How Can Mobile Apps Help Your Company’s Digital Transformation?

Master Digital Transformation - Learning Path

Irrespective of which industry you look at, you will find entrepreneurs hustling to kickstart their digital transformation efforts which have been lying in the backdrop since several business years. While a considerably easy move when you have to alter your digital offering according to the customers’ needs, things become a little difficult when you start planning digital transformation for your business. A difficulty that mobile applications can solve.

There are two prime elements which businesses need to focus on when planning to digitally transform their workflow and workforce: adaptability and portability. And by bringing their processes and communications on mobile apps, they are able to hit both the targets in one go.

Here are some statistics looking into why enterprises need to count mobile application in, in their digital transformation strategy –

Although the above graph should be a reason enough to take mobile apps seriously, there are some other numbers as well.

  • 57% of the digital media use comes in through apps.
  • On an average, any smartphone user has over 80 apps out of which they use 40 apps every month.
  • 21% of millennials visit a mobile application 50+ times everyday.

While the statistics establish the rising growth of mobile apps, what we intend to cover in the article is the pivotal role mobile applications play in digital business transformation. To understand it from the entirety, we will first have to look into what is digital transformation and what it entails.

What is digital transformation?

5 Digital Advertising Platforms You Need To Start Using Now - Mediaboom

Digital transformation means using digital technologies for changing how a business operates, fundamentally. It offers businesses a chance to reimagine how they engage with the customers, how they create new processes, and ultimately how they deliver value.

The true capabilities of introducing digital transformation in business lies in making a company more agile, lean, and competitive. The end of the long term commitment results in several benefits.

Benefits of digital transformation for a business

  • Greater efficiency – leveraging new technologies for automating processes leads to greater efficiency, which in turn, lowers the workforce requirements and cost-saving processes.
  • Better decision making – through digitalized information, businesses can tap in the insights present in data. This, in turn, helps management make informed decisions on the basis of quality intelligence.
  • Greater reach – digitalization opens you to omni-channel presence which enables your customers to access your services or products from across the globe.
  • Intuitive customer experience – digital transformation gives you the access to use data for understanding your customers better enabling you to know their needs and delivering them a personalized experience.

Merging mobile app capabilities with digital transformation outcomes 

The role of mobile applications can be introduced in all the areas which are also often the key areas of digital transformation challenges that an enterprise faces.

  1. Technology integration
  2. Better customer experience
  3. Improved operations
  4. Changed organizational structure

When you partner with a digital transformation consulting firm that holds an expertise in enterprise app development, they work around all these above-mentioned areas in addition to shaping their digital transformation roadmap around technology, process, and people.

In addition to a seamless integration with the digital transformation strategy of an enterprise,  there are a number of reasons behind the growing need to adopt digital transformation across sectors. Ones that encompasses and expands beyond the reasons to invest in enterprise mobility solutions.

The multitude of reasons, cumulatively, makes mobility a prime solution offering of the US digital transformation market.

How are mobile apps playing a role in advancing businesses’ internal digital transformation efforts?

1.  By utilizing AI in mobile apps

How To Utilize Artificial Intelligence In Mobile App Development

The benefits of using AI for bettering customer experience is uncontested. Through digital transformation, businesses have started using AI for developing intuitive mobile apps using technologies like natural language processing, natural language generation,  speech recognition technology, chatbots, and biometrics.

AI doesn’t just help with automation of processes and with predictive, preventative analysis but also with serving customers in a way they want to be served.

2.  An onset of IoT mobile apps

Future trends in IoT user interface design (Updated 2020)

The time when IoT was used for displaying products and sharing information is sliding by. The use cases of mobile apps in the IoT domain is constantly expanding.

Enterprises are using IoT mobile apps to operate smart equipment in their offices and making the supply chains efficient, transparent. While still a new entrant in the enterprise sector, IoT mobile apps are finding ways to strengthen their position in the business world.

3.  Making informed decisions via real-time analytics

Data Driven Decision Making – 10 Tips For Business Success

In the current business world, access to real-time analytics can give you a strong competitive advantage. Mobile applications are a great way for businesses to collect users’ data and engage with them through marketing transformation messages designed around the analytics based on their app journey.

You can use real-time analytics to know how your teams are performing, analyze their productivity, and get a first-hand view into the problems they are facing in performing a task and how it’s impacting the overall business value.

4.  Greater portability

Ultrasound market gets supercharged by AI, cloud, and greater portability: report

Portability in an enterprise ecosystem enables employees to work as per their convenience. While it shows less impact in the short term, in the long run, it plays a huge role in how productive a team is.

By giving employees the space to work as per the time and location of their choice, you give them the space to boost their creativity fuel and in turn productivity. One of the results of using software that enabled our employees to work according to their terms and conveniences for us was greater business expansion ideas and an increase in overall productivity of the workforce.

Tips to consider when making mobile apps a part of the digital transformation strategy

Part 2]: Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Defining the Digital Transformation Strategy and The Challenges Ahead | by PlumLogix (Salesforce Partner) | PlumLogix | Medium

If at this stage, you are convinced that mobile applications are a key part of digital transformation efforts, here are some tips that can help your strategies for increasing the ROI on your enterprise app –

Adopt mobile-first approach – the key factor that separates enterprise apps that are winning is how they don’t treat apps as the extension of their websites. Their software development process is strictly mobile-only. This in turn shapes their entire design, development, and testing processes.

Identifying the scope of mobility – the next tip that digital transformation consulting firms would give you is analyzing the operations and workflows for understanding which teams, departments, or functions would benefit from mobility the most. You should not start reinventing a process which works okay, you should look for areas which can be streamlined, automated, or valued through mobility.

