If you are one of the growing numbers of companies using Big Data, this post will explain the benefits and challenges of migrating to the public cloud and why it could be the ideal environment for your operations.
Cloud-based Big Data on the rise
According to a recent survey by Oracle, 80% of companies are planning to migrate their Big Data and analytics operations to the cloud. One of the main factors behind this was the success that these companies have had when dipping their toe into Big Data analytics. Another survey of US companies discovered that over 90% of enterprises had carried out a big data initiative last year and that in 80% of cases, those projects had highly beneficial outcomes.
Most initial trials with Big Data are carried out in-house. However, many of those who find it successful want to expand their Big Data operations and see the cloud as a better solution. The reason for this is that the IaaS, PaaS and SaaS solutions offered by cloud vendors are much more cost effective than developing in-house capacity.
One of the issues with in-house, Big Data analyses is that it frequently involves the use of Hadoop. Whilst Apache’s open-source software framework has revolutionized storage and Big Data processing, in-house teams find it very challenging to use. As a result, many businesses are turning to cloud vendors who can provide Hadoop expertise as well as other data processing options.
The benefits of moving to the public cloud
One of the main reasons for migrating is that public cloud Big Data services provide clients with essential benefits. These include on-demand pricing, access to data stored anywhere, increased flexibility and agility, rapid provisioning and better management.
On top of this, the unparalleled scalability of the public cloud means it is ideal for handling Big Data workloads. Businesses can instantly have all the storage and computing resources they need and only pay for what they use. Public cloud can also provide increased security that creates a better environment for compliance.
Software as a service (SaaS) has also made public cloud Big Data migration more appealing. By the end of 2017, almost 80% of enterprises had adopted SaaS, a rise of 17% from 2016, and over half of these use multiple data sources. As the bulk of their data is stored in the cloud, it makes good business sense to analyse it there rather than go through the process of moving back to an in-house data centre.
The other benefit of the public cloud is the decreasing cost of data storage. While many companies might currently think the cost of storing Big Data over a long period is expensive compared to in-house storage, developments in technology are already bringing down the costs and this will continue to happen in the future. At the same time, you will see vast improvements in the public cloud’s ability to process that data in greater volumes and at faster speeds.
Finally, the cloud enables companies to leverage other innovative technologies, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and serverless analytics. The pace of developments these bring means that those companies who are late adopters of using Big Data in the public cloud find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. By the time they migrate, their competitors are already eating into their market.
The challenge of moving Big Data to the public cloud
Migrating huge quantities of data to the public cloud do raise a few obstacles. Integration is one such challenge. A number of enterprises find it difficult to integrate data when it is spread across a range of different sources and others have found it challenging to integrate cloud data with that stored in-house.
Workplace attitudes also pose a barrier to migration. In a recent survey, over half of respondents claimed that internal reluctance, incoherent IT strategies and other organizational problems created significant issues in their plans to move Big Data initiatives to the public cloud.
There are technical issues to overcome too. Particularly data management, security and the above-mentioned integration.
Planning your migration
Before starting your migration, it is important to plan ahead. If you intend to fully move Big Data analyses to the public cloud, the first thing to do is to cease investment in in-house capabilities and focus on developing a strategic plan for your migration, beginning with the projects that are most critical to your business development.
Moving to the cloud also offers scope for you to move forward and improve what you already have. For this reason, don’t plan to make your cloud infrastructure a direct replica of what you have in-house. It is the ideal opportunity to create for the future and build something from the ground up that will provide even more benefits than you currently have. Migration is the chance to redesign your solutions so they can benefit from all the things the cloud has to offer: automation, AI, machine learning, etc.
Finally, you need to decide on the type of public cloud service that best fits your current and future needs. Businesses have a range of choices when it comes to cloud-based Big Data services, these include software as a service (SaaS) infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS); you can even get machine learning as a service (MLaaS). Which level of service you decide to opt for will depend on a range of factors, such as your existing infrastructure, compliance requirements, Big Data software and in-house expertise.
Migrating Big Data analytics to the public cloud offers businesses a raft of benefits: cost savings, scalability, agility, increased processing capabilities, better access to data, improved security and access to technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Whilst moving does have obstacles that need to be overcome, the advantages of being able to analyze Big Data gives companies a competitive edge right from the outset.
New eCommerce sites are launching all the time. These include online-only retail stores, existing bricks and mortar stores expanding their horizons, membership sites and various other kinds of business. One thing all these companies need is a website and the most popular platform used to create them, indeed it is used by 29% of the world’s websites, is WordPress. To get a WordPress website to perform at its best, however, you also need great hosting and in this post, we’ll explain some of the essential hosting features that WordPress e-commerce site owners need to look for.
1. High availability
One of the biggest advantages of launching an eCommerce store is that it is always online. It doesn’t matters what time of day a visitor arrives or which time zone they live in, business can always be done.
Well, that’s the theory.
In practice, it doesn’t always work out like that. Some hosting providers cannot guarantee that your store will always be available and this can impact both your sales and your online reputation.
To ensure that your site stays online, one of your primary tasks is to choose high availability hosting. High availability is a specific term in hosting jargon, it means that your provider will guarantee your site will be available for 99.99% of the time or more. In other words, any essential server maintenance carried out by your host will be kept to a maximum of 52. 56 minutes a year. That’s an average of a minute a week. In comparison, if you opt for a host that offers 99.5% uptime, you can expect your site to be offline for around 1.8 days a year, or 3.6 hours a month.
What’s the impact of downtime? Every minute your site is offline, there is a chance that you are losing custom. It is estimated that if Amazon.com went offline today, it would lose £140,000 ($200,000) in revenue every minute. If it opted for hosting at 99.5%, it could, potentially, lose £30 million per month. That’s a third of a billion pounds a year.
2. High-Performance WordPress hosting
Besides availability, another key factor is the performance of the hardware on which your eCommerce site runs. The speed at which your site loads on users’ browsers affects both your Google ranking and customer engagement. Slow websites show up less well in search results and have lower conversion rates.
Before choosing a web host out the platform on which it runs its WordPress hosting. You want it to be fast, reliable and secure. Look for the state of the art technology, such as the latest-generation Xeon processors, superfast memory and enterprise-class SSDs.
You should also look for a software platform that is optimised especially for WordPress and which provides super-fast loading through the use of the latest caching technology.
