than having a website for the same. However, one of the most common queries that pops-up in the mid of anybody dreaming of having an impactful online presence by building a top-notch website is ”How long does it take to build a website?”., which is reasonable enough. Each company has its timeline and budget and therefore, an idea of how long would it take to bring their idea into a highly functional website is very crucial.

Be that as it may, the straight answer is that It will take longer than you would anticipate that it should. However, you ought not to surge it. Building a custom site without any preparation requires some serious energy. In case you’re contemplating a substantial undertaking with a real spending plan, you may be taking a gander at a course of events of weeks or months. That is ordinary, yet it is likewise conceivable to get an astounding site off the ground a lot quicker, contingent upon what you need.

There are three primary factors in a website’s development timeline that affect the duration of the project:

  • How soon do you start?

Top-notch designers are typically reserved, so can’t begin your work right away. Therefore, they might take some time to begin working on your project, which might cause a delay.

  • Time is taken for the review

Most web engineers have a reasonable procedure for building a site and can generally depict how long will take to get a site in your grasp.

  • How long does it take to launch?

This last factor is the most significant variable and relies to a great extent upon you, the customer. It includes investigating the site, making change demands, and concluding substance.

Let us assume that you plan to hire someone to build your website for you. Whether it’s an individual or an agency, the advice still applies, although lengths of time can vary depending on the scope of your website. Before knowing how long it takes, you should be thorough with the procedure that goes around while building a website.

1. Know your requirements: No matter what project you are working on, you know that knowing your needs is the first step towards beginning the venture. The same goes for building a website.  You must discuss with your team and jot down the aspirations that you have from your website. Having a clear picture of your needs will enable you to explain what you are expecting from your website clearly and simplify your planning process. This process generally does not takes more than one week.

Communicating Your Requirements: Step 3 to a New Intranet

2. Drafting a plan: Realizing what you plan on doing with your site is a significant initial step since it will direct you on the best way to create it along the way. A well-thought plan will boost up the chances of you building a successful and efficient small business website. However, strategising and planning is easier said than done. A good website work-plan must comprise of finding your target userbase, the primary objective of your website, the functionality of it, its significance to the visitors, along with your web analytics to measure your success. This process generally does not takes more than one week.

Eight Steps to a Great Business Plan - My Own Business Institute - Learn How To Start a Business

3. Finalising the Design: From variable text styles to moderate formats, web design is very crucial, and it additionally requires some serious energy as well as time. Discuss with your web designers what you have in mind and ask them for suggestions. Experiment with your web composition, and test out which patterns work best for your website. Before putting anything on the web, think about all possible devices and screen resolutions. Having a webpage that isn’t streamlined for smartphones and other gadgets can drive away clients, hurt your SEO, and look amateurish. Therefore, you mustn’t rush through this process and give it a decent time of around 3-4 weeks.

Mobile App Development: Finalising the Minimalistic UI Design | Vinova

4. Development Phase: This stage is the place where the foundation of your website is laid. Your engineer will take the data you’ve given them, and transform it into a completely working site that (ideally) resembles the prototypes that you have affirmed. This part may take some time, somewhat in light of the fact that there are consistently some inevitable errors in each undertaking. You might want to have some modifications a part of the website once you see it in real life, or in case of any other inevitable errors. In any case, it will take at approximately a month or two to build up an independent website for business ultimately. It’s imperative to keep in contact with your designers during this stage. Great engineers will keep you on top of it and let you know how things are advancing; however, you too, ought to be proactive about reaching them.

Demystifying Machine Learning for Global Development

5. Final Review: Before you can say that your site is completed and ready to launch, it needs to experience rounds of reviews and testing. You would need to analyse how all aspects of the website look, work, and feel and decide whether or not does it meets the plan you and your developer followed out together at the underlying degree of the development procedure. There are consistently revisions that should be made, especially in the event that you are focusing on a fault-less and highly-functional site. In a perfect world, you’ll rectify all the major issues during modifications for the prior steps during the review and testing. Now, there should only be minor fixes left to be made; however, your mileage may shift. Regardless, if nothing significant is broken, anticipate that this procedure should take somewhere in the range of about 1-14 days.