Outsourcing digital transformation efforts – when we were preparing An Entrepreneur’s Guide on Outsourcing Digital Transformation article, we looked into several benefits of outsourcing digitalization to a digital transformation strategy consulting agency. But the prime benefit revolved around saving businesses’ efforts and time which goes into solving challenges like – absence of digital skillset, limitations of the agile transformation process, or the inability to let go of the legacy systems.

Key Concept Extraction from NLP Anthology (Part 2)

Automated Keyword Extraction from Articles using NLP | by Sowmya Vivek | Analytics Vidhya | Medium

Key Concept Extraction: Intelligent Audio Transcript Analytics Extracting Key Phrases for Scaling Industrial NLP Applications

The COVID‐19 pandemic that hit us last year brought a massive cultural shift, causing millions of people across the world to switch to remote work environments overnight and use various collaboration tools and business applications to overcome communication barriers.

However, this generates humongous amounts of data in audio format. Converting this data to text format provides a massive opportunity for businesses to distill meaningful insights.

One of the essential steps for an in-depth analysis of voice data is ‘Key Concept Extraction,’ which determines the business calls’ main topics. Once the identification is accurately completed, it leads to many downstream applications.

One way to extract key concepts is to use Topic Modelling, which is an unsupervised machine learning technique that clusters words into topics by detecting patterns and recurring words. However, it cannot guarantee precise results and may present many transcription errors when converting audio to text.

Let’s glance at the existing toolkits that can be used for topic modelling.

Some Selected Topic Modelling (TM) Toolkits

  • Stanford TMT : It is designed to help social scientists or researchers analyze massive datasets with a significant textual component and monitor word usage.

Stanford Topic Modeling Toolbox

  • VISTopic : It is a hierarchical visual analytics system for analyzing extensive text collections using hierarchical latent tree models.

VISTopic: A visual analytics system for making sense of large document collections using hierarchical topic modeling - ScienceDirect

  • MALLET : It is a Java-based package that includes sophisticated tools for document classification, NLP, TM, information extraction, and clustering for analyzing large amounts of unlabelled text.

MALLET homepage

  • FiveFilters : It is a free software solution that builds a list of the most relevant terms from any given text in JSON format.

fivefilters ( · GitHub

  • Gensim : It is an open-source TM toolkit implemented in Python that leverages unstructured digital texts, data streams, and incremental algorithms to extract semantic topics from documents automatically.

GitHub - RaRe-Technologies/gensim: Topic Modelling for Humans

Anteelo’s AI Center of Excellence (AI CoE)

Our AI CoE team has developed a custom solution for key concept extraction that addresses the challenges we discussed above. The whole pipeline can be broken down into four stages, which follow the “high recall to high precision” system design using a combination of rules and state-of-the-art language models like BERT.


Intro to Automatic Keyphrase Extraction

1) Phrase extraction : The pipeline starts with basic text pre-processing, eliminating redundancies, lowercasing texts, and so on. Next, use specific rules to extract meaningful phrases from the texts.

2) Noise removal: This stage of the pipeline uses the above-extracted phrases to remove noisy phrases based on signals mentioned below:

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): Certain NER such as quantity, time, and location type that are most likely to be noise for the given task are dropped from the set of phrases.
  • Stop-words: Dynamically generated list of stop words and phrases obtained from casual talk removal [refer to the first blog of the series for details regarding casual talk removal (CTR) module] are used to identify noisy phrases.
  • IDF: IDF values of phrases are used to remove common recurring phrases, which are part of the usual greetings in an audio call.

3) Phrase normalization: After removing the noise, the pipeline proceeds to combine semantically and syntactically similar phrases. To learn phrase embedding, the module uses state-of-the-art BERT language model and domain trained word embeddings. For example, “Price Efficiency Across Enterprise” and “Business-Venture Cost Optimization” will be clubbed together by this pipeline as they essentially mean the same.

4) Phrase ranking: This is the last and final stage of the pipeline, which ranks the final set of phrases using various metadata such as frequency, number of similar phrases, and linguistic POS patterns. These metadata signals are not comprehensive, and other signals may be added based on any additional data present.

Hosting Perplexity? Explained: the Different Types of Web Hosting

How to choose Best Web Hosting Service for your Blog/Website – STA

Baffled by all the different types of web hosting? Unsure what they all are or which is the right one for you? You’re not alone. To help, this post will look at each different type of hosting and explain what they are.

What is web hosting?

Before we discuss the different types of hosting, it is helpful to understand what hosting is and why you need it. Essentially, your website is a set of files that you are sharing over the internet with other people. As a website, you want these files to be accessible all the time and easily found by anyone looking for the information you publish. To make this happen, your website content and the software that makes your website work have to be installed on a special kind of computer called a webserver. A webserver is connected to the internet 24/7 and enables your web pages to be downloaded to someone’s browser for viewing or interacting with. The webserver, therefore, is where your website is hosted and the company that provides the webserver is your web host or service provider.

The other important thing to mention is the operating system. Generally, all hosting is either run on Windows or Linux operating systems. While Windows is the most popular operating system for home computers, most website software is designed to run on Linux. When purchasing hosting, you will need to choose the operating system that your software needs.

Here’s an overview of different hosting types.

Shared hosting

What is Shared Hosting? Uses, Advantages, Examples and Plans of Shared Hosts

Shared hosting is the cheapest and most popular form of web hosting and is suitable for small business or personal websites. What makes it inexpensive is that the web host takes one large server and divides up the storage space for many different users. In effect, you will be leasing a small slice of a large hard drive.

While this slice can be big enough for all your website’s files and data, the downside of shared hosting is that you also have to share all the other web server resources, such as RAM and CPU. If lots of other users have busy websites, there may be times when your website is affected and loads slowly or performs poorly on people’s devices. It is similar to having too many programs running on your computer and finding that they lag or freeze.

