Part 1 of the Machine Learning Operations (MLOP) series

MLOps: Machine Learning Engineering | Towards Data Science

Introduction to Machine Learning Operations

Machine learning – a tech buzz phrase that has been at the forefront of the tech industry for years. It is almost everywhere, from weather forecasts to the news feed on your social media platform of choice. It focuses on developing computer programs that can acquire data and “learn” by recognizing patterns and making decisions with them.

Although data scientists build these models to simplify and make business processes more efficient, their time is, unfortunately, split and rarely dedicated to modeling. In fact, on average, data scientists spend only 20% of their time on modeling; the other 80% is spent on the machine learning lifecycle.


Why Prototype? | Starmark | Integrated Marketing Communications

This exciting step is unquestionably the highlight of the job for most data scientists. This is the step where they can stretch their creative muscles and design models that best suits the application’s needs. This is where Anteelo believes that data scientists ought to spend most of their time to maximize their value to the firm.

Data Preparation

Data preparation – is there a process to follow? - The Data Value Factory

Though information is easily accessible in this day and age, there is no universally accepted format. Data can come from various sources, from hospitals to IoT devices; to feed the data into models, sometimes, transformations are required. For example, machine learning algorithms generally need data to be numbers, so textual data may need to be adjusted. Statistical noise or errors in data may also need to be corrected.

Model Training

Machine Learning in production - A guide to model evaluation and retraining

Training a model means determining good values for all the weights and bias in a model. Essentially, the data scientists are trying to find an optimal model that can minimize loss – an indication of how badly the prediction is performed on a single example.

Parameter Selection

A guide to an efficient way to build neural network architectures- Part I: Hyper-parameter selection and tuning for Dense Networks using Hyperas on Fashion-MNIST | by Shashank Ramesh | Towards Data Science

During training, it is necessary to select some parameters that will impact the prediction of the model. Although most are selected automatically, some subsets cannot learn and require expert configuration. These are known as hyper parameters. Experts trying to configure hyper parameters have to implement various optimization strategies to tune the hyper parameters.

Transfer Learning

Introduction to Deep Learning : Transfer Learning in Deep Learning - YouTube

It is quite common to reuse machine learning models across various domains. Although models may not be directly transferrable, some can serve as excellent foundations or building blocks for developing other models.

Model Verification

At this stage, the trained model will be tested to see if the validated model can provide sufficient information to achieve its intended purpose. For example, when the trained model is presented with new data, can it still maintain its accuracy?


8 Best Practices for Agile Software Deployment – Stackify

At this point, the model has been thoroughly trained & tested and has passed all requirements. The step aims to use this model for the firm and ensure that it can continue to perform with a live stream of data.


Automating Machine Learning Monitoring | RS Labs

Now that the model is deployed and live, many businesses generally consider the process to be final. Unfortunately, this is far from reality. Like any tool, the model will wear out after use. If not tested regularly, it will provide irrelevant information. To make matters worse, since most machine learning models work in a “black box,” they lack the clarity to explain the model’s predictions, making the predictions challenging to defend.

Without this entire process, models would never see the light of day. That said, the process often weighs heavily on data scientists, simply because many steps require direct actions on their end. Enter Machine Learning Operations (MLOps).

MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) is a set of practices, frameworks, and tools that combines Machine Learning, DevOps, and Data Engineering to deploy and maintain ML models in production reliably and efficiently. MLOps solutions provide Data engineers, scientists, and engineers with the necessary tools to make the entire process a breeze. Next time, find out how Anteelo Engineers have developed a tool that targets one of these steps to make the lives of data scientists’ easier.

Why Are So Many Small Businesses Adopting Cloud in 2020?

Six reasons why COVID-19 will accelerate the rush to cloud - Intelligent CIO Middle East

The impact of the pandemic has led to a dramatic rise in the number of small businesses adopting cloud technology. With nine out of ten companies now making use of cloud IT and 60 per cent of workloads being run in the cloud, it has become the go-to option for forward-thinking firms. By providing them with the same technologies used by larger rivals, but without the need for capital investment, the cloud delivers an affordable way to innovate, automate and become more agile. Here are just some of the ways small businesses are benefitting from cloud adoption.

Awesome power at low-cost

4 Tips For Low Cost Video Production - Bold Content Video Production

In the age of digital transformation, companies need hi-tech solutions to help them compete. While technologies such as data analytics, AI, machine learning, IoT and automation are widely used, a lack of financial resources has left many smaller businesses out of the loop. However, by migrating to the cloud, companies can have access to the necessary infrastructure without having to invest heavily in setting up an on-site datacentre. All the hardware is provided by the service provider and paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Furthermore, the cloud offers the ideal set-up for fast and easy expansion, enabling companies to scale up or down their IT resources on-demand, helping them to increase capacity in line with growth and cope with spikes in demand in a convenient way. Expansion that would take considerable expenditure and days of work to set up in-house, can be had cost-effectively at the click of a button.

New normal adaptation

Adapting to a new world

The pandemic has led many companies to reassess the way they operate, especially with regard to their working practices. Across the globe, swathes of employees are finding themselves able to ditch the commute and work more flexibly from home as executives seek to downsize offices.

Cloud technology is a key enabler of remote working, giving employees the ability to access the company’s IT resources anywhere with an internet connection. Firms can also make use of software as a service (SaaS) packages, providing them with a multitude of business applications, such as Microsoft 365, with which to carry out their work.