3. Tight security
Security is a big issue for online businesses. The risk of hacking, infection and ransomware can have devastating effects on your business. With over 70% of cyber attack victims going out of business within six months and the risk of heavy fines if you don’t comply with stringent regulations, it has never been more important to choose a web hosting that help keep your eCommerce site robustly protected.
Ideally, you need to look for hosting which provides the following services:
Advanced anti-hacking technology: A good web host will provide a solid firewall to protect you around the clock. This will monitor your site for hacking attacks, malware infection and other threats. Ideally, the firewall should be specially configured for WordPress.
Automatic updates: Cyber attackers use specialized tools to scan the internet looking for websites with outdated, vulnerable software. Once they find them, they target them for the attack. For this reason, it is very important that all software is updated automatically as soon as a new version is released so that vulnerabilities are eradicated. Good hosting will provide the means to automatically update WordPress core and your plugins.
Remote backups: Should you accidentally delete your data or have it stolen through hacking, the crucial step to your business’ survival is how quickly you can recover from the disaster. If your host provides you with the means to remotely back up your data, as and when you need, bringing your site back online can be done very quickly. Not having that data can put an end to your venture. Some hosting providers will automatically backup your site for you and even restore the data on your behalf if you need it.
4. Developer Features
As your business grows you will want to make additions and modifications to your site. In the past, this has proven to be problematic for many eCommerce sites as they have not had the capacity to test their updated sites before going live with the changes.
To prevent yourself falling into the same trap, look for WordPress hosting that provides you with developer-friendly tools in your control panel. These will include the ability to clone your site, as well as features like WP-CLI, Git version control and phpMyAdmin. Having these will provide the resources you need for developing your website.
5. 24/7 technical support
There are a lot of things that can go wrong with an eCommerce website. If you know what you are doing, most of these are simple and easy fixes. However, if IT is not your specialism, it can be a daunting and sometimes stressful time – especially if your site is unavailable or critical elements are not working correctly.
It is times like these that you need expert technical support: someone easily accessible that has the skills to solve your WordPress specific problems. For this reason, you should always choose web hosting that comes with 24/7 technical support and which can be reached through a variety of means: live chat, telephone, email and ticket.
Do note that technical support is not the same as customer service. 24/7 customer service might just put you through to call centre where your issue will be logged. You may have to wait until the next working day before an IT expert responds. With technical support, that expert is available there and then.
When it comes to eCommerce, your hosting service is the foundation on which your venture is built. If your hosting is poor, then those weak foundations can cause your business to suffer or even fail. For a secure and profitable future, make sure you choose the right hosting service for your needs. Hopefully, the five points we have discussed above will help you make an informed choice.
Google Analytics is one of the most valuable free tools available for website owners, providing detailed data about traffic and visitors which can be used to evaluate how your content performs and attracts new visitors. In this post, we’ll look at some of the key metrics, Google Analytics provides and shows how these can be used to improve your website.
1. Use traffic data to identify under-performing channels
Google Analytics’ acquisition data shows you how much traffic you have acquired from each of the different channels. These are organic traffic, e.g. visitors who have found you from search engines; direct traffic, e.g. visitors who typed your URL into their browser; referral traffic, those who have clicked on links on other sites; and social traffic, i.e., those who have come from social media platforms.
It is also possible to analyse these sources more deeply, for example, you can check your social media data to see whether you got more traffic from Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or see how much organic traffic comes from Google, Bing and Yahoo. You can also look at the medium that visitors use to find your site. This can tell you about the performance of your advertising campaigns by identifying the ads that send you the most traffic.
With all this valuable information at your fingertips, it makes it much easier to understand where your websites’ strengths and weaknesses lie. You might, for example, find that you perform well on search engines but that you need to put more effort into increasing your social media traffic.
2. Find which pages get the most visitors
Equally important to understanding where your visitors come from is knowing what pages they go to on your website. And it is possible, using the behavior report, to see this in detail.
By looking at the Site Content > All Pages data, you’ll get a ranked list showing which pages get the most visits over your chosen timescale. You can also drill down further by using the ‘secondary dimension’ tool to discover where the visitors for each page comes from.
The importance of this data is that it enables you to get a better understanding of your website’s content. For example, if pages are not getting much organic traffic it hints that you might need to look at your SEO or rewrite the content to make it more useful to your visitors. Looking at your most successful content and figuring out why it attracts traffic well, can help you make improvements across your site.
3. How low is your bounce rate?
The bounce rate is the term used to describe the percentage of visitors who only visit one page before leaving. Whilst no web page will ever get a 0% bounce rate, some types of pages, such as product pages, are more likely to get high bounce rates. If someone wants something specific, they’ll quickly scoot off back to Google if they don’t find what they’re looking for.
High bounce rates, however, are a cause for concern, especially on your homepage or key landing pages. If this is the case, it’s an indication that you may need to make improvements to the content or the design in order to get visitors to move to other parts of your website.
It could be that your content is not relevant, that the page isn’t attractive or easy to read, there may annoying popups, or the page may even load too slowly for the user to hang around. Whilst Google Analytics cannot tell you what the problem is, it’s very good at showing that there is a problem.
4. Find issues from analyzing session data
Two other great metrics that Google Analytics provides you with are the average number of pages per session and the average time on page.
The pages per session data show you how many pages the average user visits when they land on your website. Depending on the nature of your site, you’ll have an idea of how many pages you would like each visitor to see. If you’ve an eCommerce site or blog, for example, you’ll want a visitor to visit lots of pages, if your site has only a couple of service pages then, obviously, you’ll be looking at a smaller figure.
The importance of this data is that it will tell you if you are meeting your optimum figure. If you sell a hundred different types of men’s shoes and the average visitor only looks at two or three pages, then that could indicate a range of issues: poor product selection or availability, high prices, lack of detailed product information, etc. Further drilling down may point to a more precise answer.
The time on page data (found in the behaviour section) tells you how much time the average visitor stays on each page. This can be very useful in understanding how well visitors engage with your content and if they actually read all the pages. If you know it takes three or four minutes to read the page and that the average visitor only spends 30 seconds, then it is obvious that there is something stopping your content from getting read. It could indicate boring or badly written content, information being hard to find or something off-putting being mentioned partway through.
5. Use behaviour flow to discover conversion barriers
If you run an online business, there will be a sales pathway that you want your customers to take as they go through your website, for example, homepage > product category page > individual product page > shopping basket > order details > payment page.