Specialised shared hosting

The Best Shared Web Hosting Services for 2021 | PCMag

Today, lots of web hosts offer specialist forms of shared hosting. In many instances, this is done by configuring the web server so particular types of website software can perform optimally. You may, for example, see WordPress, Joomla, Magento or Drupal hosting and these packages will also include other features to improve the hosting or make things easier for users of those types of software.

Additionally, some hosts offer shared hosting with particular types of control panel, such as the cPanel hosting here at Anteelo. cPanel is a leading control panel whose user-friendly interface and comprehensive range of tools make it a breeze to manage your website. You may also find shared hosting packages that are specially designed for business users or bloggers.


VPS Hosting | Windows, Linux, & cPanel | Atlantic.Net

A virtual private server (VPS) is the next step up from shared hosting. It uses clever virtualisation technology to create several small, virtual servers on a single physical server. The difference between shared hosting and VPS is that your VPS is completely independent of all the other VPS on the physical server, so you don’t have to share resources or endure the issues this can cause. You even get your own operating system.

The other chief difference is that a VPS package is much bigger than a shared hosting package. In essence, it is like a mini dedicated server, giving you substantially more storage, CPU and RAM. This makes it ideal to run large websites, multiple websites or other types of application for your business. The surprising thing about VPS is that they are cheap, costing from as little as £15.59 a month (at time of publication).

Dedicated server

What Is a Dedicated Server? Learn the Basics

With shared hosting, a user gets a small share of a large webserver. The term ‘dedicated server’ simply means that you get that entire server dedicated for your own use. This provides you with enormous amounts of disk space together with substantial processing power and RAM. This is ideal for bigger businesses that need to run large websites, store lots of data and run critical business applications which need to be online all of the time. Compared to VPS, these can be much more expensive solutions.

Cloud hosting

5 Best Cloud Hosting Companies In 2021 - Productivity Land

The cloud is a vast network of interconnected servers hosted in huge data centres. Using virtualisation, websites can be moved instantaneously from one physical machine to another, even across geographical locations. This means if there is a problem with the physical hardware, a cloud-hosted website or application will never go offline.

Cloud’s virtual technology also means that companies that need extra computing resources at a moment’s notice, can instantly have it at their disposal – and in enormous quantities. What’s more, the cloud is paid for on a pay as you go basis, so you only pay for the resources you need as and when you need them. You can scale up or down at any time.

Accessible over the internet, cloud hosting brings with it many of the benefits of connectivity – flexible working, working from home, collaboration, etc. It’s scalability also makes it ideal for carrying out big data analytics or making use of technologies such as AI, machine learning or the Internet of Things.

There are three different types of cloud hosting: public, private and hybrid. Public cloud is where the hardware, software and other infrastructure are shared with all the other cloud tenants and managed by the web host, whereas in a private cloud those resources are used exclusively by you. Hybrid cloud is where a company makes use of both private and public solutions, often with dedicated servers included in the mix.

Managed hosting

Managed Hosting Services: How Can Customers Benefit? -

Managed hosting is not a different type of hosting solution but a feature of many of the above. It is a service provided by the web host to manage your server for you. This will typically include looking after the physical hardware, ensuring the server is working optimally and updating the operating system on your behalf. For certain types of hosting, this form of server management is included in your package.

Enterprise hosting

7 Best Managed Hosting Service Providers 2020 - Cloud7

Some companies have extraordinarily complex IT needs which require bespoke hosting and support solutions. Service providers, like Anteelo, have the infrastructure and expertise to offer these tailored solutions, often referred to as enterprise hosting.


As you can see, there is a wide range of hosting solutions available, ranging from the basic shared hosting needed to run a small website to the complex solutions needed by large companies to run a range of critical applications. Hopefully, this post will have given you a clear idea of what these types of hosting are and which is most relevant to you.

When should you abandon your ‘lift and shift’ cloud migration strategy?

How Can Organizations Make Best Use of Lift and Shift Cloud Migration?

The easy approach to transitioning applications to the cloud is the simple “lift and shift” method, in which existing applications are simply migrated, as is, to a cloud-based infrastructure. And in some cases, this is a practical first step in a cloud journey. But in many cases, the smarter approach is to re-write and re-envision applications in order to take full advantage of the benefits of the cloud.

By rebuilding applications specifically for the cloud, companies can achieve dramatic results in terms of cost efficiency, improved performance and better availability. On top of that, re-envisioning applications enables companies to take advantage of the best technologies inherent in the cloud, like serverless architectures, and allows the company to tie application data into business intelligence systems powered by machine learning and AI.

Of course, not all applications can move to the cloud for a variety of regulatory, security and business process reasons. And not all applications that can be moved should be re-written because the process does require a cost and time commitment. The decision on which specific applications to re-platform and which to re-envision is a complex risk/benefit calculation that must be made on an application-by-application basis, but there are some general guidelines that companies should follow in their decision-making process.

What you need to consider

Lift and Shift Cloud Migration Strategy

Before making any moves, companies need to conduct a basic inventory of their application portfolio.  This includes identifying regulatory and compliance issues, as well as downstream dependencies to map out and understand how applications tie into each other in a business process or workflow. Another important task is to assess the application code and the platform the application runs on to determine how extensive a re-write is required, and the readiness and ability of the DevOps team to accomplish the task.

The next step is to prioritize applications by their importance to the business. In order to get the most bang for the buck, companies should focus on applications that have biggest business impact. For most companies, the priority has shifted from internal systems to customer-facing applications that might have special requirements, such as the ability to scale rapidly and accommodate seasonal demands, or the need to be ‘always available’. Many companies are finding their revenue generating applications were not built to handle these demands, so those should rise to the top of the list.