These technologies enable employers to offer flexible hours, recruit staff from further afield and reduce office occupancy. What’s more, they can also monitor staff productivity and task progress, as well as tracking inventory and shipping.

Better collaboration

5 Keys to Better Collaboration in Healthcare | PreCheck

Over the course of the lockdown, the leading software companies have gone all out to improve the collaborative cloud-based applications that teams rely on. Existing apps have been enhanced and new ones created to provide far better video chat, messaging and document sharing platforms. Features such as group editing, instant syncing and project management, together with improved security, enable remote working teams to be assembled and collaborate on a wide range of initiatives.

Transformative technology in your hands  

Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends For 2020

The cloud is the ideal place to benefit from today’s must-have technologies, like artificial intelligence, data analytics and the Internet of Things. Indeed, many of these are cloud-native, with applications that can be deployed at the click of a button in a cloud environment. What’s more, a lot of these cloud-based apps are open-source, meaning that they are free to use.

This means small businesses can take advantage of the cloud immediately, accelerating their ability to benefit from data-driven insights. As a result, they can reduce costs, improve operations and discover new opportunities much quicker than before.

Solid security

Rock-Solid Security - Krimzen

While security is a concern for every business, small firms have an additional issue when it comes to providing the in-house security expertise and resources to keep their systems protected. Migration to the cloud removes many of these headaches as the service provider will undertake a great deal of this work on their customers’ behalf.

Cloud providers have to comply with stringent regulations to ensure their infrastructure is robustly secure. By migrating to the cloud, small businesses will be automatically protected by a wide range of sophisticated security tools, such as next-gen firewalls, intrusion prevention apps and malware scanners – all of which are managed and maintained by security experts.

Swift recovery

Top 10 Best Data Recovery Software That Worth Your Time (2021)

Data loss can have a devastating impact on a business: taking its services offline, preventing it from trading and damaging its reputation. Swift recovery is essential to minimise the impact.

Cloud-based backups are the ideal solution for disaster recovery: they store data at a geographically separate location to your cloud server; they are encrypted for security and checked for integrity, and they can be scheduled to occur at the frequency a company demands.

Perhaps most crucially, they enable companies to restore data, and even entire servers, quickly and easily, ensuring that disruption is kept to an absolute minimum. And with 24/7 technical support, the issue of internal expertise is easily overcome.


The pandemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation, with growing numbers of small firms adopting cloud technology in order to adapt to the new business environment. Its cost-effectiveness and easy scalability, together with its wide range of open-source, easily deployable applications, make it highly attractive to companies that want to take advantage of the technologies and insights it offers.

Take a first look at the Spark 3.0 Performance Improvements on Databricks

Spark 3.0 is now available in Databricks | element61

On June 18, 2020, Databricks announced the support of Apache Spark 3.0.0 release as part of the new Databricks Runtime 7.0. Interestingly, this year marks Apache Spark’s 10th anniversary as an open-source project. The continued adoption for data processing and ML makes Spark an essential component of any mature data and analytics platform. Spark 3.0.0 release includes 3,400+ patches, designed to bring major improvements in Python and SQL capabilities. Many of our clients are not only keen on utilizing the performance improvements in the latest version of Spark, but also expanding Spark usage for data exploration, discovery, mining, and data processing by different data users.

Key improvements in Spark 3.0.0 that we evaluated:

  • Spark-SQL & Spark Core:
  1. Adaptive Query Optimization
  2. Dynamic Partition Pruning
  3. Join Hints
  4. ANSI SQL Standard Compliance Experimental Mode
  • Python:
  1. Performance improvements for Pandas & Koalas
  2. Python type hints
  3. Addition to Pandas UDF
  4. Bettered Python error handling

SQL Engine Improvements:

Javarevisited: Top 5 Websites to Learn SQL Online for FREE - Best of Lot

As a developer, I wish the Spark engine was more efficient with:

  • Optimizing the shuffle partitions on its own
  • Choosing the best join strategy
  • Optimizing the skew in joins

As a data architect, I spend considerable time optimizing the issues above as it involves conducting tests on different data volumes and settling on the most optimal solution. Developers have options to optimize by:

  • Reducing shuffle through coalesce or better data distribution
  • Better memory management by specifying the optimum number of executors
  • Improving garbage collection
  • Opting to use join hints to influence the optimizer when the compiler is unable to make a better choice

But, it’s always a daunting task to choose the correct shuffle partitions on varying production data volumes, handle the join performance bottlenecks induced by data skewness, or choosing the right dataset to be broadcasted before the join. Even after many tests, one can’t be sure about the performance as data volumes change over time, and data processing jobs take time, which results in missing the SLAs in Production. Even with optimal design and build combined with multiple test cycles, performance problems may come up in Production workloads, which significantly reduces the overall confidence among IT and the business community.

Spark 3.0.0 has the solutions to many of these issues, courtesy of the Adaptive Query Execution (AQE), dynamic partition pruning, and extending join hint framework. Over the years, Databricks has discovered that over 90% of Spark API calls use DataFrame, Dataset, and SQL APIs along with other libraries optimized by the SQL optimizer. It means that even Python and Scala developers route most of their work through the Spark SQL engine. Hence, it was imperative to improve the SQL Engine and, thus, the 46% focus, as seen in the figure above.