Using the Google Analytics’ behaviour flow tool, you will be able to see how visitors actually move through your site: where they land, what pages they visit as they move and where they exit the site. You’ll also see what proportions move from A to B to C, etc., so that you’ll understand the drop-off rates at each stage of the buying process.
Although it is natural to see a drop-off of visitor numbers as they head towards the payment page, one of the biggest benefits of this tool is that it clearly shows where the biggest drop-off points are. Understanding where these are can help you eradicate barriers to sales or other goals. For example, if you have a large drop-off between the order details and payment page, it could be that you have an issue with the checkout process. Perhaps you are asking for too much information or your delivery pricing is not clear.
Although it is up to you to determine the cause, the data will tell you if there is an obstacle at that point in the process that prevents users from completing the sale. Removing that obstacle is a clear way to improve your conversion rates.
Google Analytics is a fantastic tool for helping businesses improve their websites. It’s not designed to give all the answers, but it does provide an insight into where traffic comes from and how visitors behave when on-site. From this, you can understand what is working well and learn which areas need to be improved upon.
We are all fortunate to be part of a generation where every need of ours for any product or service is just a click away. We are moving towards making everything digital at a fast pace. By making everything digital, we have brought solutions for many problems and a lot of time has been saved. On-demand food delivery has become a trend in the market that almost everyone is using these applications to get their favourite food delivered at home. Besides these on-demand food delivery apps, Restaurant Reservation is another aspect the app development companies in Canada are focusing on. Whenever we make a plan for going to a restaurant during weekends mostly, the thought of the hassle and waiting in a queue if the tables are occupied for a long time force us to change our mind. But the Pre–Reservation concept has solved this problem with the help of developing an application that allows you to go through the restaurant’s menu, book tables, order meals and make payments with the help of the mobile app.
This Restaurant reservation app development not only solves the problem of the customers but also of the Restaurant owners. The Restaurant owners are always flooded with work by managing the bookings manually, taking orders, checking about the vacant tables for the customers who are on the waiting list. The Restaurant Reservation app development helps them to reduce their workload by managing the booking of tables, payments, cancellations online.
There are mainly two types of online reservation systems for restaurants.
1) Third-Party Mobile Applications that are developed by someone else and the restaurant owners can only list their tables on this application.
2) Exclusive Mobile app for your restaurant where the owners can customize the application as per their way to attract a greater number of people.
You have to choose among these two options that suit your budget and will be beneficial for your business.
If you have your eatery and you don’t want to invest more in developing the specific application for your eatery, then the best choice for you will be to go for the third-party apps.
On the other side, If you want to avoid the monthly and yearly expenses of the third-party apps, you can go ahead with Restaurant Reservation app development for your eatery.
The major focus of all the restaurants is on their customers because they are the source of their earnings. In a restaurant business, customer satisfaction is a key point that creates an impact on their work. You don’t want your guest to choose another option besides you and for that, you should keep in mind that no customer should return from your restaurant just because could not find a table there. when you invest a lot in your business and the outcomes are not as per your expectations, you should think something different to attract a more number of customers and provide them with a satisfactory service.
All this can be achieved with just the Restaurant Reservation app development that provides an easy platform for food lovers to book tables, meals and pay the bill without any hustle.
How Does A Reservation App Benefit A Restaurant Owner?
♦ Gather all the information regarding the no. of guests and their schedule of visit in advance.
♦ Start preparing the meal booked by them in advance to avoid any delay.
♦ Reduce the chance of an empty table and increase sales.
♦ Increases the brand awareness of your restaurant via an exclusive reservation app.
♦ Helps to access key information regarding the food choice that helps to analyze guests’ expectations.
♦ Send direct messages about the non-availability to avoid disappointment among customers
♦ Attract customers by offering them exciting offers and discounts.
How Does A Reservation App Benefit Guests In A Restaurant?
♦ Customer can make a reservation online with the help of the restaurant reservation app and will get the confirmation on booking via email or SMS.
♦ Customers do not need to waste a lot of time in waiting for tables to get empty and deciding about which meal to order.
♦ Customers can see the rating and reviews about the restaurants before booking.
♦ Customers can browse the entire menu and book meals as per their choice and can add customization also.
Important Features Of The Restaurant Reservation App:
Restaurant Reservation app development trend is also growing in the market like on-demand food delivery apps to make the booking of tables, meal and payment system digital that would be easy for the foodies who love to eat and do not want to waste their time by waiting for the tables to get empty.
Whenever you have an idea of a Restaurant Reservation app development, Here are some set of features for the Customers and the Restaurant owner that you should always keep in mind while developing the application.
Set Of Features For Customers:
♦ Simple and easy sign up via email, phone number and other social media accounts.
♦ GPS navigation that helps the customers to reach their proper destination.
♦ Menu with detailed information about ingredients and pricing.
♦ Search filters by type of food, seating, location, suggestion, reviews, and the time required.
♦ Details about bookings and operational hours.
♦ Secure payment gateway
♦ Booking confirmation via SMS and email
♦ Exciting offers and discounts
♦ Push notifications about offers and
♦ Booking history details
♦ Help section to resolve any issue
Set Of Features For Restaurant Owner:
♦ Ability to check bookings and vacant tables.
♦ Calendar to schedule bookings and manage the waiting list and display operational hours
♦ Manage all the transactions
♦ Sending confirmation messages to customers on booking.
♦ Customizability of menu
♦ Seating arrangement for table management
♦ Reports on the sales
♦ Reservation history
♦ Guest information to suggest meals based on their previous orders.
You have an idea with you for a restaurant reservation app, but for implementing that idea you need the help of the best app development company that will guide and help you bring your idea into real-time.
1) Conceptualization: This is the first step where app developers will understand your idea and make a blueprint of it. The blueprint will contain all the functionalities that should be in your application as per your requirement.
2) Analysis:
The idea and the blueprint will be properly analyzed to check the functionalities, opportunities and risks for the same. This will cover all the estimations in terms of time, money and branding.
3) Designing:
Developers will prepare a rough design of the application and will ask for your approval. The design will contain all the functionalities mentioned by you. In this phase, you need to be very careful because everything you approve will shape the way your app will look and work.
4) Development:
After all the three phases described above the final development of the application will start. Developers will start coding accordingly.