Re-platform vs. re-envision

Application Migration Strategies: Rehost vs Replatform vs Refactor

There are some scenarios where lift and shift makes sense:

  • Traditional data center. For many traditional, back-end data center applications, a simple lift and shift can produce distinct advantages in terms of cost savings and improved performance.
  • Newly minted SaaS solution. There are many customer bases that have newer SaaS offerings available to them, but perhaps the functionality or integrated solutions that are a core part of their operations are in the early stages of a development cycle. Moving the currently installed solution to the cloud via a lift and shift is an appropriate modernization step – and can easily be transitioned to the SaaS solution when the organization is ready.

However, there are two more scenarios where lift and shift strategies work against digital transformation progress.

Top 10 Must-Use Apps in Microsoft Teams | AvePoint Blog

  • Established SaaS solution. There is no justification, either in terms of cost or functionality, to remain on a legacy version of an application when there is a well-established SaaS solution.
  • Custom written and highly customized applications. This scenario calls for a total re-write to the cloud in order to take advantage of cloud-native capabilities.

By re-writing applications as cloud-native, companies can slash costs, embed security into those application, and integrate multiple applications. Meanwhile, Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 end of life is fast approaching. Companies still utilizing these legacy systems will need to move applications off expiring platforms, providing the perfect impetus for modernizing now. There might be some discomfort associated with going the re-platform route, but the benefits are certainly worth the effort.

5 partnering trends for global systems integrators in 2020 that will benefit enterprise customers

Why Dell Boomi Is the Leading Integration Partner for Software Vendors | Boomi

Businesses have been doing some form of partnering for decades, but as companies seek to modernize and turn their organizations into digital enterprises, partnering has become more important than ever. With all the different technologies and systems that have to integrate, digital transformation can’t happen unless all parties are in sync and cooperating with one another.

In today’s business environment, true partnering means that all parties in the relationship are tightly aligned to the core. We’ve all read something similar to that before – it’s nearly cliché, but in this case it’s a real and absolutely critical distinction. When they step into a room, nobody should care if the person wears a badge from the global systems integrator (GSI), technology partner or the enterprise customer — they should all be on the same page working towards the same goal: delighting customers.

Partnering starts with the executive suites of all the parties fully on board and headed in the same strategic direction. It then continues through every part of the organization, where business partners work on joint operating plans, joint marketing campaigns and joint software and app development projects.

Here are five important trends we see as GSIs, technology partners and enterprise customers look to grow their businesses in the 2020s.

System Integrator | EzInsights

1. Deeper relationships. As these deeper business relationships develop in the 2020s, tech partners, GSIs and enterprise customers will operate in unison, seamlessly sharing information and jointly developing solutions designed to solve end-user customer issues. For example, in an IDC FutureScape report focused on Australia, the research group predicts that by 2022, empathy among brands and for customers will drive ecosystem collaboration and co-innovation among partners and competitors, which will drive 20 percent of the collective growth in customer lifetime value.

Strategic partners will develop a more cooperative relationship at all stages of the customer lifecycle, from recognizing an opportunity, to sales, developing a solution, delivering that solution, and finally, managing the long-term customer relationship. On the back-end, there will be more joint training between partners in areas such as sales, including becoming conversant in the products and services that each partner delivers.

Enterprise customers benefit from these deeper partnerships by having everyone working together as a single entity throughout the entire end-user customer lifecycle.

Technology Stocks | Sramana Mitra

2. Vertical offerings. Once key strategic partnerships are established, the partner teams can jointly develop full-featured solutions tailored to vertical industries. If gaps appear, a GSI must demonstrate that they can assemble the right people and get them working together on a project. For example, at a medical services provider, the GSI may have a strong relationship with the CIO or CTO, but it’s the niche medical technology partner that has worked closely with the chief medical officer and all the nurse and physician teams over the years. Enterprise customers look for GSIs that can identity the right players and get them in a room where they can talk through the challenges and meet the customer’s goals.

How to Make Data-Driven Decisions Fast - Heap

3. Data-driven decisions. Enterprise customers will use data analytics to make decisions on the GSIs and technology companies with which to partner. These global businesses are looking for the technology processes and solutions that deliver efficiencies and the most profitability. They also look for industry-specific customer success stories in which the GSIs and technology partners have a proven track record working together and can show clear metrics to back up their use cases.

How to Maximize the Potential of Marketing Agility

4. Agility. It’s likely that many enterprise customers already have preferred technology partners in areas such as cloud services, ERP, CRM, and IT security. GSIs must be agile enough to pivot quickly, responding to customer preferences and established relationships. They must demonstrate that they can match the right partner for each specific project and be ready to respond to an enterprise customer’s mission critical issues – whether those issues are already identified or lurking around the corner. Partnering allows the GSI the agility and speed to respond to the customer, in many cases, faster than through M&A activity or developing a new capability in-house.

Challenges in Implementing a Continuous Monitoring Plan - Delta Risk

5. Continuous monitoring. The GSI must be on top of all of the new features and upgrades that its technology partners develop. An enterprise that works with a GSI shouldn’t have to keep up with all of the tech upgrade cycles, and should never worry about missing out on important new capabilities. The integrator will understand the new features and benefits coming from tech partners, and also have unique insight into the enterprise customer’s environment so it can make informed recommendations as to whether an upgrade to a new release makes good business sense.

Partnering trends deliver business benefits

With the deeper integration between GSIs, technology partners and enterprise customers, important global businesses will reduce costs, make their customers more efficient and successfully transform their organizations, becoming digital enterprises that can compete and thrive in the 2020s and beyond.

Is programming required for a Data Science career?

AWS's Web-based IDE for ML Development: SageMaker Studio

This is a common dilemma faced by folks who are beginning their careers. What should young data scientists focus on — understanding the nuances of algorithms or faster application of them using the tools? Some of the veterans see this as an “analytics vs technology” question. However, this article agrees to disagree with this concept. We will soon discover the truth as we progress through the article. How should you build a career in data science?