We did a benchmark on a 500GB dataset with AQE, and dynamic partition pruning enabled on 5+1 node Spark cluster with 168GB RAM total. It resulted in a 20% performance improvement of a ‘Filter-Join-GroupBy using four datasets’ and a 50% performance improvement on ‘Cross Join-GroupBy-OrderBy using three datasets.’ On average, we saw an improvement of 1.2x – 1.5x with AQE enabled. A summary of the TPC-DS benchmark for the 3TB dataset can be found here:

Advanced Query Engine

This framework dramatically improves performance and simplifies query tuning by generating a better execution plan at runtime, even if the initial plan is suboptimal due to the loss/inaccuracy of data statistics. Three major contributors to this are:

  • dynamic coalescing shuffle partitions
  • dynamically switching join strategies
  • dynamically optimizing skew joins

Dynamic Partition Pruning

Trino | 11: Dynamic filtering and dynamic partition pruning

Pruning helps the optimizer avoid reading the files (in partitions) that cannot contain the data your transformation is looking for. This optimization framework automatically comes into action when the optimizer cannot identify the partitions that could have skipped at compile time. This works at both the logical and physical plan levels.

Python Related Improvements

Cool New Features in Python 3.8 – Real Python

After SQL, Python is the most commonly used language in Databricks notebooks, and hence it is the focus of Spark 3.0 too. Many Python developers rely on Pandas API for data analysis, but the pain point of Pandas is that it is limited to single-node processing. Spark has been focusing on the Koalas framework, which is an implementation of Pandas API on Spark that can gel well with big data in distributed environments. At present, Koalas covers 80% of the Pandas API. While Koalas is gaining traction, PySpark has also been a hot choice amongst the Python community developers.

Spark 3.0 brings several performance improvements in PySpark, namely –

  1. Pandas APIs with type hints – Introduction of new Python UDF Interface, which takes the help of Python type hints to increase the UDF usage among developers. These are executed by Apache Arrow to facilitate the data exchange between the JVM and Python driver/executor with near-zero (de)serialization cost
  2. Addition to Pandas UDFs and functions API – The release brings two major additions: Iterator UDFs and Map functions, which will help with data prefetching and expensive initialization
  3. Error Handling – This was always the developer town’s talk because of the poor and unfriendly exceptions and stack trace. Spark has taken a major leap to simplify the PySpark exceptions, hide unnecessary stack trace, and make them more Pythonic.

Below are some notable changes being introduced as part of Spark3.0 –

  1. Java 8 prior to version 8u92 support, Python 2 and Python 3 prior to version 3.6 support, and R prior to version 3.4 support is deprecated as of Spark 3.0.0.
  2. Deprecating MLLib – based on RDD, not data frames.
  3. Deep learning capability – Allows Spark to take advantage of GPU hardware if it is available. It also allows TensorFlow on top of Spark to take advantage of GPU hardware.
  4. Better Kubernetes integration – introduces new shuffle service for Spark on Kubernetes that will allow dynamic scale up and down.
  5. Support for binary files – loads the whole binary file into a binary file of a data frame, useful for image processing.
  6. For graph processing, SparkGraph(Morpheus), not GraphX, is the way of the future.
  7. Support for delta lake out of the box and can be used just as it is used, for example, with parquet.

All in all, Databricks fully adopting Spark 3.0.0 helps developers, data analysts, and data scientists through the significant enhancements to SQL and Python. The introduction of Structured Streaming Web UI will help track the aggregated metrics and detailed statistics about the streaming jobs. Significant Spark-SQL performance improvements and ANSI SQL capabilities accelerate the time to insights and improve adoption among the advanced analytics users in any enterprise.

Knowing how to use Azure Databricks and resource groupings

6 Reasons to Use Azure Databricks Today

Azure Databricks, an Apache Spark-based analytics platform optimized for the Microsoft Azure cloud, is a highly effective open-source tool, but it automatically creates resource groups and workspaces and protects them with a system-level lock, all of which can be confusing and frustrating unless you understand how and why.

The Databricks platform provides an interactive workspace that streamlines collaboration between data scientists, data engineers and business analysts. The Spark analytics engine supports machine learning and large-scale distributed data processing, combining many aspects of big data analysis all in one process.

Spark works on large volumes of data either in batch (rest) or streaming processing (live) mode. The live processing capability is how Databricks/Spark differs from Hadoop (which uses MapReduce algorithms to process only batch data).

Resource groups are key to managing the resources bound to Databricks. Typically, you specify which groups in which your resources are created. This changes slightly when you create an Azure Databricks service instance and specify a new or existing resource group. Say, for example, we are creating a new resource group, Azure will create the group and place a workspace within it. That workspace is an instance of the Azure Databricks service.

Along with the directly specified resource group, it will also create a second resource group. This is called a “Managed resource group” and it starts with the word “databricks.” This Azure-managed group of resources allows Azure to provide Databricks as a managed service. Initially this managed resource group will contain only a few workspace resources (a virtual network, a security group and a storage account). Later, when you create a cluster, the associated resources for that cluster will be linked to this managed resource group.

The “databricks-xxx” resource group is locked when it is created since the resources in this group provide the Databricks service to the user. You are not able to directly delete the locked group nor directly delete the system-owned lock for that group. The only option is to delete the service, which in turn deletes the infrastructure lock.

A beginner's guide to Azure Databricks

With respect to Azure tagging, the lock placed upon that Databricks managed resource group prevents you from adding any custom tags, from deleting any of the resources or doing any write operations on a managed resource group resource.