5) Testing:
The application goes under the testing phase before its release in the market and is tested for bugs. The beta version will be given to the selected people to test the functionality and security of the application.
6) Launch: In the final phase in which your restaurant reservation app will be ready for launch, depending on the platform to choose, you will need permission from google or apple play store to get your app started.
Cost of Restaurant Reservation App development
The cost of Restaurant Reservation App Development mainly depends on the features offered. The final cost estimation cannot be made accurate. This is because every restaurant has its menu and unique aspects. Lower the complexity, Quicker development, lower the price and vice-versa.
Application with a low budget is the simplest and have the basic functionality where a customer can make an online reservation and the owner can confirm the same. But the third-party API’s integration is not possible in such applications due to which these applications lag behind in the backend.
Application with a medium budget has some custom features integrated, support third-party API’s integration like payment methods and simple backend structure.
Developing the best quality Restaurant Reservation app is highly complicated and costly which supports third-party API’s and have a complex backend. These applications have some unique features which increase their development cost.
It is important to understand that the demand for Restaurant reservation apps is increasing in the market to provide ease to food lovers to explore and enjoy different kinds of cuisines by booking tables in a simple manner using the application.
The knowledge of B2B marketing trends can assist you to keep a rhythm in the competition, not only following the greatest and latest B2B marketing trend revolutionize your business. You will be able to make more strategic decisions when you can take a step back and look at your place in the market and the trends influencing it.
Digital marketing is continually growing as new technologies by that customers change their buying habits. It is no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic had a big influence on internet marketing spends in 2020. B2B advertisers have more focused on reaching their target viewers through desktop formats.
Interactive virtual events and webinars saw a huge enhance in popularity. In 2020, a great change shows in almost every industry. So, in this article, let’s take a look at the trends that impacting B2B organizations these days:
Consumer Experience, First and Leading:
Your B2B marketing approach requires being customer-centric. It is one digital marketing trend that will never move. Consumer experience has played a big role in a lot of the transformative efforts developed as a consequence of the pandemic.
Brands focused more heavily on making attractive and interactive experiences with B2B buyers stuck at home. In spite of everything, inhabitants stuck at home are surrounded by distractions containing every piece of media ever created.
When people can pull up the latest theatrical movie release on their smartphones, How do you compete for somebody’s attention? Interactive elements such as polls, games, surveys, and breakout sessions assisted B2B brands to attract the attention of audience members.
More immersive digital experiences are still required to connect viewers that are already getting bored with basic webinars. Without any doubt, these trends are influenced by generational demographics.
At the moment, as much as 73% of all B2B purchasers are millennials, so the above consumer-experience potentials are naturally inbuilt into their purchasing habits and lifestyles based in their educational environments.
A large B2B software vendor, for instance, should have authentic organic search presences and faster problem-resolution protocols that they may probably not have required years ago. A lack of positive referrals on social media and negative comments can lead to permanent reputational harm and fewer leads.
Artificial Intelligence:
One of the ways companies are addressing CX requirements is through the make use of artificial intelligence. Chatbots, for instance, give customers a suitable approach to get an answer to a straightforward question. These days, AI becomes an essential part of internet marketing.
In addition, they free up consumer service agents’ time more than 50% of agents with AI chatbots can spend most of their time solving compound problems. Without any doubt, Chatbots have developed in implementation, but there is a dissimilarity of AI for purchasers.
Programmatic advertising marketplaces are more generally integrating artificial intelligence into their connecting publishers, advertisers, and ad buying methods with more efficiency, accuracy, and speed. Artificial intelligence is still comparatively emerging in the content marketing industry from the standpoint of authentic manufacture.
It can pull out key insights and decode structured data sets throughout machine learning, but transferring that information into natural content is not easy. For instance, a tool can help B2B marketers to better recognize what their viewers want to read about.
Marketing Automation Adoption and Integration:
The content marketing supply chain is developed for automation at almost all stages. The production of marketing automation platforms, tools, and plug-ins has made the content more cost-effective and efficient from keyword research and creation to distribution and measurement. According to recent research from Forrester, global marketing automation spending is estimated to enhance to $25 billion by 2023. Authentic marketing automation systems are used by nearly 40% of B2B brands, though other kinds of marketing have even high acceptance rates. These diverse technologies are often integrated, therefore automation is basically unavoidable in this era of marketing and it is a good thing.
Account-based Marketing:
Account-based marketing has been a bellwether for the last couple of years. In 2020, more than 40% of marketers said that the pandemic had changed their account-based marketing intentions. Of those marketers, nearly 50% said they changed their goals to focus more on increasing business with accessible accounts. While nearly 30% decreased their budgets due to the pandemic.
Succeed with these strategy turning points on a close relationship and bringing together between the marketing and sales teams. Teamwork between marketing and sales stakeholders can assist marketers to identify the best forecast within the target viewers for an account-based marketing strategy.
This kind of strategy of marketing and sales teams is also the best example for small businesses. Account-based marketing assists small businesses to better focus on their marketing efforts. Relative to other marketing activities, Practitioners say that it assists the sales and marketing to align and make better use of marketing materials. There are a lot of companies of web designing India that do account-based marketing to grow their company.
Video Marketing and Augmented Reality:
Now that highly developed digital marketing approaches such that augmented reality and video content are more reachable, these are tools that B2B marketers ought to not ignore. Video marketing is particularly influential for B2Bs and is able to bring a more illustration phase to the purchaser’s journey. At present, most organizations are controlling case studies for video content to sustain their marketing hard work.
And this trend is making grip in the B2B market. Besides, at the moment, more than 70% of B2B purchasers watch videos as part of their manufactured goods research ahead of conversion. In 2021, Video advertising continues to grow. Streaming video has grown into something similar to a survival tool with inhabitants stuck at home. Videos not only entertain but also teach the people.
That is the reason why top web development companies adopt video marketing. B2B purchasers can get an advantage from branded videos by learning about gaining new skills and new trends. Alternatively, augmented reality can reach video content to new heights. This is predominantly true when the B2B Company has physical manufactured goods to show off. Augmented reality can be the ideal technique to maintain the journey of B2B purchasers.
There are more than 850000 active podcasts in 2020. Bearing in mind that more than half of all U.S. adults listen to one or more podcasts every month, they symbolize a practical way to reach engaged consumers. In fact, podcasting ad revenue is predicted to improve by $1 billion in 2020. Brands that make their own podcasts have a grand chance to formulate deeper relations with their spectators.