2021 CPA Exam Final Review Strategy [Don't Miss Out on Exclusive Tips!]


CONCLUSIONHow to Write a Conclusion: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Indeed, even sites that look minimal from the start can take a lot of effort to fabricate. Most websites nowadays offer a lot of cutting edge usefulness and that implies additional time must be spent on creating them. Likewise you can also have a brief idea about how long does it your website take to design out and structure. So since you have prior info of what variables go into the planning of a website, you might be asking yourself what you can do to guarantee your undertaking moves as fast as possible. Undoubtedly, time is one of the concealed expenses to value your site. With regards to completing your site rapidly, the most significant thing to concentrate on first is your sitemap. The sitemap is the engineering of the considerable number of pages of the site and how they relate together. Getting completely clear on the sitemap, characterizing the number of pages, which of them will be particularly planned and how they will all identify with one another will go far in adequately describing the extent of your site venture and guaranteeing that it is conveyed quickly.

UX Designer vs UI Designer vs Web Designer

What Does a UI/UX Designer Do?

To the laymen, digital design can be a puzzling world of systems, acronyms, and programs. Web creation is not just about making a landing page and adding content anymore but a complex world of coding for site function and protection. It is also a fun and artistic adventure to create something visually alluring. If you combine this with the psychology behind all the systems of a webpage, and you have the basics of web development. Sounds simple enough, right? Not for everyone. The software industry has skyrocketed, and many people are still trying to understand key differences in standard terms. Terms like UI design, web design, and UX design are often thrown around and are incorrectly interchanged. However, following the aim of each tool is as simple as knowing the various parts of a house. Web design is the base or the foundation, UI design is the architecture, and the UX design is the electric, plumbing, and other wiring needed.  Before we get into defining these terms, we can say there can be a lot of overlap between them. UX, UI, and Web Designer difference is nothing but a fine line but can have great impacts on your project. However, to excel in any of them, you must have a comprehensive knowledge of all three of them.

UX, UI, and Web Designer differences:

35,084 Ux Design Illustrations & Clip Art

Web Designer UX Designer UI Designer
A web designer is a professional who generates content for a website following the latest trends. They are responsible for designing the layout of the website, along with its aesthetics, utility, and functionality. UX is the abbreviation for User Experience. It brings in creativity. A UX designer handles the whole procedure of obtaining and coordinating a product, including parts of marking, development, convenience, and utility. It is a process that starts before the product reaches the customer. UI stands for User Experience. A UI Designer is responsible for creating the interfaces between the user and the product and ensure that the interaction between the customer and the product is a seamless one.
The role of the web designer is to compile everything, including the UI and UX, and turn it into a highly-functional and efficient website that people can easily interact with using their smartphones or computers. A web designer might emphasize more of the aesthetics of the site rather than how a user might deal with it. UX design is all about having a deep understanding of the customer, which includes their preferences, behaviors, habits, requirements, and feelings. UX designers must comprehensively understand the issue along with the client whom they are working for so as to design an optimal and streamlined solution. The UI design is the complement of UX Design. UI designers work on the point of interaction between the user and the service/device and try to improvise the product in a way that is user-friendly and adds value to the users. UI designers work on the look, design, and especially the feel of the product.
A web designer must have in-depth knowledge of programming languages like HTML and CSS, Scripting languages like JavaScript and PHP, web designing packages like Flash, Photoshop, etc. A good UX designer is expected to have fluent communication, agile and lean development skills, rapid prototyping, revising skills, crowdsourced designing, and relevant soft skills. In contrary to UX designers, UI designers are in charge of making UX designers’ dreams a reality. Numerous UI designers have a decent comprehension of front-end development along with some coding abilities.
Contemporary Web designers are usually modern era graphic designers trained in visual design to be experts in:

  • Color theory
  • Creative conceptualization
  • Diagrams
  • Interactivity, rollovers, drop-down menus, digital slideshows, call-to-action-buttons, and forms.
  • Icon development
  • Info-graphics
  • Typography
A UX Designer plays a very crucial role in an organization. They have to make sure that a customer is having a good time with the brand. They primarily focus on:

  • Understanding user psychology
  • Comprehending product specification
  • Finalizing the right interaction model
  • Create personas through user surveys
  • Collaborate with UI designers to create attractive and useful designs
A UI designer primarily focuses on:

• Color and typeface choices.