Example Deployment

Let’s talk a look at what happens when you create an instance of the Azure Databricks service with respect to resources and resource groups:


  1. Create an instance of the Azure Databricks service
  2. Specify the name of the workspace (here we used nwoekcmdbworkspace)
  3. Specify to create a new resource group (here we used nwoekcmdbrg) or choose an existing one
  4. Hit Create


  1. Creates nwoekcmdbrg resource group
  2. Automatically creates nwoekcmdbworkspace, which is the Azure Databricks Service. This is contained within the nwoekcmdbrg resource group.
  3. Automatically creates databricks-rg-nwoekcmdbworkspace-c3krtklkhw7km resource group. This contains a single storage account, a network security group and a virtual network.


Click on the workspace (Azure Databricks service), and it brings up the workspace with a “Launch Workspace” button.

Per-workspace URLs - Azure Databricks - Workspace | Microsoft Docs

Launching the workspace uses AAD to sign you into the Azure Databricks service. This is where you can create a Databrick cluster or run queries, import data, create a table, or create a notebook to start querying, visualizing and modifying your data. I decided to create a new cluster to demonstrate where the resources are stored for the appliance. Here, we create a cluster to see where the resources land.

Azure Databricks - create new workspace and cluster | SQL Player

After the cluster is created, a number of resources were created in the Azure Databrick managed resource group databricks-rg-nwoekcmdbworkspace-c3krtklkhw7km. Instead of merely containing a single VNet, NSG and storage account as it did initially, it now contains multiple VMs, disks, network interfaces, and public IP addresses.

Quickstart - Run a Spark job on Azure Databricks Workspace using Azure portal | Microsoft Docs

The workspace nwoekcmdbworkspace and the original resource group nwoekcmdbrg both remain unchanged as all changes are made in the managed resource group databricks-rg-nwoekcmdbworkspace-c3krtklkhw7km. If you click on “Locks,” you can see there is a read-only lock placed on it to prevent deletion. Clicking on the “Delete” button yields an error saying the lock was not able to be deleted. If you make changes to the original resource group in the tags, they will be reflected in the “databricks-xxx” resource group.  But you cannot change tag values in the databricks-xxx resource group directly.

Quick Tip:How to prevent your Azure Resources from accidental deletion? – Beyond the Horizon…


When using Azure Databricks, it can be confusing when a new workspace and managed resource group just appear. Azure automatically creates a Databricks workspace, as well as a managed resource group containing all the resources needed to run the cluster. This is protected by a system-level lock to prevent deletions and modifications. The only way to directly remove the lock is to delete the service. This can be a tremendous limitation if changes need to be made to tags in the managed resource group.  However, by making changes to the parent resource group, those changes will be correspondingly updated in the managed resource group.

Want to reap the full benefits of cloud computing? Reconsider your journey.

Rethink your cloud migration to get more benefits | Linktech Australia

There’s no denying that companies have realized many benefits from using public clouds – hyperscalability, faster deployment and, perhaps most importantly, flexible operating costs. Cloud has helped organizations gain access to modern applications and new technologies without many upfront costs, and it has transformed software development processes.

But when it comes to public cloud migration, many organizations are acting with greater discretion than it might at first appear. Enterprise IT spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow 18.4 percent in 2021 to total $304.9 billion, according to Gartner. This is an impressive number, but it’s just under 10 percent of the entire worldwide IT spending projected at $3.8 trillion over the same period. While cloud growth is striking, it pays to heed the context.

The data center still reigns

DATA CENTER Services - Bluebird Network

In 2021, spending on data center systems will become the second-largest area of growth in IT spending, just under enterprise software spending. And while much growth is attributed to hyperscalers, significant increase also comes from renewed enterprise data center expansion plans. Based on Anteelo Technology’s internal survey of its global enterprise customers, nearly all of them plan to operate in a hybrid cloud environment with nearly two-thirds of their technology footprint remaining on-premises over the next five years or longer. Uptime Institute’s 2020 Data Center Industry Survey also shows that a majority of workloads are operating in enterprise data centers.

Adopting cloud is a new way of life

How Cloud Computing Is Changing Management

Deciding what should move to the public cloud takes careful planning followed by solid engineering work. We are seeing that some enterprises, in rushing to the public cloud, don’t have an exit strategy for their current environments and data centers. We have all come across companies that started deploying multiple environments in the cloud but did not plan for changes in the way they develop, deploy and maintain applications and infrastructure. As a result, their on-premises costs stayed the same, while their monthly cloud bill kept rising.

Not everything should move to the public cloud. For example, many enterprises have been running key mission-critical business applications that require high transaction processing, high resiliency and high throughput without significant variation in demand due to seasonality. In these cases, protecting and supporting existing IT infrastructure investments and an on-premises data center or a mainframe modernization is more practical as moving such environments to the public cloud is complex and costly.

To achieve the full benefits, including cost benefits, let’s not forget the operational changes that using the public cloud requires — new testing paradigms, different development models, site reliability, security engineering and regulatory compliance — all of which require flexible teams and alternative ways of working and collaborating.

The key point: Enterprises are not moving everything to the public cloud because many critical applications are better suited for private data centers, while potentially availing themselves of private cloud capabilities.

How can Anteelo help?

6 ways cloud improves speed and performance - Work Life by Atlassian

With ample evidence that hybrid cloud is the best answer for large enterprise customers to successfully adopt a cloud strategy, employing Anteelo as your managed service provider, with our deep engineering, and infrastructure and application management experience, is a good bet. We hold a leading position in providing pure mainframe services globally and have the skills on hand to help customers with complex, enterprise-scale transformations.