Podcasts may be more casual than usual content marketing efforts, which permits the consumers to indicate the personality of the human beings behind their most-wanted brands. And after that, there is a further side of podcasting: shows about marketing that plan to assist B2B vendors to grow up.
They may not be as commonly interesting, but podcasts about marketing can definitely train you more than two things. Content Champion from Content Marketing Institute and Idea Cast from Harvard Business Review have been long-running marketing podcasts of approval.
With our podcast Above the Fold, we are also moving with a full head of steam. B2B marketers are viewing them as the perfect format for linking with on-the-move auditory viewers.
Paid Ads:
One side of the marketing coin is natural to search. B2B brands have found that paid search ads can be an assessable and rapid method to immediately natural listings in Google search engine result pages and stand out from opponent’s posts. For instance, the search term “web development” only returns two outcomes above the fold.
One is an ad from SEMrush and the other is a featured snippet from Yoast. But, what about the other listings that are also come into view on Page 1? Those positions belong to the immense industry. That’s the advantage of paid ads. whereas all the statistics natural content marketing produces three times as many leads as paid ads, that’s not the entire story.
Search ads actually receive twice as many clicks as organic listings for commercial-intent keywords. Hence, the lesson is that navigational and informational content cannot be suitable for paid ads, but commercial content may be. You no need to waste your capital paying for advertising campaigns made around wrong-intent keywords.
That is the reason why jointly organic and paid strategies are essential for brand consciousness; search engine result pages high-intent and visibility traffic in 2021. And B2B marketers are taking the hint that more than 50% of big companies are leveraging paid ads along with content marketing.
Additionally, brands that spend a lot on pay-per-click (PPC) promotions ought to be alert of the coming removal of tracking cookies. In 2021, B2B marketers will be on the lookout for new customs to recognize and reach their customers through ad networks without access to robust customer data.
Social Channels Continue to Develop:
LinkedIn is still the top place for B2B marketers to reach their viewers with over 706 million members. The professional networking website replaced traditional in-person events approximately entirely in 2020, which means more professionals are connected on the website.
LinkedIn’s live streaming feature allows brands to speak straightforwardly with consumers and after that influence the recording as an important asset going forward.
And while Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter stay in the top positions to reach consumers a new stage of popularity. The same can be said for the early days of any other social media networking platform. Get involve now can position B2B brands to develop their power on the platform to a great extent in 2021. The video-centric platform is great for innovative marketing efforts that have the possibility to go viral.
Lead conversion:
Put more focus on actual macro conversions as B2B brands’ marketing matures. We know blogs catch the attention of traffic towards your website, which can directly generate leads. But how helpful is a lead that never constantly actually makes it toward the bottom of the sales focus? Content is able to assist at this stage as well.
At present, B2Bs are utilizing more guides and eBooks, along with hybrid and digital events such as webinars to make safe leads. Content including case studies, newsletters, and blog posts are then leveraged to covert and raise these prospects.
This form of content is mainly relevant as it not only gets better a brand’s visibility but also assists consumers to make a decision. According to a recent report, B2B purchaser Behavior Study, more than 50% of the buyers considered content as the most significant factor for selecting a vendor. B2B buyers are more inclined to closing a deal when a vendor provides content that makes it easier to build a business case for the purchase.
If you make use of these content types, they can help inch prospects toward signing on the dotted line. And that’s what’s essential for a large number of marketers to justify their budgets to their CEOs – actual revenue, not only micro alterations.
Interactive digital events have the prospective to capture consumer engagement and turn it into action. B2B brands can influence their consumers more effectively. It is ultimately driving more down the sales focus by making customized experiences.
Email Personalization:
Additionally to LinkedIn, for B2B marketers marketing by means of email has been a trustworthy sharing channel. Approximately 60% of B2B marketers say email marketing is their most effective channel for producing revenue, and it is also the third greatest method to discover information. Here a question will come to your mind what is first and second?
Suggestions from industry thought leaders and colleagues are tough to beat. Personalization has been a goldmine to increase the margins on email even further. Among email marketers who have completely grip personalization, nearly 70% said their arrival on campaigns was “excellent and good”. As compared with just almost 40% who are in the early stages of adopting personalization.
Due to the number of tools and templates on the market that make simpler personalized messaging, segment audiences, and outreach, with low reaction rates, it’s no longer a game of mass email blasts; brands can now better predict and measure the achievement of their email campaigns.
Local Search Optimization:
Local search is one of the underrated and potentially overlooked parts of 2021 SEO. Google My Business listings have traditionally been most helpful for customer-facing brands with sales strategies and geo-targeted marketing. Natural results in Google search engine result pages scrape business data from GMB,. It is permitting searchers to discover information about organizations, their physical locations, their contact info, and user reviews, and the products they sell.
You know that there are large amounts of content on the web. So flooding search engine result pages with new content is not really the greatest method to break onto Page 1. As new content needs starting from scratch with exterior link gathering and waiting for Google to actually rank and index your page.
And as the chart above shows, you practically can’t exist. if you’re not ranking in the top three spots in search engine result pages. On the other hand, Re-optimizing existing posts permits you to keep your current URL structured and your page’s already-earned link SERP positioning and equity.
At present, B2B brands are rising up their development of long-form content, particularly. In-depth articles, evergreen, and guides lists are perfect formats for constant optimization over time. They require just minor alterations to drive higher in search engine result pages year after year.
Final words:
This year of 2021 is probably to be one of big change and experimentation. Staying up with the latest trends will assist you to focus on your marketing efforts to adapt to new trends. If you want to make your web development company the best this year, you should focus on the above-discussed trends. This will help you to grow your company worldwide. Hope you gain extreme knowledge from this article. To read more blogs and articles related to web designing and web development, get in touch with us. In the future, we will provide you with more quality content.
One of the ways to enhance the productivity of a business these days is by presenting the services and products of the business through a mobile app be it Android, iOS, or some other. So what does a business require from that app? Profit, what else? Another question that comes to mind while choosing a specific app development team is the app development cost that the business will have to endure. Mobile app development cost, among other factors, plays an important role. If stats are to be believed there are more than 3 billion users worldwide as of today. Many of these users are having not only one mobile but more than one mobile – one for personal and one for office use. These mobiles have different types of apps installed that range from games, education, business, movies, and music apps (though there can be more categories as well). Let’s see how much of the amount does a business spends on getting a mobile app developed.