• Designing the monotonous but necessary stuff: buttons, icons, sliders, and scrollbars.

• Forming a style guide for the app or website to ensure consistency for the user.

• Responsive designing

• The interactive parts

•  The layout of each screen

Website designers might be visual designers or engineers who have built enough aptitudes to make beautiful and aesthetic websites or applications. Website designers do not tend to adopt the human-focused strategy of UX design. Most website designers don’t dive as deep to consider every element that a UX designer remembers. A website designer will, in general, be less iterative, while UX design is tied in with coordinating persistent enhancements by interacting with users. UX applies to whatever that can be experienced—be it a site, a cup of tea, or a visit to the supermarket. The “client experience” part alludes to the connection between the client and service or product. UX structure, at that point, considers all the various components that shape this experience. A UX designer considers how the experience makes the client feel and how simple it is for the client to achieve their ideal errands. UI design is simply a digital approach. It considers all the visual, intuitive components of a product interface—including buttons, symbols, checkboxes, typography, color scheme, and responsive design. The objective of UI design is to outwardly guide the client through an item’s interface. It’s tied in with making an intuitive encounter that doesn’t require the user to think excessively! UI design delivers the brand’s qualities and visual resources for a product’s interface, ensuring the design is predictable, intelligible, and tastefully satisfying.


So a UX designer chooses how the UI functions while the UI designer chooses how the UI looks, and the web designer puts it all together into a cutting-edge website. This is a community-oriented procedure, and these three domains will, in general, work intently together. While the UX group is working on the flow of the application, how buttons guide you through your website, and how the interface effectively presents the data that the client’s need, the UI group is chipping away at how these interface components will show up on the screen and the web designers are integrating it all.

If Web Design is the umbrella, then UX and UI design are specialties and focuses on it. Anyone who regards themselves as a web designer should be well-versed in UX and UI. These terms are also industry-specific. Startups and tech companies mostly hire specifically for UI/UX roles. Every so often, a UX role will focus more on research and information architecture. Occasionally, a UI role will include UX. Sometimes, companies are looking for a web designer who can do it all. It’s all a bit of a mess unless the aim is precise. Whichever direction you take, it’s vital to remember that design is not just about making things look pretty, but it’s about problem-solving communication and people.

How Do You Make Loyal Customers Out of Website Visitors?

10 Proven Ways to Convert Your Abandoned Cart Website Visitors Into Loyal Customers

In the next 5 minutes, you will gather all the knowledge about repulsing potential customers with the help of your website. But if you continue reading after that, we will let you in the secrets of how not to do that.

Every smart marketer knows what kind of impact a good website can have on a business’s conversion rates – A Big One. And this magic wand becomes an even more crucial key to conversions for startups and small businesses.

There are two major kinds of mistakes that can sum up a Bad website – Design mistakes and Usability mistakes.

Well, the good news is, mistakes can be corrected. However, if you’re one of those businesses who have altogether skipped bringing your business on a website, then it is just bad news for you.

Without procrastinating a day more, you should start working on building a website for your business but before that, read on, to find out the dos and don’ts of business websites and how they make you money.

Mistakes Made in Creating A Website

What is the most basic function of a website? Delighting the visitors What is that the website should not do? Annoy the Visitors.

It is that simple. But only for a more elaborate discussion, let us take into account that what are the mistakes made by developers and designers in creating a website that might end up annoying visitors, aka Potential customers, instead of helping them.

A. Purposeless Pagination

How to Convert Website Visitors into Loyal Customers?

Pagination is the process of splitting up the contents of a web page into multiple pages because displaying too many articles and images on a single page make it bulky and hard to load. It is often done for web pages with a long list of articles or items and it makes sense.