Our purpose-built technology solutions, throughout the Enterprise Technology Stack, can reduce IT operating costs up to 30 percent. In running and maintaining mission-critical IT systems for our customers, we manage hundreds of data centers, hundreds of thousands of servers and have migrated nearly 200,000 workloads to the hybrid cloud, including businesses that use mainframe systems for their core, critical solutions. A hybrid cloud solution is the ideal, fit-for-purpose answer to meet many unique business demands.

The path to modernizing mission-critical applications - Cloud computing news

Customers want to migrate or modernize applications for many reasons. Croda International is a good example, with its phased approach for cloud migration. Whether moving to the public cloud, implementing a hybrid approach or enhancing non-cloud systems, Anteelo’s proven, integrated approach enables customers to achieve their goals in the quickest, most cost-effective way.

The lesson here: Be careful about drinking the public cloud-only Kool-Aid. With many cloud migrations falling short of their full, intended benefits, you need to assess the risks and rewards. More importantly, a qualified, experienced engineering team will not only help design the right plan, but will ensure that complications are quickly resolved — making for a smoother journey.

And most importantly, every enterprise should look at public cloud as part of its overall technology footprint, knowing that not everything is right for the cloud. Modernizing the technology in your environment should not be overlooked, since it may bring more timely results and better business outcomes, including improving your security posture.

WordPress 5.5 – Guide

WordPress 5.5 is here! 5 things you need to know • Yoast

WordPress has just released version 5.5 and it’s one of the most feature-packed updates since the launch of version 5.0 in December 2018. Here, we’ll look at some of its most useful and helpful advancements.

1. Gutenberg enhancements

WordPress Gutenberg 9.2 - Dozens of Improvements

The latest update sees further enhancements to the popular Gutenberg block editor which was first launched with WordPress 5.0. The interface has been tweaked to make it more user-friendly, more blocks have been added to build pages with and there are two new features: block patterns and block directory.

Block patterns are predefined block layouts that can be inserted onto your pages with settings already in place. They can save users a great deal of time and effort and can be tweaked if required. What’s great about the feature is that patterns can be created and shared, so while there are not many available at the moment, the intention is that developers will begin to create these predefined blocks and make them available in the same way that plugins are available now.

With the expectancy that the number of blocks and block patterns will rise dramatically, WordPress has introduced the block directory. Similar to the plugin and theme directory, it is designed to help users browse and search for the blocks and patterns they want to use.

2. Easier image editing

How to Easily Edit Images in WordPress

Any images inserted into the standard image block can now be edited without having to open them in the media library. Instead, they can be cropped, resized and rotated within the block itself. The biggest benefit of this is that you can see the changes straight away, saving users the hassle of going back and forth to the image library until they get the image exactly as they want it. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen on other types of block, though it may be something seen in a future update.

3. Lazy-loading images

How to Implement WordPress Lazy Load on Images and Videos

Good news for those wanting their WordPress website to load faster is that version 5.5 makes lazy-loading the default image setting. This means images are only downloaded to a user’s browser as they scroll down the page towards them. By delaying the download of image files, the rest of the site can load on the browser much quicker. Not only is this great for the user experience; it will also help with SEO, with page speed being an important ranking factor.

4. Responsive content previews

Previewing Site Responsiveness in the Customizer – Make WordPress Core

While page previews have always been possible in WordPress, version 5.5 gives you the chance to view how your unpublished page will look on smartphones and tablets as well as on PCs. With Google’s drive towards ‘mobile-first’ website development, this can help the pages you publish to meet the search engine’s high expectations for how a website looks and works on mobile devices. Even more importantly, it will ensure your site continues to communicate effectively as the use of mobile browsing grows.

5. Default XML sitemaps

WordPress Sitemap Guide: What It Is and How to Use It

XML sitemaps are highly valuable files that enable search engine crawlers to index every part of your website. Without them, there’s a chance that parts of your site might not get indexed and, as a result, not be searchable on the internet. Indeed, it is possible to upload these files to Google’s Search Console so that any changes you make to your site can be indexed automatically without you having to wait for the search engine crawlers to seek them out.

Prior to this version, users needed a plugin to generate an XML sitemap, however, the 5.5 update generates them automatically.

6. Automatic updates for plugins

How to Enable Automatic Updates for WordPress Plugins

Finally, we come to our favourite feature: automatic updates. As a web host, the security of our customers’ websites is a major concern and one of the biggest threats comes from vulnerabilities in plugins. While these vulnerabilities are usually spotted and patched very quickly by developers, millions of websites don’t update to the newer versions quickly enough and this leaves them open to cyberattacks.

The easiest solution is to enable automatic updates and this has been possible for some time using plugins like Jetpack or, for users of cPanel, in the actual control panel. Thankfully, this feature has now been built into the WordPress core and so is available to every user without the need for third-party software, and this should make millions of websites far more secure.

However, as some WordPress websites rely on legacy plugins, the new version does not make automatic updates the default setting. Indeed, there is always a remote possibility that an update might cause a compatibility issue which you may wish to test before going live with it. However, if you are confident about the plugins you use and wish to enable automatic updates, you can do so in the ‘Plugins’ area of version 5.5.


As you can see, WordPress 5.5 is a major update providing some very useful new features. It will make it easier to build better pages and edit images, help websites to perform better, especially on mobile sites, it will improve SEO through faster loading and XML sitemaps, and it will enhance security by offering automatic updates.

What is commonly overlooked in B2B dynamic pricing solutions?