Analytics evolved from a shy goose, a decade back, to an assertive elephant. The tools of the past are irrelevant now. Some of the tools lost market share, their demise worthy of case studies in B-schools. However, if we are to predict its future or build a career in this field, there are some significant lessons it offers.

The Journey of Analytics

What is Customer Journey Analytics? – Pointillist

A decade back, analytics primarily was relegated to generating risk scorecards and designing campaigns. Analytical companies were built around these services.

Their teams would typically work on SAS, use statistical models, and the output will be some sort of score -risk, propensity, churn etc. Its primary role was to support business functions. Banks used various models to understand customer risk, churn etc. Retailers were active in their campaigns in the early days of adoption patterns.

And then “Business Intelligence” happened. What we saw was a plethora of BI tools addressing various needs of the business. The focus was primarily in various ways of efficient visualizations. Cognos, Business Objects, etc. were the rulers of the day.

How Business Intelligence can Fuel Digital Transformation | MindForest - Managing Change

But the real change to the nature of Analytics happened with the advent of Big Data. So, what changed with Big data? Was the data not collected at this scale, earlier? What is so “big” about big data? The answer lies more in the underlying hardware and software that allows us to make sense of big data. While data (structured and unstructured) existed for some time before this, the tools to comb through the big data weren’t ready.

Now, in its new role, analytics is no more just about algorithmic complexity. It needs the ability to address the scale. Businesses wanted to understand the “marketed value” of this newfound big data. This is where analytics started courting programming. One might have the best models, but they are of no use unless you trim and extract clean data out of zillions of GBs of data.

This also coincided with the advent of SaaS (Software as a service) and PaaS (Platform as a service). This made computing power more and more affordable.

Forms of Cloud computing. SaaS, Software as a Service; PaaS, Platform... | Download Scientific Diagram

By now, there is an abundance of data clubbed with economical and viable computing resources to process that data. The natural question was – What can be done with this huge data? Can we perform real-time analytics? Can the algorithmic learning be automated? Can we build models to imitate human logic? That’s where Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence started becoming more relevant.

Machine Learning: definition, types and practical applications - Iberdrola

What then is machine learning? Well, to each his own. In its more restrictive definition, it limits itself to situations where there is some level of feedback-based learning. But again, the consensus here is to include most forms of analytical techniques into it.

While the traditional analytics need a basic level of expertise in statistics, you can perform most of your advanced NLP, Computer vision etc. without any knowledge of their details. This is made possible by the ML APIs of Amazon/Google. For example, a 10th grader can run facial recognition on a few images, with little or no knowledge of Analytics. Some of the veteran’s question if this is real analytics. Whether you agree with them or not, it is here to stay.

The Need for Programming

Why need of programing language?

Imagine a scenario where your statistical model output needs to be integrated with ERP systems, to enable the line manager to consume the output, or even better, to interact with it. Or a scenario where the inputs given to your optimization model change in real-time, and model reruns. As we see more and more business scenarios, it is becoming increasingly evident that embedded analytical solutions are the way forward. the way analytical solutions interact with the larger ecosystem is getting the spotlight. This is where the programming comes into the picture.

Common issues while using Azure’s next-generation firewall

Getting the most out of your next-generation firewall | Network World

Recently I had to stand up a Next Generation Firewall (NGF) in an Azure Subscription as part of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This was a Palo Alto NGF with a number of templates that can help with the implementation.

I had to alter the template so the Application Gateway was not deployed. The client had decided on a standard External Load Balancer (ELB) so the additional features of an Application Gateway were not required. I then updated the parameters in the JSON file and deployed via an AzureDevOps Pipeline, and with a few run-throughs in my test subscription, everything was successfully deployed.

That’s fine, but after going through the configuration I realized the public IPs (PIPs) deployed as part of the template were “Basic” rather than “Standard.” When you deploy an Azure Load Balancer, there needs to be parity with any device PIPs you are balancing against. So, the PIPs were deleted and recreated as “Standard.” Likewise, the Internal Load Balancer (ILB) needed this too.

I had a PowerShell script from when I had stood up load balancers in the past and I modified this to keep everything repeatable. There would be two NGFs in two regions – 4 NGFs in total and two external load-balancers and two internal load-balancers.

A diagram from one region is shown below:

Firewall and Application Gateway for virtual networks - Azure Example Scenarios | Microsoft Docs

With all the load balancers in place, we should be able to pass traffic, right? Actually, no. Traffic didn’t seem to be passing.  An investigation revealed several gotchas.

Gotcha 1.  This wasn’t really a gotcha because I knew some Route Tables with User Defined Routing (UDR) would need to be set up. An example UDR on an internal subnet might be:

User Defined Route (UDR) – MyKloud to Virtual Appliance pointing at the Private ILB IP Address. Also on the DMZ In subnet – where the Palo Alto Untrusted NIC sits, a UDR might be to “Internet.” You should also have routes coming back the other way to the vNets. And, internally you can continue to allow Route Propagation if Express Route is in the mix, but on the Firewall Subnets, this should be disabled. Keep things tight and secure on those subnets.

But still no traffic after the Route Tables were configured.

Gotcha 2. The Palo Alto firewalls have a GUI ping utility in the user interface. Unfortunately, in the most current version of the Palo Alto Firewall OS (9 at the time of writing) the ping doesn’t work properly. This is because the firewall Interfaces are set to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). I believe, as Azure controls and passes out the IPs to the Interfaces Static, DHCP is not required.

The way I decided to test things with this MVP, which is using a hub-and-spoke architecture, was to stand up a VM on a Non-Production Internal Spoke vNet.