Although, there is another reason for which the process of Pagination is being used for a purpose which is plain annoying for users. Some websites divide a single article into multiple pages in order to increase page views. More than a few websites and blogs earn their revenues with the help of advertising and getting page views.

While this may look like an easy way to earn extra bucks but besides being irksome for users, it also poses a serious problem. That is, search engines analyse the content of each of your website pages and indexes these pages according to the content of those pages along with keywords. If each page is divided into multiple pages, it dilutes the content and thus it will negatively affect the page ranking of your website.

B. Broken Links

Finding (and Fixing!) Broken Links to Prevent 404 Errors

One of the most annoying things on any website is seeing the “404” error pages. These are the hyperlinks that lead nowhere. For the best way to avoid these best links, you need to thoroughly test your website as regularly as possible. For a little help, you can even include a “contact the webmaster” link at the end of your web pages so that if a user finds a broken link, they can quickly inform you and they can be fixed immediately.

C. Having Multiple Font Styles

10 Beautiful Font Combinations For Your Design In 2021

Any web page or all the web pages of a single website need to have a uniformity in terms of style, colour theme and typography. This helps the website in having an acquired consistency but what most novice website developers do not understand is that using multiple font styles does not add to the site aesthetics, instead, they make it look like a mash-up of an immature website.

Your website should be able to ensure the visitors of your stability, maturity and reliability and not otherwise. It is also important to test your aesthetics over a number of devices and learn how to create a high conversion website.

D. Bad Navigation

6 Ways Bad Website Navigation Can Tank Your Marketing

A website should allow the users to seamlessly navigate through the website without the need to ask another person about the whereabouts of any particular section. Users must be able to find their way around as easily as possible and not struggle to find a certain information on the website.

For getting over a bad navigation, textual descriptions can be used for all the links. Always remember that users are impatient for any new website and if they cannot find their way around in 3 clicks or less, they will leave immediately.

E. Complicated Registration Process

30 tips for signup flows (so that users stop cursing you) | by Maxim Stepanov | UX Collective

Registration pages are a tricky business. Many a time, websites ask for information that they do not need and it becomes a hassle for the users to fill in the entire form and not to mention if they mistakenly reload the page and then are asked to fill in the whole information again. This is a recipe for driving users away at first glance. Gone are the days when users used to fill out a long form for every registration process.

SO even though you make your registration process mandatory, you need to do a research on the form details and choose the mandatory details only. After all, for signing up for a newsletter, users do not need to fill their Father’s name.

After going through the major mistakes most website designers end up making, we ought to learn about the corrections of these mistakes which do nothing other than driving the users away. Therefore, let us take a look at how to convert website visitors into customers.

Ways to Make Your Website A Conversion Magnet

In order to build a conversion focused web design, there are certain things to take care of and not to let the big mistakes of website design come into your way to convert traffic into sales. In fact, let us move forward and see how to make your website a customer generating machine.

In order to attract more traffic in a way that they’ll be interested in doing business with you and your company, you need to take care of the following things with the utmost importance.

1. Work Upon the Readability

Clarity and Readability Checklist for Content Creators | Meet Content

There are very simple ways to enhance user experience with the readability for your website visitors. It can be done in two ways: Always compare your website’s colour schemes with that of other websites of the same business domain as yours and understand how they are able to portray their seriousness and maturity through their website. And also, how can you apply their methods to improve the readability of your website.

Use a more readable and clear font for your website typography. The best to use is Sans serif typeface since it allows easy reading on the web.

2. Work Upon an Organized Content Layout

The Best Content Calendar Template to Get Organized All Year

Let’s face it – any website’s content is the driving force of traffic. Therefore to increase website conversions, paying extra attention to the content is what is required of the website developer and designer. It is highly crucial to know that the structure of website content can either make it a success or a failure.

In order to organise content on your website, use HTML and CSS while designing the paged of your website. Apart from that, there should be enough whitespace between the images and text with the use of margins.

Also, it is very important to regularly update your content and website pages. And updating the content does not mean adding more content but rather to find out and correct past mistakes.