Dynamic Pricing in B2B eCommerce: Why it Matters

Nowadays, corporate executives recognize that analytics is pivotal for pricing teams to create solutions that enable them to achieve their firm’s pricing objectives.

In the B2B domain, ‘dynamic pricing’ is a critical approach to bring substantial benefits to companies.

  1. It enables them to predict when to raise prices to capture upside or reduce costs to avoid volume losses that eventually speed up their decision-making process.
  2. It considers various variables vital to determining a product’s desired price, such as demand, deal size, customer type, geography, competitors’ product price, product type, and many more.

With the appropriate set of technologies, advanced analytics, agile processes, and problem-solving skills, one can build a powerful dynamic pricing engine. During the design and development phase, the vendor(s) or internal team works closely with the pricing department to understand their objectives and get inputs on pricing solutions. After completion, price recommendations are passed on to the sales representatives. And the way they follow the recommendations determines the solution’s success.

Now, suppose a higher price is recommended for some customers, but the root cause is not explicit. In such a case, the sales representatives may be reluctant to use the recommendation for fear of losing sales.

The effectiveness of dynamic pricing depends on sales representatives

Dynamic Pricing: Benefits, Strategies and Examples : Price2Spy® Blog

Although pricing instructions are available to the sales reps, for them, the dynamic pricing solution is still a black box. Quite rightly, if they do not understand the rationale behind the price fluctuation for specific products/solutions, how will they negotiate with customers?

Many pricing teams overlook this aspect, which impacts the effectiveness of pricing solutions. However, there are multiple ways to get salespeople to accept dynamic pricing. Here’s how:

  1. The team responsible for building new dynamic-pricing processes and tools needs to incorporate the sales team’s knowledge into the system.
  2. Throughout the decision cycle, the sales representatives should be treated as partners, and the sales managers should be involved in the solution building process.
  3. Once the solution is ready, the pricing team and sales managers must explain the rationale behind the new price recommendations.
  4. This way, the salespersons can justify the new price.

All of this requires collaboration and extra time, but it is worth the extra effort.

Collaborative Overload

Besides, sales staff can also feed win and loss information back into the system to steadily improve the model’s accuracy and uncover new insights, thereby making Dynamic pricing self-reinforcing. This kind of involvement boosts their confidence in the solution and makes their experience countable. Moreover, incentive structures also need to be realigned so that sales reps are rewarded for following the recommendations. It means that agents will be compensated based on the recommended results generated by the pricing tool – Analytics can also help design this kind of Incentive Compensation.

A significant impact cannot come only from having a robust solution. The sales reps are equally crucial in enabling the last mile adoption of your dynamic pricing solution.

Why do you need a software-defined data centre in your hybrid cloud?

Software Defined Data Center(SDDC) Explained | IBM

If there is one thing that 2020 has taught us, it is that things can change on a dime. Over the last year, we have learned how to better cope with dramatic change in how we run our businesses – setting up remote working, creating more online services to satisfy customers’ new demands and migrating more applications to the cloud. But there’s more to do.

In these times, businesses are demanding even more agility and flexibility from their internal IT departments, which already have been under pressure to modernize data-center operations as the popularity of SaaS and the public cloud grows.

The trend toward data center virtualization is sure to intensify. In the current environment, we may need to reconsider how we think about and transition to the software-defined data center (SDDC). It’s increasingly important to have solid and standardized protocols and processes for SDDC to improve your company’s dexterity, scalability and costs. SDDC’s value also lies in its ability to improve resiliency, helping IT more seamlessly provision, operate and manage data centers through APIs in the midst of crisis.

Software Defined Data Center | What is SDDC – Happiest Minds

A well-groomed SDDC architecture primes an organization for its transformation journey to hybrid cloud. We won’t say that that journey is inevitable for everyone, but it’s way more likely than not.

Evidence of a growing movement to hybrid cloud comes from a recent Everest Group survey of 200 enterprises, which found that three out of four respondents said they have a hybrid-first or private-first cloud strategy, and 58% of enterprise workloads are on or expected to be on hybrid or private clouds. As much as companies may like the idea of moving everything to public cloud for its flexibility and cost benefits, it just isn’t practical for many reasons, including compliance and security concerns.

As a virtualized pool of resources, SDDC is the optimal foundation for hybrid cloud environments. It provides a common platform for both private and public clouds, automating resource assignments and tasks, simplifying and speeding application deployment, and being the backbone of a high-availability infrastructure.   Operational and IT labor costs shrink.

Make SDDC work for you

If you’ve already invested in SDDC software but aren’t seeing the returns you’d hoped for, you’re in the same boat as many other businesses. Companies often start on the road to virtualizing and automating their compute, storage and networking infrastructure, but they haven’t changed their thinking about how to operate the environment by reorganizing management functions with a code-based mindset.

It’s time to think differently.

Rise of DevOps - The Evolution of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The transition is not unlike what took place as DevOps software development practices overtook waterfall development, creating an environment where DevOps engineers came together with developers and IT operational staff to facilitate the creation of and regular release updates for products.

To get the most value from SDDC, you must merge the traditional functions of architecture, engineering, integration and operations teams into a DevOps kind of model to enhance the feedback loop and make improvements in the architecture/design.

Constant feedback loops need to be institutionalized. Adopting the SDDC infrastructure-as-code approach creates the continuous delivery pipelines for business applications that are critical to business competitiveness. Remember: If you can’t roll out solutions to answer customers’ needs at the speed of thought, you’re at risk of losing business to a rival that can.