Gotcha 3.  With all my UDRs set up with the load balancers and an internal VM trying to browse the internet, things are still not working. I now call a Palo Alto architect for input and learn the configuration on the firewalls is fine but there’s something not right with the load balancers.

At this point I was tempted to go down the Outbound Rules configuration route at the Azure CLI. I had used this before when splitting UDP and TCP Traffic to different PIPs on a Standard Load Balancer.

But I decided to take a step back and to start going through the load balancer configuration. I noticed that on my Health Probe I had set it to HTTP 80 as I had used this previously.

Health probe set to http 80

I changed it from HTTP 80 to TCP 80 in the Protocol box to see if it made a difference. I did this on both internal and external load balancers.

Hey, presto. Web Traffic started passing. The Health Probe hadn’t liked HTTP as the protocol as it was looking for a file and path.

Ok, well and good. I revisited the Azure Architecture Guide from Palo Alto and also discussed with a Palo Alto architect.

They mentioned SSH – Port 22 for health probes. I changed that accordingly to see if things still worked – and they did.

Port 22 for health probes

Finding the culprit

So, the health probe was the culprit — as was I for re-using PowerShell from a previous configuration. Even then, I’m not sure my eye would have picked up HTTP 80 vs TCP 80 the first time round. The health probe couldn’t access HTTP 80 Path / so it basically stopped all traffic, whereas TCP 80 doesn’t look for a path. Now we are ready to switch the Route Table UDRs to point Production Spoke vNets to the NGF.

To sum up the three gotchas:

  1. Configure your Route Tables and UDRs.
  2. Don’t use Ping to test with Azure Load Balancers
  3. Don’t use HTTP 80 for your Health Probe to NGFs.

Hopefully this will help circumvent some problems configuring load balancers with your NGFs when you are standing up an MVP – whatever flavour of NGF is used.

NoOps automation eliminating toil in the cloud.

How to Reduce Operations Toil for Site Reliability Engineers | by Arun Kumar Singh | Adobe Tech Blog | Medium

A wildlife videographer typically returns from a shoot with hundreds of gigabytes of raw video files on 512GB memory cards. It takes about 40 minutes to import the files into a desktop device, including various prompts from the computer for saving, copying or replacing files. Then the videographer must create a new project in a video-editing tool, move the files into the correct project and begin editing. Once the project is complete, the video files must be moved to an external hard drive and copied to a cloud storage service.

All of this activity can be classified as toil — manual, repetitive tasks that are devoid of enduring value and scale up as demands grow. Toil impacts productivity every day across industries, including systems hosted on cloud infrastructure. The good news is that much of it can be alleviated through automation, leveraging multiple existing cloud provider tools. However, developers and operators must configure cloud-based systems correctly, and in many cases these systems are not fully optimised and require manual intervention from time to time.

 Identifying toil

Toil is everywhere. Let’s take Amazon EC2 as an example. EC2 provides Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) compute and storage capacity to build servers in the cloud. The storage units associated with EC2 are disks which contain operating system and application data that grows over time, and ultimately the disk and the file system must be expanded, requiring many steps to complete.

The high-level steps involved in expanding a disk are time consuming. They include:

  1. Get an alert on your favourite monitoring tool
  2. Identify the AWS account
  3. Log in to the AWS Console
  4. Locate the instance
  5. Locate the EBS volume
  6. Expand the disk (EBS)
  7. Wait for disk expansion to complete
  8. Expand the disk partition
  9. Expand the file system

One way to eliminate these tasks is by allocating a large amount of disk space, but that wouldn’t be economical. Unused space drives up EBS costs, but too little space results in system failure. Thus, optimising disk usage is essential.

This example qualifies as toil because it has some of these key features:

  1. The disk expansion process is managed manually. Plus, these manual steps have no enduring value and grow linearly with user traffic.
  2. The process will need to be repeated on other servers as well in the future.
  3. The process can be automated, as we will soon learn.

The move to NoOps

Traditionally, this work is performed by IT operations, known as the Ops team. Ops teams come in variety of forms but their primary objective remains the same – to ensure that systems are operating smoothly. When they are not, the Ops team responds to the event and resolves the problem.

NoOps is a concept in which operational tasks are automated, and there is no need for a dedicated team to manage the systems. NoOps does not mean operators would slowly disappear from the organisation, but they would now focus on identifying toil, finding ways to automate the task and, finally, eliminating it. Some of the tasks driven by NoOps require additional tools to achieve automation. The choice of tool is not important as long as it eliminates toil.

Figure 1 – NoOps approach in responding to an alert in the system

In our disk expansion example, the Ops team typically would receive an alert that the system is running out of space. A monitoring tool would raise a ticket in the IT Service Management (ITSM) tool, and that would be end of the cycle.

Under NoOps, the monitoring tool would send a webhook callback to the API gateway with the details of the alert, including the disk and the server identifier. The API gateway then forwards this information and triggers Simple Systems Manager (SSM) automation commands, which would increase the disk size. Finally, a member of the Ops team is automatically notified that the problem has been addressed.

 AWS Systems Manager automation

Resetting SSH key access to your EC2 Instance through Systems Manager Automation - BlueChipTek

The monitoring tool and the API gateway play an important role in detecting and forwarding the alert, but the brains of NoOps is AWS Systems Manager automation.

This service builds automation workflows for the nine manual steps needed for disk expansion through an SSM document, a system-readable instruction written by an operator. Some tasks may even involve invoking other systems, such as AWS Lambda and AWS Services, but the orchestration of the workflow is achieved by SSM automation, as shown in this table:

Step # Task Name SSM Automation Action Comments
1 Get trigger details and expand volume aws:invokeLambdaFunction Using Lambda, the system must determine the exact volume and expand it based on a pre-defined percentage or value.
2 Wait for the disk expansion aws:waitUntilVolumeIsOkOnAws Disk expansion would fail if it goes to the next steps without waiting for time to complete.
3 Get OS information aws:executeAwsApi Windows and Linux distros have different commands to expand partition and file systems.
4 Branch the workflow depending on the OS aws:branch The automation task would now be branched based on the OS.
5 Expand the disk aws:runCommand The branched workflow would run commands on the OS that would expand the disk gracefully.
6 Send notification to the ITSM tool aws:invokeLambdaFunction Send a report on the success or failure of the NoOps task for documentation.