You can also look forward to hiring a “web gardener” in your content team who will basically root out old mistakes and keep the web content up to date.

3. Consistency in UI Design

Why Design Consistency Matters for Your Website | Web Design MI : build/create

Some new designers take the UI design to the next level and put excessive elements of design without a theme to work with. Sometimes they even go far enough to apply a different theme for every page of the website. It does not matter how wonderful the individual design elements are if the overall consistency of the website is missed, converting the website visitors to leads can turn into an unachievable dream.

For avoiding this inaccuracy, the website designers should use a consistent design template for every one of the web pages along with embedding the links to the main page of the site.

Aesthetically, simple design is the key to creating a conversion focussed web design.

4. Having a User-Friendly Screen Resolution

I can say with certainty that we all have, at some point of the other, visited a website where we had to scroll horizontally or zoom out to get a full look of the page. This happens because the screen resolution is not tested among multiple devices.

A good website designer will always take care of the fact that his/her website should fit the devices and screens of all sizes and resolutions. Unarguably, this is a difficult task to include all the different devices in the design but still, we can use different tools that can help the designers to learn how to optimise your website for more conversions for the majority of the devices.

Services such as Google Analytics can help you in gathering information about the various monitor resolutions of your users and this information can be used in the design update of your website.

5. Careful Usage of Graphics

The 7 Elements of Good Graphic Design

For a big customer conversion Idea – Never use too many graphics/images/animations on your web pages. Although, it is true that images can gain the user’s attention but it can also work as a distraction from the main content of the website. Instead of stuffing the website with as many images as possible, they should be used at subtle guides for helping the user to understand the content and navigate through the website.

The appropriate use of Graphics and animation is how to boost conversions on your website, so use them wisely.

To sum up, the above-mentioned mistakes and the ways to correct them are not limited to these elements. All the good website designers and developers are aware of the power a website holds over the conversion rate of deals and that’s why, we, at Anteelo, build a website as an extension of the mobile app for our clients.

There are delicate methods that we apply to the websites that we build to ensure converting website visitors to leads as much as possible.

To know how you can improve your website and get more customers, head on to our Product Design service section to know what we do to make websites a conversion magnet.

Simple Principles for Creating Better Designs

A guide to Design Principles and why you should create your own | by Christian Jensen | UX Collective

After countless tiring discussions, intense debates, exchange of verbal volleys and people yelling things in design standups like –

  • Huh…Whatya mean by the button should be smaller?
  • Have you heard of the word? hmm..whatyamacall it – hmm… consistency!
  • Step away from the design please…
  • What on the earth is wrong with using Lorem Ipsum…I love those profound Latin words


I exaggerate but our design standups highlighted the difference in our group’s design philosophies and what we valued. It’s not that designs were bad but they weren’t following our core design principles.

What led to a more frustrating experience was that the feedback sometimes even didn’t highlight the context and someone would blurt, “It just doesn’t feel right”.

Someone would ask – “What do you mean that it doesn’t feel right?”

Followed by silence, scratching of one’s beard, intense gazing at the ceiling, and then silent shrugging of the shoulders.

They knew one of the things was wrong with the design in discussion – lack of consistency or complexity or any such thing but they weren’t able to verbalize it well.

It was turning out to be a big problem – how do you lead effective design feedback standups without having a common language?

That led to the codification of our design principles to create a shared understanding of our design approach and what we value as a team. These principles enable us to have a common design philosophy and approach. It also facilitates in having meaningful conversations and giving each other valuable feedback about the design.

Not that our intense discussions have subsided but they have become more meaningful now

Learn How to Start Working with KAFKA and More

Top 10 Courses to Learn Apache Kafka in 2021 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Medium

Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that is designed to be fast, scalable, and durable. It was developed by LinkedIn and open-sourced in the year 2011. It makes an extremely desirable option for data integration with the increasing complexity in real-time data processing challenges. It is a great solution for applications that require large-scale message processing.

Components of Kafka are :

  1. Zookeeper
  2. Kafka Cluster – which contains one or more servers called brokers
  3. Producer – which publishes messages to Kafka
  4. Consumer – which consumes messages from Kafka.