Management silos need to break down and new tooling and processes must be standardized. There is no longer a need to invest in developing vendor-specific hardware operations skills. A culture shift is required for siloed network, storage and compute teams. There’s no room for managing discrete environments if your business is to achieve a complete, automated and cloud-ready SDDC. Integrated teams must be aligned to a single goal.

SDDC environments deliver other important benefits. Organizations with different IT environments in different regions suffer from a lack of consistency in hardware-oriented data center infrastructures. Replacing the confines and confusion of this setup with a hardware-agnostic approach using intelligent software streamlines the process of moving workloads across resources for better disaster recovery, business continuity and scalability.

SDDC matures for the digital era

Telefonica Taking on Transformation

Many considerations must go into the build-out of an SDDC. Businesses will find that the solutions and services available with Anteelo’s Enterprise Technology Stack set the groundwork for developing and refining SDDC capabilities.

It starts with our understanding and management of even the most complex customer environments, where we can apply our knowledge to help businesses understand the transformation journey. We can manage and maintain your SDDC, assisting you with everything from advising you about what applications are appropriate to live in the cloud to maintaining tight security controls.

Success in our digital era demands less complicated and more easily managed data centers. SDDC is the mature and sophisticated answer to that need.

5 Ways to Boost Sales on Your Product Pages

15 Great Product Pages that Turn Visitors into Customers

Getting visitors to your website requires a great deal of work and, for many businesses, quite a bit of advertising expenditure. What you don’t want is all this effort and money to go to waste. Once those visitors land on your product pages, you want them to buy your products. Some websites do this far more successfully than others and often the key factor is in the way the products pages are optimised for selling. In this post, we’ll give you 5 tips on how to make your product pages sell more.

  • Make sure you have an effective call to action

Call To Action Examples: Write An Effective CTA In 5 Steps | Ballantine

The ultimate aim of any product page is to sell the product. On a website, this means getting the visitor to carry out an action, usually clicking on a button which may say ‘Add to Basket’ or ‘Buy Now’. That button, or to be precise, the words written on it, is your call to action, i.e., it is directing the customer what to do.

The call to action is one of the most crucial elements on the page and if it is ineffective, it will impact on your conversion rates. To increase the effectiveness of your call to action button,the instructions need to be clear and carrying them out needs to be easy. The more complex it is, the fewer visitors will click. All it needs to do is guide the visitor on the next step of the buying journey.

In addition to being simple, it also has to be conspicuous. If it is hard to find, some customers are going to miss it, get frustrated and go shopping elsewhere. For this reason, it needs to be clearly visible, appropriately sized to catch attention and stand out from the other elements of the page, such as your product description. Using a contrasting colour for the button’s font and background can also help improve its chances of being clicked.

To improve effectiveness even more, you can use A/B split testing to test different versions of your call to action to see which of them has the biggest effect on conversions.

  • Use product images of the highest quality


If people are going to buy something online, product photography and video are the only things that let them see what it looks like. It doesn’t take a genius to work out, therefore, that if the photographs are naff, the products featured in them aren’t going to look too good either. If your site has poor quality images, it’s unlikely to be achieving the levels of sales it could be doing.

Unfortunately for those sites, product images are some of the most powerful elements of a product page. When done well, not only do they give a thorough idea of what the product actually looks like, they also put the product in a setting that sells an aspiration that the customer wants to achieve. They won’t just see a vacuum cleaner, they’ll see the clean house with designer furniture that matches the lifestyle they aspire to.

It’s these clever images with their powerful messages that grab the customer’s attention and make them want to buy. To improve your product pages effectiveness, make sure you use high-quality images which show various views of the product and, if possible, show how it will improve the life of the purchaser. Key to this, however, is making sure that the images you use reflect the aspirations of your target audience and show off the identity of your brand.

  • Use product descriptions that sell

Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell

Many product descriptions fail to be effective because they focus too much on the features of a product and not enough on the benefits of owning it. What you need to consider is that when people buy something, they are looking for a solution. They want a product that will solve a problem, whether that’s a vacuum cleaner to make it easier to clean the house or a new jacket to make them feel good when they are going out.

An effective product description will illustrate how a feature solves a problem or benefits the consumer. For example, if a vacuum cleaner is bag less, then state the benefits that it is easier to empty and will save money on the cost of replacement bags.

While you may think it is obvious what the benefits are, this doesn’t mean you should assume the same for your customers. What’s more, it is possible to write the benefits to match the needs and aspirations of your target audience.

  • Write copy for people, not search engines

SEO Copywriting: How to Write Content For People and Optimize For Google

With so much focus on SEO and doing well in search engine results, the importance of how well the copy reads for a visitor is often overlooked. However, if all they find is a bulleted list of features and descriptions that are overloaded with keyword phrases, it is not going to keep them engaged.

Write copy that is interesting to read, speaks directly to the visitor and which includes the language that they use to describe the product – and if you need guidance on where to discover what they say, just look up the product or similar products on publicly available review sites.

Finally, remember that the voice and tone that you use in your writing should be one which is both appealing to your readers and which matches the identity of your brand.Â

  • Include FAQs, specifications and live chat

How to Write Effective FAQs: Complete With 10 Best Examples

One of the biggest advantages of buying from a bricks and mortar store is that there is always someone there who can deal with your questions. Those people who shop online will have the same questions but don’t always have the opportunity to find the answers. If you run an eCommerce site, you need to find out what those questions may be and provide the answers in an FAQ section. If not, your customers may buy from websites where the answers are available.