Applying NoOps across IT operations

Is NoOps the End of DevOps? Think Again | Blog | AppDynamics

This example shows the potential for improving operator productivity through automation, a key benefit of AWS cloud services. This level of NoOps can also be achieved through tools and services from other cloud providers to efficiently operate and secure hybrid environments at scale. For AWS deployments, Amazon EventBridge and AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter can assist in building event-driven application architectures, resolving issues quickly and, ultimately, and eliminating toil.

Other NoOps use cases include:

  • Automatically determine the cause of system failures by extracting the appropriate sections of the logs and appending these into the alerting workflow.
  • Perform disruptive tasks in bulk, such as scripted restart of EC2 instances with approval on multiple AWS accounts.
  • Automatically amend the IPs in the allowlist/denylist of a security group when a security alert is triggered on the monitoring tool.
  • Automatically restore data/databases using service requests.
  • Identify high CPU/memory process and kill/restart if required automatically.
  • Automatically clear temporary files when disk utilization is high.
  • Automatically execute EC2 rescue when an EC2 instance is dead.
  • Automatically take snapshots/Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) before any scheduled or planned change.

In the case of the wildlife videographer, NoOps principles could be applied to eliminate repetitive work. A script can automate the processes of copying, loading, creating projects and archiving files, saving countless hours of work and allowing the videographer to focus on core aspects of production.

For cloud architectures, NoOps should be seen as the next logical iteration of the Ops team. Eliminating toil is essential to help operators focus on site reliability and improving services.

Important Points to Consider When Choosing a VPS Hosting Package

Tips for Finding the Best VPS Hosting Package

VPS is widely considered the natural progression for companies upgrading from shared hosting. Affordable, high-performance and inherently more secure, it provides exceptionally more resources for just a small increase in price. While VPS might be the right decision, finding the best hosting provider and package needs some consideration. Here are some important tips to help you make the right choice.

What are you going to use VPS for?

VPS hosting comes in a range of packages, each offering differing amounts of resources, such as storage, CPU and RAM. The needs of your business should dictate what resources you’ll need now and in the foreseeable future and this should be a key consideration when looking for a VPS package, otherwise, you might restrict your company’s development further down the line. Here are some of the main things VPS is used for.

Large and busy websites

Busy websites — Siteinspire

The extra storage and processing power offered by VPS makes it ideal for companies with large or multiple websites with heavy traffic. The additional resources enable your website to handle large numbers of simultaneous requests without affecting the speed and performance of your site, ensuring fast loading times, continuity and availability.

Deploy other applications

8 Best Practices for Agile Software Deployment – Stackify

As businesses grow, they tend to deploy more applications for business use. Aside from a website, you may want to utilise applications for remote working, employee tracking, access control or some of the many others which businesses now make use of. Not only does VPS give you the storage and resources to run these workloads; it also gives you the freedom to manage and configure your server in a way that best suits your needs.

Remember, the more apps you use and the more data you store, the bigger the package you’ll require.

Other common uses of VPS

A VPS can be utilised for a wide range of purposes. It can be used for developing apps and testing new environments, private backup solutions, hosting servers for streaming and advertising platforms, indeed, even some individuals use them to host gaming servers so they can play their favourite games with their friends online.

Whichever purposes you have in mind for your VPS, make sure you look carefully at the resources you need now and for growing space in the future.

Latency and location

Network Latency - Comparing the Impact on Your WordPress Site

One issue that many businesses don’t fully consider is the location of their VPS server. This, however, can have an impact in a number of ways. As data has to travel from a server to a user’s machine, the further the two devices are apart, the longer communication takes. This latency can have big implications. Firstly, it can make your website load slowly on more distant browsers. This has been proven to increase the numbers of users who will abandon your website and, consequently, lower conversion rates. Secondly, it slows response times on your site, so when someone carries out an action, there is an unnecessary delay before the expected result occurs (a major issue for gaming servers) and, thirdly, when search engines measure latency times, they may downrank your website because it isn’t fast enough. As a result, your organic traffic can diminish.

Another vital consideration is compliance. To comply with regulations like GDPR, you have to guarantee that the personal data you collect about UK and EU citizens is kept secure. While you can ensure this in countries which are signed up to GDPR, like the UK, the bulk of the world’s servers are hosted in the US where the data on them can be accessed by US law enforcement for national security purposes. In such instances, companies cannot guarantee data privacy and, should the data be accessed, your business could be in breach of regulations.

The tip here is a simple one: for speed, responsiveness, SEO and compliance, ensure your VPS is physically hosted in the country where the vast majority of your users are located. Be careful though: just because your web host operates in your country doesn’t necessarily mean their servers are based there. This is why, at Anteelo, all our datacentres are based in the UK.


Want To Make Money From Your Expertise? Start Here. | by Josh Spector | For The Interested | Medium

As your business develops its use of IT, you will start to need more in-house expertise to manage your system and make use of the applications at your disposal. Upgrading to VPS is a critical time for having IT skills in place, as you may need to learn how to use the new platform, migrate your website and other apps to it and deploy any new apps that you want to take advantage of.

IT expertise, however, is in short supply and training can be expensive. Even with it in place, there may be issues that you need help with. This makes it crucial that when choosing a VPS solution, you opt for a vendor that provides 24/7 expert technical support. A good host will not only set up the VPS for you and migrate your website; they will also manage your server so you can focus on your business and be there to deliver professional support whenever it is needed.