Components :

Kafka Architecture and Its Fundamental Concepts - DataFlair

It saves messages on a disk and allows subscribers to read from it. Communication between producers, Kafka clusters, and consumers takes place with the TCP protocol. All the published messages will be retained for a configurable period of time. Each Kafka broker may contain multiple topics into which producers publish messages. Each topic is broken into one or more ordered partitions. Partitions are replicated across multiple servers for fault tolerance. Each partition has one Leader server and zero or more follower servers depending upon the replication factor of the partition.

When a publisher publishes to a Kafka cluster, it queries which partitions exist for that topic and which brokers are responsible for each partition. Publishers send messages to the broker responsible for that partition (using some hashing algorithm).

Consumers keep track of what they consume (partition id) and store it in Zookeeper. In case of consumer failure, a new process can start from the last saved point. Each consumer in the group gets assigned a set of partitions to consume from.

Producers can attach key with messages, in which all messages with same key goes to same partition. When consuming from a topic, it is possible to configure a consumer group with multiple consumers. Each consumer in a consumer group will read messages from a unique subset of partitions in each topic they subscribe to, so each message is delivered to one consumer in the group, and all messages with the same key arrive at the same consumer.

Role of Zookeeper in –

What Is Apache Kafka? | How Kafka Works | OpenLogic

It provides access to clients in a tree-like structure. It use ZooKeeper for storing configurations and use them across the cluster in a distributed fashion. It maintains information like topics under a broker, offset of consumers.

Steps to get started with (For UNIX):

  1. Download Kafka – wget
  2. tar -xzf kafka_2.10-
  3. cd kafka_2.10-
  4. nside Config folder you will see server, zookeeper config files
  5. Inside bin folder you will see bash files for starting zookeeper, server, producer, consumer
  6. Start zookeeper – bin/ config/
  7. Start server – bin/ config/
  8. creating topic –bin/ –create –zookeeper localhost:2181 –replication-factor <your_replication_factor> –partitions <no._of_partitions> –topic <your_topic_name>
    This will create a topic with specified name and will be replicated in to brokers based on replication factor and topic will be partitioned based on partition number. Replication factor should not be greater than no. of brokers available.
  9. view topic – bin/ –list –zookeeper localhost:2181
  10. delete a topic – add this line to file delete.topic.enable=true
    then fire this command after starting zookeeper
    bin/ –zookeeper localhost:2181 –delete –topic <topic_name>
  11. alter a topic – bin/ –zookeeper localhost:2181 –alter –topic <topic_name>
  12. Start producer – bin/ –broker-list localhost:9092 –topic <your_topic_name> and send some messages
  13. Start consumer – bin/ –zookeeper localhost:2181 –from-beginning –topic <your_topic_name> and view messages

If you want to have more than one server, say for ex : 4 (it comes with single server), the steps are:

  1. create server config file for each of the servers :
    cp config/ config/server-1.proeprties
    cp config/ config/
    cp config/ config/
  2. Repeat these steps for all property files you have created with different brokerId, port.
    vi and set following properties = 1
     port = 9093
    log.dir = /tmp/kafka-logs-1
  3. Start Servers :
    bin/ config/ &
    bin/ config/ &
    bin/ config/ &

Now we have four servers running (server, server-1,server-2,server-3)


The program in java includes producer class and consumer class.

Producer Class :

Producer class is used to create messages and specify the topic name with an optional partition.

The maven dependency jar to be included is

We need to define properties for a producer to find brokers, serialize messages, and sends them to the partitions it wants.

Once producer sends data, if we pass an extra item (say id) via data :
ex :

before publishing data to brokers, it goes to the partition class which is mentioned in the properties and selects the partition to which data has to be published.

Consumer Class :

Topic Creation :

It is a distributed commit log service that functions much like a publish/subscribe messaging system, but with better throughput, built-in partitioning, replication, and fault tolerance.


  1. Stream processing
  2. Messaging
  3. Multiplayer online game
  4. Log aggregation
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