With the new year already in with different and upcoming new technologies for developing mobile apps, many of the businesses would be looking for a formula to calculate the mobile app development cost in 2020. However, there is no such formula when it comes to mobile app development. But just for the convenience of the users, the following formula might hold good to calculate how much does it cost to make an app.
Cost of Mobile App Development =
(App Features * Time Taken) * Rate per Hour
To begin with, let’s see the steps involved in the development of a mobile app.
Step I: Get a quote from various mobile app development teams and compare them. See who is offering more features at a reasonable price
Step II: Select the platform(s) you want your mobile app to be available on. It may be an Android, iOS, Windows, or even all. This will add to the development cost though.
Step III: Specify the functionality you want your app to perform.
Step IV: Specify the features according to Priority. This will reflect your business requirements.
Step V: Last, but most important of all, ask the developers to include features that a business app must have such as authentication and authorization.
Having seen the steps, let’s start with each of the steps in detail.
The Platform: Considering that you want your app to be available for Android, iOS, or both, certain facts need serious thinking. The business needs to know which OS would benefit them more. Just saying iOS or Android does not fulfil the needs.
iOS: Astonishing but true. iOS cost less than Android as far as their development is concerned. iOS apps find their market with the upper class. Thus even paid apps are not a problem in the case of the iOS platform. Apps on iOS are easier to use for novice users even. Because of strict guidelines for app quality, an iOS app finds more users than an Android app.
Android: In Asia, Android has a bigger market than iOS. It has lower download costs as compared to iOS. Android has low maintenance costs as it is not supposed to be regularly refreshed like iOS. Unlike iOS, Android doesn’t have strict guidelines for quality and as such developers are at ease while developing the Android apps.
iOS: iOS has a high cost of hosting that can go up to $200. The number of iOS users in the Asia-Pacific region is quite limited as such. Also, one of its benefits is its disadvantage i.e. strict guidelines for app quality. Due to these strict guidelines, developers turn to Android or Windows.
Android: Well this is not a platform where you can easily sell your paid apps. Users of this platform like to download free apps more. As far as the development of an Android app is concerned, it takes a bit more time than an iOS app.
Mobile App Type: While the Platform for which the app is developed matters, the type of the application also does. These days, mobile users prefer to have a mobile app rather than web apps. Here too, the mobile apps can be classified into Native and Hybrid apps. Native apps are built for a single operating system such as Android or iOS, but the Hybrid apps can function on both the platforms. Though Hybrid apps are being considered the future of mobile apps, they are still in their infancy and Native apps are more preferred than Hybrid apps.
Development Location: This also affects the cost of the mobile app. If the mobile app is being developed in-house, then the cost is bound to decrease. In the case of outsourced mobile app development, the cost will certainly go up as extra money will have to be paid to the developers.
Features: The cost of the app will go up as more and more features are being added to the app. This is because the developers have to put in the number of hours to achieve the desired end-result. A user login-enabled app adds 20 man-hours, 24-hours for a push-notification feature, navigation bar adds up to 40 man-hours,64-104 hours for media content sharing,24 for Geolocation features, in-app messaging takes around 60 hours, while database connectivity takes around 18 hours. This beside the time taken for architecture development, environment setup, design, bug fixes, project management and documentation which collectively take up around 500+ hours. Further, the cost of the app will also rise if your app falls between one of the simple, moderate, and complex types of apps. The simple type of apps just have the core features, moderate have features such as payment gateways, API integration, and backend-server support. Complex apps on the other hand have a good UI, multi-language support, Real-time features through the use of the database, and custom animations as well. What method must be used to calculate which features to include and which not to? The answer is brought to you by a technique called MoSCoW which categorises features into
features that must be present,
important features that should be present
the not so important features but can be considered in a later version
the not required features.
All features can be categorized as thus when you go to the developers.
Cost Charged by App Developers: Another factor that counts in when calculating the cost of a mobile app is the hourly rate charged by mobile app developers. However, this can differ from place to place and from developer to developer as well. Countries like the US and Canada have rates that range from $50 to $250 while the rates in India will vary from $10 to $80 per hour. As such the place from where the app is getting developed also matters a lot.
Let’s Conclude
Having said a lot about the factors that affect the cost of mobile app development, one thing is for sure – there are no fixed criteria to answer this question. This is because each mobile app has a unique business aim to solve problems, and is aimed at specific users.
In addition, various applications require a specific amount of space on mobile devices, use different third-party integration, and provide access to diverse amounts of information. To get a fair idea of the cost it would be better to ask some experts on this who has the technical as well as the commercial know-how about the matter.
The purpose of every ecommerce website is the same: Sell Products. The availability of platforms for your ecommerce website is in abundance. But only a few have managed to grab the top-spots in our list. It’s no surprise if you have heard about these platforms before. You have heard about these platforms because they are popular and they are popular because developers use these ecommerce platforms mostly. Have you read the Must Include Features in an Ecommerce Website?
Let’s discuss each of the platforms in detail
1. Magento Ecommerce Platform
Probably the most widely used platform for developing ecommerce websites is Magento.
The Open Source feature of Magento makes it the most popular platform. Magento’s flexible working module, ease of use and security can’t be ignored as these make developers’ tasks easy.
Ranked 3 in the United States and in Canada’s top 500 ecommerce dealers, Magento’s popularity and demand is always there.
Along with Desktop, Magento apps allow its store integration across devices to make it accessible on tablets, mobile, and other devices.
Extensions offered by Magento allow the developers to make the store unique from the competitors without affecting the user-friendliness and user experience.
Magento users can run multiple storefronts with one backend system. This takes Magento a step ahead of its competitors in ecommerce platforms.
Magento was introduced as a blogging platform. Its core focus was only on ecommerce market.
RichestSoft is a web development company that has one of the best ecommerce website developers in its team.
2. Shopify Ecommerce Platform
If you are a first timer in the ecommerce and want to have your store quickly setup, then have a Shopify website. Startups who are concerned about time, budget and resources can opt Shopify
The low cost of Shopify keeps it the favorite platform for ecommerce websites for the startups
Even at low cast, Shopify offers great storefronts that are visually appealing. When you are selling things, the look and appearance of your store matter.