Free Vector | Global data security, personal data security, cyber data security online concept illustration, internet security or information privacy & protection.

The proliferation of sophisticated cybercrime together with increased compliance regulations means every business needs to put security high on their priorities. While moving from a shared server to a VPS with its own operating system makes your system inherently safer, you should not overlook the security provided by your hosting provider.

Look for a host that provides robust firewalls with rules customised for VPS, intrusion and anti-DDoS protection, VPNs, anti-malware and application security, SSL certificates, remote backup solutions, email filters and email signing certificates.


VPS hosting offers growing business the ideal opportunity to grow its website, handle more traffic and deploy a wider range of business applications – and all at an affordable price. However, its important to choose a VPS package that offers enough resources, is located close to your customers, is managed on your behalf, comes with 24/7 expert technical support and provides the security your company needs.

Developing for Azure autoscaling

Microsoft Azure Review 2020 -

The public cloud (i.e. AWS, Azure, etc.) is often portrayed as a panacea for all that ails on-premises solutions. And along with this “cure-all” impression are a few misconceptions about the benefits of using the public cloud.

One common misconception pertains to autoscaling, the ability to automatically scale up or down the number of compute resources being allocated to an application based on its needs at any given time.  While Azure makes autoscaling much easier in certain configurations, parts of Azure don’t as easily support autoscaling.

For example, if you look at the different application service plans, you will see the lower three tiers (Free, Shared and Basic) do not include support for auto-scaling like the top 4 tiers (Standard and above). And there are ways to design and architect your solution to make use of auto-scaling. The point being, just because your application is running in Azure does not necessarily mean you automatically get autoscaling.

Scale out or scale in

How to Autoscale Azure App Services & Cloud Services

In Azure, you can scale up vertically by changing the size of a VM, but the more popular way Azure scales is to scale-out horizontally by adding more instances. Azure provides horizontal autoscaling via numerous technologies. For example, Azure Cloud Services, the legacy technology, provides autoscaling automatically at the role level. Azure Service Fabric and virtual machines implement autoscaling via virtual machine scale sets. And, as mentioned, Azure App Service has built in autoscaling for certain tiers.

When it is known ahead of time that a certain date or time period (such as Black Friday) will warrant the need for scaling-out horizontally to meet anticipated peak demands, you can create a static scheduled scaling. This is not in the true sense “auto” scaling. Rather, the ability to dynamically and reactively auto-scale is typically based upon runtime metrics that reflect a sudden increase in demand.  Monitoring metrics with compensatory instance adjustment actions when a metric reaches a certain value is a traditional way to dynamically auto-scale.

Tools for autoscaling

Azure Monitor overview - Azure Monitor | Microsoft Docs

Azure Monitor provides that metric monitoring with auto-scale capabilities. Azure Cloud Services, VMs, Service Fabric, and VM scale sets can all leverage Azure Monitor to trigger and manage auto-scaling needs via rules. Typically, these scaling rules are based on related memory, disk and CPU-based metrics.

For applications that require custom autoscaling, it can be done using metrics from Application Insights.  When you create an Azure application and you want to scale it, you should make sure to enable App Insights for proper scaling. You can create a customer metric in code and then set up an autoscale rule using that custom metric via metric source of Application Insights in the portal.

Design considerations for autoscaling

Autoscaling v1 - Azure App Service Environment | Microsoft Docs

When writing an application that you know will be auto-scaled at some point, there are a few base implementation concepts you might want to consider:

  • Use durable storage to store your shared data across instances. That way any instance can access the storage location and you don’t have instance affinity to a storage entity.
  • Seek to use only stateless services. That way you don’t have to make any assumptions on which service instance will access data or handle a message.
  • Realize that different parts of the system have different scaling requirements (which is one of the main motivators behind microservices). You should separate them into smaller discrete and independent units so they can be scaled independently.
  • Avoid any operations or tasks that are long-running. This can be facilitated by decomposing a long-running task into a group of smaller units that can be scaled as needed. You can use what’s called a Pipes and Filters pattern to convert a complex process into units that can be scaled independently.

Scaling/throttling considerations

Autoscaling can be used to keep the provisioned resources matched to user needs at any given time. But while autoscaling can trigger the provisioning of additional resources as needs dictate, this provisioning isn’t immediate. If demand unexpectedly increases quickly, there can be a window where there’s a resource deficit because they cannot be provisioned fast enough.

An alternative strategy to auto-scaling is to allow applications to use resources only up to a limit and then “throttle” them when this limit is reached. Throttling may need to occur when scaling up or down since that’s the period when resources are being allocated (scale up) and released (scale down).

The system should monitor how it’s using resources so that, when usage exceeds the threshold, it can throttle requests from one or more users. This will enable the system to continue functioning and meet any service level agreements (SLAs). You need to consider throttling and scaling together when figuring out your auto-scaling architecture.

Singleton instances

Creating a Logic Apps Singleton Instance – Jeroen Maes' Integration Blog

Of course, auto-scaling won’t do you much good if the problem you are trying to address stems from the fact that your application is based on a single cloud instance. Since there is only one shared instance, a traditional singleton object goes against the positives of the multi-instance high scalability approach of the cloud. Every client uses that same single shared instance and a bottleneck will typically occur. Scalability is thus not good in this case so try to avoid a traditional singleton instance if possible.

But if you do need to have a singleton object, instead create a stateful object using Service Fabric with its state shared across all the different instances.  A singleton object is defined by its single state. So, we can have many instances of the object sharing state between them. Service Fabric maintains the state automatically, so we don’t have to worry about it.

The Service Fabric object type to create is either a stateless web service or a worker service. This works like a worker role in an Azure Cloud Service.

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