Over time, you’ll have received emails or online chat questions about your products and these should be the starting point for your FAQ section. Displaying a detailed product specification can also help provide answers.Â

The other key feature of many of today’s product pages is live chat. This enables a member of your team to answer any questions about a product there and then as well as deal with any other issues a customer has.


Effective product pages are critical to the success of any online store. In this post, we have looked at five different elements which can help improve overall sales. With better calls to action and product images, copy that focuses on benefits and which is written for people, not search engines, and with the addition of FAQs, specifications and live chat, hopefully, you can boost your sales too.Â

5 Worst-Case Scenarios of Not BackUp Your Website

Why we shouldn't be afraid of nightmares - BBC Future

If you’ve never had a serious problem with your website, backups are probably something you don’t lose much sleep over. But just because you haven’t seen your website go down or lost data in the past doesn’t mean you are immune in the future. There are plenty of ways you can suffer such a disaster, with server failures, hacking and the accidental pressing of the delete button being just some of the potential causes. Without a backup, restoring your website would be a long, difficult and expensive process. Not convinced you need them? Here are five potential nightmares that might change your mind.

1. To err is human

To Err is Human; To Edit, Divine - Writing.Com

Even with the best will in the world and all the right procedures in place, people still make mistakes. All it takes is for someone to accidentally click on the wrong button and important website files can be wiped. As a result, your website might cease to function. It’s bad for your reputation and you’re losing business while it’s offline.

While restoring your website is possible, it may take a long time to get it back online, especially if you are using bespoke software or a theme that has been customised for your needs. Installing a fresh version of WordPress and your theme, for example, might not take that long. However, if you’ve edited the code to change the look or functionality of the site, all these tweaks will need to be carried out from fresh, once more.

The longer restoration takes, the more your company will suffer and for some, the damage can put them out of business. With a backup in place, everything can be restored, as it was, very quickly indeed.

2. Disappearing content and data

Data Loss Prevention: How to Prevent Your Data From Disappearing

Perhaps more important than the website is the actual content that goes on it and the data you store. If you lost your content there’d be no product pages, landing pages, blog posts or any of the other important information you need to share with your customers. If you lost your data, you may lose all your existing orders, customer details and inventory information.

Losing content or data is more problematic than losing your website files. With content, you may have to start creating it again from scratch which can be a massive task if you sell large numbers of products or have a substantial blog. If you lose customer data, you may never be able to get it back and may be in breach of regulations too.

3. Killed off by infection

The Secret Life Cycle of Mosquitoes

According to Hiscox, there are 65,000 cyberattacks on UK businesses every day. One of the main forms of attack is to attempt to infect a company’s website with malware. Malware can do many forms of damage to a website, from putting your site at ransom to installing hidden programs that infect your customers’ computers when they visit your site. As a result, they can take your website offline or corrupt your files. If your site is corrupted, you host may have to take it offline to prevent the spread of malware to others while search engines will stop listing it until the issue is fixed.

Finding the corrupted files (sometimes the infection replicates itself) and getting rid of the infected code can be a long process and the easiest thing is to delete the entire website and install a backup. Of course, you cannot do this without a recent backup in place.

4. When great plans backfire

How to Avoid the Backfire Effect When Handling Objections | Nutshell

A common time for issues to happen with websites is when people make changes to them. There are quite a few things that can go wrong, for example, software compatibility issues, tweaks to coding breaking your software or new themes making your content appear all wrong. Indeed, any major modification to the functionality or design of your website can result in unforeseen issues, which is why many companies carry them out in an experimental environment before letting them go live. Unfortunately, lots of other companies choose to make the changes to their live website and when plans go wrong, the site can easily be put offline. With a backup in place, you can restore your old, fully working website straightaway.

5. The vendor trap

How to get out of a debt trap - The Economic Times

The success of your website relies to a great extent on the quality of your web hosting provider. A good provider offers faster loading times, increased reliability, enhanced security, managed services, 24/7 expert technical support and the right packages and prices for the growing needs of your business. There may be a time, therefore, that you consider migrating your website to a new host.

Moving to a different provider means moving your entire website to a new server. Without a backup, this means starting from scratch and for lots of businesses, this is just too much hassle to consider. As a result, many stay with their existing provider even if the services they receive are not up to the standard they require. If you do have a backup, migrating is simple. Indeed, so simple that some web hosts will do it for you.

Backing up your site

How to Back Up Your Website | PCMag

You can back up your site in numerous ways, such as doing it manually to a computer or using a plugin that saves your site to places like Google Drive or Dropbox. However, depending on your website’s needs, you may need to back up more frequently or keep several copies of older backups (e.g., if your latest backup took place after your website became corrupted, you’ll need to restore an earlier version). Your backups will also need to be stored remotely, i.e. not on the same server where your website is stored. If you don’t and the server fails, you’ll lose your website and your backup at the same time.

The ideal solution is to use a backup service provided by your web host. Here, you automate backups and control the frequency and number of backups kept. You’ll also be safe in the knowledge that the backups will be stored securely and will be backed up themselves by the host.


As you can see, there are numerous nightmares that can occur if you do not backup your website. All of them can result in your website being taken offline and even the loss of your critical content and data. For many businesses that operate online, such issues can have a significant impact. A backup is an inexpensive solution that enables your site to be restored regardless of the problem which caused it. For that reason, creating regular backups is indispensable.

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