Shopify takes care of the hosting and most of the coding part. Its easy usage let the developers finish the tasks quickly giving a head start to the store owners. Its hosting features save space on your server.
Shopify offers hack protection and security upgrades to keep your store safe from the hackers.
Various Add-ons are available to launch your marketing campaigns.
Shopify also has SEO plugins/add-ons to make the store SEO-friendly.
Customer Support is literally available 24/7. You can call them for the issue you facing at the backend..
Get the best return on your investment in Shopify. Hire the best ecommerce website developers from RichestSoft, your trusted ecommerce website development company.
3. OsCommerce Ecommerce Platform
OsCommerce is short for Open-Source Commerce. Its name gives the idea that it is an Open Source ecommerce platform that is available for download from its official website.
OsCommerce uses MySQL and PHP. So, PHP developers can develop and manage your oscommerce estore.
Has the basic but robust structure that is safe and easy to manage at the backend.
All the features are accessible once installed
Add-ons and plugins available to accomplish complex tasks
Products to categories and categories to categories structure
OsCommerce offers support to unlimited products and categories
RichestSoft ecommerce web developers are known for completing the tasks on time and effectively.
4. OpenCart Ecommerce Platform
Whether you own a small shop or a large wholesale business, OpenCart is open for all. It is based on open source environment. The Strong interface of OpenCart is user-friendly and marketing ready. OpenCart serves an easy gateway for the customers to complete the shopping tasks with an ease.
OpenCart offers at around 1500 plugins using which you can customize your ecommerce store as per your business’ unique requirements.
OpenCart is on Model-View-Controller script which is XHTML compliant.
A fresh user easily grabs the OpenCart Dashboard functionality because of its easy use.
OpenCart is available for free of charge. Most of the plugins are also available for free. You might have to pay for some add-ons, but that’s very minimal amount and affordable.
Many of ecommerce web developers at RichestSoft are well versed with functionality and usage of OpenCart platform.
5. PrestaShop Ecommerce Platform
PrestaShop was introduced to the world in the year 2007. It has been in the business for the past 9 years.
The first and foremost benefit of PrestaShop that would interest you is its free availability
The customization feature of PrestaShop allows the customization based on business niche
CMS – Content Management System. A phrase that is thrown so fashionably in the professional web development companies that it has everybody blabbering about it. Let us break it into pieces for your understanding what to look in your CMS Platform.CMS allows you to arrange the web content utilizing the reusable components in the platform. These components include a template, database, dashboard, and last but not the least, a programming language.
Secure Database
The database is the fuel for the CMS. CMS runs on it. Some of the major and powerful databases are MySQL Database, Microsoft SQL Server, and Flat File Database. Microsoft SQL is a Microsoft and MySQL is an open source database. These are credible and secured databases. If you are looking for a database, choose a secured database so that you don’t have any fear of losing your precious data. Insecure databases are easily breached by the hackers. What’s the use of spending all that money and effort in SEO, if your database is not secured?
Robust Dashboard
Dashboard or the Control Panel of your CMS allows you to view, insert, edit or delete the components, as per your wish all at one place. An SEO-friendly dashboard will allow you to write Meta Tags, put Alt Tags, insert Header Tags, Change URLs, introduce primary keyword and optimize your blog from SEO perspective. If these are not in your primary dashboard or in any sub-section, then stop using that CMS, it’s not giving you full control.
Compatible Programming Language
You have information stored in your Database, which is now well-maintained. Now, you have to fetch that information in the front-end for the viewer. This you do with the help of CMS programming language. Two things can happen here. One is your PL is not compatible or the language which is compatible is purely out of your reach of knowledge. In both the cases, you are stumped!
Responsive Template
This is as crucial as other components, probably the most crucial. Here, you will have a definitive option to choose Adwords focused template, SEO-friendly template, Adsense focused template, responsive template, industry-focused template, and others. Your priority should be to look for a template that is responsive and SEO-friendly. The others will follow up eventually as you grow up in ranking using SEO.
So, before going to any professional web development company that provides customer web development services, keep these things in mind. Or you can consult with us. RichestSoft deals with web development services and works on the technologies such as Core PHP, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Laravel, WordPress, Magento, Opencart, Joomla, OSCommerce, Drupal, PrestaShop, Web Services, Tictail, YII, etc.
One of the biggest misconceptions about web hosting is that all hosting services are the same. Whilst it might seem like that from the way many hosting packages are advertised, there’s much more to consider than choosing a certain amount of disk space, RAM or bandwidth. For example, you should ask about the hardware being used and the way a server is configured. You also need to think about the provider’s in-house expertise, the quality of its technical support and the amount of uptime they guarantee.
Whilst on the surface it might look like the only difference between hosting packages is the price, it can be a mistake to put the cost of hosting as your main priority. All hosting is relatively affordable these days, so saving a few pounds a month could be a false economy that can cause problems further down the line.
Here are five signs that will help you know if your web hosting is hindering your business and if it’s time to move on or upgrade.
1. Your site has slow loading times
The loading time is the speed at which your website takes to load on a visitors’ browser. It’s important because Google uses it as a ranking factor and because visitors abandon slow loading websites. It is estimated that a one-second delay in loading time can reduce sales conversions by 7%.
You can measure the speed of your site by typing your URL into Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. This will give you the results for your sites’ performance on both desktop and mobile. It’s important that the site loads quickly on both types of devices, especially now that 66% of all UK browsing is done on smartphones and tablets.
While there are many things that can affect your loading times, such as your choice of theme and the number of plugins your website uses, one of the primary factors is the type of web hosting you choose. Well configured, high-performance servers can dramatically improve speed, as can upgrading from shared to VPS hosting.
2. Other users drain your resources
If you use shared hosting, every website hosted on a server shares the resources that the server provides. Most of the time, this isn’t a problem; there’s usually enough processing capacity and memory for everyone. However, there can be issues. Greedy hosts can put too many users on one server in the belief that most of them will underuse the resources available. All it takes is for a couple of websites to start using resource-heavy applications, perhaps sending out several thousand marketing emails or importing thousands of product descriptions and images, and this can negatively affect the performance of every other site on the server.
A good host will employ tools that limit the resources any one customer can use; ensuring that its activities do not impinge on others. This is a little like the fair use policy that some broadband companies impose. If you opt for shared hosting, make sure this happens. Alternatively, use a different form of hosting.
3. You have a poor performance during peaks
Unfortunately, the website draining all the shared resources could be yours. If your site has grown and you have lots of visitors carrying out resource-heavy actions, such as using the shopping cart, it could be your site hitting the resource limits set by the host – especially at peak times or during busy seasonal periods.
If this happens, the slow performance of your site can cause customers to abandon their shopping carts and spend their money elsewhere. Your Google Analytics data will tell you if this is the case.
The issue here is not really the fault of your web host. As mentioned above, it is trying to give everyone a fair share of the server’s resources. Actually, it’s a sign of success: it’s time to move on to a hosting package that provides the increased resources your site now needs. Your host may have bigger shared hosting packages or, for a few extra pounds per month, you could opt for the significantly better VPS hosting, where you’ll have a virtual server all to yourself.
4. Your server has a bad IP reputation
The server you use will have its own IP address. If one of the other tenants on that server is carrying out inappropriate actions, such as sending spam or hosting malware, then that IP address can get blacklisted. This is bad news for every other website hosted on that server as it can affect search engine ranking and lead to emails being blocked.
What makes this particularly problematic is that the owner of that site might not even be aware of what is happening. They might have been hacked or infected without their knowledge. This is likely a result of them having poor security measures in place, such as not updating their software or having easy to crack passwords.
A good host will provide a range of security features to prevent an IP address from getting blacklisted. These include firewalls, intrusion monitoring, email monitoring, server monitoring and dedicated IP addresses. Make sure your host provides these.
5. You cannot use the software you want
Shared hosting is where one server is shared by lots of users. As it’s a single server, everyone uses the same operating system and this is configured in a way that enables the majority of websites to run optimally.
One of the issues with this is that you cannot use programs that are incompatible with that operating system or ask to have the server configured differently just to accommodate a specific requirement.
If you have a critical need to run incompatible software, the only alternative is to have a server of your own. The most affordable way to do this is to opt for a VPS. By doing this, you have the freedom to use an operating system that is compatible, such as a legacy version of Linux or Windows OS.
Web hosting plays a crucial part in the way your website performs. Choosing the right package and understanding when it is time to change hosts or move to a different type of hosting is vital if for the long-term health of your site and business. Hopefully, from reading this post, you’ll now have a better understanding of the signs to look out for.
Kids nowadays are spending more and more time on online platforms due to virtual classrooms. So, parents are a little worried when it comes to kids’ safety online since many hidden dangers are there that can put the kids’ lives at risk. Even if children are given devices to learn online or spend some leisure time while exploring entertainment options or playing games, they may get exposed to inappropriate content like adult content. This is where parental control apps play an important role. There are many such parental control apps that allow parents to monitor their children online activities or mobile usage.
The parental control apps can help you set screen limits, track GPS location, monitor the battery status, and more. So, below is the list of parental control mobile applications for Android & iOS. These mobile apps will help parents remain at peace when their children learn, play, and explore online.
Selecting the best parent control Android and iPhone app for your kids may not be as easy as you may think because different mobile apps come with different features.
Below are some of the most important features you should look for:
Type Of Device:
The first thing that you should check when going for a parental control app is the targeted device operating system. It is because there are some apps that either work on Android only or iOS only, while some of them work on both. So, before choosing a parental control app, ensure that you go through every feature clearly.
App Blocking And In-App Purchasing:
You should look for apps that can let you block certain other apps on particular devices. It will be very helpful in case of kids are addicted to gaming apps or social media and spend their time gaming or texting. The app blocking feature will help you block certain unwanted apps. Moreover, there are apps that can block kids access to the App Store and Play Store and stop them from making in-app purchases.
Time Restriction:
Look for a parental control app that lets you control the time, your kids can use a mobile or tablet device. This will help you track the number of hours your kids spend online and let you make a schedule for number of hours your kids can spend online every day. With such apps, you can also set time limits for different apps.
Location Tracking:
There are some parental control apps that will not just help you keep a track of your kids’ activities but can also help you track their live location. Such apps will also assist you to set boundaries. So, if your child goes to any place which is beyond the set boundary, you’ll be immediately notified.
Another important aspect to consider when choosing a parental control app is the pricing. You can easily get many free parental control applications, but not all will provide the same features as those offered by premium apps. So, if you have selected a free parental control app already for Android or iOS, ensure that its free version offers all the features that you have been looking for.
Best Parental Control Mobile Applications In 2021 For Android & IPhone:
1) Norton Family
The features and power of Norton Family are perfect for Android households having many kids, providing almost all features a parent will want from a parental control app. Though their time-scheduling, web-filtering, monitoring, and location tracking features work on both Android and iOS, their time allowances are available only for Android and Windows. Text-message and app management monitoring also works only on Android.
Works with Windows and Android
Unlimited devices
Great monitoring and web filters
2) Qustodio
Qustodio offers software for iOS, Android, PCS, and Macs. It allows parents to set time limits both for individual devices and individual apps. The limited location tracking feature works both on Android and iOS and Qustodio has also added the Geofencing option. Web filtering feature is much more powerful on the iOS platform while monitoring calls and texts works on Android only.
A large set of features
Powerful text and call monitoring feature for android
Monitors Android, iOS, Macs, Amazon Fire tablets, and PCs
3) Boomerang
This is a strong parental control app available for both iOS and Android devices. Boomerang assists parents track the web, mobile, and app activities of children. This parental control app lets parents control screen time, block or manages application use, set boundaries, and also monitor calls and texts.
This app also lets you monitor the activities of children on smartphones, PCS, and Mac. Moreover, the paid tier of Kaspersky is just $15/year. With its free plan, you can set a time limit, manage other apps, and filter websites. The geofencing and location tracking feature of Kaspersky works on both Android and iOS like its device scheduling and web monitoring.
Lots of free features
Very reasonably priced
Monitors Macs and PCs too
5) Net/Zift Nanny Parental Control
We consider this app to be one of the best parental apps as it has an intuitive and modern design along with outstanding web-filtering technology. This app can help track your kid’s location, set schedules, and time allowances, and show their location history.
Close parity between iOS and Android
Outstanding web filters
Great design
Nowadays, more and more parental control apps are being developed because parents cannot be around their children all through the day. If you are taking the idea of a parental control app seriously, you can also develop one that not only benefits parents but also let you make an income through it.